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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Scrafty #69
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
May 13, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.25
Limited: 3.40
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Scrafty #69/114 (Black and White)
Scrafty is one of the weirder looking Gen V Pokémon. I
had no idea what it was meant to be, so I looked it up
on Bulbapedia. Apparently, it’s a lizard that is meant
to ‘encapsulate stereotypes of various urban youth
subcultures’. Ok, I’m glad that’s cleared up.
Like all of this week’s Pokémon, Scrafty is a Stage 1
with unimpressive HP (90 in this case . . . cards like
Donphan Prime and Gyarados SF have spoiled us). Being a
Dark Type is good though: you get Psychic Resistance
(though I’m not sure how much Psychic will be played for
now), and the attack-boosting effect of Special Dark
Energy. On the downside Fighting Weakness seems bad. The
Retreat cost of one is decent.
And so is Scrafty’s first attack. Spit Acid does 20
damage for a single dark Energy, and inflicts
Burn and gives you a coin flip for Paralysis (the
best status condition of all). That can be seriously
irritating to an opponent. If the flips all go your way,
and you have Special Dark attached you could be doing 50
damage a turn to a Pokémon that can’t hit back. Of
course it’s nothing that will devastate a decent
player’s strategy, but for one Energy? I’d say you’re
getting a good deal. High Jump Kick on the other hand
seems expensive for what it is. [D][D][C] for a vanilla
70 damage isn’t worth it unless you are hitting for
Weakness (against Gengar Prime, maybe?), and there are
definitely better choices to tech against Dark-Weak
Pokémon (Absol Prime, Liepard BW), assuming that it will
even be necessary.
Scrafty is one of those frustrating Pokémon that seems
to do some good or useful things, but in the end, none
of it is actually enough to make it a good choice for
competitive play. That, and the Fighting Weakness, makes
Scrafty more of a binder card than a tournament winner.
Modified (HGSS-on): 2 (it’s just ok, and it needs to be
more than that)
Limited: 3.5 (status conditions work well here, and Hi
Jump Kick isn’t the worst attack for a low-damage
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, Pojo viewers! Today we end our COTD
week by reviewing a new Stage 1 Pokemon from Black and
White that has become somewhat of a fan favorite, at
least in my area. Today's Card of the Day is Scrafty.
Scrafty is a Stage 1 Darkness Pokemon. Dark-types aren't
so common in today's metagame aside from the dedicated
starters Sableye and Spiritomb, but with the number of
good Darkness Pokemon in Black and White, I think the
type will begin to see some more play. Darkness-types
are also good because they get hte 90 HP is decent
for a Stage 1, although this means that Scrafty won't be
able to stand up to big hits from the likes of Reshiram,
Zekrom, Magnezone, and Donphan due to its Fighting
Weakness, which is unfortunate though expected for a
Dark-type. Psychic Resistance is great in the face of
the pixies (in MD-on) and possibly Reuniclus and the
unreleased Gothitelle (in HGSS-on). Finally, a Retreat
Cost of 1 is decent and easily payable.
Scrafty has two attacks: Spit Acid and Hi Jump Kick.
Spit Acid deals 20 damage and automatically Burns for a
single Darkness Energy, with the chance of Paralysis on
a coin flip. Although not so impressive on first glance,
this attack may actually be fairly decent, in that it
gives you the ability to lock up your opponent while
they are Paralyzed as they take passive damage from
being Burned, which can be great. However, it is
important that in both MD-on and moreso in HGSS-on, the
big threats that your opponent plays will most likely be
able to OHKO Scrafty if they can get through, which
ultimately limits this attack's usefulness.
Hi Jump Kick does a vanilla 70 damage for two Darkness
and a Colorless Energy, which can be useful, although
the damage output is unspectacular. Special Darkness
Energy can help with this, though. I think the design
idea behind this card is to Spit Acid the first turn and
then Hi Jump Kick the second, but even still, in a
format where there are so many huge dragons, I'm not
sure that this strategy will work.
Modified: 2/5 Spit Acid is rather interesting, and Hi
Jump Kick can be useful. However, in a format with all
kinds of big hitters, Scrafty is often relying on a coin
flip to paralyze in order get a KO, which is perhaps not
the best for Modified.
Limited: 3.5/5 Spit Acid is great here, and Hi Jump Kick
is definitely usable. If you can find the room for
Darkness Energy in your deck, Scrafty is definitely
worth running.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Scrafty (Black & White
A Dark/Fighting dual type may well be a great idea in
the video games, but I can't help thinking that Poke'mon
whose skin doesn't even fit properly just isn't very
threatening. Sadly this card seems to be agreeing with
Srafty is a Dark type non-evolving Stage 1 with 90 HP,
Fighting weakness, Psychic resistance, a retreat cost fo
1 and two attacks.
The words "non-evolving Stage 1" have sounded the
death-knell for 3 cards already this week, and that is
probably going to jump to 4 cards now. Donphan Prime
isn't going anywhere with Zekrom entering the game, and
will be more popular than ever since all of the other
single energy butchers are leaving the format by
September, so Fighting weakness remains a serious
problem. Psychic resistance is no longer as good as it
was because Gengar SF, Nidoqueen RR and the Pixie trio
are all leaving the format but it is still far better
than nothing. Finally, the retreat cost is cheap which
is helpful because no-one wants to discard Special Dark
Energy if they can help it.
The attacks are a mixture of annoying and mediocre so
forget about running this card competitively but in
Limited Scrafty can be decent.
Spit Acid is the first attack and for [d], you deal 20
damage with auto-Burn and a flip for Paralysis. Quite
simply this is a brilliant attack in Limited, as you get
straight damage, possible bonus damage-over-time and a
chance at completely locking your opponent for a turn,
all for a single energy. In fact, if you get lucky with
the flips this card could be a match for Reshiram and
Zekrom in Limited. The only problem (aside from the
flips) is that Full Heal, Switch and Super Scoop Up all
appear in this set to ruin your day.
High Jump Kick is vanilla by comparison, dealing 70
damage for [d][d][c]. While this has none of the bonus
effects of Spit Acid, it is fairly priced and deals
enough damage for a 2HKO against almost anything you
will face (and Spit Acid or Pluspower will help take out
the 150 HP beasts) so it combos nicely with Spit Acid to
provided a well balanced attacker in Limited.
If you happen to pull Zoroark and have plenty of basic
Dark energy then I would recommend running Scrafty but
the poor mite will never survive in a tournament
Modified: 3 (even here Spit Acid can prove annoying, so
I've given the average score. Donphan will wipe it out,
but beginning players hsould be able to use Scrafty to
good effect while they build up their collection)
Limited: 4 (Spit Acid is pure gold here, and used
alongside Zoroark you have a viable deck with a powerful
mixture of speed, disruption and attack power. Add
Zekrom, [l] energy and serve cold with a side of
Combos with: a Dark type theme deck, if one gets
released with one of the new Black & White sets (I hope
so, I need some basic [d] energy).
Garage |
5/13/11: Scrafty(Black & White)
Gotta say, the design for this Pokemon looks OK. Not
a fan of the name, though.
It's like this card should be like a Poison-type or
something. Spit Acid can paralyze, which is a forever
underrated status effect, but you'd ideally want more
damage from a Stage 1 with relatively low HP. High Jump
Kick does more damage, at least, and also has a higher
energy requirement. The energy requirement is
unsurprisingly more important than the damage boost, as
the damage is still not worth the energy required.
I don't have much to say about this card. I don't
like it, and thankfully it's bad, so I won't have to see
Modified: 1.5/5
Limited: 2.75/5

Otaku |
We close the week with
Scrafty, the “Hoodlum” Pokémon.
You know, looking at it for some
reason reminds me of Jesse from the
Angry red head vibe… but enough
color commentary.
is a Stage 1 Darkness-Type Pokémon.
Now that
Rare Candy works like the old
Pokémon Breeder Trainer, being a
Stage 1 lines up a lot nicer with Stage
2 Pokémon, presumably sacrificing some
power for speed and a lower card count.
Being a Darkness-Type is usually
good: even if it isn’t a strong type in
the format, at least it can get a damage
bonus from the Special Energy version of
Darkness Energy.
The 90 HP is a bit low for a
Stage 1: I don’t like seeing anything
less than 100 but if the rest of the
card is good, 90 HP won’t keep it from
seeing play.
Fighting Weakness, on the other
hand, might be enough to warrant
avoiding it: the Fighting decks I’ve
seen (mostly
Donphan Prime and/or
Machamp Prime) easily OHKO this, and
more importantly, their lower Stages
come awfully close as well.
We do get to enjoy Psychic
Resistance, which is nice though often
bypassed given Psychic Pokémon often
attack indirectly (Special Conditions,
damage counter placement, other
alternate effects).
A single Energy Retreat Cost is
easy enough to pay, though since this is
on the smaller side I and looks like a
runner, I think a free Retreat Cost
wouldn’t be asking too much.
Then again, I don’t know this
thing’s video game stats and even then,
cards don’t always match up.
has two attacks.
The first is Spit Acid, and I
like it.
For (D) you get to do 20 points
of damage and Burn the Defending
Then flip a coin and if it is heads
you also score Paralysis!
Special Conditions, at least
through attacks, aren’t going to carry a
deck, but it is a nice early game move.
The second attack, High Jump
Kick, suffers.
It almost worked.
It needs (DDC) and does 70 points
of damage.
Since damage is being forced back
down, that makes it underpowered
compared to the oldest cards left in the
format, and even with the newer it is
one turn too slow.
If the Energy cost was (DCC) it’d
have worked beautifully.
It is still functional, as you
could Spit Acid twice before going into
a High Jump Kick, or open with
Scraggy, hit for a vanilla 10
damage, attach a second Energy and
Evolve and Spit Acid, and finally High
Jump Kick turn three.
Darkness Energy damage bonuses and
decent luck with the coin flips, you
might score two
pretty fast.
Scraggy is a vanilla Basic: 60 HP,
Darkness-Type, Fighting Weakness,
Psychic Resistance, single Energy
Retreat, and an attack that does 10
points of damage for (C).
If it had a decent set-up attack,
it would have flowed fairly well into
its Evolution.
I don’t think this will see much any
serious play in the twilight of MD-On
When we switch to HGSS-On, it
might see some minor play supporting
other Darkness-Type Pokémon, but the
problem is we already have options for
that niche.
At least this looks like another
solid Limited pull.
Energy might get a bit tight,
since it always needs at least one
Darkness Energy and preferably two.
I say just one because Spit Acid
is the attack that cleans up in this
format: Special Conditions are quite
good in Limited play, where there often
aren’t a lot of ways to affordably get
rid of them.
You’re still going to need a deck
that is probably running a third of its
Energy as
Darkness Energy, but between the
amount of Darkness-Type Pokémon in this
set and other Pokémon that can still use
Darkness Energy, you should still be
able to fit
Scrafty in quite often.
Modified (MD-On):
Modified (HGSS-On):
Another card that is going to mostly see
play in Limited tournaments, it sadly
tries to be a supporting Darkness-Type
Pokémon when we already have several,
many of which do a better job.
Yes, I am going to link to my eBay
here: I still need money and have
stuff to sell!
Please give them a look, and
remember that Pojo is not responsible
for any transactions.