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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
HGSS/Call of Legends
Date Reviewed:
March 11, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.75
Limited: 1.88
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(HGSS/Call of Legends)
Our final card of the week is so good that TPCI felt the
need to print it twice!
(Not really . . . they did that with a lot of terrible
cards to make up the numbers in Call of Legends).
Like yesterday’s card, this is a
Weezing with a gimmick. That gimmick lies in its
second attack, Super Explosion. For [C][C]
(hello Double Colourless), Weezing
does 90 damage plus 90 to itself in a suicidal bid to
take a Prize. Yes, you CAN attach Expert Belt to it so
that the attack does 110 to the Defending Pokémon and
Weezing survives on 20 HP
but that still doesn’t make it a viable strategy. 110
damage is still short of a
OHKO on any Stage 2 (and most playable Stage 1s for that
matter), and Weezing will
just give up two Prizes on the next turn (what deck
can’t do 20 damage when it needs to?
Uxie LA will work just fine.
A Crobat G and a
PokeTurn is even better).
There isn’t much else on the card to recommend it
either. Double Psychic Weakness, a Retreat cost of two,
and a basic one Psychic Energy for auto-Poison first
attack. Don’t let the possibility of doing 110 for a
Double Colourless Energy and an Expert Belt fool you
into thinking this is a playable card: if you use this,
your chances of winning are likely to blow up in your
face along with Weezing.
Modified: 1.5 (slightly better than the other
Weezing, but still rubbish)
conical |
3/11/11: Weezing(HGSS)
I must say, this card is Super!
The first attack, Super Poison Breath, kicks things off
with its Super ability to Poison the other Pokemon! And
then the 2nd attack, Super Explosion, causes Weezing to
be KO'd, but deals a Super 90 damage! Wow! Zowiee! And
Yeah, this card isn't that great. As much flak as I gave
Weezing RR about its lack of Poison-based goodness, it's
important to note that Smog is a far superior attack to
S. Poison Breath, in that it actually deals damage to
the Defending, in addition to poison. And Explosion,
well...Explosion attacks have never been that good, save
for Weezing DX, which was only good because of the EX
mechanic. Unless you're up against something with an
Expert Belt attached, you won't end up ahead on the
prize exchange, and you likely won't KO anything with an
Expert Belt attached anyway, because of the HP issue.
But still, a very Super card, even if in name only.
Limited: 2.25/5 |
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, everyone! I hope that you are all doing
well preparing for your State, Province, and Territory
tournaments. Today we end Pick Your Poison Week by
reviewing a card that was printed first in HeartGold and
SoulSilver, and again in Call of Legends. Today's Card
of the Day is Weezing.
Weezing is a Stage 1 Psychic Pokemon. 90 HP is average
for a Stage 1, meaning it should be able to take at
least one hit before it goes down. Psychic Weakness is
bad for Modified, as it means that Gengar will easily
OHKO, as will Uxie Lv. X. For the other two bottom
stats, no Resistance is meh, and a Retreat Cost of 2 is
just enough that you probably won't want to pay it, so
be sure to use Warp Point or Warp Energy.
Weezing has two attacks: Super Poison Breath and Super
Explosion. Super Poison Breath automatically Poisons the
Defending Pokemon for a single Psychic Energy, but
doesn't do any damage in the process. You'd probably be
better off using something like Skuntank G or Crobat
Prime in Modified, where the poison effects either don't
take an attack or are a rather significant threat to the
opponent. In Limited, this attack is decent, but you are
still probably better off using something with more of
an offensive presence. Super Explosion, for the cost of
two Colorless Energy, deals 90 damage with Weezing
taking 90 itself. Again, not really worth it in Modified
as you are giving up a Prize card for middling damage.
In Limited you will probably take a Prize with Super
Explosion, but losing Weezing means that your opponent
will get one as well.
Modified: 1/5 Weezing doesn't do anything well enough to
warrant seeing play here.
Limited: 1.75/5 I won't recommend Weezing here, either.
Super Poison Breath is decent but you can probably get a
similar effect on a Basic, and Super Explosion can prove
costly for you as you'll be giving up a Prize card.
Unless you pulled terribly, I'd steer clear.