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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Simipour #34
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
May 26, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.40
Limited: 3.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#34/114 (Black and White)
So, we end this short week with
Simipour, the last of the Monkey Trio to be
reviewed. Simisear was
semi-decent, Simisage was
terrible. How will this one measure up?
Well, it falls somewhere in the middle really. A Stage 1
with a mediocre 90 HP would need to have some
spectacularly good Ability or attack to make the grade
in a competitive deck and Simipour
falls well short of that.
The best thing about Simipour
is its first attack: Scald. For one Water Energy you get
20 damage and auto-Burn. That’s nice enough for the cost
(possible 40 for one!), but it’s not exactly devastating
to an opponent, especially considering that
Simipour is an evolution, so
you won’t be doing this until your second turn. At least
it’s useable though, which is more than I’m going to say
for Fury Swipes. Three Colourless
Energy for three coin flips and 40 for each heads.
Yes, 120 for three is a great attack, but how often are
you going to do that? Probability-wise the same number
of times that you would load three
Energy on the card and do absolutely nothing at
And that’s why you never see attacks like Fury Swipes
being used in competitive play (unless someone is
absolutely desperate). You won’t be seeing
Simipour either: an attack
like Scald is only worthwhile as something to use while
you get the Energy for something bigger and better. And
by that I don’t mean Fury Swipes.
Modified (HGSS-on): 1.75 (Scald is good, but everything
else is bad)
Limited: 3 (cheap attacks are gold in a slow format, and
even Fury Swipes is worth a punt now and
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Simipour (Black & White)
Today's card is the third member of the Monkey Trio,
Simipour. Although I much prefer Simisear as a Poke'mon
and a card, this Simipour has some of Kagemaru Himeno's
best recent work on it. If you are reading this Himeno,
you have performed beautifully on this card.
I felt the need to say that because this card is quite
lousy. Simipour is a Water type Stage 1 with 90 HP,
Lightning weakness, a retreat cost of 1 and two attacks,
neither of which are much use.
Being a Water type is great between hitting Fire/Donphan
for weakness and being able to partner with Feraligatr
Prime but the expected Lightning weakness is a downer
and the lack of HP has already doomed this card.
The attacks follow the same pattern as the other
Monkeys. The first offering is a single energy attack
([w] in this case) by the name of Scald, which does
almost exactly the same thing it does in the video game.
20 damage and auto-Burn are the reward for evolving and
attaching an energy which is okay but only if the second
attack is awesome.
Of course, if you have already read the reviews for
Simisear and Simisage then you know that Fury Swipes is
terrible. The cost is [c][c][c] for 3 flips at 40 damage
a piece, which is worth the trouble in Limited but not
even close to being tournament grade, even with energy
acceleration. As such, Simipour hits the binder where it
will be perfectly preserved because it is so pretty.
Modified: 3 (the first cheap attack can be annoying and
newbies with theme decks will love using Simipour
because it is much faster to set up than their other
Limited: 3.5 (Zekrom will rip you apart but Scald is
still annoying, and the relatively easy setup will make
life easier for you, especially aginst Reshiram and
Combos with: those early days when your collection is
tiny and Stage 1 Poke'mon seem like powerful beasts.
conical |
5/26/11: Simipour(Black & White)
Today, we look at the last of the elemental monkeys.
This is a Water-type for some reason, and is rocking
some mean dreadlocks.
Like the other two monkeys, Simipour has Fury Swipes.
I don't remember if I've said much on the other monkeys
having Fury Swipes, but there isn't much to say, other
than that it's not that great an attack. Then there's
Scald, which seems like a really weird attack to me, in
that I'm pretty sure this is the first Water-type ever
to inflict burn as an effect. I think it's a new attack
in the games, but I don't use Water-types in the actual
games, so I wouldn't know.
No status effect is really worth getting excited
about, save for paralysis, and Scald doesn't do enough
damage on its own to justify using this. But hey,
dreadlocks are cool, right?
Modified: 2/5
Limited: 2.75/5