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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Dewott #30
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
May 24, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.87
Limited: 2.60
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#30/114 (Black and White)
Yep, we are reviewing two Dewotts
this week. That’s what happens when our sets include
tons of Japanese structure deck cards.
To be honest, there isn’t a lot to distinguish this card
from the one we looked at yesterday. It does have 10
less HP, which could be a good reason to run the
alternative version. Other than that, the stats are
identical: Lightning Weakness and a Retreat cost of one.
has a single attack: Aqua Tail. For two Energy, you do
30 damage and get a coin flip for each Water Energy
attached, getting 10 extra damage for each heads. So,
realistically, you are looking at either 30 damage for a
Double Colourless Energy (which is a waste) or 30-50 for
[W][W] (which isn’t great
either). At least there is some reward for stacking
Water Energy on this Dewott
in preparation for Samurott,
but it is a long way short of anything which would
actively make you want to play it.
Yes, this is another evolving Stage 1 that makes you
glad of the continuing legality of Rare Candy. Which
Dewott should you run in a
Samurott deck? I don’t
honestly think it matters that much. I’d probably go for
the extra HP that yesterday’s card offers, but it really
won’t make a whole lot of difference.
Modified (HGSS-on): 1.5 (less HP, slightly more synergy
than the other Dewott.
Either way, you are just using this to evolve)
Limited: 2.25 (if you really wanted a Water tech that
wasn’t fussy about Energy, this would do)
Garage |
5/24/11: Dewott(Black & White)
Today we review the other Dewott, which looks like an
action figure, which is...cool? I guess? Better than
claymation, at least.
Dewott has less HP than yesterday's Dewott, and has one
fewer attack. The HP may or may not make a difference,
but the number of attacks has nothing to do with the
card's effectiveness, especially since both of them have
exactly one attack that you might realistically use.
Today's Dewott has Aqua Tail, which does more damage per
Water energy attached to this. The downside to the
attack would be that you wouldn't get the damage boost
if you attach a Double Colorless Energy, in which case
you might as well use the other Dewott for the higher
I feel like which Dewott you use depends on which
Samurott you use. With the Samurott with Pike(#31), you
should probably use the other Dewott, because that
Samurott doesn't mind attaching DCE, whereas the other
Samurott(#32) would want basic Water energy, in which
you would want this Dewott. Since the Hydro Pump version
is a better card, that probably makes this Dewott better
by extension.
Not like this matters much; they're both Stage 1s with
minimal usefulness. Neither of them are exactly Prinplup
DP or Vibrava RR.
Modified: 2/5
Limited: 2.5/5 |
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Dewott 30/114 (Black and White)
Hello all, I am all caught up on the reviews I missed
last week, the head cold was a bad **************!
Don't you just love *? You can put as many or as few as
you want and leave it up to the imagination of the
reader just how loudly you were cursing (I wouldn't
dream of trying to teach anyone new naughty words!).
Now for today's review. This is the second Dewott in the
set and will probably be the less popular card of the
two, due to the lower HP.
The stats: Dewott is a Water type evolving Stage 1 with
80 HP, the usual Lightning weakness, a retreat cost of 1
and a single attack.
The stats are the same as the Dewott from yesterday
except for the lower HP, which is pretty much a deal
breaker on an evolving Poke'mon. Unless the attack is
useful the Dewott will be swimming in the binder.
Aqua Tail sadly isn't going to cut it, as the cost is
[c][c] for 30 damage and vanilla damage is rarely what
you look for on an evolving Poke'mon. Admittedly you can
flip a coin for each [w] energy on Dewott and deal 10
more damage per heads and Feraligatr Prime makes it a
simple matter to stack on the energy for decent damage
(IF the coin is kind to you). But if your setup is good
enough to play Feraligatr and all of that energy then
you should be evolving to Samurott to attack anyway, or
using Feraligatr instead. In the event you have to do
the attaching manually because of an atrocious start,
then you won't be dealing enough damage for it to matter
and Dewott is too easily KOed by Zekrom and company to
be a threat in any game.
No matter which way you look at it, Dewott is meant
evolve as soon as possible so go for the higher HP, and
know that if Dewott is attacking then something is
seriously wrong.
Modified: 2 (the HP and damage-to-energy are both sub
par, so this card goes in the shoebox. Even the art is
prettier on the other Dewott)
Limited: 3 (if you pull either Samurott then you aren't
going to be fussy about how you evolve, and stacking
energy for more damage could occasionally work here.
avoid Zekrom though, because it will swallow you whole
and regurtitate your remains!)
Combos with: the shoebox. |
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! Today we are reviewing
the Black and White set's other version of the Pokemon
we reviewed yesterday. Today's Card of the Day is Dewott
(BW #30).
Dewott is a Stage 1 Water Pokemon, which would most
likely be in a Samurott deck if you were to run it. As
stated yesterday, aside from Gyarados and the random
Kingdra, Water decks aren't all that common right now in
MD-on, but the type will likely increase in playability,
assuming that Fire will become very big next format. 80
HP is decent for a Stage 1 that evolves, although it's a
step down from yesterday's Dewott, which has 90.
Lightning Weakness is terrible right now due to Luxray
GL Lv. X, and Dewott will also suffer against Zekrom. No
Resistance is to be expected, and a Retreat Cost of 1 is
Unlike yesterday's Dewott, which had two rather vanilla
attacks, this Dewott only has one attack. Aqua Tail
starts off at a decent 30 damage for two Colorless
Energy, but then you flip a coin for each Water Energy
attached to Dewott, and the attack does 10 more damage
for each heads. Provided both Energy attached to Dewott
are Water, you'll tend to average about 40 damage with
this attack, and any more heads flips and Water Energy
attached is a bonus. Like yesterday's Dewott, however,
this attack probably won't see much use in Modified. It
is fairly nice in Limited, though.
Modified: 2.75/5 Comparing this Dewott to the one we
reviewed yesterday, I like this one slightly less, if
only because it has fewer HP. Aqua Tail and Water Gun
are about on par, and you will occasionally get more
damage from Aqua Tail when compared with Shell Blade,
but since you won't be attacking with your Stage 1 most
of the time anyway, which Dewott you want to use is a
matter of personal preference.
Limited: 3.25/5 Again, the other Dewott has more HP,
which makes it slightly more desirable, but this one can
be just as effective. Having unlimited damage potential
is nice, as are the Colorless Energy requirements. It's
too bad that you have to flip to deal more damage,