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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Unown Dark (Undaunted)
Date Reviewed:
March 15, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.50
Limited: 1.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
DARK (Undaunted)
Today’s Unown has seen some
very limited play, usually in decks running
Sableye which try and
maximise their chances of a first turn KO by using it to
fetch a Special Dark Energy to use with Overconfident.
Apart from that (fairly obscure) use, there’s nothing
particularly great about the card right now . . . boring
10 for one attack, low-ish
HP etc. It’s a possible inclusion in any deck running
Dark Energy, but it usually gets cut for other things.
All that MAY be about to change . . .
Ok, I’m going to start off by saying that this is all
speculation and we know NOTHING for sure at the time of
writing this review. But . . . IF the forthcoming Black
and White set brings in the new Black and White rules
(as used in Japan for their HGSS-on format), then this
card is going to cause major problems.
Why? Because (barring a mid-season rotation) we will
have a) the ability to play Trainers/Supporters on the
first turn, and b) Sableye
SF and Crobat G will still
be in the format. That’s why.
Imagine what will happen with that in place. Start of
the game you flip over Sableye
(meaning that you go first). You then play Pokémon
Collector and grab Unown
DARK and a couple of Crobat
G. Use the Unown to attach a
Special Dark to Sableye,
Flash Bite with the Crobats
to wear down the Defending Pokémon’s HP, then attack
with Sableye for game. Don’t
forget that Expert Belt and
PokeTurns are also playable on Turn 1, just to
make this scary scenario all the more likely.
Personally I hope that TPCI either delay the Black and
White rules or rotate out
Stormfront (at least), because if we get both
together I fear that the game will become dominated by
decks that are more than capable of first turn wins in
which the opponent doesn’t get to play a card. That
would be a very bad thing for people who like their
games to be strategic and skillfull.
If it does happen, expect to see a lot of decks packing
Unown DARK. If we are spared
that doomsday scenario, it will remain a barely used
tech for Dark decks.
Modified (as things are now): 2 (You can double that
score if we get B&W rules with no rotation)
conical |
3/15/11: Unown DARK(Undaunted)
When HGSS released, there was one change done to how
Unown* were made. Instead of representing separate
letters, Unown now spelled out the name of their
ability. None of them are used, however, generally
because their abilities aren't that great. Unown DARK is
the only exception thus far, for one reason: energy
*Is the plural of Unown Unown or Unowns? I can't tell.
If you look at any given type, you'll find at least one
card that provides energy acceleration for that specific
type. For Dark-types, however, the pickings are slim.
Tyranitar SF can accelerate energy unto itself, but with
Weavile SW no longer in the format, the only form of
support is Unown DARK. Note that, like Skarmory UD/CL,
it does not specify basic or special Dark energy, and
you can thus search for both.
It'd be nice to see a card that provides actual
acceleration for Dark-types, but for now, Unown DARK
makes an acceptable substitute. Just don't attack with
Modified: 3/5
Limited: 1.5/5(its usefulness in Limited is,
well...limited. I apologize for nothing.) |
virusyosh |
Hello once again, everybody! Today we are continuing
Unown Week by reviewing an Unown that has seen some
play, but not nearly as much as yesterday's COTD.
Today's Card of the Day is Unown DARK from HS Undaunted.
Unown DARK, like all Unowns, is a Basic Psychic Pokemon.
Since Unown doesn't evolve, most of the Unowns aren't
generally used for attacking, but rather for their
support options. This Unown is no exception, as it has a
fairly useful power in some decks. 50 HP is rather
disappointing for a non-evolving Basic, Psychic Weakness
means Gengar and the pixies can really hurt, no
Resistance is unfortunate, and a Retreat Cost of 1 is
Unown has a Power and a single attack. DARK allows you
to search your deck for a Darkness Energy card when you
play Unown onto your Bench, shuffling your deck
afterward. The nice thing about this power is that you
can get either Special Darkness or Basic Darkness
Energy, so if you need that 10 more damage to get the
KO, you can drop Unown, search out the Energy, and
attach it to your Darkness Pokemon before attacking. Of
course, Unown also takes up a bench slot after doing
this and has low HP, so be sure to make the most out of
the Energy you get from DARK.
The attack, Hidden Power, does 10 damage for a single
Psychic Energy. You'll realistically never use it in
Modified unless you're in big trouble.
Modified: 2/5 I can see Unown being used in a deck based
around Darkness-type Pokemon to search out your Special
Darkness Energies, but even still, it has 50 HP and
takes up a bench slot. However, the fact that it can
search out Special Darkness Energy is very nice, and can
be incredibly helpful in some situations.
Limited: 2.5/5 If you are playing a deck with Darkness
Energy in it and you have the room, I see no reason to
not include this Unown. If you aren't, there's little
reason to use it. Again, it's quite nice here to search
out Special Darks.