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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Zebstrika #43/114
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
May 11, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.85
Limited: 2.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Zebstrika #43/114 (Black and White)
Ok, back to proper reviews today. I mean, a lighting
Zebra is pretty cool and everything, but I’m not going
to let myself be influenced by that.
There’s two Zebstrika in the set, and this one is the
better of the two. What we have here is a 90 HP Stage 1
with what I predict to be one of the worst Weaknesses in
the HGSS-on metagame. A couple of things I want to
complain about: firstly they seem to have got rid of the
Metal Resistance on Lightning Pokémon, and secondly this
thing has a retreat cost: why? Seriously . . . it’s a
Lightning Zebra!
Zebstrika’s first attack, Rear Kick, does a decent 30
damage for one Colourless Energy (which is only fair – I
should think getting kicked in the rear by a Zebra would
hurt a lot). The Colourless cost seems nice, but in
reality it’s pretty meaningless as you would be a fool
to attach anything other than Lightning Energy to
Zebstrika. Why? Because its Electrispark attack costs a
massive THREE Lightning Energy, that’s why.
The attack you get for that investment is semi-ok. 70
damage plus 10 spread to all of your opponent’s bench. I
can see people wanting to use that. The trouble is
though, that Zebstrika is so easy to KO that getting all
that Energy on it, and keeping it alive long enough to
get more than one attack off is problematic. In fact you
are probably going to need some kind of Energy
acceleration, which means using the Pachirisu CL/Shaymin
UL combination. That works well enough, but if you are
going to all that trouble, you are better off using it
to power up an even better attack, such as the one you
get with Zekrom.
Zebstrika is really a frail Stage 1 Pokémon that has
been given an attack more suited to a high HP Stage 2.
The result is that you will rarely, if ever, get to use
Modified (HGSS-on) 1.75 (nice attack – but they put it
on the wrong Pokémon)
Limited: 3 (not too much Fighting in the set, so it
could do some good damage)
Garage |
5/11/11: Zebstrika(Black & White)
Are you looking for more electric-types to spread with?
The comparison I want to make here is with the
Electivire from Triumphant, because they're both Stage 1
Electric-types with a spread attack for 3 lightning
energy. Using this comparison, Zebstrika doesn't look
too good. Electivire has 10 more HP, a first attack that
does the same damage, plus energy acceleration, and
assuming your opponent has something on the bench, it
does more damage to benched Pokemon. Granted, your
opponent can control who takes damage with Electivire,
while your damage is guaranteed with Zebstrika, and
Zebstrika has a much more manageable retreat cost, but
it still doesn't look good.
It gets worse when you compare it to a good card,
though. Consider that Zebstrika needs a full bench just
to get the same overall damage output as Zekrom, a Basic
with 40 more HP. There's something to be said for being
able to hit the bench, but still, that's a significant
Modified: 2/5
Limited: 2.25/5

Otaku |
As we hit the middle of
the week, we look at a
specifically Black &
White 43/114.
It is a Stage 1
Lightning-Type Pokémon,
allowing it to slip into
some already successful
At least for the
newer cards, it is a bit
small for clocking in at
90 HP, and the strongest
decks will be able to
OHKO it.
Fighting-Type decks,
strong or not, will also
Zebstrika thanks to
its Fighting Weakness.
The lack of
Resistance is
disappointing but as so
many other Pokémon also
fail to possess any, it
isn’t especially
We finish off the
stats by noting
Zebstrika has a
good, single Energy
Retreat Cost, easy to
pay (or eliminate with
Unown Q).
has two attacks: Rear
Kick and Electrispark.
Rear Kick does a
vanilla (but solid) 30
points of damage for one
of any Energy.
Electrispark needs three
Lightning Energy for its
cost and can’t make use
of any off-type Energy,
so this makes that
Colorless requirement on
Rear Kick only matter if
you are desperate and
running a multi-Type
For the
significant investment,
you get 70 points of
damage to the Defending
Pokémon and 10 points to
each of your opponent’s
Benched Pokémon. Not
bad, but neither is it
good, either for this
format or for the next.
I would be remiss if I
didn’t at least touch
upon the related cards.
It Evolves from
Blitzle and neither
version is good enough
to be played as anything
but a stepping stone to
There is a
clearly better version
since Black & White
41/114 can attack for a
single Energy and gets
more damage for the
Energy invested.
Sadly the other
Zebstrika is on par
with what we are looking
at today.
It has the same
stats, and the big
attack is actually a
little worse, hitting
for 70 points of damage
but requiring (LLC) to
use and doing 10 points
of damage to
Zebstrika itself.
The first attack
actually is solid: Stomp
for (CC) and doing 20
points of damage plus
another 20 if you get
“heads” on a coin toss.
If the second
attack could make use of
Double Colorless Energy,
it’d be an okay Stage 1
filler line… but it
isn’t, and even if it
were that really isn’t
enough to justify
running the
Zebstrika being
reviewed today.
At least the card has a
place in Limited.
If you
desperately need to run
a Lightning-Type Pokémon
(and all the Water this
is Lightning Weak)
then this card can
function without any
actual source of
Lightning Energy in the
deck, though not
especially well.
Preferably you’d
get enough of either
version of
Blitzle and perhaps
the Uncommon
Zebstrika to run a
solid Evolution line in
an at least mostly
Lightning-Type deck.
Having a stable
Evolution line is potent
in Limited, and offsets
the lackluster stats and
attacks on the actual
cards, which also aren’t
quite as bad for Limited
Indeed, even
though Electrispark only
does a 10 point spread
of damage to the Bench,
here that will be enough
because inflicting Bench
damage is much more
Modified (MD-On):
Modified (HGSS-On):
feels like filler, but
at least it can be worth
it in Limited play.
Now does it
remind anyone else of
Voltic Bicorn from
Oh, and feel free to
check out my auctions on
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Zebstricka 43/114 (Black & White)
I must say, I love the design of Zebstricka. It looks
hyperactive even when it is standing still and the tail
is one of my favourite parts (I have taste for medieval
weapons like maces and warhammers). Not to mention
Zebstricka looks madder than a busload of sleep-deprived
schoolboys hopped up on energy drinks (don't ask where I
saw that but I can tell you it wasn't pretty, energy
drinks should be a banned substance for under 18s).
Sadly, neither of the cards printed for Zebstricka are
anywhere near awesome enough to do justice to this storm
on legs but let's review them anyway.
Today's version is the rare card and the stats are: a
Lightning type non-evolving Stage 1 with 90 HP, Fighting
weakness, a retreat cost of 1 and two attacks.
"Non-evolving Stage 1 with 90 HP" should have alarm
bells ringing, and the expected weakness to Donphan
Prime Fighting only makes it worse. But the true crime
is the retreat cost. Sure it's only one energy, but
doesn't a lightning fast zebra deserve free retreat?
The attacks are good but nothing special either. Rear
Kick is unimaginative but quite good as far as first
attacks go, costing a mere [c] to deal 30 damage (though
it wouldn't have mattered if the cost was [l], you
wouldn't want to run this card in an off-type deck).
Sadly Electrispark is nowhere near as good as it costs
[l][l][l] to deal 70 damage with 10 more damage to each
of your opponent's Poke'mon, which is overpriced.
To be honest I think that the game designers treat most
Lightning type cards like dirt because we have a few
incredibly dominant cards that have made the type a
force to be feared all on their own. Luxray Gl Lv X has
been a nightmare for Water types and Flying dual types
ever since it was introduced, and Zekrom looks set to
continue that proud tradition while Magnezone Prime
hovers between dominance and obscurity depending on the
local competition and what future releases bring to the
table. As such, there doesn't seem to be any need for
more powerful Lightning types and the designers act
accordingly by giving us mediocre-to-terrible cards with
the occasional half-way interesting tech (Pachirisu CL
is a case in point).
It isn't Zebstricka's fault that it is a terrible card,
but life doesn't shake out fair for evryone. Play it
next to Zekrom at draft events and then slap it in the
binder for later trades.
Modified: 2.5 (there is too much competition from good
Lightning types to even consider this card, but if you
compare it to most other cards from B&W and the HGSS
block the attacks are slightly above par and the stats
are average)
Limited: 3 (Gurdurr and Krookodile will give you trouble
but otherwise you shoukd do well with the spread damage
and cheap first attack, and you can run it with Zekrom
very easily)
Combos with: the binder