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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Maractus #11
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
May 16, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.50
Limited: 2.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#11/114 (Black and White)
Hello and welcome to another week of
reviews here on
Pojo’s Cotd.
We still have plenty of Black and White
cards to do, so let’s get on with it.
We kick off with the first of two
cards from the most recent set. It’s a
non-evolving Basic with a decent 80 HP,
a Water Resistance that might possibly
be useful if Zekrom
doesn’t scare every Water Pokémon from
the format, and a Fire Weakness. I’m
tired of saying this already, but Fire
Weakness is unlikely to make any
difference to a card like
with the playable Fire Pokémon capable
of a OHKO
first attack, Mega Drain, isn’t really
all that mega. I suppose calling it
‘Cheap but Ineffective Drain’ wasn’t an
option. It represents good value for
what it is (one Grass Energy for 20
damage and 20 Healing), but in Modified
that won’t take you any Prizes or save
your Pokémon from a KO very often.
Still, at least it’s better than Pin
Missile: a massively over-priced attack
that gives you four coin flips for 20
damage at a cost of [G][G][C].
Three turns of attachments on an 80 HP
basic just isn’t going to happen, and
even if you did pull it off you would
need to hit all four heads to get even a
mediocre return on your Energy
Not for Modified, then. In Limited it’s
half-decent thanks to Mega Drain’s
ability to stall for a bit unless you
run into a Fire Pokémon.
Modified (HGSS-on): 1.5 (useless
unevolving Basic)
Limited: 2 (reasonably annoying if your
opponent has no Fire Pokémon)
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! This week we are
continuing our Black and White reviews by first
reviewing a new Basic Grass-type. Today's Card of the
Day is Maractus.
Maractus is a Basic Grass Pokemon. Grass-types aren't
very common in MD-on with the exception of the random
Roserade GL tech or Jumpluff, but Jumpluff and Serperior
are both going to rise in popularity. 80 HP is decent
for a Basic, although it is overshadowed by gargantuan
Basics such as Reshiram, Zekrom, or even Alomomola. Fire
Weakness is bad in a format populated with Reshiram and
Emboar (and perhaps Charizard, Typhlosion, and Blaziken
FB), Water Weakness is great against Gyarados, Kingdra,
and the random Samurott, and a Retreat Cost of 2 is
rather bad for a Pokemon with such low HP, so be sure to
use Switch, Warp Point, or Warp Energy to get Maractus
out of the active position.
Maractus's two attacks, Mega Drain and Pin Missile, are
relatively standard fare for what we'd expect on a
Grass-type. Mega Drain deals 20 damage for a single
Grass Energy, with Maractus healing itself by 20. In
Modified this attack won't do enough (damage or healing)
to be effective, but this can be excellent in Limited,
since it gives Maractus a nice early-game ability to
tank for a cheap cost. Pin Missile is a pretty standard
flip attack, having you flip 4 coins, dealing 20 damage
times the number of heads for [GGC]. Since you will
generally average 40 damage using this attack, it is
both expensive and flippy for both Modified and Limited.
Modified: 1/5 Maractus doesn't do anything special
enough to be used here, even in the new HGSS-on. Fire
Weakness and low HP especially don't help its case.
Limited: 2.5/5 The Cactus Pokemon is pretty good here.
80 HP is good for a Basic in Limited, and will allow you
to probably survive a few hits. Mega Drain can also work
wonders in the early game, allowing Maractus to sponge
weak hits fairly well while also dealing consistent
damage. Pin Missile isn't such a great idea, but if
you're feeling lucky or have no other options, it can be
Garage |
5/16/11: Maractus(Black & White)
This Maractus is the first of two Maracti released in
this set, which if you didn't know, is Black & White,
and is also the first set of the 5th generation of
Pokemon. Yeah.
This Maractus, seeing how other healing Pokemon with
below-average HP, like Galvantula and Lilligant, were
doing, decided that he wanted to get in on the business.
And like the examples mentioned above, he has no place
in a competitive environment, because he cannot stay
active long enough to employ a tanking strategy. And Pin
Missile is equally ineffective; at three energy on an 80
HP Basic, you'd hope to get a bit more than coin flips
for damage.
The good thing is, he's pretty decent in Limited, and he
seems like a jolly little guy, so I'll give him that.
Modified: 2/5
Limited: 3/5

Otaku |
It is a maraca-cactus-bunny? If Jesse
and/or James are still in the show,
please let them snag this!
has some solid stats.
It is a Basic Pokémon, so minimal
deck slots and maximum search potential.
It doesn’t Evolve, so it is going
to need a little extra when compared to
Basic Pokémon that do.
Grass has some great tricks, but
will be losing some of them come the
80 HP is reasonable for a Basic
that doesn’t Evolve, just within OHKO
range for most big attacks or its
Weakness, but not for a lot of
supporting attacks that aren’t said
Fire Weakness is expected on a
Grass Pokémon and it will make this an
easy target for several anticipated
decks this format and a few “early
adopters” of the new Fire Pokémon from
this set, enjoying some combos that will
lose pieces in the rotation.
We do get to enjoy Water
Resistance, though, which is some
compensation and should occasionally
come in handy.
Even if it didn’t, it is just
nice to see some Resistance!
The two Energy needed to Retreat
seems a bit high to me, just because 80
HP isn’t all that big (especially
compared to the HP scores of several
other cards in this set): you don’t want
to have to pay it but if you’re
desperate you probably will be able.
The first attack is Mega Drain, which
for a single (G) Energy requirement does
20 points of damage while healing 20
points of damage from
This isn’t going to buy you a lot
of time, but at least it should score
some early damage while forcing your
opponent to KO something that is at
least mostly healthy and intact.
The second attack is Pin Missile,
and it is horribly overpriced for the
damage it gives: (GGC) was reliably
worth a good 40 points of damage back in
the late days of WotC and early days of
With a flip based attack like
this, you can consider yourself to be
“wagering” 10 points of damage on each
coin toss.
Each heads is worth 20 points,
which is your original 10 point wager
and 10 points in “winnings”.
While cards are doing less damage
in Black & White than the
craziness we saw (and want to be done
with) of the sets we’ll be losing in the
rotation, this is overkill.
Even using those old guidelines
it would fall flat since this Basic
can’t Evolve and thus either one of its
attacks needs to be brilliant or both
need to be a little above average.
Without turning this into a
Create-A-Card Entry, it just needs to do
more, or better yet cost less.
This card can’t use
Double Colorless Energy, and that
just hurts in the modern format since it
provides a hard to sabotage method for
speeding up the card.
You might see this in a few Grass decks
as an opening Basic Pokémon, but just
for the first attack and solid stats.
In Limited play I can definitely
see running this, though again just for
the solid stats and first attack, though
the second becomes adequate here.
Still, you’ll need to run at
least a little
Grass Energy to meet requirements
and you might not be able to spare the
space for it.
Modified (MD-On): 1.75/5 – This
format has a lot of decks that will
shred it, but also a lot of great Grass
support I can’t ignore.
I believe it would fall into the
“functional but inferior” category,
because included in that Grass support
are a lot of great Grass Basic Pokémon.
Modified (HGSS-On):
2/5 – Rotation removes some of the best
support it had and sees a rise in Fire
decks, but also removes a sizable
portion of the competition. Still
“functional but inferior”, though the
gap is smaller.
Limited: 3/5 – A good solid card
to include so long as you have something
more to justify the inclusion of Grass
Energy, or at least the room to
Grass Energy just for it.
I like what they were trying for with
this card, and I believe it almost
succeeds at being a solid, opening Basic
to harass the opponent while healing its
own damage.
The problem is that it needs a
good, large attack it can power-up
quickly with little effort, and instead
it got Pin Missile.
Tomorrow we’ll be looking at the
Maractus, and I have to say it is
better than today’s, but we’ll see if it
is by a large or small margin then!
My eBay auctions: give it a click
and a glance and see if there is
anything you’d like.
Just remember Pojo is merely
letting me link in my articles and is in
no way responsible for any transactions.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
ey Bill, here are the reviews for all of last week,
Monady and Tuesday. Good luck with the move and enjoy
the long weekend!
Maractus 11/114 (Black & White)
Today we have one of the weirder Poke'mon which appeared
in the 5th generation games. It's a cactus with maraccas,
cleverly named Maractus.
There have been 2 cards for Maractus printed in this
set, and today's card is the uncommon version, which is
great because this would be a really bad pull if it was
a rare.
Maractus is a Grass type non-evolving Basic with 80 HP,
Fire weakness, Water resistance, a retreat cost of 2 and
two attacks.
The HP is a bit below what you would hope for, but with
the resistance you can probably take a few early hits
before going down. The retreat cost is more than I would
be willing to pay, so prepare for Maractus to go down
fighting. Finally, cactus burns, so avoid Fire types if
you can help it.
The first attack is Mega Drain, which does more or less
the same thing it does in the video game. For a single
[g] energy you deal 20 damage and heal 20 damage from
yourself, which is great for soaking up those early weak
hits. But Maractus isn't going to last against an
evolved Poke'mon, so the second attack needs to be
Sadly, Pin Missile is barely even mediocre. For the cost
of [g][g][c], you flip 4 coins and deal 20 damage per
heads. An average of 40 damage just isn't enough, and
even when you succesfully take that 1 in 16 shot 80
damage isn't enough to get one hit knock outs on
anything except starters, evolving Basics and weak Stage
1 Poke'mon.
If Pin Missile had been replaced with a 2 energy setup
attack (maybe searching out multiple evolutions, or
evolving 2 benched Basics) then Maractus would be worth
a look, but the way it has been printed leaves it no
place but in the binder.
Modified: 2 (early game tanking is good, but only if you
can add more energy for a powerful attack instead of
this coin flipping rubbish)
Limited: 3 (tanking is even better here but there are
plenty of Fire Poke'mon to ruin your day, especially
Combos with: the binder. Or if you already have a couple
in there, use them for building card castles. |