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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lilligant #10
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
May 10, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.75
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Lilligant #10/114 (Black and White)
I’ve been doing these reviews for quite a long time here
on Pojo, and I always try to be fair and unbiased when
it comes to cards. The only exception to that is
probably Houndoom. He’s my favourite Pokémon and I just
don’t like giving him a bad review. Today I’m going to
make another exception for what is my favourite
Generation V Pokémon: Lilligant. If you want the real
scoop on this card, then please read the reviews below.
If you want to see a desperate attempt to make this card
seem like the best thing since Neo Genesis Sneasel, then
read on.
Lilligant is a Stage 1 with 80 HP. Doesn’t sound great
does it? Don’t let that put you off though. Claydol GE
was also an 80 HP Stage 1 and that got played in
everything. The Fire Weakness is completely irrelevant
seeing as most Fire decks can one-shot any Pokémon with
less than 130 HP, whether it’s Weak or not. Meanwhile
the Water Resistance practically guarantees an auto win
against any Basculin or Simipour decks you might have to
face. Even the Retreat cost of one Energy is pretty good
for a B&W card (there’s only one free Retreater in the
entire set).
Petal Dance is a fantastic attack that can do 90 damage
for a single Grass Energy as long as you flip three
heads. Makes Donphan Prime look kind of weak, no? The
only other Pokémon that can match that is the Stage 2
Jumpluff HGSS and it needs both Benches full to hit that
number as well. Feraligatr Prime, a Pokémon that many
people think will be seeing some play in the new format,
needs to fear this card.
But wait . . . that’s not all! Lilligant has another
cheap and awesome attack! For just [G][C] you do 30
damage (which I admit isn’t much), but you also get to
heal 20 damage from each of your Grass Pokémon! That’s
effectively as good as either Serperior (in a Grass
deck), and they are Stage 2 Pokémon!
So . . . with Lilligant you get a Pokémon that can do
good damage for very little cost that also brings some
decent healing ability to the table. It’s also an
awesome Pokémon in its own right, and the card is
beautifully illustrated. What more could anyone ask for?
Only the low HP keeps it from being too broken.
Modified (HGSS-on) 4 (it’s a Lilligant. That’s the
minimum score I’m prepared to give)
Limited: 4 (it’s still a Lilligant)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Liligant (Black & White)
Hello again, here we are with more Black and White cards
up for review. I feel so much better now that the wait
is finally over!
Liligant is a Grass type non-evolving Stage 1 with 80
HP, Fire weakness, Water resistance, a retreat cost of 1
and two attacks.
First, the HP is terrible. 80 HP is nowhere near enough
to interest any seasoned player, and since this is a
non-evolvig Stage 1 I'm sure you can already hear me
ringing the gong. Fire weakness is expected but it still
hurts with Ninetales HGSS and Fanboar making Fire types
very attractive after the rotaion (or even before, try a
CharPhlosion deck with Twins and Spiritomb PA to see
what I mean!). Water resistance is nice with Feraligatr
Prime set to finally be a worthy contender (when the
card was hyped before HGSS was released, we forgot about
the massive draw power that was needed for old Rain
Dance decks). The retreat cost is payable, so that is
all for the stats and they don't paint an attractive
Petal Dance is the first attack, and as soon as you see
that name you know this card is the worst kind of binder
fodder. Petal dance always involves a series of coins
flips for damage (always unreliable) followed by a
self-inflicted Special Condition (usually Confusion, but
sometimes Sleep has been used) which is never a good
idea. This version flips 3 coins at 30 damage per Heads
for the cost of [g] with the usual Confusion afterwards.
Even though it is cheap, there is no way this is a good
attack as you are just as likely to do damage to
yourself through Confusion than you are to hit your
opponent. Having a single energy attack that can reach
90 damage might sound great as an emergency backup, but
7 out of 8 times you will just be handing your opponent
another Prize on a silver platter.
Leaf Storm is the second attack and at a cost of [g][c]
it is also cheap (an expensive attack would make no
sense at all). The effect is 30 damage plus healing 20
damage on all of your Grass Poke'mon (inculding Liligant).
The damage is fair and the healing is great but Liligant
is heavily outclassed by other mass healers in the
format and there is no synergy here. If you use Petal
Dance for cheap damage to start and attach another
energy to upgrade to healing, you have to deal with your
own Confusion before you can do anything useful or you
risk taking yourself out without your opponent having to
do a thing.
Liligant is a massive failure. Never try it in a real
match and it isn't even all that useful in Limited.
Modified: 1.25 (the attacks and retreat cost are cheap.
That is the only saving grace of this card)
Limited: 2 (if you pulled multiple Serperior lines then
you can keep switching around for massive healing. On
its own Liligant can be okay with the healing, even good
against Water Poke'mon due to the resistance, but only
if you completely avoid Petal Dance, and opposing Fire
types like Reshiram are a death sentence)
Combos with: the rest of the binder fodder you have
cluttering up your collection.

Otaku |
is today’s CotD, and it seems to be a
scaled down, old-school
Bellossom or
Besides its flowery appearance,
which I think I like, it is a Stage 1
Grass-Type instead of a Stage 2 like
that line.
It has 80 HP, which is low for an
end Stage Evolution in any format,
though if the rest of the card is great
it could still be well worth playing.
Grass does have some decent
support right now, and will still have
some of it after the rotation.
Plus you won’t need as much room
to run this as a corresponding Stage 2
Fire Weakness mostly won’t matter
because most Fire Pokémon will hit for
80 pretty easily, and if you’re lucky
they won’t have an inexpensive fallback
attack and instead will be using their
customary, Energy hungry attacks that
discard off themselves or their own
Water Resistance unfortunately is
also unlikely to come in handy that
much: the best attacks will still
overwhelm it and OHKO you, but at least
even the low HP score and Resistance are
enough to require the established decks
we have (and anticipate next format)
will have to bring their “A” game:
Gyarados (while it is still with us)
can’t OHKO
Lilligant with a sub-par set-up, but
needs all three
Magikarp in the discard pile and
either a
PlusPower or
The single Energy Retreat Cost
makes it pretty easy to get this back to
the Bench, and when we get to the attack
you can see why it TPC couldn’t give it
a free Retreat Cost.
Before the attacks, I want to look at
the Basic it Evolves from, Petilil.
It isn’t great, but it isn’t that
Petilil has only 50 HP, which is now
small for a Basic Pokémon, and of course
still a Grass-Type Pokémon with Fire
Weakness and maintaining its Water
Resistance and single Energy Retreat
It’s only attack requires a
single Grass Energy and does 10 points
of damage, but gives you a coin toss and
if it comes up heads, does another 10
damage while healing 10 damage off of
Not good, but at least it shows
some effort and it isn’t bad, either.
So what can
Lilligant do?
It has two attacks.
The first is the most promising
(and reminiscent of multiple
requiring just a single Grass Energy and
giving you three coin tosses.
For each heads, you do 30 points
of damage.
No matter how many heads you get,
Lilligant is then
Currently this would be
ridiculously bad, but if things slow
down significantly I can actually see a
speedy deck try to capitalize upon this.
The second attack solid but
doesn’t compliment the first: (GC) for
30 points of damage and it heals 20
points of damage from each of your
Grass-Type Pokémon.
For that matter, that doesn’t
compliment anything but Type for
Lilligant, since it isn’t big enough
to “tank out” in front of a Bench full
of Grass Pokémon.
With the right Bench I do think
Lilligant could be a fun,
flip-heavy, Swarm, but not a competitive
In Limited play, if you are already
running Grass it’s a solid pick.
The HP isn’t quite as crippling,
and the healing can matter.
Unfortunately so can the self-Confusion,
and you are relying on coin flips for
any big damage.
Modified (MD-On):
Modified (HGSS-On):
is too delicate a bloom for competitive
play, though it may be a rewarding
challenge for a League deck.
It has some interesting features
but on such a small HP score they don’t
work too well.
A defensive Ability would have
been nice, but it isn’t there, nor did I
see any Bench-sitters that would do
enough to keep it going (and not be
superior with something else).
Yep, I’m still selling on eBay: click
here to see if I have anything you’d
Just remember that Pojo isn’t
responsible for any transactions, merely
being kind enough to let me link in my
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo viewers! Today we continue our
COTD week by reviewing another Stage 1 from the new
Black and White expansion by reviewing a Pokemon that is
(mostly) exclusive to Pokemon White in the video games.
Today's Card of the Day is Lilligant.
Lilligant is a Stage 1 Grass Pokemon. Much like
yesterday, Grass-types don't see a whole lot of play,
mostly due to the relative rarity of opponents weak to
Grass and the presence of Fire. Lilligant has 80 HP,
which is quite average for a Stage 1, meaning it should
be able to take a few hits early game, but will struggle
against powerful threats that are all too common in the
current MD-on Modified metagame. 80 HP still probably
won't be enough to get by as an attacker in HGSS-on
either, so Lilligant is going to have to have some
extraordinary abilities to see play. Fire Weakness and
Water Resistance are both relatively common for a Grass
type, with Fire Weakness being bad and Water Resistance
being quite nice. Finally, a Retreat Cost of 1 is fairly
nice, and isn't too hard to pay if necessary.
Lilligant has two attacks: Petal Dance and Leaf Storm.
Petal Dance allows you to flip 3 coins, dealing 30
damage times the number of heads for a single Grass
Energy. However, after using this attack, Lilligant
Confuses itself. This attack really isn't worth using in
Modified, as flip attacks are too unreliable to work in
that format. However, this attack can be great for some
cheap damage in Limited, especially if you're lucky with
your flips. Confusing yourself is a major downside,
though, so make sure that you have a way to retreat
Lilligant or if you're in Limited, perhaps use something
like a Full Heal.
Leaf Storm deals 30 damage for [GC], while healing 20
damage from each of your Grass Pokemon. This is nearly
identical to Serperior (BW #5)'s attack, only
Serperior's does 60 damage for the same cost. Even
though it's a Stage 2, if you really want to use Leaf
Storm, that is probably a better option.
Modified: 1/5 Lilligant's low HP and subpar attacks
won't warrant it seeing play in Modified any time soon,
even with the rotation. It's easily outclassed by
Limited: 3/5 Lilligant is definitely usable here. Petal
Dance is good as a cheap attack if you don't mind the
Confusion, and Leaf Storm can be useful if you have many
Grass types. Just keep in mind that 80 HP still isn't
very much, so don't expect Lilligant to stand up to many
hits (although the healing from Leaf Storm definitely
helps against smaller ones).