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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Zekrom #47 & #114
Black & White
Date Reviewed:
May 5, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.33
Limited: 4.85
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#47 & #114 (Black and White)
Today we look at the other hyped B&W cover star – the
Deep Black Pokémon Zekrom.
Like his fiery counterpart Reshiram
(we reviewed it last week), it’s another monster Basic
with 130 HP and some serious firepower. Like
Reshiram it also has a
useful Outrage attack for [C][C] which does 20
damage plus 10 more for each damage counter on
Zekrom (meaning that, if you
don’t OHKO it, you will be sorry). Like
Reshiram it has an attack
which does 120 damage for
three Energy, but instead of having to discard, it does
40 damage to itself instead. That 40 damage can be
something of a problem as it effectively turns
Zekrom into a 90 HP Pokémon
(still not bad for a Basic) after one attack, and it’s
all downhill from there. On the plus side, it can make
Outrage somewhat more of a threat.
As with Reshiram, there are
ways of getting Zekrom doing
its massive Bolt Strike attack nice and early. In fact,
it’s even possible on Turn 1, which makes
Zekrom just about the only
Pokémon in HGSS-on capable of being part of a
donk strategy. It works like
this: use the Power of Pachirisu
CL to attach two Lightning Energy
from your hand, and then use
Shaymin UL’s Celebration Wind to move them on to
Zekrom. Attach your Energy
for the turn and hit for 120! Of course you need some
way to get the three Basics and the
three Energy in your hand. Not always possible on
the first turn, but you should be able to manage it on
subsequent turns with a well-built deck.
So . . . the big question is: is it better than
Reshiram? Well there are a
few things to consider. Zekrom
has a potential speed advantage, but once
Reshiram is set up, it will
power up more consistently. Then there is the issue of
Weakness. Right now, there isn’t expected to be much
Water in the HGSS-on metagame, which helps
Reshiram, but
Zekrom is cheaply knocked
out by Donphan Prime. Of
course it can be teched for
that match up, but that could hurt speed and
I think that both Unova
Legendaries are worth testing out. At the moment I feel
that Reshiram has the slight
edge because it has a better Weakness and a more
consistent long game. Zekrom,
on the other hand, has speed, and more room for techs.
They both make formidable decks and I suggest you build
and try them both before making up your own mind. Both
Zekrom and
Reshiram are available in
tins, so it shouldn’t be too difficult or expensive to
get your hands on them.
Modified (HGSS-on): 4.25 (hugely powerful
Basic that has some decent
support out there)
Limited: 4.75 (this and Reshiram
owned the prerelease as far
as I’m concerned)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Zekrom 47/114 (Black and White)
Hey Pojo readers, today we have the other incredibly
destructive Dragon up for review. Put your hands
together for Zekrom!
Zekrom is a Lightning type non-evolving Basic with 130
HP, Fighting weakness, a retreat cost of 2 and two
It seems that the Metal resistance which has been common
on Lightning types in earlier sets is now a thing of the
past. Other than that, the HP is brilliant and the
retreat cost is fair but the weakness is a pain. Donphan
Prime and Machamp Prime will both survive the rotation,
so Fighting types will still maintain a decent presence
at the tournament level of the Poke'mon TCG. Donphan in
particular will be a problem because it has both a
damage-reduction Poke-body and Lightning resistance to
take the bite out of Zekrom's attacks, along with that
single energy attack which will KO with either a
Pluspower attached or the help of Kingdra Prime.
The stats are a mixture of good and bad, so what are the
attacks like?
Outrage is the same for Zekrom as it is for Reshiram
last week. The cost of [c][c] let's you deal 20 damage,
with a bonus 10 damage for each damage counter on Zekrom
(leading to a maximum of 140 damage, or 180 damage if
you attach an Expert Belt).
This attack is even better on Zekrom than it is on
Reshiram. Because Bolt Strike deals self-damage, Outrage
gets a lovely damage boost and can be used to take a KO
the next turn if another Bolt Strike would make Zekrom
too unhealthy (espeically if you are hitting weakness).
Also, both Donphan and Machamp Prime deal 60 damage with
their first attack (120 damage after weakness), so if
they fail to OHKO Zekrom then Outrage reaches full power
for the return hit. Sadly, Outrage won't OHKO either
Donphan or Machamp Prime even at full power. To make
matters worse, Machamp SF (for however long it remains
in the format) will smash Zekrom with Take Out for an
OHKO while Promocroak will also deal enough damage to
remove Zekrom in one hit (with a little help from Crobat
Outrage is awesome and has near-perfect synergy with
Bolt Strike, but the Fighting weakness and situational
damage mean it isn't a main attack. Bolt Strike however,
is definitely main attack material.
Bolt Strike deals 120 damage for [l][l][c] and deals 40
self-damage. This is definitely fair for the cost, and
the self-damage doesn't prove to be suicidal because of
the high HP. Better yet, provided you don't mind the
risk of a return hit, or a self-inflicted KO, you can
use Bolt Strike turn after turn without having to rely
on any support Poke'mon. You should still keep another
Poke'mon ready on the bench in case of an unfortunate
accident, but Zekrom is amazingly easy to tech into any
deck that can run a few [l] energy (or Rainbow Energy,
which works beatifully with Outrage). The only criticism
I can make is that you can't use DCE for both attacks,
but if you could Zekrom would be ridiculously powerful
so I understand why the design team decided against
In order to avoid giving away as many Prizes as you
take, you are going to need some heavy healing options
for Zekrom however. The most popular will probably be
combining Switch with Seeker so you get a full heal
without even losing any energy, but Pokehealer + is
still with us and will do an excellent job of keeping
Zekrom healthy until the rotation. Super Scoop Up will
also do the trick if you flip Heads, while Poke'mon
Rescue and Revive will get back a Zekrom that just bit
the dust so that you can start fresh. Failing that, just
run Nidoqueen RR or Serperior BW (6/114) to remove thos
annoying damage counters turn after turn. The healing
factor is really the only limitation on Zekrom's power
aside from weakness, so don't ignore it.
Just like Reshiram, Zekrom has a ready-made deck (Magnezone)
just waiting to include it while I also hear talk of a
speed deck revolving around Zekrom, Pachirisu CL and
Shaymin UD. I can see Zekrom being a fixture in any deck
running [l] energy (or Rainbow Energy) from now until it
rotates out. The popularity of Fighting Poke'mon stops
Zekrom from being too powerful, and the advantage Zekrom
has against water decks (Gyarados, Rain Dance and
Kingdra) will be a big bonus both now and after the
Zekrom may even keep Water decks out of play the same
way that Luxray Gl has for these past few years which
will make Reshiram and friends more popular, but somehow
I think that someone out there will still run water to
counter Ninetales HGSS, all other Fire Poke'mon and
Donphan Prime, all of which will be extremely popular
immediately after the rotation. I expect some strong
support will appear in the next few sets to give Rain
Dance the edge it needs to be competitive (cards like
Professor Juniper are a step in the right direction) so
Zekrom will always have a place in the TCG, either as a
counter or an attacker. The only way that will change is
if we get flooded with ridiculously powerful Fighting
tyoe cards, and even then Zekrom would still have enough
speed and power to justify use. Go Zekrom!
Modified: 5 (huge HP, brutal attacks and ridiculously
easy to fit into a Lightning deck. Zekrom is even
relatively easy to tech into a non-Lightning deck so you
know you are going to see it around. Just make sure you
have some way to heal Zekrom when things turn ugly for
Limited: 5 (Bolt Strike can be used turn after turn and
Outrgae is ridiculously powerful here, so if you pulled
enough Supporters and Items you will dominate the
prerelease. I myself was able to run a mono-Lightning
deck at the prerelease and my only problem was that all
of my Poke'mon had a Fighting weakness, but that didn't
prove too much of a hassle and I only lost my final
match against a Reshiram due to absolutely rotten luck)
Combos with: an award for being the first Poke'mon that
is as brilliant in Modified as it is in Limited. Failing
that, Zekrom combos with Magnezone Prime, Pachirisu CL,
Shaymin UL, Rainbow Energy and Seeker.

Otaku |
literally one of the two “Poster-mon”
for this latest generation of Pokémon.
Legendary Pokémon often seem to
fall short of expectations in the TCG,
because you expect them to be… well…
Let’s break down
Zekrom and see if it is hollow hype
or fact-based fear building this card
First and foremost, it is a Basic
Lightning-Type Pokémon, though at first
glance the Ultra Rare version (114/114)
looked like a Darkness-Type because of
the cards black background… well at
least to me.
Being a Basic makes it easy to
work into decks, search out, and play.
Being a Lightning-Type is a
pretty good, with a little support and a
decent amount of Weakness.
130 HP is fantastic, a record
high for a true Basic Pokémon and shared
only with
Fighting Weakness is horrible,
but incredibly important for balance.
No Resistance may actually be
warranted as a balance issue this time,
as is the two Energy Retreat Cost: it is
high enough you can pay if you must but
that you won’t want to due to the set
has some great stats, and its attacks
don’t disappoint.
Outrage is probably the weaker of
the two, and it works exactly as it did
Reshiram: for two of any Energy you
hit for 20 points of damage plus an
additional 10 points of damage for each
damage counter on
Outrage is a solid fallback
option that has some synergy with the
next attack, Bolt Strike, because Bolt
Strike inflicts 40 points of self
You also need (LLC) but the pay
out is stupendous: 120 points of damage!
If your opponent doesn’t hit you
at all, you could use the attack three
times, and stand a very real chance of
getting three Prizes out of it.
Indeed, this is where the synergy
really kicks in: if
Zekrom is damaged enough that Bolt
Strike would cause it to KO itself, that
means you’d hit for at least 110 points
of damage with Outrage.
This will take out almost any
Basic and most Stage 1 Pokémon in a
single hit, and leave almost everything
else all but Knocked Out.
What about the three turns you spend
building it?
What about the fact that
Double Colorless Energy could power
up Outrage but is wasted on the single
Colorless Energy requirement for Bolt
These are valid concerns and
would apply if
Zekrom is splashed into an off-type
deck or even a Lightning-Type deck not
properly prepared for it.
The thing is this card already
has its own deck built around a simple
but effective combo.
You want to open with
Zekrom as your Active Pokémon.
Next bench
Pachirisu from Call of Legends,
using its Poké-Power (Self-Generation)
to attach two
Lightning Energy cards to it from
your hand.
Yes, that means the set-up also
needs you to get those Energy as well.
Lastly play
Shaymin (HS-Unleashed 8/95),
using its Celebration Wind Poké-Power to
transfer the
Lightning Energy cards from
Pachirisu to
Manually attach a final Energy to
Zekrom and hit for 120 points of
damage, ideally the first turn of the
Many have touted it as the new
donk deck for the next, purportedly
better format, but this isn’t really
Instead, I consider this to be
the new Haymaker: no Evolutions
required, with a decent chance of
scoring a FTKO, and with the power to
follow through if it doesn’t score a
FTKO for the win.
So it is a deck that can “donk”
(win first turn by KOing your opponent’s
only Pokémon in play), as opposed to a “donk
deck” (designed solely to score a FTKO
for game and does so quite reliably).
This is definitely a concern for
the next format, but remember that this
card is shredded by
Donphan Prime or
Machamp Prime, and indeed if you can
work a Fighting-Type into your deck
(preferably something that hits fast),
you can trade Prizes pretty easily.
Zekrom isn’t picking of Evolutions
and/or Energy-laden Pokémon, it isn’t
building the momentum it needs to win.
Plus it does rely on many cards
that in the current format can be pretty
easily shut down, though most of those
cards will be rotating out.
I have heard a lot of players being
overly pessimistic about the coming
The most vocal cite this deck.
I find this situation most
reminiscent of the “old days” when
Unlimited was better known as
“Standard”, because it was the standard
format for tournaments.
Back when Haymaker dominated, we
also had a
Professor Oak,
Computer Search,
Item Finder,
Energy Removal,
Super Energy Removal, and
Gust of Wind.
Professor Juniper is good, but she
isn’t a Normal Trainer like
Professor Oak was, capable of being
played multiple times in a single turn.
I think the closes Trainer we
have to
Computer Search, especially going
into the next format, is
There may not be a discard cost,
but you have to be down in Prizes and it
is a Supporter.
Likewise, we may have gotten a
Item Finder in
Junk Arm, but it has indeed been
toned down and really required the other
cards I just named to be a real problem.
Energy Removal/Super
Energy Removal, again we have some
toned down versions, and being able to
remove Special Energy is pretty potent
but not the same
Losing a
Double Colorless Energy stinks, but
it was having a card you spent four
turns powering up picked clean in one
that made the duo so deadly.
Now we come to the one thing we
(presumably) will eventually get, a
modern day
Gust of Wind.
Not a tolerable successor like
Pokémon Reversal or slightly pushing
Poké Blower+, but a card that is
literally just
Gust of Wind with a new name,
Pokémon Catcher from what I’ve seen
of translations.
I believe it was released in their
equivalent of the Black & White
This does look pretty problematic
but at the same time, it really was
those six listed Trainers, usually
supplemented by some almost as broken
ones like
Scoop Up that turned Base Set
Hitmonchan and
Electabuzz into powerhouses.
Indeed there has been no problem
from those Pokémon being re-released
into Modified!
Pokémon Catcher will allow
Zekrom to decimate your Benched
Pokémon one after the other… but that
won’t make it invincible.
Players seem to forget that
Rare Candy, even in a format with
Double Gust people played Stage 2
When you know your Basic is going
to be taken down in one shot, you learn
to run four and Bench two at a time.
You structure your deck so they
Evolve immediately the next turn, and
you stick with stuff you can power up to
at least get their weaker attack in one
Then while
Zekrom OHKOs one Pokémon, you turn
around and OHKO it back: after all, that
130 HP will have dropped to 90 due to
self-damage, and I haven’t seen a
Gold Berry reprint.
I won’t promise the format is
foolproof, but it’s more promising than
what we have.
In Limited play this is a great pick.
Even if you can’t afford to run
Lightning Energy the sheer size will
allow Outrage to do some good damage,
and if you do get the Energy needed,
Bolt Strike might take
Zekrom down from the self-damage,
but whatever it hit will probably go
with it.
Of course if you manage to build
it on the Bench then it probably can
Bolt Strike the current Defending
Pokémon for a Prize, get struck but
probably not KO’d by the next Pokémon,
and you can take it out with Outrage or
Bolt Strike, whatever works best.
Modified (MD-On):
3.75/5 – Sabledonk is an actual donk
deck, but this doesn’t have to donk to
However, this format still has
all the (often run) counter cards that
can shut down the supporting pieces of
the combo.
Modified (HGSS-On):
4.75/5 – I try to talk everyone down,
and yet I score it like this?
Well, it is a card that may be
almost too powerful.
Fortunately, it might clash with
similar cards and actually balance each
other out.
5/5 – You had to pull all the pieces of
a great deck to crowd this card out, or
know that everyone is running mostly
Fighting decks.
Those are the only two reasons
not to run it in your Limited deck.
is a good type, large, hits hard, and
taps into an innovative combo to power
itself up amazingly fast.
In short, it probably is a little
too good once the next format hits, and
for now is good enough to try playing.
Still, I don’t think it will
become an almost impossible to beat deck
next format, but it will be the hard to
beat deck and could be
the hard to beat deck.
here to see what I have up for bids
on eBay.
Pojo.com is in no way responsible
for any transactions and merely kind
enough to let me link to my auctions in
my reviews.
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo readers! Now that I'm done
with my grad school finals, I should be able to be more
consistent with my reviews. Today's Card of the Day is a
rather large Lightning-type dragon that you may all have
heard about: it's the mascot of Pokemon White, Zekrom.
Zekrom is a Basic Lightning Pokemon. Lightning Pokemon
see play in our current MD-on format, with Luxray GL Lv.
X being everywhere and Magnezone Prime picking up in
popularity. Zekrom has a massive 130 HP for a Basic,
meaning that it can probably take a few hits that aren't
for Weakness, and maybe even some that are. Fighting
Weakness hurts, but is to be expected on a
Lightning-type, so be careful around Donphans and
Machamps. No Resistance is no Resistance, which is never
a good thing. Finally, a Retreat Cost of 2 is decent for
a large dragon such as Zekrom, meaning it shouldn't be
too hard to take it out of the Active position.
Like Reshiram, Zekrom has two attacks: Outrage and Bolt
Strike. Outrage is exactly the same as the version on
Reshiram, starting with 20 damage for a Double Colorless
cost and dealing 10 more for each damage counter on
Zekrom. Outrage may be even better on Zekrom, though,
because Bolt Strike still does 120 damage for [LLC] like
Reshiram's Blue Flare, but instead of discarding the
Energy attached, Zekrom does 40 damage to itself
instead. This is a high-risk, high-reward attack, since
after you use it your opponent will most likely be able
to KO with an attack of their own. However, if they
don't, you should be able to Outrage for massive damage,
or maybe even go down swinging with another Bolt Strike.
Zekrom is an absolutely killer Basic, and works really
well with support to minimize the damage it takes (or to
at least keep you Bolt Striking). The new Reuniclus and
Serperior may be interesting choices for healing Zekrom,
but those require a lot of set-up, given that they are
both Stage 2s. In addition, running cards like Potion
probably aren't worth it in Modified, so the easiest way
to get rid of the damage is probably something like
Blissey Prime, Super Scoop Up, or Seeker. Then again, if
you just plan on using Zekrom as a fast-hitting,
somewhat suicidal attacker, that can be just as
effective given the deck you put it in. Magnezone comes
to mind here, as it can function as a big body and a
good attacker if you don't want to commit to Lost
Burning all of your Energy or if you find the damage
output of Magnezone SF to be too weak.
Modified: 3.5/5 It's still really good, but Reshiram has
more support options going for it, making Zekrom
slightly weaker in terms of Modified. Outrage is still
as good as ever here, as you'll probably be able to
survive an attack, Outrage for a KO, and maybe Bolt
Strike for another. That being said, Zekrom doesn't
really have a deck to call its home right now, but that
will assuredly change in the future, when this huge
dragon will find a niche in the new HGSS-on format.
Limited: 5/5 Just like Reshiram, if you pull one an
manage to get it out, your opponent will have MASSIVE
problems, especially if you end up drafting cards like
Revive to get it back.130 HP on a Basic body is truly
outstanding in Limited, and makes Zekrom worth running
on its own. Outrage works wonders in a format where
everything isn't a OHKO, and since your opponent
probably won't have a massive buildup, you can easily
Bolt Strike, take the damage (possibly using a Potion if
needed), then Outrage your way to victory. Highly
recommended, even if the rest of your Lightning draft
isn't too strong.
Combos With: Reuniclus BW, Serperior BW (although both
of these are admittedly slow)