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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Undaunted/Call of Legends
Date Reviewed:
March 30, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Smeargle (Undaunted/Call of Legends)
Smeargle was one of the few reasons for buying Undaunted
and one of the very few for buying Call of
Legends (unless you are a collector). They are both
exactly the same card, so feel free to use the one whose
artwork you like best.
Smeargle, like Sableye, is good because it breaks that
fundamental ‘one Supporter per turn’ rule. Portrait is a
Power which allows an active Smeargle to get you a look
at your opponent’s hand (always a good thing) and copy
the effect of a Supporter there. In some ways it is
superior to Sableye: it doesn’t waste an attack or force
you to go first. On the other hand, you are somewhat at
the mercy of your opponent’s hand. Maybe they have
nothing, maybe they have something that actually hurts
you (like Judge or Cynthia’s Feelings when you haven’t
just suffered a KO). Alternatively, you could hit an
early game Pokémon Collector or Cyrus to get yourself
set up fast.
I have seen decks (mostly Machamp-based) which run a
playset of Smeargle as an out-and-out starter. Mostly it
tends to be run together with Sableye (as a 3/2 split in
some Gyarados lists), or as a tech which can hopefully
Portrait something useful following a KO. It’s a pretty
risky Pokémon to rely on for a good start, but on
the other hand, it’s unlikely that you will be
disappointed if you open with one of them in your hand.
Unlike most starter Pokémon, it can also be useful later
in the game, which is another slight edge that it has
over its rivals.
A card with a lot of potential, but use with caution.
Modified: 3.75 (I still prefer it as a tech because it
can be somewhat unreliable. Still a very good card)
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo readers! Today's Card of the Day
is yet another common support card in many decks in
Modified, both as a starter and as a sort of
"transition" Pokemon. Today's Card of the Day is
Smeargle, which was first printed in Undaunted and was
printed again in Call of Legends.
Smeargle is a Basic Colorless Pokemon. Colorless Pokemon
are great supporting Pokemon, as they can easily fit
into any deck because they are able to use all types of
Energy for their costs. 70 HP is right about average for
a non-evolving, non-Legendary Basic, meaning that
Smeargle should be able to survive at least one weak
attack. Unfortunately, Garchomp C Lv. X will OHKO with
Dragon Rush. Fighting Weakness hurts against Machamp and
Promo Toxicroak G, no Resistance is unfortunate, and a
Retreat Cost of 1 is cheap, payable, and works amazingly
with Unown Q to keep Smeargle useful (but more on that
Smeargle has a Poke-Power and a single attack. Portrait,
Smeargle's Poke-Power, is the main reason why Smeargle
sees so much play. When Smeargle is your Active Pokemon,
Portrait allows you to look at your opponent's hand once
per turn, choose a Supporter there, and use it as the
effect of the power. This is very similar to Sableye
SF's Impersonate attack, although Smeargle is a bit
better in this regard because it does not require you to
attack to use the extra Supporter. However, the downside
is that Smeargle has to be active to use the Power, and
you are at the mercy of whatever is in your opponent's
hand. Therefore, if you have an amazing hand and
Portrait into a Judge, you will probably be very upset.
So, how is Smeargle best used? It works very well with
Unown Q, allowing you to have free retreat and use
Portrait. Once one of your Pokemon is KOed (or you are
ready to retreat it from the beginning of the game), you
can Portrait, retreat Smeargle, then continue hitting
with your attackers. Once your attacker gets Knocked
Out, assuming that Smeargle is still around, you can
repeat the cycle. This is a very efficient way to use
multiple Supporters per turn, especially if you know
that your opponent has something like a Cyrus's
Conspiracy in hand.
The attack, Tail Rap, costs [CC] and allows you to flip
two coins, dealing 20 damage for each head you flip. Not
at all worth it in Modified, but possibly usable, if not
overcosted, in Limited.
Modified: 4/5 Smeargle is not only a great Starter
Pokemon, but works well mid-game after your big hitter
goes down in order to bounce back. However, most of its
utility relies on not having a Retreat Cost, so Smeargle
will take a bit of a hit once Unown Q leaves the format.
That being said, Smeargle is an excellent support
Pokemon, and most decks should consider running it.
Limited: 3.25/5 Like the other Pokemon that we've
reviewed this week, Smeargle is slightly less useful in
Limited. Supporters are a lot more rare in Limited, and
retreating Smeargle to use Portrait multiple times is
difficult. However, Smeargle can still be useful to look
at your opponent's hand, and still fits pretty well into
most decks because of its beneficial Colorless typing.
Combos With: Unown Q
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Smeargle (HS Undaunted)
Smeargle UD is one of my favourite cards from the whole
HGSS block, as you may have guessed from my 2 previous
rave reviews. However, unlike Spirtomb and Sableye
earlier this week, Smeargle was released recently and
the game hasn't changed enough for us to give a review
that matters as everything about this card has already
been thoroughly discussed.
So instead I thought I would do a little article on
which decks should use which starter to help all of the
newer players out there.
SP decks, particularly Dialga/Garchomp/Luxray should use
Smeargle UD, as getting an early look at your opponent's
hand allows you to pick the best target for Dragon Rush
in order to get rid of the biggest threat early. Or you
can use Weavile G/Honchkrow G since they do an okay job
opening for SP decks, but remember to run SP energy to
pay for the costs of the secondary attacks.
Machamp Prime/Donphan Prime decks should use Spiritomb
PA, as the speedy evolutions are a great benefit here.
Better yet, Earthquake can help get rid of a Benched
Spiritomb that is taking up space and Fighting Tag
allows you to switch out Spiritomb easily if it gets
locked Active. For donk variants of Donphan you could
use Sableye instead, but the Bench damage from
Earthquake will stop you using Sableye as a revenge
attacker later on (unless you run Nidoqueen RR).
CharPhlosion decks should definitely use Spiritomb.
Being forced to run heavy evolution lines because you
can't use Azelf LA (due to Charizard PA needing an
all-Fire supporting cast) to get Poke'mon out of your
Prizes means that Spiritomb really shines, and you can
use Afterburner to add extra damage counters if you need
to KO it quickly to replace it with a Fire Poke'mon. it
also works in the Blaziken variant of this deck, and
disrupts your opponent long enough to allow you to set
Any deck that runs Vileplume UD should automatically use
Spiritomb as its starter to get the total lockdown on
Trainer cards, although if you don't have a full playset
you may want to fill out the empty spaces with either
Sableye SF or Jirachi RR since they can help the player
get the most out of their Supporter cards. This applies
to VileGar builds, Lost World Gengar Prime builds and
Victreebel/Leafeon/Vileplume builds.
Sableye is the best choice for Gyarados decks to protect
the weak Magikarps and get rid of Spiritomb since the
Trainer lock interferes with quickly discarding the
Magikarps with Junk Arm as well as blocking other
crucial Trainer cards like Poke'mon Rescue. Althought
most players I've seen don't take full adavantage of
Sableye as they only run Call Energy with no Dark energy
to power Overconfident.
Sablelock decks obviously need to use Sableye SF or the
decks would have a different name, but throwing in a
single copy of Pichu HGSS may be worth the space if you
really like using Overconfident, especially if you run
Galactic HQ to keep your opponent's Poke'mon in low
health (punish them for evolving!).
Uxie donk decks don't seem to need a starter with the
draw power provided by Uxie LA but if you did pick a
starter I would use Chatot MD to shuffle and draw more
cards, letting you push those Uxie drops further. Also,
the free retreat is great and you can use the Mimic
attack late game to put cards back into the deck to
avoid decking out, and you can use Chatter to lock
opposing Spiritomb cards Active (it's great becuase that
Colourless resistance absorbs the damage and the Trainer
lock stops Switch) while you find a way to work around
the crippling Trainer loss (personally i runa 1-1 line
of Dialga G Lv X, that card is undervalued by most of
the players I know). Or just run some Dark energy and
Sableye for the same counter while allowing yourself to
run a few Supporter cards you otherwise couldn't
Rain Dance decks can probably use Spiritomb to best
advantage with all of the evolutions and Poke-powers
they use (as well as slowing the opponent down which is
important as Modified-legal Rain Dance are slower than a
wet week) but Smeargle can fit pretty well in this deck
with the chance to show the best targets for sniping if
you use Blastoise UL. Jirachi RR also shines in this
deck by reliably doubling your Supporter usage, which
allows you to grab your Poke'mon based draw from the
deck and play it quickly (this deck burns cards like no
tomorrow with Broken Time Space and Rain Dance so
Magnezone Prime is a great tech), or you can double the
effectiveness of whatever Supporter-based draw you use
(double Engineer's Adjustments really boosts your hand!)
Kingdra decks really like to use Rare Camdy and lots of
Basic Poke'mon as support so Smeargle is probably your
best bet since the added bonus is seeing the best target
to hit with the snipes. But if you run heavy evolution
lines and Evolved support then Spiritomb can be useful
as well. If you run Dark energy you can run Sableye to
get rid of Spiritomb so you can use your Rare Candy
without fear but personally I still would rather run
Finally, Tyranitar decks could do well running either
Sableye or Spiritomb. There is plenty of evolving to be
done but you can also get great benefit from Sableye's
donking power since your are certain to be running
Special Dark energy.
In the final analysis the best place for Smeargle is as
the frontman of a heavy sniping deck while Sableye is
great for donking/countering donks and Spiritomb hits
the spot in any evolution-heavy deck that doesn't use
Rare Candy. Jirachi can be used if you really like your
Supporter cards and excels at search (double Bebe's for
the win!) while Chatot, despite being underused with the
loss of Team Galactic's Wager and Claydol GE, can be
useful in a Turbo deck that values draw above all
things. And, in the end, you can always run those
evolving Basics with weak search/topdecking attacks to
pad things out. Or you can use Call Energy to better
your odds (works especially well with Smeargle and
Modified: 4.25 (Because this is meant to be a review,
I'll say that Smeargle has the best HP of all of the
starters and will be the only viable starter to survive
a rotation to HGSS-on [Pichu doesn't count with Ju,pluff
out of the picture]. Black and White will give the bonus
of being able to play other cards if Smeargle whiffs on
the opponent's hand but will hurst the painter because
your opponent will have a chance to play out their hand
before you can copy anyhting useful. I still love this
card and use it myself, so it gets a good score)
Limited: 2.5 (There are very few Supporter cards to copy
but the HP makes a nice wall and getting a sneak peek is
always good)
Combos with: Snipers and opponent's who run lots of
Supporter cards (but don't run Sableye to discard them
from the deck). Don't play Smeargle against a
Trainer-heavy Turbo deck like Uxie Donk though.