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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Druddigon #89
Noble Victories
Date Reviewed:
Nov. 15, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.87
Limited: 4.87
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
89/101 (Noble Victories)
Although I think that Generation V is the best one for
Pokémon design since Generation II (I love
Cinccino and lots more),
Druddigon is one that I
really don’t like. To me it looks like a five year old
drew a dragon and then coloured it in with the brightest
pens they could find.
Of course none of that matters if
Druddigon is a good card and . . . well . . . it
sort of is. The 100 HP is still pretty respectable for
an unevolving Basic (even if
we have been spoiled by the Unova
Dragons). The Retreat cost is a bit steep, but actually,
you will usually be more than happy to leave
Druddigon active (as we
shall see). The fact that it has no Resistance is . . .
commonplace, but the lack of a Weakness is straight up
fantastic. There’s no teching
against this thing, you are going to need to do
100 damage if you want the
OHKO – and believe me, that’s
exactly what
you do want.
The reason for this is Druddigon’s
Ability, Rough Skin. This means that whenever a Pokémon
does damage to Druddigon
(note: this does not include damage counter placement
like Kingdra Prime’s Spray
Splash or Status Condition damage), the attacking
Pokémon will take 20 damage. That’s pretty significant
as it brings practically every Pokémon within range of
an unboosted return KO from
either Zekrom or
Reshiram. Now
Magnezone Prime has 120 HP,
Donphan Prime has 100 (so
Exoskeleton won’t save it), Reshi
and Zekrom themselves are
down to 110, and Gothitelle
is brought into range and won’t have the opportunity to
heal off the damage before you get to attack her.
Best of all, because Rough Skin
places damage
counters, so it isn’t affected by things like
Eviolite or
Rough Skin even has some synergy with
Druddigon’s Clutch attack.
It isn’t the cheapest at 3 Energy for 60 damage (at
least it’s Double Colourless compatible though), but it
does have the nice effect of preventing the Defending
Pokémon from retreating (unless they have Switch). This
means you can drag out an ineffective attacker (with
Pokémon Catcher) and watch as
your opponent is either forced to pass, or
contribute to their own KO, knowing that whatever they
bring up to knock out Druddigon
will be setting itself up for an easier KO on your next
With his lack of a Weakness, decent attack, Colourless
Energy requirement, and very nice Ability, it’s fair to
say that Druddigon seems to
be a pretty good Pokémon. The only trouble is that I
don’t really see how a strategy can be built around it,
nor do I see how it can find a place in most other
decks. We already have various ways of adding damage (Kingdra
Prime, PlusPower, and Rocky
Helmet – a Tool in the new set that gives the Rough Skin
Ability to any Pokémon), that seem more efficient and/or
flexible than Druddigon.
Sadly, I think he could be one of those cards that gets
very close to being tournament viable, but ultimately
falls short. Only time will tell.
Modified: 2.75 (hopefully someone will find a way to
bring out the best in this interesting card)
Limited: 4.5 (a splashable,
high HP Basic, that dishes out bonus damage . . . a
complete beast in this format)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Druddigon (Noble Victories)
It's day 2 of the new Noble Victories reviews and we are
on to one of the ugliest Poke'mon ever to be released.
Hail Druddigon!
Druddigon is a big bad dragon with 100 HP and nearly
blank bottom stats. No Weakness, no Resistance and a
retreat cost of 2 mean there are no coloured symbols
anywhere on the card. Also important are the Colourless
typing and the fact that Druddigon is a Basic, so it
gets all of the utility from Poke'mon Collector, Revive
and Evolite (watch out for a review later this week!).
The survivability is decent against most Basics and
Stage 1 Poke'mon but Zekrom and Reshiram will still eat
this ugly duckling for breakfast as will most of the
Stage 2 Poke'mon hanging around. Fortunately, Druddigon
has an ace up its sleeve to punish anything big enough
to take it out and discourage small attacks of any kind.
Druddigon's Ability is Rough Skin, which does the same
thing here as it does in the video games. Whenever
Druddigon is damaged by an opponent's attack, the
attacking Poke'mon receives 2 damage counters so if you
are going to attack you had better make it worthwhile or
you'll hurt yourself more than the opponent.
Clutch is the only attack, costing [c][c][c] to deal 60
damage and prevent the Defending Poke'mon from
retreating. The Colourless cost means that Druddigon can
work with almost any type of energy acceleration and the
lock is useful when combined with Poke'mon Catcher (just
drag a bench sitter Active and make it stay there!) but
I can't help feeling that you can do something better
with 3 energy.
Even with Rough Skin acting as a wall, I find Outrage is
far superior in discouraging early attacks (especially
if you choose the right Dragon to hit for Weakness if
your deck is facing a bad maychup). Druddigon isn't
nearly as offensively powerful as the Unova Dragons or
even the Weather Genies, but it does act as another Big
Basic that can be splashed into any deck. If we get some
Technical Machines in the next block of sets then
Druddigon could become a viable starter but for now I
think Druddigon is mostly a Limited powerhouse which
lacks the insane HP and damage required to compete with
the other Legendaries out there.
Modified: 3 (another case of "it's bad because the
Dragons will socre a 1 Hit Knock Out" but if you are
short on cards it is a decent filler option for your
Limited: 5 (Colourless Poke'mon are scarce in this set
and Rough Skin is much more valuable for discouraging
attacks here with the lower overall damage. Plus Clutch
stops your opponent retreating to deny a Prize and you
can add in an Eviolite or Rocky Helmet for even more
defensive discouragement)
Combos with: more damage and HP to give it an edge over
Tornadus (but even then, Tornadus has the 'move an
energy' clause in its major attack to save your Double
Colourless Energy from being discarded by a revenge KO
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo readers! Today we're going to
be reviewing a new Basic from Noble Victories that did
incredibly well in Limited and may have some Modified
potential as well. Today's Card of the Day is Druddigon.
Druddigon is a Colorless Basic Pokemon. Colorless
Pokemon can easily fit into any deck due to their
ability to use any Energy type and easily abuse Double
Colorless Energy, making them a strong play if you need
secondary attackers or support Pokemon in your deck. In
Modified, the most common Colorless Pokemon played right
now are Cleffa for support and Tornadus for a secondary
attacker. Druddigon may be able to fit into an attacking
role, although Tornadus does give it stiff competition.
100 HP is fairly good for a non-Evolving Basic, although
it is worth noting that 100 HP can't stand up to the
likes of high powered attackers such as Reshiram, Zekrom,
Magnezone Prime, Suicune/Entei LEGEND, or even
Gothitelle and Emboar. No Weakness greatly helps
Druddigon's case as it will be able to withstand weaker
attacks, no Resistance is rather unfortunate but not
unexpected, and a Retreat Cost of 2 is payable in a
bind, but you'll still probably want to use Switch to
move Druddigon from Active.
Druddigon has an Ability and a single attack. Rough Skin
acts in a similar fashion to Rocky Helmet, putting 2
damage counters on the Attacking Pokemon whenever
Druddigon is damaged in an attack. This is good against
Pokemon with low damage outputs (like Yanmega Prime),
but chances are your opponent will be using a big
attacker in Modified, so this Ability will usually only
be useful for two damage counters there. In Limited,
Rough Skin can be a nightmare for your opponent, as when
combined with Eviolite your opponent will greatly
struggle to do any sort of appreciable damage to
Druddigon. Actually, Druddigon combos well with Eviolite
in Modified as well to add to its survivability, and
Rocky Helmet can also be used to add even more damage.
Crunch, Druddigon's form of offense, deals 60 damage and
prevents the Defending Pokemon from retreating during
your opponent's next turn for three Colorless Energy.
The damage output is a bit weak for the cost, but
luckily it can power up quickly with a Double Colorless
Energy. In Limited, this is a solid attack with decent
damage that can really mess with your opponent's plans,
as preventing them from retreating can be the difference
between a win and a loss in this format (whereas in
Modified, your opponent is more likely to use Switch or
Super Scoop Up).
Modified: 3/5 Druddigon is a curious case in Modified.
It has direct competition with Tornadus in terms of a
strong Colorless Basic attacker, and each has their
advantages and disadvantages. Both get OHKOed by a
majority of the format in the late game, but their bulk
and flexibility make them strong early-game plays.
Tornadus has 10 more HP, deals 20 more damage, and has
one fewer Retreat than Druddigon, but Druddigon has
Rough Skin and can prevent the opponent from Retreating
during your opponent's next turn. Both can utilize
Double Colorless Energy and Eviolite, as well. Overall,
I feel that Tornadus is still a stronger play than
Druddigon due to its higher damage output, lower Retreat
Cost, and ability to move Energy with Hurricane, but
that's not to say that Druddigon isn't playable. In
fact, Druddigon is a very solid secondary attacker in
Modified, and can easily work well if you're looking for
a change of pace.
Limited: 5/5 Druddigon has Colorless Energy
requirements, high HP, amazing Ability, and an attack
with decent damage output and a great effect. Druddigon
will give your opponents fits all over Limited,
especially if you combine it with a Rocky Helmet or
Combos With: Rocky Helmet, Eviolite