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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Galvantula #46
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
May 12, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.08
Limited: 3.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Galvantula #46/114 (Black and White)
Galvantula evolves from the smallest (and cutest)
Pokémon I the game – Joltik. Somehow it manages to
retain a little bit of that cuteness despite being a 2
ft tall spider that weighs over 30 lbs. Yeah, try
squishing that with a rolled up newspaper.
Being a Stage 1 with only 80 HP and Fighting Weakness
means that Galvantula does not seem especially playable
at first glance. It does have a couple of interesting
low cost attacks though. Electroweb only costs one
Lightning Energy, does 20 damage, and stops the
Defending Pokémon from retreating next turn. There is a
possibility of creating some kind of lock there if you
can get a non-attacking Pokémon active and maybe use
Vileplume to prevent your opponent from using Switch
(remember, I’m reviewing for HGSS-on, so no Warp Energy)
but it doesn’t seem very practical to me. Eventually you
will KO their Pokémon and they will just bring something
up to one-shot Galvantula. Then you have the problem of
finding a non-attacker to lock in the first place (Shuckle
Promo? Reuniclus?) and dragging it active (Pokémon
Reversal?). Really, Victreebel TM seems like a better
bet for this strategy. Galvantula also comes with a
cheap-but-fairly-useless healing attack. Leech Life only
cost two energy of any Colour, but then it only does 40
damage. Yes you do get to remove the amount of damage
that you did but since when was healing an 80 HP Pokémon
a viable strategy in Modified?
In Limited it’s a different story. Galvantula’s pathetic
damage output isn’t so pathetic, and the minor
irritation that its attacks cause in Modified can become
seriously annoying here. It’s a good prerelease card,
and there’s nothing wrong with having some of those in
the set. Just don’t expect it to make the leap to more
competitive play anytime soon.
Modified (HGSS-on): 1.5 (slightly annoying at best)
Limited: 3.25 (easy to use and quite disruptive)
virusyosh |
Happy Thursday, Pojo! Today we continue our COTD week
by reviewing a new Lightning-type: the EleSpider Pokemon,
Galvantula is a Stage 1 Lightning-type Pokemon.
Lightning-types are rather common nowadays, with the
omnipresence of Luxray GL Lv. X as well as Magnezone and
the now-popular Zekrom. Does Galvantula have what it
takes to compete with them? 80 HP isn't a great start,
as this average value for a Stage 1 means that more
often than not Galvantula will only be able to survive
two hits at most, but most common attacks will OHKO.
Fighting Weakness is to be expected on a Lightning-type,
so Donphan Prime and Machamp Prime will still hurt quite
a bit, as well as the still common Promo Toxicroak G.
Sadly, Galvantula has no Resistance, and a Retreat Cost
of 1 is thoroughly decent.
Galvantula's two attacks, Electroweb and Leech Life,
are both fairly interesting, although a bit
underpowered. Electroweb does 20 damage for a single
Lightning Energy, but the Defending Pokemon can't
retreat during the opponent's next turn. Attacks like
this are great in a metagame where retreating is very
common and happens almost every turn, but 20 damage
isn't a whole lot in terms of offense, and your
opponents will still have cards like Warp Point, Warp
Energy, Super Scoop Up, and Poke Turn at their disposal.
In Limited, this attack can be a great bother,
especially if your opponent can't do much to Galvantula
in return.
Leech Life deals 40 damage for two Colorless (or a
Double Colorless), healing yourself as much damage as
you dealt the Defending Pokemon. Not bad, but it doesn't
do quite enough damage to be effective in Modified. It's
surprisingly good (and splashable) in Limited, and the
healing will really add to Galvantula's survivability
(provided it doesn't get OHKO'd, of course).
Modified: 1.5/5 Electroweb has the potential to be
decent, but Chatot generally does a better job in MD-On.
Overall, low HP and underpowered attacks make Galvantula
relatively unusable here.
Limited: 3/5 Low HP is still a concern, but both
Electroweb and Leech Life are cheap for Limited, and
Leech Life only takes Colorless Energy, making it
splashable. Leech Life's healing can be quite nice here,
too. Unfortunately, there are still quite a number of
Pokemon that can take down Galvantula in one shot, so be
careful to look out for those as well.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Galvantula (Black &White)
Today we have what looks to be a spider-like Poke'mon,
or possibly a giant tick. Introducing Galvantula!
It's about time we got a properly dangerous spider in
Poke'mon. Ariados never impressed me and Drapion, while
both powerful and impressive, isn't so much a spider as
a scorpion. I think Galvantula is more like a nightmare
tick than a spider though, so there is still room for a
properly evil arachnid in the 6th generation of games
(don't tell me they won't make them either, we all know
Poke'mon will be around forever).
The vital statistics: Galvantula is a Lightning type
non-evolving Stage 1 with 80 HP, Fighting weakness, a
retreat cost of 1 and two attacks.
The weakness to Fighting hurts and the HP is not
nearly enough to give any kind of staying power (what I
said for Liligant applies here also). The retreat cost
is payable but there seems to be no reason for playing
this card based on the stats.
The first attack is Electroweb, which for the cost of
[l] deals 20 damage and prevents your opponent from
retreating manually. This is great against Lightning
weak Poke'mon as it lets you get in a good hit on the
next turn, but it sucks against anything with Lightning
resistance, especially as the vast majority of cards
with said resistance will be Fighting types that won't
care if they can't retreat as they will be too busy
obliterating poor Galvantula.
Leech Life is an old standard in the Poke'mon TCG
which is usually pretty terrible, but this version is
actually pretty good (in comparison anyway). For the low
cost of [c][c] you deal 40 damage and heal damage equal
to what you dealt to the Defending Poke'mon. So again,
this attack sucks against Lightning resistance and is
great when hitting weakness (a full heal every time you
do!) and when dealing normal damage it is decent for
keeping Galvantula alive, provided you aren't suffering
from OHKOs (which, with a maximum HP of 80, you almost
certainly are).
There isn't enough staying power or raw damage to
make Galvantula playable in Modified, but considering
that you get 2 of them in the Samurott theme deck you
can expect to see it played at League by the newbies.
Also, provided your opponent isn't using Krookodile,
Gurdurr or one of the dragons this thing rocks in
Limited as you will be close to impossible to knock out
with the (relatively) massive self healing from such a
cheap attack (no specific energy is always awesome!),
especially if you pulled a few Potion cards.
Modified: 3 (the newbies should have fun with this
shocking little bloodsucker and Lightning weakness is
pretty much a staple for Water types as well as almost
anything that flies, both of which are common enough in
the decks of newbies and veterans alike)
Limited: 4 (a fully built attacker will just go for
the OHKO, but if you get Galvantula out before your
opponent gets that far then you should pull ahead
nicely. And Lightning Poke'mon are great in this set if
you pulled Zekrom as well)
Combos with: funny vampire accents ("I vant to suck
your blood!") and the teaching process for all the
newbies you run across at League (gotta love 'em, don't
you? They are the future, after all!)
Garage |
5/12/11: Galvantula(Black & White)
I'm not really sure what to think of the Pokemon in
today's card. It's like an electric...spider? OK...
I'm not sure what to think of the card, either.
Electroweb is pretty interesting, and there's
occasionally a use for Pokemon who can keep people from
retreating. Then there's Leech Life, an attack that can
also be useful, especially when the Pokemon using it has
enough HP for the healing to matter. Galvantula has 80
HP. This will be a problem.
This card could have its uses, but the HP makes it less
useful-like. But who knows, it could be decent, if the
format would switch to something that needs a card like
this. I have no idea what would need to happen though.
(Maybe Pokemon Catcher?)
Modified: 2.25/5
Limited: 2.5/5

Otaku |
is a Stage 1 Lightning-Type Pokémon.
Being a Stage 1 means it takes
less deck space than a Stage 2 but won’t
be as fast as a Basic.
In both this format and the next,
Lightning-Type Pokémon have some solid
support, and indeed there are already
some promising builds for Lightning-Type
decks for HGSS-On.
What isn’t promising is the
miniscule 80 HP.
While it is still possible for an
80 HP Stage 1 Pokémon to be good, it
usually requires Bench-sitting and/or a
good Ability.
Fighting Weakness sadly still
matters because opening attacks and
transitory Stages (Basic and Stage 1
Pokémon played only to Evolve) might
still get a OHKO.
Otherwise a deck’s main attacker
should do it no problem, regardless of
No Resistance just adds insult to
injury, and while a single Energy
Retreat Cost is low and easy to pay, it
too feels like overkill against a card
that already has so little going for it.
Its first attack is Electroweb, doing 20
points of damage for a single (L)
As a bonus, the Defending Pokémon
can’t Retreat during your opponent’s
next turn.
Not bad, but not good, especially
given the rest of the card we’ve already
Automatic Paralysis would be
asking for too much, but a bit higher
damage and a chance at it?
Would have been much more useful
for this card, and what makes it worse
is the second attack, on its own, is
pretty good!
Leech Life for (CC) means that if
you ignore the underwhelming first
attack and use a
Double Colorless Energy to jump
right to Leech Life.
You do a solid base damage of 40,
and then heal the same amount of damage
Galvantula as the attack did to the
Defending Pokémon.
You can see the designers wanted
to make something of a combo, but the
problem is said combo needed to do more,
or be on a less fragile Pokémon.
You can use a different card to
force something Active and then hope to
hold it long enough to get off Leech
Life, but that is two turns for a
combined base damage of 60 points and
healing 40 off yourself.
Without support, you can’t even
do that, having to hope to “catch”
something Active.
The first attack could have been
an Ability and the card would be better
but still too week. You need more HP or
a defensive Ability behind a
self-healing attack like this.
Consider using it in Limited, but
definitely use it there.
Here the HP isn’t quite as bad,
the attacks are better, and there’s a
decent chance your opponent will be
using Lightning Weak Pokémon.
You don’t need any Lightning
Energy, so it is easy to splash into any
The only problem is that it
Evolves from the tiny (30 or 40 HP
versions in this set)
Joltik, who’s attacks aren’t that
great, either.
Modified (MD-On):
Modified (HGSS-On):
Another card that is going to mostly see
play in Limited tournaments, it sadly
tries to be a supporting Lightning-Type
Pokémon when we already have several,
many of which do a better job.
Yes, I am going to link to my eBay
here: I still need money and have
stuff to sell!
Please give them a look, and
remember that Pojo is not responsible
for any transactions.