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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Unown Q
Majestic Dawn
Date Reviewed:
March 14, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.67
Limited: 2.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Q (Majestic Dawn)
Hello and welcome to
theme week pick here at
CotD. He has
gone for Unown,
which should be interesting. While never
viable as a deck type (though people
have tried) or as a main attacker,
Unown have
had plenty to offer in the way of useful
techs over the years (remember
Unown G or,
going even further back, the
Unown D from
Neo Discovery which offered a possible
counter to the notorious Neo Genesis
We kick off the week with by far the
most commonly-seen
Unown in the game:
Unown Q.
With a miniscule 30 HP and a Weakness to
Psychic (watch Uxie
LA OHKO this), it’s a huge liability if
you happen to start with it, but the
benefits it brings make it worth the
Those benefits are nothing to do with
the attack (although 20 for one Energy
isn’t bad and
will even OHKO an opponent who is
unlucky enough to also open with a lone
Unown Q),
it’s all about the
PokePower. If
Unown Q is
on your Bench, you can attach it to one
of your Pokémon to reduce its Retreat
cost by one. Why is that so good? Well,
in a format where decks run low Energy
counts, keeping as much of your Energy
on the Field as possible is very
important. With
Unown Q, you can afford to run
starter/tech Pokémon like
Sableye, and
knowing that it won’t set you behind an
Energy attachment when you want to
Retreat them. It can perform the same
function when you find yourself with a
less-than-ideal active Pokémon too (for
example an Azelf,
or a Basic you wish to evolve on the
Bench), and even make it less painful to
have a high Retreat Pokémon like
Vileplume or
dragged out: now you can move it out of
the active slot in a slightly less
painful way.
Because of its high utility,
Unown Q is a
Pokémon that you will see in 90% of all
competitive decks. Running a single,
highly searchable copy will minimise the
risk of starting with it and give you
the option of turning one of your
Pokémon into a free Retreater when you
need it. I’m not going to go nuts with
the rating though: it’s a very nice tech
Pokémon, but it’s hardly broken or
format dominating (in the way that
PokeTurn or
Garchomp C
are), so the
score will reflect that.
Modified: 3.5 (very useful: almost all
decks could use one)
conical |
3/14/11: Unown Q(Majestic Dawn)
Unown Week? It's like Christmas!
I don't think I've mentioned this, but I'm a huge fan of
Unowns in the TCG. Generally, they're not that good, but
for the most part, they at least have a creative design.
Also, some of them are pretty good. We'll try to look at
the more playable ones this week, as well as some that
are pretty dear to...whoever thought of doing Unown
We start here with what is likely the most widely played
Unown, which is Unown Q. Similar to Unowns E and G, both
of which have rotated, Unown Q attaches itself as a
Tool, and reduces the retreat of the Pokemon it's
attached to by 1. Generally, you would want to attach it
to something with exactly 1 retreat; free retreaters
don't need it, while with anything more, retreating is
still a hassle. Thankfully, many support Pokemon—Uxie,
Azelf, Smeargle, Sableye, etc—have 1 retreat. Also,
while most versions of Hidden Power are nigh useless,
Unown Q's isn't terrible at 20 damage for 1 energy.
There are some downsides, however, most of which start
with Unown having 30 HP. As such, any deck running Unown
Q also runs the risk of starting with a lone Unown Q,
likely the worst common start, besides maybe lone
Magikarp for Gyarados. Still, it's a great tool for
anyone willing to take that small risk.
Limited: 2/5
Combos With: Any 1-retreat Pokemon
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Unown Q (Majestic Dawn)
This review has been sponsored by the number 7 and the
letter Q!
Forgive me, but I love Jim Henson’s Muppets and Sesame
Street, while aimed at a much younger audience, is still
populated by many memorable puppets (The Count, Cookie
Monster, Oscar the Grouch, Bert & Ernie and Kermit the
Frog all come to mind) which are the source of many
happy childhood memories, as well as being the butt of
some brilliant parodies. I do want to go on record as
saying that all of the newer puppets (Elmo and the rest
of that [censored]!) don’t have the same special
something that transcends the ages and are merely money
makers. Rest in Peace, Jim.
With that bad joke and rant out of the way, I can review
the most popular Unown in play since Unown G left the
format. Despite being a dud draw in Scrabble, Unown Q is
a card many players are happy to pull on their second
turn of the game.
The stats are terrible, with 30 HP for a Psychic
non-evolving Basic being the absolute worst amount you
can have. The free retreat is a small compensation if
you start with it as your Active, while the lack of
resistance further reduces the odds of surviving a turn,
and the Psychic weakness of +10 is just another nail in
the coffin with both Uxie LA and Azelf LA taking the KO
without any assistance. Basically, this Pokémon should
never be Active at the end of the turn, and considering
that almost every deck plays a sniper or some way to
drag a Benched Pokémon to the Active slot, it shouldn’t
be on the Bench at the end of the turn either. At least
it is easy to grab out of the deck with Pokémon
As you all will have realised, a Pokémon that has stats
this terrible and is still considered playable doesn’t
stay in play for even a whole turn to do what it does.
The meat of this card is the Poke-power, QUICK (all
Unown have this quirk along with the interesting effects
given to each of the Hidden Power attacks, and as a
design choice it was a great idea). The effect is that,
once during your turn if Unown Q is on the Bench, you
can discard all cards attached to Unown Q (and you
shouldn’t have any other cards attached to Unown Q so
this isn’t a problem) and then attach Unown Q to one of
your other Pokémon as a Pokémon Tool. The effect of the
Pokémon Tool is to reduce the retreat cost of the
affected Pokémon by 1.
A few points about the Poke-power: Unown Q will not
count as a Knocked Out Pokémon if it is sent to the
discard pile while attached to another Pokémon, and it
does not count as a Trainer Card even though it does
count as a Pokémon Tool. While in the deck or discard
pile Unown Q is a Pokémon and it is the same on the
Bench, but it does not count as a Pokémon while it is
attached as a Pokémon Tool, so attacks that deal damage
based on the number of Pokémon in play will not count
Unown Q and other effects are also not applied to Unown
Q. Finally, reducing the retreat cost means that effects
that add to the retreat cost (like Victreebel TM’s
Tangling Tendrils Poke-body) are still applied (these
effects are not applied to Pokémon with their retreat
cost set to 0 by a card effect, like Flygon RR’s Rainbow
Now that is out of the way, the actual use of the
Poke-power is to make a Pokémon with a retreat cost of 1
into a free retreater, or on occasion you can make a
Pokémon with an expensive retreat cost a little lighter
so you can retreat it manually (though most of the time
you will just use Switch/Warp Point/Warp Energy for
that, especially if you use other Pokémon Tools in your
The most common candidates are Smeargle UD, Spiritomb PA
and Sableye SF as it means you don’t have to drop any
energy just to retreat them if your opponent is taking
too long to knock them out. This is especially useful
for Smeargle, as you can use the Portrait Poke-power and
then retreat for another Pokémon to attack, while
Spiritomb also gets a boost as a switching attack that
brings Spiritomb Active to lock the opponnet's Trainers
(Gengar PA's Shadow Skip comes to mind, as does Gastly
SF's Trick Gas) no longer requires an energy sacrifice
each turn. Other techs with a single energy retreat cost
(Kingdra Prime for example) can also be made free so
that they can be removed from the Active slot with a
minimum of fuss if they get dragged up.
The attack, Hidden Power, is just [c] for a vanilla 20
Basically, this card fills a niche that exists in a lot
of decks and is great for getting around low retreat
costs which are a problem for decks with low energy
counts (which to be honest, is most of them).
Modified: 3.75 (starting with it is terrible and it is
most useful early game, but it is definitely in the
“playable” category)
Limited: 2.5 (the stats are a killer, but reducing the
retreat cost is even better here!)
Combos with: Smeargle UD, Spiritomb PA, Sableye SF