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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Emboar #20/114
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
May 2, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.00
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#20 (Black and White)
Hello and welcome to a new week of
Pojo’s CotD. Last
week was a momentous one in the Pokémon TCG – we found
out that the next rotation will be
HeartGold SoulSilver-on.
That’s right, no more SP, no more
Gengar, no more Gyarados
. . . what are we going to do without them??!! Hopefully
have a balanced format that promotes skilful play and
deckbuilding and isn’t
plagued by turn 1 wins, that’s what. Even more of a
shock was the news that the rotation may take place
early on July 1st (i.e.: before US
Nats and Worlds), saving the two biggest
tournaments of the year from a
Sableye donk fest. In
my opinion, it’s fantastic news for players. I’m really
looking forward to the new format, and I congratulate
Play! Pokémon for taking this brave
decision. Because of this announcement, from now
on my reviews are going to focus on a HGSS-on
environment. I no longer see the point in telling you
that card X is unplayable because it’s weak to
Luxray when
Luxray will disappear from
the format after Spring Battle Roads. My Modified
ratings will assume HGSS-on too.
Now that preamble is out of the way, let’s kick off the
week with Emboar #20. This
card has probably won the race to become the most hyped
card of the new Black and White set. Why is that? Well
the 150 HP is great, but that’s not the reason, and
neither is the mediocre attack that does vanilla 80
damage for four Energy. The
Water Weakness is what you would expect, and the Retreat
cost is a downright disgusting four Energy so . . . what
IS all the fuss about?
Simply put, the fuss is all about
Emboar’s brilliantly-named Inferno Fandango
Ability. This allows you to attack a Fire Energy from
your hand to one of your Pokémon as often as you like
during your turn. It’s like
Feraligatr Prime’s Rain Dance only for Fire
Energy . . . but it’s better than that as Inferno
Fandango can attach to ANY Pokémon regardless of type.
This makes Emboar usable
with any Pokémon that can use Fire Energy, or doesn’t
care what Type the Energy is (see
Magnezone Prime and its Lost Burn attack), but
it’s especially good with Fire Pokémon as they often
have attacks which do big damage while discarding Energy
(see Reshiram,
Emboar #19 for details).
Is there ANY downside to this Pokémon? I mean, even if
dragged out active it can at least put up a fight and
won’t go down easily with that massive HP. Water may
even decline in play at the start of the next format,
partly thanks to the presence of
Zekrom, and partly because we don’t have any
really killer Water Pokémon yet in HGSS-on. The obvious
problem is that it needs a constant supply of Fire
Energy to function, and this means
Emboar decks will have a relatively high Energy
count and will probably need to include Energy recovery
and search cards like Interviewer’s Questions,
Fisherman, and Energy Retrieval. All of this could
impact on deck consistency. A more serious issue is the
conflict with Ninetales
HGSS. Ninetales gives Fire
decks the best draw engine in HGSS-on, but it does
require constant discarding of Fire Energy: something
that clashes with Emboar’s
need for it to stay in the hand.
However, I have no doubt that these problems can be
solved with careful deckbuilding
and testing, which means that
Emboar is a very likely candidate to be included
in some of the very best decks in the new format. If I
were you, I would grab a playset
of these while prices stay reasonable.
Modified (HGSS-on): 4.25 (with this and
Ninetales, Fire is now the
best supported type in the TCG)
Limited: 3.5 (Stage 2 = meh
in limited, but if you DO get it out . .
. )
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! I hope that all of you
had good weekends, and I also hope that you did well at
any Black and White releases that you may have attended.
Today's Card of the Day is a card from the new expansion
that has a fair bit of hype around it, and for a very
good reason. Today's Card of the Day is Emboar #20 from
Black and White.
Emboar is a Stage 2 Fire Pokemon. Fire Pokemon aren't
terribly common in the MD-on Modified format, with the
occasional Charizard or Blaziken FB, but will become
very common in the upcoming HGSS-on format, mostly due
to this card. 150 HP is amazing for a Stage 2, meaning
it should be able to take at least three unboosted weak
hits, and can probably KO back. Water Weakness is
unfortunate but expected, so look out for Gyarados,
Kingdra LA, or Feraligatr. No Resistance is expected,
and unfortunate. Finally, a Retreat Cost of 4 is
gigantic, so you'll want to use something like Warp
Point or Warp Energy to switch Emboar out.
Emboar has an Ability and an attack. Abilities are the
new forms of Poke-Powers and Poke-Bodies, going somewhat
back to the way how Pokemon Powers worked early in the
TCG's life. Inferno Fandango works as a Fire-type
version of Rain Dance, but instead allows you to drop
Fire Energy onto ANY of your Pokemon. This makes Emboar
great in a Fire deck (say with Charizard or Reshiram),
or even in some decks with a non-Fire main attacker
(like Magnezone Prime). Either way, the energy abuse
that Inferno Fandango allows is ridiculously powerful,
and will definitely play a huge role in next format,
where this and Rain Dance will both be viable
Emboar's single attack, Heat Crash, does a vanilla 80
damage for RRCC. While nothing terribly spectacular, it
can be used in a pinch for decent damage output, and is
easily powered up if you have a good way of drawing into
Fire Energy.
Modified: 3.5/5 SP decks and Gyarados limit Emboar's
usability right now, but once the rotation happens,
expect to see Emboar used a lot. It pairs disgustingly
well with Reshiram and Magnezone Prime, and will be a
driving force in those decks.
Limited: 4/5 It has huge HP and a great Ability, but
it's also very slow, has a huge retreat cost, and an
expensive attack. Even still, if you are able to get one
out and fully powered up, you should have no problem
winning your match.
Combos With: Reshiram BW, Charizard AR, Magnezone Prime,
any other big attacker with Fire or Colorless energy
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Emboar 20/114 (Black & White)
We are all going to have to learn the set numbers for
the new starters so that when we mention one or the
other of them the rest of the population knows which
card we mean. Or maybe call it a nickname, like
Firedancer or Dancing Pig? I know those are lousy
attempts at a play on words, but the idea of Emboar in a
tutu has me laughing too hard to write anything better
(my fingers are still shaking as I type now).
How about Fanboar and Blitzboar? Dangoboar just sounds
stupid and Flareboar fails to grab my attention.
All right, enough joking around. The stats for this
Emboar are almost identical to its cousin, so we know
that Emboar is a Fire type Stage 2 with 150 HP, Water
weakness, a retreat cost of 4, an Ability and an attack.
Obviously the HP is great but the weakness is not, as
you are likely to run up against Gyarados or Kingdra
before the rotation and Rain Dance will be a problem
immediately afterwards. The retreat cost is terrible but
expected and the Ability can help make up for that, so
let's see what the fuss is about.
The attack is Heat Crash, which quite simply deals 80
damage for [r][r][c][c]. With the help of Inferno
Fandango you can power the attack up quickly, but 80
damage for 4 energy is quite a bit below the current
curve and will fail to deal an OHKO on at least half of
the cards you will come up against (unless you've had a
little help). Only use Heat Crash if Emboar gets dragged
active and you don't have a Switch, or if you are in
major trouble and want to go down fighting.
We all know that the Ability is the important part of
this card, so I can forgive the mediocre attack. Inferno
Fandango is an interesting and useful Ability that
allows you to attach a [r] energy from your hand to one
of your Poke'mon as often as you like during your turn.
For newer players, this means that if you have Emboar in
play and some [r] Energy in your hand, you can attach
them to your Poke'mon in any way you like (when it says
attach the energy to one of your Poke'mon, it means that
you can't put the same energy on 2 Poke'mon at the same
time, as opposed to only being allowed to attach the
extra energy to 1 Poke'mon).
As you will undoubtedly have already noticed, Feraligatr
Prime has a similar trick with [w] energy, but Emboar
actually has the better Ability. Because Inferno
Fandango is not a Poke-power, it isn't affected by the
same things that Poke-powers are. For instance, you
can't use Mesprit LA or Power Spray to stop Inferno
Fandango, and you can't shut it down with Special
Conditions either (as if Special Conditions weren't weak
enough already!).
But the truly brilliant part is that Inferno Fandango
doesn't say you have to attach the [r] energy to a Fire
Poke'mon, so you can power up any other Poke'mon you
have as well. Colourless Poke'mon can take the best
advantage of thus little omission since they don't need
any specific energy, but any Poke'mon with a large [c]
energy requirement for its attacks can abuse Emboar
Since this is the first card with an Ability up for
review, a few pertinent points are that they are not
affected by things that affect Poke'mon Powers,
Poke-powers and/or Poke-bodies (Dialga G is feeling the
burn) and they aren't affected by Special Conditions
either. Generally the text will tell you whether it is
automatically in effect or if it is optional (much the
same way that the original Poke'mon powers did) and for
now they are completely unblockable.
I'm sure that Ability-lock effects will be printed on
cards in the near future, and you shouldn't rush to get
ris of your Poke-power and Poke-body counters just yet.
Except for Fanboar and the Royal Healing Serperior
However, it isn't all roses for Emboar. It has some
stiff competition from Typhlosion Prime, which is better
prepared to form a combo with Ninetales HGSS due to
attaching energy from the discard pile instead of the
hand, and Reshiram BW would also work better with
Typhlosion as the damage counters are great for powering
up Outrage. The discard-heavy nature of Fire Poke'mon in
general also favours Typhlosion, who can recycle the
same energy over and over again while Emboar has to keep
using Item and Supporter cards to retrieve lost energy
in order to play them down for another attack.
Emboar is the ultimate in energy acceleration (it can
attach energy faster than Typhlosion and do it without
hurting your attackers), but unless you consider the
effect of multiple discards when you build your deck you
are going to find yourself running out of energy and
stalling halfway through a match.
Fortunately, Fisherman comes to the rescue. This nifty
little Supporter from HS Unleashed allows you to return
4 basic energy cards from your discard pule to your
hand, so feel free to burn those [r] energy with
Ninetales for draw power, as you can get them back later
to instantly power a heavy attack. Did you just lose
four energy to the other Emboar's Flare Blitz? Drop a
Fisherman and you are back in business. Has you
opponent's revenge KO inconvenienced you? Fisherman puts
you back in the game.
Emboar could have gone the same way as Feraligatr Prime
after its release (Feraligatr had a lot of hype but it
just hasn't found an effective niche in this format) and
Fisherman has been extremely underused (good players
don't want lots of energy choking up their hand and
prefer the flexibility of Palmer's Contribution) but
together these card will have a quite different future.
ReshiBoar (Reshiram BW/Fanboar) promises to be popular
immediately after the rotation and a NinePhlosion
variant using Blitzboar is also a possible contender
(both now and post-rotation, if someone can pull off a
To all of you rogue deckbuilders out there: run amok
with Fanboar. If you think a Colourless Poke'mon hasn't
been getting the repect it deserves, this is the answer.
Flygon RR could make a comeback, and I would personally
love to see someone run Fanboar with Slaking PT and
Dialga G Lv X for a laugh at Spring Battle Roads.
Throw in Exploud SV to remove Gyarados' and Machamp's
advantage, and you can run any Colourless or Fire
Poke'mon you can dream of. Flygon Lv X and Magmortar TM
could make a nice combo if someone wants to try deck
destruction (commonly known as 'milling') and the other
possibilities are only limited by your imagination!
Disclaimer: other limitations may include such mundane
things as the size of your collection and/or budget and
your willingness to repetitively answer questions like
"What are doing!?" and "Why aren't you running XYZ card
Also, future errata may really ruin Fanboar's day.
Truly, my favourite part of this card is being able to
run Colourless as well as Fire Poke'mon at no extra cost
and if that gets changed for whatever reason, I will cry
and write a very rude letter to Poke'mon Organised Play.
So there!
Modified: 4.5 (I have a good feeling about this card,
and the potential for abuse in rogue decks is awesome.
With Ninetales for superior draw you should be able to
pull the energy you need, so the speed problem that
plagues Rain Dance decks is no longer so bad. With
Fisherman to deal with the discards and the ability to
power Colourless Poke'mon as well, we have a tournament
viable tech!)
Limited: 3 (there is plenty of search to make Stage 2
Poke'mon more viable in this set. If you have enough
Fire and colourless to run a mono deck and pulled 1 or
more Professor Juniper with an Energy Retrieval or 2,
you have a viable deck, especially if you pulled
Reshiram. Just watch for Panpour and the other Water

Otaku |
Behold the BaconatorTM!
That joke makes me wish I could still
digest beef in that quantity.
Emboar is a Stage 2 Fire Pokémon.
That makes it a bit slow but well
supported, and with the coming rotation
its future looks bright. 150 HP is a
great though one should note that while
newer cards seem to be taking a step
back in how much damage they do, the
upper end of HP scores are remaining
In short while I don’t think a
lot of cards with higher scores will be
released, I would not be surprised if
this is now the “norm” for even a
slightly bulky Stage 2. Water Weakness
is a pain but giving it no Weakness
wasn’t really an option given balance
issues and source material.
Both now and next format, Water
looks to be making a big splash so learn
to play around the Weakness as best as
you can. No Resistance is depressing as
always, but at least it isn't especially
problematic or as glaring an oversight
as it is for some cards.
We finish the stats by coming to
the massive four Energy Retreat Cost;
retreating isn't much of an option as
the set back in Energy is huge, even
with energy acceleration available.
Build your deck so you have another
option, possibly which could include
just supporting
Emboar as your Active Pokémon.
I mentioned Energy acceleration.
Emboar gets the incredibly
fantastic Inferno Fandango. The Ability
is fantastic: drop as much Fire Energy
as you like onto any one of your
Pokémon. This means you can not only use
this as the backbone of a Fire deck, but
with any Pokémon so long as it can use a
lot of
Fire Energy. The attack is also
friendly to multiple Energy Types, as
two of the four Energy requirements are
Colorless. Using the classical pricing
structure that has been abandoned the
last few years, the attack is solid:
each Fire Energy requirement should
yield 15 points of damage, each
Colorless Energy requirement 10 points.
That totals 50 points of damage, with
the remaining 30 points being a "Stage 2
Evolution" bonus. By modern standards,
this seems an almost miserly return, but
now that TPC is dialing back the power
of attacks, in the coming format it
should be much better. Additionally,
with such a powerful Ability, one would
expect the attack to be either vanilla
or extremely watered down, and I'll take
Always important is where a Pokémon
comes from, so let us see what we have
for lower Stages.
Including promos, I know of four
English versions of Tepig and two
Pignite. I like both Pignite
though odds are none of these Pokémon
will do much other than Evolving unless
something is wrong.
One Pignite is better at
setting itself up, the other is better
at attacking, and I'd run both since if
everything was going right Emboar
you’d technically need neither; this is
all about having options when
Emboar isn’t showing up or if
something can shut down an Ability.
The Tepig also just need
to hold out long enough to Evolve, and
as such I'd go with one of the 70 HP
Even if you take the attacks into
consideration, those two have decent
attacks even with the draw backs, while
the 60 HP versions are sub par at best.
The most obvious support I can see for
Emboar is combining it with
Ninetales from HeartGold
SoulSilver for added draw power and
Reshiram from Black & White
for a big, hard hitting attacker who is
only a Basic!
The thing is, in the current
Modified Format, this might actually
suffer from a little bit of speed and/or
consistency issues.
It’s a pretty classical take on
building a deck but the format is
anything but “classical” right now: if
you aren’t facing a “donk” deck you run
the risk of facing one of several
prominent, closely related decks that
can shutdown a lot of supporting
If even one of those supporting
aspects isn’t present, the deck can trip
over itself, failing to set-up
Evolutions, running low on Energy, etc.
This sounds more like nitpicking
than a real weakness, but such is the
current format.
The next format won’t be quite as
It will be slower and you’ll be
relying on a less developed engine to
run your deck, but at least you should
have a few turns for it to get going
before you lose.
There are also some very
interesting options available besides
the more traditional one I just listed
in the current format, though:
DragonClyne725 pointed out that (barring
a ruling otherwise)
Emboar should be able to repeatedly
trigger the Iron Shell Poké-Body of
Forretress (Legends Awakened
A coin flip based Poké-Body that
triggers each time an Energy is attached
from hand (and not by attack effects) to
Forretress, it has you place 2
damage counters on each Pokémon in play
(both players) for each tails you get
but doesn’t affect
Emboar does have a great HP score
after all, so if you are supremely
confident you can draw into all your
Energy fast and get plenty of tails, I
say give it a go.
For Limited, there are two reasons not
to run this: failing to pull the full
line, or failing to have enough Pokémon
that can use Fire Energy at least half
your Energy will need to be that Type.
Both are going to be frustratingly
common, but also tend to be true of most
Stage 2 Pokémon. Otherwise, Both
Pignite are solid enough that in
similar circumstances you'd run them
even without Emboar, further
making this a great pick.
Modified (Current): 3.75/5 – This
score is a little misleading: I can tell
you that either people will play this
and it will effectively jump about a
quarter point, or they’ll stick with
what they know and it’ll effectively
score a quarter point less.
Modified (HGSS-On): 4.25/5 –
This isn’t likely to be the
cornerstone of “the” top deck next
format but it should be one of them.
Limited: 4/5 – Again, as long as
you have enough support to run it, run
Combos with:
Just about anything that needs a lot of
(unspecified) Energy, especially Fire
Specifically, try it with
Reshiram from Black & White!
Emboar seems almost guaranteed to
have success because it “breaks” the
single-Energy-attachment-per-turn rule
utterly, and unlike similar cards in the
past, the only Type Restriction is on
the Energy-Type, not the Pokémon-Type.
It might barely warm-up this
format, but once we switch to the next
Modified it will be hard to put out.
Please check out my auctions on
eBay as I sell off most of my
assorted collections!
It’s a slow process so visit me
through the week as I get items ready
for sale.
Just remember that Pojo.com is in
no way responsible for any of these
sales and are merely kind enough to let
me link to them in my reviews.