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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Flying Pikachu
Rising Rivals
Date Reviewed:
March 25, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.75
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Flying Pikachu RR
This is a card that started out as a Japanese Promo,
then became a WoTC Promo, then got reprinted just for
nostalgia fans in Rising Rivals. Why are we reviewing it
today? Ummm . . . because Pikachu is a mouse
Pokémon, mice can be pets, and it was either this or
some rubbish Rattata . . . that’s why.
Actually, this is a pretty important card. Because of
this, in the video game we actually have Pikachu that
can (weirdly) use the move Fly. You can get one with the
HGSS Pokéwalker, and I believe their have been some
event Pikachu with the move too.
Another unique aspect of this card is that instead of
having Fighting Weakness like you would expect, this
Pikachu has a massive -30 RESISTANCE to it. Of course,
Resistance isn’t too much of a factor when you only have
40 HP, but bear in mind that Donphan Prime would need an
Expert Belt to one-shot it (!). On the other hand,
Pikachu does have some neat ways of protecting itself.
Thundershock gives you a coin flip for Paralysis and Fly
gives you a flip for complete immunity. Sadly, neither
attack does very much damage and Fly costs a massive
Is it playable then? Sadly not. Partly because there are
no really tournament-playable Raichu out there, and
partly because if you were using Raichu your best
option would be to use the Promo Pikachu with the
Recharge attack. Coin flip Energy acceleration and 70 HP
make it a safer bet than this card.
Best to keep this one in the binder as it makes a nice
Modified: 1.5 (not great, just a fun and gimmicky
novelty card)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Flying Pikachu (Rising Rivals)
Hello Pojo readers, I'm back! I recently acquired a
shiny new phone on a contract so I can send email
without having to rely on the terrible home connection
(the landlines are a horror story but mobile coverage is
adequate). Once I figure out all of the extra buttons
I'll be a regular contributor again!
But now to today's review. Flying Pikachu is a secret
rare card that is filling the 'mouse' slot of the
Household Pets theme week. The list of Pokemon I
suggested was different but I must say that I like
Bill's changes, even though I missed reviewing most of
them which is kind of embarrassing.
Enough of the pre-review blathering, now I'll get down
to business.
Flying Pikachu is a reprint of an old Promo card that
came out alongside Surfing Pikachu for one of the movie
releases (Surfing Pikachu was also reprinted as a secret
rare in Rising Rivals)
Due to the name it can't be evolved into a normal Raichu
and I wouldn't hold out for Flying Raichu. Poke'mon USA
were going to make one but there was a terrible incident
with a kite in the testing stages and the unlucky Raichu
involved is still in therapy (as is the 5-year-old boy
was trying to celebrate his birthday, the poor
traumatised mite!).
As such this card only has its own abilities to rely on
if it is on the field. And that is terrible, because
this balloon-loving party animal has terrible HP.
Now that I'm finished telling tasteless jokes I'll go
through the stats in detail. Flying Pikachu is a
Lightning type Basic with 40 HP, no weakness, -30
Fighting resistance (old school!), a retreat cost of 1
and 2 attacks.
If the HP had been around the 70 mark it would be an
okay card by today's standards (and an absolute terror
by the standards of the game when it was first
released!) but those lovely bottom stats (especially the
no weakness/Fighting resistance) are made worthless by
the miserable 40 HP. Maybe the attacks will make up the
Thundershock is the first attack, costing [l] for 10
damage and a coin flip for paralysis. This makes for a
solid opening/delaying attack on any Poke'mon but you
need a playable second attack to get the maximum benefit
and this helium-happy mouse just doesn't have it.
Fly is the second attack and would have been a brilliant
attack back in the days of 8ase Set but just doesn't cut
it today. For [c][c][c] you get 30 damage and a coin
flip for immunity from all effects of attack, which is
helpful when it works but can be played around too
easily for competitve use. The ability to abuse Double
Colourless Energy (or Upper Energy in a Limited event)
makes this card slightly better, but the damage is way
below par. The use of DCE made Flying Pikachu a possible
counter to Haymaker decks with its speed and flippy
immunity back in the bad old days of Base Set but even
then the attack power was below par and the HP was a
major handicap. Also, the English release of Flying
Pikachu didn't happen until just before the end of
Haymaker's dominance of the game when the release of Neo
Destiny and format/rule changes greatly altered the
tournament scene (for the better I must say, but all
changes cause a bit of nostalgia).
In the end, this card was doomed to remain a gimmick by
its abominable HP score and no reprinted Poke'mon has
ever had the same raw attack power it had when it was
first released, so just keep this card safe and secure
in your binder.
Modified: 2 (Pikachu looks pretty and can stall
effectively if you have a rigged coin, if only it could
Limited: 3 (It cheap attacks and the balloon-mad mouse
can abuse Upper Energy, but you really should just keep
it safe in the binder for trade purposes and the 40HP is
still abominable)
Combos with: The binder. Immediately
virusyosh |
Hello again, everyone! Now that my massive buildup of
graduate school work has ended, I can get back to doing
reviews! Anyway, we are ending this week by reviewing a
Rising Rivals reprint of a very old promo. Today's Card
of the Day is Flying Pikachu.
Flying Pikachu is a basic Lightning Pokemon. Lightning
is a feared type in the Modified metagame today, with
Luxray GL Lv. X commonly seen and Magnezone surging in a
rise of popularity. 40 HP is abysmal for a non-Evolving
Basic (note there isn't a Flying Raichu or a Raichu that
evolves from Flying Pikachu, so it can't evolve), so it
probably won't be able to even take one hit without
being Knocked Out. No Weakness is amazing, Fighting
Resistance is also good (although Machamp SF doesn't
care and will Take Out), and a Retreat Cost of 1 is
decent and totally payable.
Flying Pikachu has two attacks, Thundershock and Fly.
Thundershock deals 10 damage for [L] and can Paralyze on
a coin flip. Not too bad for an opening turn or in
Limited, but this won't do that well in Modified. Fly,
on the other hand, costs an outrageous [CCC] for a coin
flip. If heads, the attack does 30 damage and you
prevent all effects of attacks including damage done to
Flying Pikachu on your next turn; if tails, the attack
does nothing. Although the protective effect is great
when you flip heads, a 3 energy tails-fails attack
really isn't worth using.
Modified: 1/5 As cool as it is, Flying Pikachu won't see
much use here. Low HP, disappointing damage output, and
flippy attacks don't help its case. It's pretty awesome
binder candy, though.
Limited: 1.75/5 While not something you should never
play, I can't really recommend putting it into a Limited
deck either. While Thundershock is decent as an opening
move or to stall, Fly is really too flippy and requires
too much Energy on a Pokemon with 40 HP. If you are
running Lightning and need another Pokemon you could run
it, but otherwise, I wouldn't recommend it.