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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Liligant #5
Noble Victories
Date Reviewed:
Nov. 29, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.00
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
5/101 (Noble Victories)
On the whole I really like the Generation V Pokémon.
There are a few I could easily live without (Stunfisk,
Trubbish), but there are
some really great designs in there (Vanilluxe,
Chandelure, the Musketeers).
By far my favourite though is
Lilligant. It’s like someone took a
Bellossom, gave her a
makeover, and now she is a million times more
The Emerging Powers Lilligant
was a pretty good card too. Sadly, this one isn’t. The
80 HP is lower than average for a Stage 1, Fire Weakness
is still bad in this format, and the Water Resistance is
. . . well, I guess it could be useful against
Kyurem. The Retreat cost of
one is acceptable.
first attack, Aromax, costs
only a single Grass Energy and has the effect of
allowing you to remove all damage from one of your
Pokémon. Healing in Pokémon is nice, but healing that
involves using your attack generally isn’t worth it.
There are other ways to get the job done without the
need for that such as Ability
Serperior, Max Potion, or
Blissey Prime. Windmill costs another Energy (any
Colour will do), and for that you get a very mediocre 30
damage and you switch Lilligant
with one of your Benched Pokémon.
You can sort of see how this card was supposed to work.
Retreat your damaged active for it, heal the damaged
attacker, then use Windmill
to get Lilligant back to the
Bench. In a slower, gentler, casual game, this might
even have some use, but today’s format is all about
Pokémon Catcher and OHKOs. Sadly, a card like
Lilligant has no place here.
On the plus side, it would be hilarious to use
Lilligant to stall out a
deck that relied exclusively on
Kyrurem’s spread attack (just keep switching
between two Lilligants and
only use Aromax so you don’t
trigger Outrage). It’s not a ploy I would seriously
recommend though, I just
wanted to give the card
some purpose.
Not that it really needs it. The super
prettyful artwork is a good
enough reason to want one anyway.
Modified: 2 (a beautiful card that is great at . . .
looking beautiful. She’s a TCG supermodel)
Limited: 3.5 (actually decent here. Healing is good
Prize denial)
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo viewers! Today we're reviewing
yet another new Rare card from the new Noble Victories
expansion. Today's Card of the Day is Lilligant.
Lilligant is a Stage 1 Grass Pokemon. The omnipresence
of Reshiram in Modified prevents many Grass-types from
seeing play, therefore any Grass-types that may see play
in this format either must have something to make them
stand out or not have a Fire Weakness. 80 HP is terrible
for a terminally-evolved Stage 1, as Lilligant will be
easily Knocked Out by even middling threats in Modified.
In Limited, the HP value isn't great, but is serviceable
enough. Fire Weakness is terrible to have in this
format, as Reshiram, Typhlosion, and Emboar will all
OHKO without any difficulty (a Reshiram with two damage
counters will OHKO with Outrage, as an example). Water
Resistance is good against Kyurem. Finally, a Retreat
Cost of 1 is easily payable if you must.
Lilligant has two attacks: Aromax and Windmill. Aromax
allows you to heal all damage from one of your Benched
Pokemon for a single Grass Energy, which is fairly good
if you have a heavily damaged Evolved Pokemon on the
Bench that you can't easily Seeker or Super Scoop Up.
That being said, Aromax is probably not that great to
use in Modified, as the healing will likely not
withstand the great offensive pressure from all of the
major hitters in the format. Additionally, due to
Lilligant's low HP score, chances are Lilligant will be
OHKO'd after using Aromax. Therefore, while tempting,
this attack is better suited for Limited.
Windmill is Lilligant's offensive move, dealing 30
damage and switching her out with one of your benched
Pokemon for a Grass Energy and a Colorless. This attack
is not great by any means, and will once again be mostly
relegated to Limited due to the presence of other strong
attackers in Modified.
Modified: 1.75/5 Lilligant isn't totally useless due to
Aromax, but it won't be seeing much play any time soon.
Low HP, terrible Weakness, and a disappointing damage
output will keep this Flowering Pokemon from seeing much
play in this format.
Limited: 3/5 While Lilligant's HP is still a problem
here, Aromax can be potentially game-breaking. If you
are able to retreat a big hitter that is heavily
damaged, promote Lilligant, and use Aromax, chances are
you will be able to retreat Lilligant next turn (or use
Windmill) to go back to your big hitter. Fire Weakness
also isn't such a problem here, as Fire types are
relatively uncommon in Noble Victories.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Lilligant (Noble Victories)
A lovely Tuesday review for a lovely Poke'mon, today's
subject is Lilligant.
I'm going to avoid the usual route today and completely
ignore the question of whether or not it is playable,
and just focus on how pretty the art looks!
The classic 'cute' pose makes me want to brace for a
sickeningly sweet theme song to start playing, but the
flowers and the fountain in the background are a
masterpiece (absolutely perfect light effects!). The
house looks impressive and as always, Lilligant is in
top form to win the prettiest Poke'mon contest. A big
round of applause for Akira Komayama!
Well since you insist, I'll quickly mention that
Lilligant is a frail Poke'mon with a single useful
attack that fully heals one of your Poke'mon at the
expense of losing Lilligant to your opponent's
counterattack. The math just doesn't work in Lilligant's
favour as you'll rarely need the healing (what with all
of the 1HKOs and all), although it looks so wonderful in
the binder that I wouldn't risk damaging it anyway.
Modified: 2 (I've seen it used in a Scolipede/Lilligant
troll deck to make the newer players cry but aside from
that I don't see the point)
Limited: 4 (the healing is much more likely to matter in
a slower format and the second attack allowing you to
swtich out is a nice touch to avoid losing energy)
Combos with: strong protective sleeves that will keep
Lilligant in perfect condition along with all of your
other cards that are completely useless but look far too
awesome not to like!