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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Reuniclus #57
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
May 3, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.00
Limited: 2.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#57 (Black and White)
One of the weirdest Pokémon ever to see the light of
day, Reuniclus will
instantly remind old school players of the very first
card (by set number) from the very first set in the
Pokémon TCG. That’s right,
Reuniclus comes with Case
Set Alakazam’s Damage Swap
Power (now called an ‘Ability’, of course).
And Reuniclus seriously
needs that Ability to be a good one because it has
virtually nothing else going for it. The 90 HP is
pitiful, the Weakness isn’t great, and the Retreat cost
of two is a bit much. Worst of all is the attack: three
Psychic Energy for 30 damage
plus 10 times the Energy on the Defending Pokémon? You
are joking me if you ever say
you are planning to attack with that.
So it all comes down to the ability then.
Damage Swap allows you to move a
damage counter from one of your Pokémon to
another as many times as you like during your turn.
Obviously the point is to keep important Pokémon
(usually a main attacker) from getting KO’d by moving
damage counters on to something else. This can then be
combined with Seeker, Super Scoop Up, or
Unown RETURN to pick up the
newly damaged Pokémon rather than give up a Prize. Note
that you can’t just go ahead and put as many counter as
you like on a Pokémon before scooping it up: once the
number of damage counters reach the level of the HP, it
gets KO’d.
Clearly, Reuniclus is made
for decks that like to tank their main attacker.
Unfortunately both of the major tanking types (Grass
with its healing and Metal with its Special Energy) are
Weak to Fire . . . a type that is about to infest the
metagame with Pokémon that do so much damage (notably
Reshiram) that nothing with
Weakness can avoid the OHKO with any amount of healing
or counter moving. It may be that the best partner for
Reuniclus at the moment will
be Gengar Prime: a Pokémon
that is difficult to one-shot without
PlusPowers or
Tyranitar Prime. With
Reuniclus in play,
Gengar Prime might be able
to survive long enough to stay ahead in the race to Lost
Zone six Pokémon before the opponent can take six
is the kind of Pokémon that will always appeal to
deckbuilders as its Ability
is one that could be extremely useful in the right deck
and in a metagame which favours it. Right now, I think
its use will be limited. Apart from
Gengar, I can see maybe
Machamp Prime (spread damage around for Champ
Buster) and Donphan Prime
being able to get something out of it. Time will tell if
it will have any wider use.
Modified (HGSS-on): 3 (a possible tech for Pokémon that
like to tank and can avoid OHKOs)
Limited: 1.25 (Ability is not worth the effort of
evolving a Stage 2 and even in Limited the attack sucks)

Otaku |
Black & White 57/114, Holo-Rare
2 (Evolves from Duosion)
Hit Points
Psychic x2
Retreat Cost
Damage Swap
As often as you like during your turn
(before your attack), you may move 1
damage counter from 1 of your Pokémon to
another of your Pokémon.
(PPP) Psywave [30+]
Does 10 more damage for each Energy
attached to the Defending Pokémon.
Black & White 56/114, Uncommon
1 (Evolves from Solosis)
Hit Points
Psychic x2
Retreat Cost
(C) Recover
Discard an Energy attached to this
Pokémon and heal all damage from this
(PC) Rollout [30]
Black & White 55/114, Common
Hit Points
Psychic x2
Retreat Cost
(P) Cell Structure
Search your deck for Solosis and put it
onto your Bench.
Shuffle your deck afterward.
(PC) Rollout [20]
Today we look at the Black & White
answer to Alakazam, Reuniclus.
Let’s break the card down. First, it is
a Stage 2 Psychic Pokémon. Being a
Psychic usually isn’t a bad thing, and
they do have some specific support
available to them. We see a big problem
right away: 90 HP on a Stage 2 Pokémon.
Certainly not a record low for the game,
but the only other Modified Legal
Pokémon I could find that was that small
was Jumpluff from HeartGold/SoulSilver!
In a format where HP scores seem to be
remaining steady or even climbing
slowly, this is a pretty big drawback,
and likely meant to offset what the
designers considered to be something
great on the card. Moving on, we see the
expected Psychic Weakness, which always
bothered me given that in the video
games, Psychic-Type Pokémon are
Resistance to their own type, not weak
to it. Lack of Resistance is annoying
but so common it doesn’t really hurt it.
The two Energy needed to retreat isn’t
bad for a Stage 2, but given how small
it is they probably could have let it
get by with just one.
Well, the stats are disappointing, so
let’s check the Ability I alluded to
earlier, Damage Swap. Yeah, just like
Base Set Alakazam but with modern
wording. If you can keep Reuniclus
safe on your Bench with a veritable tank
up front and some HP “donors” on the
Bench, you can keep that tank going for
quite some time. This really is a
remarkable Ability. The attack is less
impressive. Psywave hits for base 30
points of damage, but gets an extra 10
points of damage for each Energy
attached to the Defending Pokémon. It
doesn’t specify Energy card, so hitting
something with a Double Colorless
Energy attached would do +20. Even
adjusting for the more moderate damage
of this set, they are charging too much
for the attack: you’re investing enough
Energy to expect 40 to 50 points of
damage on an Evolvable Basic Pokémon. On
a Stage 2, I’d expect at least 60 but
would still complain it was steep. To
get that much damage, you have to hit
something with at least three Energy
attached, and need to face some very
Energy intensive Pokémon if you want to
come out ahead.
Well, what does Reuniclus Evolve
from? Does that save it? Nope.
Duosion can flush away all damage on
itself by discarding an Energy, but that
is an attack so it will almost certainly
be KO’d on your opponent’s next turn,
plus it can only hit for 30 damage!
Solosis is actually worse as a Basic
that clocks in at the minimal HP score
of 30 (no plain Pokémon has had less)
and in order for its attacks to be
fairly priced all Psychic Energy
requirements need to be Colorless. Of
course, even if that were true it’d need
even more to compensate its horrible HP.
With all this taken into consideration,
clearly TPC is betting the farm on
Damage Swap.
So how should use you this card? I am
not certain what Pokémon to use, but for
Trainers I’d say Bench Shield,
Seeker and Super Scoop-Up.
With Reuniclus hiding on the
Bench and protected by Bench Shield,
the other two will become supreme
healing cards for whatever it is you
want to protect. I know Manectric
from Platinum has a Poké-Body
that can protect Pokémon on the Bench,
but I have some concerns with it. First,
Poké-Bodies can be blocked. So can
Trainers, but it is still worth
mentioning. More importantly, it’s a
Stage 1 with only 90 HP and its Poké-Body
doesn’t protect itself (or other
Manectric) so you’d really have to
run Bench Shield anyway. So
that’s at least two extra slots in your
deck and a spot on your Bench for
incomplete protection. You should
probably include some larger Pokémon
appropriate to the rest of the deck, and
then use this to back up something that
is really hard to KO or bad about
inflicting self-damage. Honestly,
though, it sounds too risky in this
format, when it is so easy to load the
Bench with damage counters, many times
without relying on attacks. Once the
rotation happens, you’ll lose Bench
Shield (and Manectric, should
you choose it), but we also loose the
premier sniping Pokémon I am worried
about right now. Still, given how many
times Damage Swap has failed to sustain
a deck in the past, I am thinking
Reuniclus would be most useful as a
Bench sitter splashed into a deck. I
don’t feel I can really call it TecH
since it is a minimum of three card
slots (since even if you use Rare
Candy, you used Rare Candy)
plus I’d want at least a 2/2/2 line of
it, even if the middle two are just
Rare Candy. If you can figure out
how to work this into a Typhlosion
Prime deck, you can control the damage
counter placement from its Afterburner
Poké-Power. The thing is I’d want
set-mate Ninetales for the
obvious combo provided through Roast
Reveal: discard a Fire Energy
from hand, draw three cards, and use
Afterburner to attach it to one of
your Pokémon. A single damage counter
isn’t that bad, and by the time
Reuniclus is needed to damage swap…
you’ll be lucky to have a Bench opening
left. I’d prefer to have at least two
each of Typhlosion, two each of
Ninetales, and then two of my
main attacker (we’ll say Reshiram
for the sake of argument). What about
other decks? We tend to hit the same
I’d even avoid this in Limited. That’s
right, avoid it! Not only is it poor,
but so are its lower Stages. Even if
this format, 90 HP is bad for a Stage 2.
While you should be hiding this on your
Bench, what do you do when you open with
Solosis? When you can’t build
anything because you’re constantly
attaching and discarding energy on your
Active Duosion to keep it from
being KO’d, and you know eventually your
opponent will just build up something
that can OHKO Duosion. Damage
Swap is clearly tempting as a Bench
sitter, but there is too much of a risk
of its lower Stages being stuck Active.
On the bright side, since the Ability is
so useful I suppose you could ignore the
attack completely and thus run it in any
Energy deck if you decide to disregard
my advice. I mean, this set has
PlusPower in it!
Modified (Current):
Modified (HGSS-On):
Combos with:
Seeker, Super Scoop Up
Damage Swap is a great power and I
expect at least a few decks to find a
good use for Reuniclus,
especially next format when things
should be a little slower. That being
said, stall strategies often don’t work
out too well due to time limits in
Organized Play, and the Ability is the
only thing that isn’t deadweight on this
card. You have to worry about protecting
it, providing Pokémon to shunt the
damage to, and then cards to bounce
those Pokémon to hand for healing (or
actual healing)… and by that time you
don’t have enough room left for a good
attacker and the support needed to set
it up!
Please check out my auctions on
eBay as I sell off most of my
assorted collections!
It’s a slow process so visit me
through the week as I get items ready
for sale.
Just remember that Pojo.com is in
no way responsible for any of these
sales and are merely kind enough to let
me link to them in my reviews.
virusyosh |
Happy Tuesday, Pojo viewers! I hope that all of you
are having good weeks thus far. Today's Card of the Day
is yet another new Pokemon from the new Black and White
expansion that may see some play. Today's Card of the
Day is Reuniclus.
Reuniclus is a Stage 2 Psychic Pokemon. Gengar is the
most common Psychic played right now in its own deck,
while Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf are very commonly seen
supporters. Reuniclus has an abysmal 90 HP for a Stage
2, meaning that it probably won't be able to take many
hits, even if they aren't hitting for Weakness. Psychic
Weakness especially hurts against Gengar, as Poltergeist
can OHKO with little investment. Like many other cards,
Reuniclus has no Resistance, and a Retreat Cost of 2
isn't terrible, but it isn't great either.
Aside from Reuniclus's lackluster top and bottom stats,
it has an Ability and a single attack. The Ability,
Damage Swap, is identical to that of Base Set Alakazam,
in that it allows you to move damage counters around as
often as you like during your turn between your Pokemon.
This can be pretty useful if you have adequate bench
sitters with high HP and a reliable way to heal them, or
if you just want to move damage off of your Active
Pokemon. However, will all of the snipe available in
today's metagame (Gengar, Garchomp, even some rare
things like Abomasnow), you should make sure to be able
to heal the damage with a Seeker/Super Scoop Up/even
Blissey Prime. There has been talk of an infinite combo
involving Reuniclus, Mismagius GL, and Unown Q, where
you can keep loading damage onto Unown Q, return it to
your hand with Magical Return, only to play it down
again and continue the process until all of the damage
on your side of the field is gone. However, given that
this combo requires a Lv. X and a Stage 2, both with low
HP, chances are that your opponent will be able to deal
significant damage to you before this gets set up
Reuniclus's attack, Psywave, starts off at 30 damage and
does 10 more for each Energy attached to the Defending
Pokemon for the terrible cost of [PPP]. Not really worth
using on its own, especially because it has a very
expensive cost AND is dependent on the opponent.
Modified: 2.5/5 Although hyped, I don't find Reuniclus
all that impressive, at least right now. 90 HP is
terrible for a Stage 2, and having a Psychic Weakness
also hurts. While Damage Swap can be useful, the
presence of SP really limits Reuniclus's usability, as a
Flash Bite + Dragon Rush will OHKO. Once the HGSS-on
rotation is in effect, Reuniclus could definitely see
more play, perhaps with Blissey Prime or other similar
mass-healing cards.
Limited: 3/5 Damage Swap can be great here, especially
if you draft another big hitter with a lot of HP.
Reuniclus's low HP once again lets it down here, and
Psywave is very expensive for little potential reward.
Even still, if you draft the whole Reuniclus line, it
may still end up being useful.
Combos With: Mismagius GL Lv. X and Unown Q, Blissey
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Reuniclus BW
Hello, this is one of my late reviews. Since the total
built up to over 80 missed reviews, I figured that I'd
just make a fresh start and only catch up on Black &
White cards I missed rather than annoy Bill with
constant requests to backdate reviews.
So, what does Reuniclus offer to players? Reuinclus is a
Psychic type Stage 2 with 90 HP, Psychic weakness, a
retreat cost of 2, an Ability and an attack.
To cut a long story short, Reuniclus has terrible HP and
an easily exploited weakness (not so bad in the new
format coming though) with no redeeming features amoung
the rest of the stats. The retreat is terrible because
Reuniclus isn't going to survive in the Active slot long
enough for you to attach the necessary energy for manual
retreating and the lack of resistance, while expected,
is not pleasing. Never have Reuniclus Active if you can
help it, but even on the bench Reuniclus is easily
sniped by Blastoise UL and Garchomp C. Fortunately
Abilities aren't affected by the same things that
Poke-powers and Poke-bodies are, or you could add Gengar
SF and Entei & Raikou Legend to the list of dangerous
The attack is Psywave, and at the cost of [p][p][p] you
know it isn't any good no matter what the effect is
because investing that much energy on a 90 HP Poke'mon
is sheer lunacy. I doubt anyone is going to try in any
case because the effect is a measly 30 damage plus 10
more damage for each energy attached to the Defending
Poke'mon, which means you will never deal more than 70
damage per hit and usually you won't deal more than 50.
Psywave is a pitiful attack that noone should ever use.
To be worth the investment and risk Psywave had to be a
truly broken attack (which it is most certainly not) so
it all comes down to the Ability to keep Reuniclus out
of the binder.
Damage Swap is just like Rain Dance in a way, because it
is a clone of the old Poke'mon Power the first ever
Alakazam used. The effect is to move any damage counters
on your Poke'mon around in any way you like, which can
be quite useful. The most obvious use is to move damage
counters from your damaged attacker to a benched
sacrifice which can then be returned to the hand with
Super Scoop Up/Seeker or healed with an Ability/attack.
Another use is to power up attacks that do extra damage
based on how many damage counters are on your Poke'mon
(whether it be damage counters on the attacking Poke'mon
like Zekrom's Outrage or damage counters on your benched
Poke'mon like Machamp Prime's Champion Buster) but bear
in mind that you will leave yourself vulenerable to a
return KO during your opponent's turn if they manage
build a replacment attacker.
An overlooked use would be to intentionally KO one of
your own Poke'mon to clear some space on your bench and
qualify for using cards like Twins and Black Belt. Sadly
you can't move extra damage counters onto a Poke'mon
that is already being Knocked Out by Damage Swap because
you have to move the counters one at a time, but it is
still a possible play if you run Reuniclus.
The problem is that Damage Swap only helps if your main
attacker can avoid being wiped out by a single attack
which rules out most of the cards that are currently
popular if you are facing any kind of beatdown deck
(which between Reshiram, Zekrom and Machamp Prime, is
most of them). Worse yet, while Reuniclus combos well
with Serpeior BW and Nidoqueen RR, you probably won't
have the space to run two Stage 2 techs in your deck.
Healing is better than simply moving counters so
Reuniclus will probably get edged out in most builds.
If Damage Swap allowed you to move damage counters
between turns instead of during your turn then it would
work a lot better. You could get more healing from
Maternal Comfort/Royal Heal (you could move the damage
counters immediately after getting hit for maximum
efficiency in healing) and power up Rage style attacks
without having to worry about a revenge KO (you would
move the damage counters back away from your Active
immediately after your attack) as well as get around
Poison and Burn more easily. Sadly, that isn't the way
it worked out so Damage Swap is a luxury instead of a
staple in decks that do fun things with damage counters
(tanking decks, anything that likes Rage style attacks,
et cetera).
Seeing as the Ability is situationally useful but
generally outpaced by other options and the rest of the
card is terrible, Reuniclus gets the gong and will
remain as an obscure tech that is usually no more than
binder fodder. At least it is marginally better than
Alakazam E4 Lv X (Alakazam came with a Damage Swap
Poke-power that only affected SP Poke'mon, which between
Poketurn and Garchomp C is completely redundant).
Modified: 2 (there is some potential, but far too often
you won't have the room for this card and Damage Swap
isn't always helpful anyway)
Limited: 1.5 (Damage Swap may be far more useful here if
you pulled a lot of Super Scoop Up cards, but generally
you will do better with self healing attacks and the
newly revamped Potion. Not to mention the stats are
still terrible, as is Psywave. Why on Earth did they
need to add insult to injury by coupling those stats
with such an overpriced attack?)
Combos with: Serperior BW, Super Scoop Up, Machamp
Prime, any similar cards