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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Dewott - #29
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
May 23, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.15
Limited: 2.80
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#29/114 (Black and White)
Hello, and welcome to a short week of
Water Pokémon reviews here on
We kick off the week with
Dewott, and
evolving Stage 1 that you hope will
become Samurott
as soon as possible. Not that there is
anything particularly terrible about
this Dewott,
he’s just typical of this type of
Pokémon. He has a respectable 90 HP,
predictable Lightning Weakness, and an
acceptable retreat cost of one.
also comes with two attacks. The first,
Water Gun, does a
vanilla 30 damage for two Energy
of any colour. That’s on the bad side of
average as far as damage output goes,
and has poor synergy with his Stage 2
evolution, Samurott,
which works best with a lot of Water
Energy attached. Even so, it’s still
better than the other option, Razor
Shell: for [W][W][C]
you get 40 base damage and a coin flip
for an extra 20. Even if you hit the
flip, you aren’t really getting full
value for a large Energy investment and,
let’s face it, by the time you get three
Energy on a
you should really have evolved him
So in Modified play,
Dewott is a
pretty standard evolving Stage 1 with
nothing really to recommend it, except
for the fact that it can evolve into
something much better. You certainly
wouldn’t want to be attacking with it
unless it meant getting a KO on a weak
or weakened Fire Pokémon. In limited, it
can function adequately as a counter to
all the Fire in the set, I suppose. But
it will still get destroyed by
Modified (HGSS-on): 1.5 (Be honest, you
would rather be holding a Rare Candy
than this card)
Limited: 2.25 (ok HP, and Colourless
attack make it
splashable. Please excuse the
awful pun)
Garage |
5/23/11: Dewott(Black & White)
I've seen the point made on a couple of Pokemon sites
that evolving Stage 1s are generally the least likable
Pokemon, since they generally have neither the cuteness
of the basic nor the sheer awesomeness of the fully
evolved Pokemon. They're like the awkward teenage stages
of Pokemon, am I right? This doesn't apply much to
today's Pokemon, but I wanted to throw it out there.
The card itself is pretty blah, or vanilla, to use a
non-slang word. Water Gun is basically one of the
Samurott's first attacks, only without the handy bench
damage as well. Then there's Razor Shell, which is a
pretty cool attack name, but aside from that, you really
shouldn't be attaching 3 energy to an evolving Stage 1
anyway, unless you're desperate. Or you're playing aggro
Dewott for some unfathomable reason. Either way, it's
not going to work. It might be better for evolving
because of the HP advantage over the other Dewott, but
considering that in an HGSS-on format, the only snipers
are Blastoise and Suicune/Entei Legend, the extra 10 HP
probably won't make a difference.
Modified: 1.75/5
Limited: 2.5/5
virusyosh |
Greetings, Pojo readers! I hope that you all had good
weekends, and that you all did well if you attended a
Battle Road. We are doing more Black and White reviews
this week, starting with Dewott #29.
Dewott is a Stage 1 Water Pokemon. Gyarados is very
common in our current MD-on, but aside from that, not
many other Water Pokemon see a lot of play. In the
upcoming HGSS-on, Water will probably be a great type to
play given the popularity of Emboar and Reshiram,
although Zekrom and Magnezone could be major issues. 90
HP for an evolving Stage 1 is great, meaning that Dewott
should be able to take at least one unboosted hit before
going down, Reshiram and other really big hitters
notwithstanding. Lightning Weakness is bad due to the
amount of Zekrom and Magnezone that will be around, and
is bad right now due to Luxray GL Lv. X. No Resistance
is too bad, and a Retreat Cost of 1 is decent, and can
be paid easily.
Dewott has two solid, albeit unspectacular attacks.
Water Gun deals a vanilla 30 damage for two Colorless
Energy, and Razor Shell starts at 40 damage for [WWC],
but can do 20 more damage if you get heads on a coin
flip. This attack is rather expensive for its cost, but
since you'll rarely be attacking with Dewott in Modified
anyway, this isn't such a big deal.
Modified: 3/5 If you are planning on running a Samurott
deck, this is the Dewott you'll want to use. The other
one is decent, but this one is less energy-intensive and
has more HP. The attacks are nothing spectacular, but
then again, they don't have to be.
Limited: 3.5/5 Dewott is great here. There's a lot of
Fire in Black and White, and Dewott can stand on its own
as a solid attacker even if you don't have Samurott,
given that Water Gun has Colorless Energy requirements
and Razor Shell can seriously dent most Fire-types if
not OHKO them outright. Definitely worth running if you
pull a few Oshawotts and can find room for the Water in
your build.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Dewott 29/114 (Black & White)
Here we are for a new week on Pojo. Today we have an
evolving Stage 1 by the name of Dewott, who has appeared
on 2 cards in the Black & White set. Today's review is
on the first version, followed by the second version
tomorrow, both of which have a shot at seeing play if
Samurott 31/114 proves to be usable.
The stats are: Dewott is a Water type evolving Stage 1
with 90 HP, Lightning weakness, a retreat cost of 1 and
two attacks.
The HP is the most attractive feature, as Dewott is
mostly a stepping stone to Samurott so being able to
survive a hit while waiting to evolve is very important.
The retreat cost is negligible (considering the energy
acceleration available) and the weakness is expected but
still hurts (damn that Zekrom!). The attacks are almost
worthless, but I'll mention them anyway.
Water Gun is an acient standard in the TCG, and in this
case it simply does a vanilla 30 damage for [c][c] (as
opposed to adding da,age for extra energy like it
usually does). For the cost it is slightly below par and
using Double Colourless Energy is a waste considering
the cost of Samurott's attacks and the fact that most
Water decks will use Feraligatr Prime to speed things
along anyway.
Razor Shell is more or less the same. For [w][w][c] you
deal 40 damage with 20 damage extra for a successful
coin flip. Again it is overpriced for the damage
(especially because of the flip) but energy acceleration
makes that less of an issue. That or you can just
Despite the mediocre attacks, this Dewott will be the
card most Samurott players use simply because of the HP
being better than the other version. As a transition
stage, you could do a lot worse, but you'll want a few
Rare Candy in your deck to avoid the problem altogether.
Modified: 3.5 (Samurott looks set to counter all of the
Fire decks likely to spring up so a dependable evolution
line will help a lot)
Limited: if you get Samurott then this is a must have,
but otherwise I wouldn't worry about it unless you don't
have any better options.
Combos with: Samurott 31/114