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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Venipede #52
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
June 9, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.95
Limited: 2.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#52/114 (Black and White)
We close out the week by looking at the pre-evolutions
of Scolipede, which was one
of the earlier B&W cards we reviewed.
Scolipede itself is not a
Pokémon, but its expensive
and relatively poor value attacks mean that it falls
somewhat short of being competitive. Let’s see if it
gets any assistance from its other Stages though.
Well, Venipede is a decent
enough start, I suppose. The 70 HP is very good for this
type of Basic, and the Psychic Weakness isn’t really an
issue at the moment as there seems to be a real lack of
playable Psychic attackers in HGSS-on (for now anyway).
Retreat cost of two isn’t good, so pack some Switching
cards into your deck – you’re probably going to need
them anyway.
The attacks are both vanilla and underwhelming, but at
least it can do
something for one Energy,
even if it’s just the 10 damage that Ram offers. The
other attack, Rollout, isn’t ever going to be used. If
you can’t evolve Venipede
before you get three Energy
on it, then you are probably at the point where 30
damage isn’t going to make a whole lot of difference.
doesn’t do anything to make
Scolipede a more viable deck, but it’s a solid
enough start, I suppose.
Modified (HGSS-on): 1.75 (not a bad evolving Basic, but
nothing to get excited about)
Limited: 2 (decent HP helps)
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! Today we continue our BW
reviews with the Basic form of a Stage 2 that we've
reviewed once before. Today's Card of the Day is
Venipede is a Basic Psychic Pokemon. As I said
yesterday, aside from the random Vilegar or Lostgar deck
still running around, Psychic Pokemon are relatively
uncommon in MD-on Modified (although this may change
once we rotate to HGSS-on July 1). 70 HP is great for an
evolving Basic, meaning it should be able to take an
early-game hit or two barring a donk by the likes of
something such as Zekrom. Psychic Weakness is to be
expected but is a little unfortunate for the little
poison centipede, and no Resistance is also a shame.
Finally, two Retreat is quite a bit for an evolving
Basic, but since it has a fairly good 70 HP, you'll
likely be evolving into Whirlipede or Scolipede anyway.
Venipede's two attacks are both vanilla and considered
at "average" cost: Ram does 10 damage for a single
Psychic Energy, and Rollout does 30 damage for the
massive cost of three Colorless Energy. Chances are that
you will maybe use Ram on your first turn before
evolving and probably won't ever use Rollout, so these
attacks aren't too bad, considering that you won't be
running Venipede strictly for its attacking prowess
Modified: 2/5 This may seem high for a Basic Pokemon
with vanilla attacks, but if there is ever a really good
Scolipede printed, this would be a fairly good Venipede
to use due to its high HP.
Limited: 2.5/5 In Limited, Venipede can be a great Basic
with its high HP, although I wouldn't run it without a
Whirlipede and/or Scolipede (if you pull one). However,
it can fill the role of an extra Basic if you are in
need of that role, especially if you are running Psychic
as a main type. However, keep in mind that Venipede's
offensive skills don't match other big Basics in Black
and White like Reshiram, Zekrom, or even Alomomola, so
don't expect the centipede to take down dragons, or
Garage |
6/9/11: Venipede(Black & White)
Hey, remember that giant centipede Pokemon we reviewed
once before? Yeah, me neither. But this is its
pre-evolution, so yeah.
Well, the 70 HP is nice, which is good, because the
attacks aren't. I will never understand why whoever is
responsible for making the cards feel that doing 10
damage is so broken, that they have to have 1 specific
energy attached to it. They did the same thing with the
starter Pokemon in both HGSS and B/W, which seems really
odd to me, given how they make it seemingly a point to
make the starter evolutions competitive cards, and you
would think that giving the evolutions a basic card that
does more than '1 for 10, 2 for 20' would help.
Back to Venipede, I guess. The 2nd attack isn't good
either; I was hoping that we had long abandoned 3
colorless for 30 damage being usable, what with Garchomp
C still technically in the format. Also, it has a
retreat of two, which is pretty bad, but then again, if
you're playing Scolipede, you probably have ways to take
care of heavy retreat costs.
Modified:2/5(Props for the HP)
Limited: 1.5/5
Venipede (Black & White)
Today we have the first stage of the gigantic Scolipede
from a few weeks ago. Sadly I think this card is cast in
the same mould.
Venipede is a Psychic type evolving Basic with 70 HP,
Psychic weakness, a retreat cost of 2 and 2 attacks.
The HP is great but the tradeoff is the retreat cost.
The weakness is going to be less problematic in the next
format but for now it is still easily exploited. i'd say
this is a good start because of the HP but that only
matters if we get a Scolipede worth playing.
The first attack is Ram and costs [p] for 10 damage,
which is a bit overpriced but fits with the evolutions
well enough. A secondary effect would have been
appreciated though.
The second attack, Rollout, is where things get a bit
murky. The cost is [c][c][c] for 30 vanilla damage which
is an abysmal return for your investment, but on the
other hand having a stronger attack for those rare
occasions where both players have a terrible setup is a
good thing, especially since the whole evolutionary line
can make good use of Double Colourless Energy. If only
the Scolipede was playable this would be a great Basic
to use.
To end today's review, Venipede is a nasty bug that I
would never want to meet in my kitchen, but I will laugh
if I ever see it hit the table. Unless a decent
Scolipede has been printed, in which case I will brace
for impact.
Modified: 3 (decent HP and an option for greater damage,
even at such a huge price, are good traits on an
evolving Basic. If only there was a Scolipede worth
Limited: 3 (the same applies here and Scolipede is okay
at a prerelease, if only because of the impressive HP. A
possibility for inflicting poison with either attack
would have been appreciated though) |