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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Call Energy
Majestic Dawn
Date Reviewed:
April 1, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 5.00
Limited: 5.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Call Energy (Majestic Dawn)
As far as I’m concerned this is a card I cannot praise
too highly. It has been in my top five cards in the
format ever since its release.
If you play this card, there is nothing you want to see
more in your opening hand. Call Energy works by giving
you the option to bench two Basic Pokémon from your deck
and then end your turn. It’s important to note that this
is NOT an attack: it can’t be stopped by things like
Amnesia, nor made flippy by Smokescreen-style attacks.
ut simply, Call Energy turns every single Basic
Pokémon into a good starter while also doubling as
an Energy. This high utility means two things: firstly,
you save deck space (no need for extra set up Pokémon)
and secondly it is less likely to be a dead draw in
mid/late game (which Pokémon starters often are). Call
Energy gets you set up, prevents you from losing by
being benched, and turns a bad start into a good one.
Of course, not every deck will be able to use it.
Those lists with minimal or very specific Energy
requirements (Donphan Prime, Gyarados, Uxie Donk) will
have to do without. For any deck that uses attackers
with Colourless Energy costs though . . . well, let’s
just say you would need a VERY good reason not to play
3-4 (preferably 4) Call Energy.
I can’t think of a reason that good myself.
The truth is that I don’t even like playing decks that
don’t run this card.
Modified: 5 (I VERY rarely give a perfect score, but
after three years as one of the best cards in format,
Call Energy deserves it)
conical |
4/1/11: Call Energy(Majestic Dawn)
We finish Starter Week with clearly the worst card of
the week.
I mean, who would want to play this? It only provides 1
colorless energy! You could run this...or you could play
more basic energy? And the effect? Psh. Who would want
to search more basics out of your deck? It's like
finding more basics would help any deck set up! I mean,
lone basic starts are awesome! It's not like people play
decks that aim to win first turn when you only have one
basic in play. And it's not like there's a dominant
subtype of cards(call them 'SP' for argument's sake),
which are all basics, and gain some useful tools when
there are more of them in play and that this would
greatly help them. I mean, if you wanted to get basics,
why not play Dual Ball?
Terrible starter, and a terrible card overall. It's
decent late-game, though.
Happy April Fool's Day.
Modified: Contrarian/5
Limited: No one plays Majestic Dawn Limited/5
Unlimited: 10/10
Pojo-Style: A+
Serious Modifed: 5/5
Serious Limited: 5/5
Combos With: Team Galactic's Invention-Power Spray, Any
basic, Any deck, really, Thought Wave Machine, Hyper
Sentinel Force
Mad Mattezhion |
Call Energy (Majestic Dawn)
Hey guys, sorry my review is late. I promise that it is
nowhere near as long as the review for Jirachi RR.
Really, it isn't!
Call Energy is a starter that isn't a Poke'mon so it has
a lot of benefits that other starter Poke'mon don't,
with a few unique drawbacks.
Normally this is the point where I write out the stats,
but since this is a Special Energy it's only attributes
are that it provides [c], it is difficult to search out
and must be attached to your Active Poke'mon in order to
use its secondary effect.
The effect of Call Energy is that if it is attached to
your Active Poke'mon, once during your turn you may
search your Deck for up to 2 Basic Poke'mon (no Fossils)
and place them on your Bench. If you do, your turn ends.
Obviously this is a brilliant effect because not only
does it make any of your Poke'mon into a decent starter
but it stops your opponent getting a KO against your
lone Basic to win (they still take a prize but you at
least get some breathing room). Best of all, this effect
cannot be blocked by your opponent because it is neither
an attack nor a Poke-power/Poke-body so Special
Conditions, attack effects and other nasty ailments mean
nothing as long as the Poke'mon with Call Energy
attached is In the Active position.
Since Call Energy stays attached to the Poke'mon (unless
you discard to retreat, pay an attack cost or get hit
with Lost Remover) you can use it to grab Basic Poke'mon
later in the game as well if you get into desperate
trouble, and it works particularly well with other
starter Pokemon. Smeargle UD can use its Portrait
Poke-power and then use Call Energy to grab some backup
before discarding it to retreat next turn. Also, Jirachi
RR likes Call Energy because it gives you something to
do if you are unfortunate enough to go first.
Call Energy does have the downside of ending your turn
but then so do attacks, so it is still worth the
drawback. The real measure of whether or not you should
run Call Energy is the energy requirments in your deck.
Using your energy attachment for the turn is a small
price to pay for Call Energy but does your deck have
attackers and techs with Colourless energy requirements
in their attacks? If yes, use this card!
Sure, Call Energy is a target for energy removal since
you can't retrieve it from the discard pile (which can
prove a hazard in decks with low energy counts, like
Gyarados decks for example) and you lose the use of many
coming-in-to play Poke-powers we love to use (so
searching out Uxie LA or Crobat G with Call Energy is a
waste of resources) but the fact remains that Call
Energy is one of the best Special Energy in the format
and the reason no-one uses Pichu HGSS.
Modified: 4.5 (Call Energy isn't a dead draw later in
the game if you have built your deck to take advantage
of Colourless energy so Call Energy is the least risky
card of all the starters)
Limited: 5 (Reusable search in Limited is as rare as
chicken teeth and a lot more useful. Take it! Take it
Combos with: Smeargle UD, Jirachi RR and and your
starting hand.