Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Persian HGSS
While Meowth is more popular, it is only the Scratch Cat
Pokémon. Its evolution, Persian, is the Classy
cat, and what’s more, Giovanni owns one. If you are
looking for a pet, Persian is the choice of the
This particular card version is just simply a ton of fun
to play. No, I don’t recommend that you turn up to a big
tournament like States with a deck built around this
card, but for casual play, you won’t find much that’s
more of a blast to use, even though your opponent won’t
feel the same way.
This is because of its Sharpen Claws attack: for one
Energy, you get to flip three coins and discard a card
from your opponent’s hand (without looking) for each
heads. With a bit of luck, this can be a real problem
for your opponent. Combined with a Power that fixes
their draw for next turn (Chatot G or Slowking HGSS),
it’s positively hurtful. Add in some other form of hand
disruption (Weavile UD, Judge, Giratina ‘Let Loose’),
and you can devastate their set up permanently.
Yes, Persian is pretty frail (80 HP), has a bad Weakness
(Fighting), and a lack of attack power (although it
isn’t hard to get Sneaky Attack hitting up to 80 damage
with an Expert Belt), but none of that will matter if
your opponent has no hand and can only draw into
something useless every turn. It’s fast enough to form
part of a viable strategy and it’s really only the heavy
luck factor of Sharpen Claws and the presence of Uxie LA
that prevents Persian being legit competitive in my
opinion. As a result, although this isn’t a deck you
will want to play in a tournament, it isn’t something
you will want to face either . . . it is very capable of
spoiling your day if your opponent has some moderate
luck going their way.
Modified: 2.75 (Highly recommended for League and
casual play)