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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Escavalier #80
Noble Victories
Date Reviewed:
Dec. 1, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.75
Limited: 4.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
80/101 (Noble Victories)
Ok, I just want to say that this Pokémon has a very
clever name. It’s a snail (escargot
in French) that looks like a knight (chevalier).
So . . . Es-cavalier.
The card itself?
Eh . . . not so much. We have a 90 HP Metal Type
(meaning bad Fire Weakness but decent Psychic Resistance
and the option of using Special Metal to reduce damage
taken). Now Metal Types are usually high HP Pokémon
(like Steelix or
Aggron), I mean, they are
covered in Armour. Escavalier
must be some kind of really fast Metal Type that has
speed instead of bulk, right? Wrong. It’s slow as
anything in the video game, and this is reflected in the
TCG with a terrible Retreat cost of three.
But in the video game, Escavalier
has a huge amount of attack to compensate. Does the same
thing happen here? Well, yes and no.
first attack is Guard Press. The damage output
represents decent-ish value:
40 for [M][C], and it has the
effect of reducing the damage taken by
Escavalier on the next turn
by 20. Now that’s better than nothing, I guess. It’s not
going to make any difference to
Reshiram or Zekrom of
course, but it might buy you a turn against less
overpowered Pokémon. That extra turn gives you the
chance to attach another Energy
of any Colour and use Twineedle.
This attack gives you two coin flips
with 70 damage for each heads. Get lucky and
that’s a more than respectable 140. Average luck nets
you a below par 70, and of course there’s always the
chance that you could do nothing whatsoever.
It’s that risk of mediocre/zero damage that, together
with the low HP, really condemn this card to the binder.
Of course tomorrow’s card might help with that, though
as we shall see, it has many more attractive combos than
with Escavalier. In a fast,
high damage format, it just doesn’t have what it takes
to compete.
Modified: 1.75 (outclassed by too many other things to
be worthwhile. Being frail and
flippy doesn’t help either)
Limited: 4 (Guard Press can be very useful in a low
damage environment, and its ability to KO anything if
you get lucky makes it a good choice)
virusyosh |
Happy December, Pojo readers! Today we're continuing
our COTD week by reviewing the evolution of yesterday's
card and the star of the Furious Knights theme deck.
Today's Card of the Day is Escavalier.
Escavalier is a Stage 1 Metal Pokemon. Metal-types
aren't very common in Modified due to the omnipresence
of Fire, although Metal can work well against the
newly-popular Kyurem and random Vanilluxe. 90 HP is
fairly average for a Stage 1, and is probably too low
for an attacker in Modified even with the boosts from
Special Metal Energy. Fire Weakness is once again bad,
as Reshiram, Typhlosion, and Emboar are all very common;
Psychic Resistance is good against Mew Prime and the
increasingly rare Gothitelle; a Retreat Cost of 3 is
huge and shouldn't be paid. Use Switch instead.
Escavalier has two offensive attacks in Guard Press and
Twineedle. Guard Press deals 40 damage for a Metal and a
Colorless, and gives Escavalier 20 points of damage
reduction during your opponent's next turn. Not a
terrible attack by any means (and a great tanking move
in Limited), but the attack probably isn't going to see
play in Modified due to its relatively low damage
output. Twineedle is your standard flip attack, allowing
you to flip 2 coins and deal 70 damage times the number
of heads for a Metal and two Colorless. The possibility
of 140 damage is fairly good in this format (as 130
seems to be the magic number for many prominent
threats), but Escavalier probably will only be doing 70
damage on average and will likely be revenge killed. One
could use Victory Star Victini as a potential partner to
ensure a high damage output, but there are generally
better options for abusing Victini, such as Vanilluxe NV
or Sharpedo TM.
Modified: 1.5/5 While Escavalier can easily OHKO a
Kyurem and has the possibility to deal 140 damage with
two coin flips (possibly with help from a Victini), its
low HP, damaging Weakness, and high Retreat Cost will
keep Escavalier from seeing competitive play.
Limited: 3.5/5 Escavalier is a fairly strong Pokemon to
use in Limited. Guard Press is an excellent tanking
move, keeping weaker Pokemon at bay while you power up
other Pokemon on the Bench (and lowering the damage
output of stronger attacks as well). Twineedle is a
high-risk, high-reward attack for Limited, but works
very well if you manage to also play a Victory Star
Victini. Escavalier's somewhat rare typing, low HP, and
high Retreat Cost hold it back from being an automatic
inclusion into your Limited deck, but it is still very
good in the format.
Combos With: Victini (Victory Star)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Excavalier (Noble Victories)
Today's lucky contestant is Excavalier, the weirdest
knight ever to roam the fantasy lands. Will Excavalier
succeed inits quest to fin the fabled Fountain of
Tournament Playability?
Not a chance, sadly. The 90 HP is right at the bottom
rung for playable Stage 1 Poke'mon and the Fire Weakness
is another strike against it. The retreat cost is an
insult to a fine jouster like Excavalier and the Metal
typing leaves the poor quester without any notable
support Poke'mon (although the Special Energy are a
small consolation). If Excavalier is to rise above these
obstacles, it had better have some broken attacks!
Guard Press and Twinneedle do not carry the
classification of 'broken'. Heck, they don't even carry
the classification of 'would be good if support gets
printed later'.
Guard Press is decent value, costing [m][c] to deal 40
damage and reduce incoming damage by 20 (which stacks
well with the Psychic Resistance and Special Metal
Energy) but it doesn't do nearly as much as other
attacks that require the same investment (Yanmega's
Linear attack, Zoroark's Foul Play, Donphan's
Earthquake, Simisear's Flame Burst, Cinccino's Do the
Wave, the list goes on). As such, it is only an early
option for when you are short on energy or the Defending
Poke'mon is 40 HP away from being Knocked Out.
Twinneedle is a flippy attack costing [m][m][c] which
flips two coins, dealing 70 damage for each Heads
result. While the maximum output of 140 damage is
certainly impreesive, the average is only 70 damage and
the 25% chance of complete failure is painful. Even with
the new Victory Star Victini around, the odds don't
improve that much and you still have to deal with the
problem of manually attaching 3 energy to a Poke'mon
that will most likely be hit with a revenge KO. Even a
magic coin that always flips Heads won't save Excavalier
from the discard pile!
At the end of the day, Excavalier is a mediocre card
that is already playing at a disadvantage. Keep it in
the binder for trade fodder.
Modified: 2 (even if Metal types had energy acceleration
so they could keep up fith the Fire types, I doubt
Excavalier would make the cut)
Limited: 3.5 (Guard Press will serve you well and
Twinneedle is also is improved by the lack of other
options. The useful Karrablast and Shelmet Poke'mon are
another plus)
Combos with: the binder