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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Darmanitan #25
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
May 20, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.00
Limited: 3.87
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#25 (Black and White)
Another Fire Pokémon up for review today, and it’s
Darmanitan: the weird
monkey-thing with the giant flaming eyebrows.
A non-evolving Stage 1, Darmanitan
certainly has playable HP at 120. That’s the same as
Donphan Prime and not far
off Gyarados SF. As you
would expect, this bulkiness is reflected in the Retreat
cost . . . although two isn’t
that bad, I
suppose. Water Weakness is also predictable, and
probably won’t be such a bad thing in the HGSS-on format
. . . at least at first.
comes with two attacks. The first, Fire Fang, costs [R][C]
(which is ok) and does 20 damage (which is certainly not
ok, even with the bonus of auto Burn). The attack isn’t
so terrible that you wouldn’t want to use it, but if it
ever wants to see play, Darmanitan
will need to do a lot better than that.
Thrash is a decent effort, I suppose. With a cost of [R][C][C]
it can at least make use of Double Colourless Energy.
For this cost you get 70 damage
and a coin flip. Get heads and Thrash will do 90; hit
tails and it will do that extra 20 damage to
Darmanitan. The attack
itself gives reasonable return for the Energy investment
but suddenly, that 120 HP doesn’t look quite so good now
that you know it may have to soak up some recoil damage.
may have the high HP of a playable Stage 1 Pokémon, but
it lacks the speed and power which cards like
Gyarados and
Donphan have. It’s not a bad
card at all, and can be a bit of a beast in Limited, but
unfortunately there are better choices in Modified.
Modified (HGSS-on): 2.25 (quite close to being playable,
but just seems to lack something)
Limited: 3.75 (in this format, relatively fast and

Otaku |
We close the week with
Is it “dar man?”
No, clearly it is a
Pokémon, and the tone of
that bad pun sadly sets
the mood for the review.
is a Stage 1 Fire-Type
Pokémon with 120 HP.
Fire is a solid
type right now, and
being a Stage 1 is as
balanced as it has been
in several formats. That
120 HP is even pretty
good; the old maximum
and still a high amount
for a Stage 1 Pokémon.
The Water
Weakness is expected and
awful in the current
format (Stormfront
Gyarados decks) and
problematic in the next
(due to anticipated rise
in Water-Type usage to
counter the anticipated
rise in Fire-Type
The lack of
Resistance is
disappointing as always,
but more irritating than
inconveniencing as so
many other Pokémon also
lack Resistance.
A Retreat Cost of
two falls into that grey
area of not being easy
to pay, but is just low
enough to be reasonable
to pay, especially if
combined with some form
of Energy acceleration.
has two attacks.
The first is Fire
Fang, requiring (RC) and
doing 20 points of
damage while also
inflicting the Burn
Special Condition. This
is technically fair for
the Energy invested in
The second attack
is Thrash, requiring
(RCC) and doing 70
damage and an extra 20
damage based on a coin
toss: if “heads” that is
an extra 20 to the
Defending Pokémon, if
“tails” to
Darmanitan itself.
Again at a glance
this is sound: 70 points
of damage for three
Energy, especially when
two of those Energy can
come from one
Double Colorless Energy
is a solid deal, and it
is somewhat fair that
either you hit the
opponent for 20 more or
Then again,
you’re the player
getting this Pokémon
into play, attaching
Energy to it, and
declaring the attack.
Somehow, it
doesn’t seem equitable
that your damage is only
going up by the same
amount you have the same
chance of taking.
As an optional
effect it might be
useful and fair, but it
is mandatory and
especially vexing when
you need 30 to 70 points
of damage and Thrash is
the only way to
guarantee the KO but you
just don’t need that
extra 20.
Evolves from
Both are Basic
Fire Pokémon with good
(but deserved) 70 HP
scores (as they can only
Evolve once), the same
probably problematic
Water Weakness, utter
lack of Resistance, and
two Energy Retreat cost.
The Retreat Cost
is a bit steep for a
The attacks on
either version are
adequate but unexciting.
Black & White
23/114 has a lone attack
for a single Fire Energy
that does 10 damage or
20 if you get “heads” on
a mandatory coin toss.
The first attack
on the second version,
Black & White
24/114, feels a hair
overpriced to me:
inflicting Burn, even
with no extra
requirements, is only
worth a Colorless Energy
requirement and this
attack costs (R).
For that I’d
expect 10 points of
damage and the Burn
effect, or an “enhanced”
form of Burn.
Then for (CC) it
can do 20, which is
mostly valuable since it
Double Colorless Energy
compatible, like Thrash;
you can attach a
Double Colorless Energy
open with that attack
(Rollout) and then
hopefully Evolve and
attach a
Fire Energy to use
Thrash the very next
Of course, the
other version can still
do the same, except
attaching a
Fire Energy first
and then the
Double Colorless Energy
after Evolving on the
next turn.
Barring finer
points of your local
metagame, like if
Lost Remover is
popular, both
Darumaka are equal.
They even have
the same flavor text,
and it might be useful
as a weapon: apparently
in the world of Pokémon,
people would use the
droppings (re: feces) of
Darumaka to stay
warm by putting them in
their clothes.
Apparently unlike
normal droppings, they
started warmer and/or
retained their heat
Either way,
sounds unsanitary.
Given how much
thought I’ve already
devoted to the subject,
this is definitely an
effective distraction
against someone such as
suffers in a manner
similar to many of the
other Pokémon we have
reviewed this week.
First, there is
little synergy between
the two attacks: if you
use a
Double Colorless Energy
you wouldn’t even have
to use the first attack,
but instead would have
access to the second
just as quickly.
It also suffers
because there are only
two reasons to run this
Reshiram: you really
need a Pokémon to
inflict Burn or you
really can’t afford any
discarding of Energy.
Ironically the
one card I can think of
that would benefit from
having a Stage 1 Pokémon
that inflicts Burn also
recycles Energy
Heatran Lv.X.
Likewise there
are better Pokémon to
Burn with, at least
until the rotation. Even
after the rotation,
Darmanitan is simply
outclassed by
Limited is the only
format where this card
is especially good, and
it is… especially good.
By the nature of
the format, most players
won’t be able to play a
lot of cards because
they won’t have the
support needed to even
get them into play, let
alone support them.
So average HP and
damage output is lower.
This makes both
Darmanitan and
Darumaka effectively
“bigger” and “harder
hitting” than they
actually are.
Burn, like all
Special Conditions is
quite nasty and since it
doesn’t discard its own
and only needs one
Fire Energy for its
attack costs, it should
be reasonably easy to
splash into most decks.
Even having two
versions of
Darumaka is a
benefit just because it
makes pulling a
functional line easier.
Modified (MD-On):
1.75 – Functional but
definitely sub-par.
Modified (HGSS-On):
2/5 – Less behind than
in the previous format,
but still the
4/5 – Still technically
inferior to
Reshiram, but if you
pull both you should
have ample room to run
A solid example of
Darmanitan isn’t all
that bad but neither is
it good.
In an older
format it probably would
have been a solid Fire
Pokémon, but right now
we have ample Energy
attachment options and
Reshiram a Basic
Pokémon that is just
better across the board.
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, Pojo readers! Today we end our COTD
week with a new Fire Pokemon is a fan favorite that was
also the Black and White set's prerelease card. Today's
Card of the Day is Darmanitan.
Darmanitan is a Stage 1 Fire Pokemon. With the
release of Reshiram and Emboar, Fire Pokemon have been
seeing a lot more place recently, and will probably make
a very good deck come next format, which is HGSS-on.
Running Fire right now is probably quite risky though,
as Gyarados is still very common. 120 HP is great for a
Stage 1, but is still unfortunately within OHKO range
for Reshiram and Zekrom. This allows Darmanitan to take
many weaker hits easily, though. Water Weakness is to be
expected for a Fire-type, no Resistance is meh, and a
Retreat Cost of 2 is a bit much, but it's basically what
we'd expect for this Blazing Pokemon.
Darmanitan's two attacks, Fire Fang and Thrash, tend
to be more suited towards Limited play than Modified.
Fire Fang deals 20 damage and automatically Burns for
the price of [RC]. While decent for a weak attack, I
can't help but feel that this attack should have cost
less, such as a single Fire Energy. In Modified, this
attack probably won't see much play as there are many
other ways to deal much more damage at that price, and
Burn isn't so much of a problem due to the many ways to
get rid of it (switching, Super Scoop Up). In Limited,
where switching is less common/harder to do, this attack
can be nice, especially if you just played Darmanitan.
Thrash starts at 70 damage for [RCC], and can do 20
more to the Defending Pokemon if you flip heads, but 20
to yourself if you flip tails. 90 for RCC is good, but
if you're running a Fire deck, chances are you're better
off running Reshiram, which does 120 for RRC, and in
most cases, the discard is negligible.
Modified: 1.5/5 Good HP and unspectacular attacks,
also greatly outclassed by Reshiram in terms of damage
Limited: 3.5/5 Darmanitan's high HP is great here,
and it's able to deal quite a bit of a damage quickly.
70 for 3 is always very good in Limited, and Fire Fang
can even work well here too. If you're running Fire (or
even maybe if you're not) and pull a few Darumakas,
Darmanitan is a great attacker for Limited.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Darmanitan (Black & White)
Hey Pojo readers, today we are reviewing the prerelease
promi! What fun!
Darmanitan is a freaky, fiery cross between a gorilla
and an Easter Island Head. The overall effect is good,
but I feel very sorry for the guys who clean this
thing's Poke Ball.
Darmanitan is a Fire Type non-evolving Stage 1 with 120
HP, Water weakness, a retreat cost of 2 and two attacks.
That HP is definitely in the playable range, though the
weakness will shorten your lifespan if Rain Dance
variants finally get their act together (I can hear
Gyarados laughing in the background). The retreat cost
is manageable, though you will still want to use Switch
when you can. So do the attacks combine well with these
decent stats?
Fire Fang does pretty much the same thing it does in the
game. For [r][c] you deal 20 damage and inflict the
Burned Special Condition, which is okay but nothing
brilliant. If the cost were lowered to just [r] then
this attack would be a good opening salvo but as it
stands you may well skip it with energy acceleration and
go straight to Thrash.
Thrash also does pretty much the same thing it does in
the video game. For [r][c][c] you deal 70 damage plus 20
more damage if the coin flip comes up Heads. On a Tails
result however, you deal the bonus 20 damage to yourself
instead of your opponent so be warned that Thrash will
possibly hurt you more than your opponent, especially
because even 90 damage isn't enough to take out an
undamaged attacker if you aren't hitting for weakness.
It would seem that Darmanitan looks brilliant and has
some weight to throw around but the attacks have let it
down terribly. There is a silver lining however, as
there are enough newbies buying theme decks to make sure
this guy sees play at League.
Just like Scolipede, Galvantula and Seperior 5/114,
Darmanitan is a relatively powerful card available in a
theme deck, so newbies can play at League with a
slightly smaller gap between them and the veteran
players than normal. In fact, Black & White in general
have a lot of cards that, while not tournament grade,
are decent enough to shorten the odds when a newbie
takes on a stronger player. Great work, kudos to the
Poke'mon Compnay Inc.!
Modified: 3.25 (the average is improving in Black &
White, so newbies can better enjoy the game)
Limited: 4 (between the high HP and inflicting Burn,
Darmanitan is a solid choice and much easier to evolve
than other cards. Zekrom and Reshiram still beat that
frankly intimidating face into the ground though)
Combos with: newbies and small collections to even the
playing field just a bit. |