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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Leavanny #3
Noble Victories
Date Reviewed:
Nov. 22, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.37
Limited: 2.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
3/101 (Noble Victories)
This weird-looking stick-insect/praying mantis thing is
apparently the ‘nurturing Pokémon’, and it is the
ability to ‘look after’ other Pokémon that you have in
play which has caused people to take a second look at
this card to see if it could find a use in competitive
is a Stage 2 with a respectable (by which I mean
‘average these days’) 130 HP. The weakness to Fire would
normally be catastrophic in today’s
Reshiram-heavy format, but
Leavanny has a way of dealing with that, as we
shall see. The Retreat cost of two is not a good thing
in a format full of Pokémon Catcher, so any deck running
this card needs to be prepared to use Switch.
If Leavanny
does manage
to see any play, it won’t be for the attack. Cutting Arm
costs {G][C][C] and does 40
damage with two coin flips giving you the opportunity to
add another 20 damage for each heads. Even at its very
best, 80 damage for three Energy from a Stage 2 is not
very impressive: we have a whole slew of Basics (ie:
the Unova Dragons and
Weather Genies) that can do 80 or better for the same
cost, and they don’t need coin flips either. So . . . by
a process of elimination, the attraction of this card
must be down to its Ability, Leaf Tailor, whose effect
states that while Leavanny
is in play, each of your Pokémon that has an Energy
attached has no Weakness.
This kind of effect always has an immediate superficial
appeal in the TCG. After all, there are many good
Pokémon that are mostly denied a place in top tier decks
because they have an unfortunate Weakness: think of
Tyranitar Prime’s fear of
Donphan, or
Steelix’s Prime’s ability to
tank being completely undermined by
Reshiram. However, finding the
deckspace for, and setting
up, a Stage 2 line
just to
cancel Weakness has never really been worth it during
the history of the game. It has always been preferable
to either just accept that some match ups will be tough,
or (better still) not play Pokémon that get destroyed by
popular decks. Blastoise
from Crystal Guardians and Great Encounters
Exploud had exactly the same
function as Leavanny, and
yet they never really saw much play at all. In fact,
Leavanny is actually
worse than
those other cards for a couple of reasons: firstly, it
only removes Weakness if the Pokémon has an Energy
attached (your opponent will say ‘fine, I’ll just
Catcher one that doesn’t’); and secondly, the format at
the moment revolves around Pokémon that can OHKO
regardless of
Weakness (I’m looking at you
Reshiram and Zekrom).
Stage 2 techs need to do more than
Leavanny can in order to see play (for example,
Vileplume UD’s Trainer Lock,
or Typhlosion Prime’s Energy
acceleration). With Pokémon Catcher making
Leavanny more of a free
Prize liability than a genuine asset, I honestly don’t
see it as the card that is going to make *insert
favourite Pokémon with a bad Weakness here* playable.
Sorry guys.
Modified: 2.25 (If the Weakness really hurts your deck
that bad you
should seriously consider playing something else)
Limited: 1.25 (Setting up a Stage 2 in limited should be
a game-winning move. Stage 2 bench sitting techs just
aren’t practical)
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo readers! Today we're
continuing our reviews of cards from the new Noble
Victories expansion. Today's Card of the Day is Leavanny.
Leavanny is a Stage 2 Grass Pokemon. Grass-types
aren't so common in Modified, with only Yanmega being
commonly seen; most Grass-types being weak to Fire
certainly doesn't help their case. However, this
particular Leavanny's Ability may allow it to see some
play as a tech in a few decks. 130 HP is just about
average for a Stage 2 now, and Leavanny should be able
to survive at least two unboosted hits before going
down. Fire Weakness is terrible against the likes of
Reshiram, Typhlosion, and Emboar, so Leavanny should
avoid these Pokemon whenever possible. Leavanny sadly
has no Resistance, but it does have a Retreat Cost of 2,
which is payable if it's absolutely necessary, but one
would still probably rather use Switch.
Leavanny has an Ability and one attack. The Ability,
Leaf Tailor, grants all of your Pokemon with Energy
attached no Weakness. This is quite similar to the
once-played Exploud from Supreme Victors, which was
commonly seen as a 1-0-1 or 1-1-1 in decks that had
major Weakness problems. That being said, Leavanny can
fulfill a similar role. While requiring Energy to get
the effect is a bit of a drawback, chances are your main
hitters will have Energy attached, helping your
offensive matchups. Then again, Leavanny is also a Stage
2, so it will require a few resources to get out.
Cutting Arm is Leavanny's only offense, dealing an
unimpressive 40 damage for a Grass and two Colorless,
allowing you to flip two coins and deal 20 more damage
for each heads. This attack won't see a whole lot of
play outside of Limited due to its disappointing damage
output. I guess if you wanted to get cute you could
always pair it with Victory Star Victini, but there are
other options that are better in this regard.
Modified: 2.5/5 Leavanny has a good chance of seeing
play for Leaf Tailor and Leaf Tailor alone, as Cutting
Arm isn't going to meet Modified's high-damage
standards. Leaf Tailor could work well in decks that
have a major crippling Weakness to other Pokemon in the
metagame (such as in a Grass deck or Metal deck), but
Leavanny being a Stage 2 makes it fairly difficult to
get out and as as bench sitter, Leavanny is definitely
Pokemon Catcher bait. Leavanny doesn't belong in every
deck, but if you can play around these drawbacks, it can
be a very solid tech.
Limited: 3.5/5 Leavanny is a Stage 2, so getting it
out is going to be difficult. However, Leaf Tailor is
quite excellent here, as negating Weakness can greatly
aid in survivability. Cutting Arm, while not amazing, is
serviceable here with only one Grass requirement and
gets even better if you pull a Victory Star Victini.
Overall, Leavanny is a nice choice for a Limited deck.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Leavanny (Noble Victories)
Today we have a card similar to one of my favourite
techs from the Supreme Victors sets. Say hello to
Now, despite the fact that Leavanny has grown on me as
I've played through the videogames and despite the
decent fan base for the big mantis, Leavanny has yet to
be printed as a card that is even marginally useful. The
second version from Emerging Powers came close with its
Nurturing attack, but to be honest playing a Stage 2 (or
going to the trouble of putting Leavanny in the Lost
Zone for Mew Prime's Poke-body) has proven to not
be worth the effect.
Maybe this card will change Leavanny's fortunes, as well
as finally bring Grass and Metal Poke'mon back to the
Leavanny is a Grass type Stage 2 with 130 HP, Fire
Weakness, a retreat cost of, an Ability and an attack.
These stats are usually a death sentence due to the
brutal presence of ReshiPhlosion, but the Ability may go
some way towards fixing that. Still, even without Fire
Weakness the HP is on the low side for this format and
the lack of Water Resistance adds insult to injury (in
Black & White and Emerging Powers Water Resistance came
standard on Grass Poke'mon).
Noone could give a toss for the attack (3 energy for a
flippy attack that maxes out at 80 effect free damage)
so I'll move straight to the Ability. Leaf Tailor
removes the Weakness of any of your Poke'mon who have at
least 1 energy attached to them, which varies between
being a luxury you can live without to being an absolute
neccesity if you don't want to get anhilated.
Flash back to Expolud SV, which despite being one of my
favourite cards never quite caught on in the competitive
arena. However, the early Rain Dance build needed
Exploud to remove the crippling Lightning Weakness so
the a single Luxray GL Lv X didn't devour the entire
Now we move forward to the present day where powerhouses
such as Ability Samurott BW, Tyranitar Prime and Steelix
Prime are bing flattened by Zekrom, Donphan Prime and
Reshiram. Leavanny could help even the odds by removing
the type advantage, especially since each of the
disadvantaged cards is energy hungry and will rarely
fail to activate Leaf Tailor.
So we've established that removing Weakness is a good
thing but is it worth the price? leavanny is a Stage 2
so it has a heavy cost in both deck space and the time
it takes to get it into play. Also, Leavanny itself will
rarely have any energy attached to it so if your
opponent uses Poke'mon Catcher it will look like a fat
target as well as costing you your immunity to Weakness.
I think this Leavanny will be about as popular as
Exploud was, but I can still see a place for it as a
1-0-1 line in decks that use powerful but vulnerable
Poke'mon (Steelix Prime, Scizor Prime, Armourott) and
have room for lots of Rare Candy (Maybe the Metal Gear
Klingklang will finally have a home?).
Modified: 3 (I want to score Leavanny higher but I
suspect that this card will be quickly forgotten)
Limited: 2.5 (Leaf Tailor is more useful in this format
but it is also a lot harder to get Leavanny into play)
Combos with: Steelix Prime, Klingklang BW, Scizor Prime,
Armourott, Tyranitar Prime