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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Maractus #12
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
May 17, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.00
Limited: 2.90
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#12/114 (Black and White)
Another day, another Maractus.
Why do we have two versions of this Pokémon in one set,
I hear you ask? Well, it’s because (as usual) out Black
and White set is basically a mash-up of most of the
Japanese Black and White Collections and some cards from
their structure decks. We don’t really get structure
deck exclusive cards, so this is how it has to be.
This Maractus is definitely
the better of the two. Stats-wise it is very
similar, though it does have
an extra 10 HP. 90 HP on a Basic is pretty decent until
you run into Weakness, so at least it has that going for
Like Maractus #11, this one
also has a multiple coin flip attack that will end up
doing 0-60 damage depending on how lucky you are. That’s
a bit less than the other Maractus
does, but at least the cost is more acceptable at a
single Grass Energy. At least with this card you have
the option to do some damage on turn 1. It even has a
remote possibility of getting a
donk win with three heads against an evolving
Basic. I don’t really recommend building a strategy
around that though.
The second attack, Giga Drain, comes at the huge cost of
[G][G][G]. For that you get
a very poor value 50 damage,
but you will also heal Maractus
by the same amount. In Modified, this is not going to
work: that’s three Energy drops for a tanking/healing
strategy on a 90 HP Pokémon which is going to be
OHKO’d by several very
popular Pokémon (Reshiram,
Cinccino). OHKO’s
have an unfortunate tendency to make healing abilities
completely redundant.
In Limited though, this card shines thanks to its
ability to stall out most attackers while swinging for
50. If you can avoid running into Fire Pokémon, this
card will be seriously annoying for any opponent. Even
Constant Rattle is good here, as it has the potential to
do some serious damage early in the game.
Modified (HGSS-on): 1.75 (can’t stand up to the big
Limited: 3 (good starter with the ability to tank
Garage |
5/17/11: Maractus(Black & White)
And today's card is the second of the 2 Maracti. Maracti
would be the plural form of Maractus, right?
This Maractus, like yesterday's card, also has a healing
attack. Unlike yesterday's Maractus, this has a little
bit more HP, which always helps. On the other hand, it
takes 3 Grass energy to use, so you probably won't.
Constant Rattle, on the other hand, is a bit more
interesting. It's another 'flip coins for damage'
attack, sure, but the damage escalates more the more
heads you flip, which is always cool, in my opinion.
Note that cool does not mean good in this case.
It's not a great or even good card, by any means, but
again, it is a cool design, so I'll once again give
props for that.
Modified: 2.25/5
Limited: 2.5/5

Otaku |
Is the maraca-cactus-bunny still
Yes, yes it is!
Maractus just barely has better
stats than what we saw with yesterday’s
It is still a Basic Pokémon that
can’t Evolve, meaning it is easy to run
but will need to be good to compete with
Pokémon that can Evolve.
The rotation hasn’t happened yet,
so it still has some wonderful Type
support it can access, and a little of
it will carry over into the next format.
The “barely better part” comes in
with 90 HP, as opposed to the 80 HP of
Fire Weakness is still so-so in
the current format and probably bad in
the next, while Water Resistance is
still good to have.
Just like yesterday, a Retreat
Cost of two Energy is still high enough
you aren’t going to want to pay it but
low enough you’ll often be able to.
The first attack is great if you like
coin flips.
For meeting a (G) Energy
requirement, you get to toss three
Sadly if all three are “tails”,
the attack does nothing.
If a single coin comes up heads,
the attack does 10 points of damage.
So far, both are poor returns for
what was invested.
Two heads and you do 30 points of
damage, which isn’t bad at all.
On the unlikely (but still within
reason) chance all three coins come up
as “heads”, you do a great 60 points of
This attack is most useful as a
“scare” tactic, making your opponent
leery of committing too much to an
early, opening Pokémon of their own lest
you get lucky on those coin tosses.
Still, I wouldn’t mind if the
damage was better staggered so that
getting less than two heads wasn’t so
The second attack is very expensive at
(GGG), but actually pretty good in and
of itself; 50 points of damage and
Maractus heals as much damage from
itself as it did to the Defending
Unfortunately it seems steep to
power-up, and while
Maractus has good HP for a Basic, it
isn’t enough to fully realize the
benefits of this attack.
Like yesterday, this card can’t
make good use of
Double Colorless Energy, except to
pay for retreating, which means that
like yesterday it will often lag behind
more often played cards that can and do
make use of
Double Colorless Energy.
Combos I can think of to speed up
Energy attachments probably won’t work
to well, or rather work a lot better on
other cards.
You might see this in a few Grass decks
as an opening Basic Pokémon, and I’d
pick it over the other
Maractus, but I am not sure if
either is worth including as openers or
anything else.
In Limited play this is a little
harder to run in your deck since it
needs three
Grass Energy for its big attack, but
its big attack also is much more potent
here, where healing 50 points of damage
will be amazing and OHKOs are difficult.
Modified (MD-On): 2/5 – This
format has a lot of decks that will
shred it, but also a lot of great Grass
support I can’t ignore.
I believe it would fall into the
“functional but inferior” category,
because included in that Grass support
are a lot of great Grass Basic Pokémon.
Modified (HGSS-On):
2.25/5 – Rotation removes some of the
best support it had and sees a rise in
Fire decks, but also removes a sizable
portion of the competition. Still
“functional but inferior”, though the
gap is smaller.
Limited: 3.25/5 – A good solid
card to include so long as you have
something more to justify the inclusion
of Grass
Energy, or at least the room to
Grass Energy just for it.
Just like yesterday, we get a potential
Grass opener that can dish out decent
damage, and this one does it while
The problem is that it takes a
while to power-up that attack and in the
mean time you’ll be trying your luck
with coin tosses.
I think it is a little better
than yesterday’s version, but I can’t
see running either of them as being
better than most other candidates, even
in mono-Grass decks.
My eBay auctions: give it a click
and a glance and see if there is
anything you’d like.
Just remember Pojo is merely
letting me link in my articles and is in
no way responsible for any transactions.
virusyosh |
Hello again, Pojo viewers! Today we are reviewing
another Grass Basic Pokemon from Black and White, and in
fact, this one is a different version of the same
Pokemon we reviewed yesterday. Today's Card of the Day
is Maractus.
Maractus is a Basic Grass Pokemon. Like yesterday, Grass
Pokemon are relatively uncommon aside from Jumpluff and
the random Roserade GL. 90 HP is good for a Basic, but
is still rather overshadowed by the dragons. Fire
Weakness and Grass Resistance are to be expected for a
Grass-type, and a Retreat Cost of 2 is a bit expensive,
so you'll want to use something like Switch or Warp
Maractus's two attacks are somewhat similar to the other
Maractus we reviewed yesterday. Constant Rattle allows
you to flip three coins, dealing 10 damage with one
heads, 30 damage with two, and 60 with three for the
cost of [G]. In Modified this attack doesn't really have
much promise, but in Limited this attack is decent for a
flip attack, especially for the cost. Giga Drain deals
50 damage for the rather expensive [GGG], and you heal
Maractus the amount of damage you did to the Defending
Pokemon. The massive healing is very nice, but the
triple Grass cost makes this attack very unappealing for
Modified, although if you can power it up in Limited, it
can be very nice (bar opposing Fire-types, especially
Modified: 1/5 Like the other Maractus yesterday, this
Maractus's attacks don't do enough in order to make much
of a splash here.
Limited: 2.5/5 Decent-sized Basic with pretty decent
damage output, although the Energy requirements pretty
much require you to run Grass as a primary type.
Therefore, if you happen to be running Grass, Maractus
can be a decent addition. However, Fire is an incredibly
common and powerful type in Black and White, so look out
for that, too.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Maractus 12/114 (Black & White)
Hello boys and girls, today we have the second Maractus
card up for review. This one is the rare version, so
pray it doesn't appear in your prerelease booster.
Maractus is a Grass type non-evolving Basic with 90 HP,
Fire weakness, Water resistance, a retreat cost of 2 and
two attacks.
Except for the bonus 10 HP which puts Maractus into the
borderline playable category, the stats are the same as
for yesterday's version. Reshiram is your doom,
Feraligatr Prime is a pansy, yada yada yada.
The attacks, on the other hand, seem to be an inverted
version of the other Maractus. For [g] you use Constant
Rattle, which requires 3 coin flips. 1 heads is 10
damage, 2 heads is 30 damage and 3 heads mean a whopping
60 damage. While the maximum damage is definitely
impressive for a single energy, you are unlikely to hit
that hard very often and will usually have to put up
with 10-30 damage with the occasional triple-Tails
completely ruining your day.
Giga Drain costs [g][g][g], which you immediately know
is absolutely terrible because having to attach 3
specific energy to a Basic without some sort of
acceleration is a nightmare. The fact that you only deal
50 damage makes it far worse, and the
healing-damage-equal-to-the-damage-dealt effect is
nearly useless because 90 HP just isn't enough for a
tank, even with resistance.
The Maractus is worse than yesterday's card despite the
better stats, simply because the priorities are wrong
(the annoying attack needs to be cheap wile the damaging
attack needs to be stronger). Again, changing the second
attack to a 2 energy setup attack would have made this
card at playable, at least in a Grass deck, but in its
current condition Maractus is doomed to rot in a binder
Modified: 1.5 (you can have fun with Constant Rattle as
a psychological weapon, but I prefer using that method
with Donphan Prime)
Limited: 2.5 (if you have a large Grass selection in
your cards then go for it, but otherwise steer clear
because the trouble getting the energy in an off-type
deck will not be worth it)