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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Karrablast #8
Noble Victories
Date Reviewed:
Nov. 30, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.67
Limited: 2.37
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
8/101 (Noble Victories)
Apparently today’s Pokémon evolves into
Escavalier (which we are
looking at tomorrow). Personally, I think it looks more
like a Heracross
pre-evolution. Yes, it’s another bug Pokémon, apparently
you can’t have too many of those.
Evolving Basics aren’t usually too exciting. This one
comes with a decent 60 HP, a Fire Weakness which is
largely irrelevant considering the amount of damage Fire
Pokémon usually do (though watch out for a
Reshiram using Double
Colourless Energy + PlusPower
to get a first turn Outrage KO). The Retreat cost of one
is pretty standard and manageable.
The one thing that makes you look twice at this card is
the first attack, Mysterious Evolution. Basics with
attack names like this are usually good because they
offer a way of evolving the Pokémon by searching the
deck for its evolution, which gets it into play faster
and saves you from having to use a search card.
Shuppet CG and
Feebas HL got good use in
the past from their very similar Ascension attacks.
Unfortunately, Karrablast’s
version has a condition attached: you can only use it
when Shelmet is in play. Ok
. . . we can see where this is going: the card has been
designed to be played in a gimmick
deck (if you need further confirmation,
Shelmet has the same attack
with a corresponding condition). Given that
Escavalier and
Accelgor have no synergy as
a deck whatsoever (they even use different Energy
Types), this looks like a gimmick that is doomed to go
unused outside of a prerelease
or what is euphemistically called a ‘fun league deck’.
In other words, it’s a worthless combo that makes the
attack a waste of time unless you want to devote space
in your deck to some other Basic Pokémon that you don’t
even need.
It’s not as if Karrablast
has anything else to offer really. Just that terrible
Fury Attack that we have seen so many times before:
three flips and 10 damage for each heads . . . *yawn*.
Will you want to run it anyway because the Evolution is
that good? No
spoilers. Wait until tomorrow . . .
Modified: 1.25 (what could have been a useful
Ascension-style attack gets sadly
Limited: 2.25 (you could run
here I guess. In which case it’s an ok Basic)
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo readers! Today we continue our
COTD reviews with the card that is the City
Championships promo. Today's Card of the Day is
Karrablast is a Basic Grass Pokemon. As I said
yesterday, due to the omnipresence of Fire in Modified,
Grass-types must either have a non-Fire Weakness or have
abilities and/or attacks that really stand out. These
things are less important for Karrablast as it is a
Basic, and will only see much play if its evolution,
Escavalier, does. 60 HP is just about average for a
Basic, so Karrablast should be able to take a weak
unboosted hit early in the game. Fire Weakness is
problematic with all of the Reshiram, Typhlosion, and
Emboar in the format: Karrablast can even be OHKO'd
rather easily by the lower evolutions as well.
Karrablast also has no Resistance as well as a decent
Retreat Cost of 1.
Karrablast has two attacks. Mysterious Evolution allows
you to search your deck for a Pokemon that evolves from
Karrablast (Escavalier) and put it onto Karrablast, but
only if there is a Shelmet in play for a single
Colorless Energy. This attack isn't bad, as Evolving via
attack is very nice, but the Shelmet requirement can be
a bit difficult, especially if you don't plan on running
both Shelmet and Karrablast in your deck. However, this
can be resolved by running a single Shelmet in your deck
utilizing Karrablast, although there are generally
better options.
Fury Attack is Karrablast's form of offense, allowing
you to flip three coins and deal 10 damage times the
number of heads for two Colorless Energy. Fury Attack is
your standard flip attack, and will probably only ever
be used in Limited, as it is too slow for Modified.
Modified: 2/5 If you want to run Escavalier in a
Modified deck, you have to use this Karrablast. It's not
terrible with decent HP and Colorless Energy
requirements, although Mysterious Evolution can be hard
to pull off and Fury Attack is a bit lackluster. Even
still, if you choose to run Escavalier, it's definitely
not a bad Basic.
Limited: 2.5/5 Karrablast isn't that much better in
Limited, unless you pull a Shelmet and an Escavalier to
go with it. Fury Attack won't be winning any offensive
awards here even with the Colorless Energy requirements,
and there are generally other better options if you want
to run Basics without the evolutionary line. However, if
you are able to get an Escavalier and a Shelmet, the
ability to search the evolution out of your deck can be
really nice.
Combos With: Shelmet (obviously)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Karrablast (Noble Victories)
Today we have one of a pair of Bug Poke'mon that share
the distinction of evolving when traded, but only if
they are traded with each other.
This strange evolution trigger is shown in the First
attack, Mysterious Evolution. At the cost of a single
energy and having a Shelmet on your Bench, Mysterious
Evolution will allow you to search your deck for an
Excavilier and immediately evolve Karrablast.
As an attack on an evolving Basic, it doesn't get much
better! With only a single energy requirement you don't
have to have Karrablast in play long enough for your
opponent to snipe it or drag it Active with Poke'mon
Catcher, and needing a Benched Shelmet isn't much of a
problem either with Poke'mon Collector in the format.
The second attack isn't worth mentioning as a vanilla
damage filler, but at least in Limited it gives you
something to do while waiting to draw a Shelmet.
As for Karrablast's stats, there isn't much to either be
impressed by or complain about. Fire Weakness is bad but
probably not a major consideration and the 60 HP is
average, as is the retreat cost. Grss typing doesn't do
Karrablast any favours but the ease-of-play by vurtue of
being a Basic balances that out. All in all, you won't
be sorry to evolve so fast.
In the fianl analysis, Karrablast's playablility depends
upon having a usable Excavalier around and would be
improved by a playable Accelgor as well (so that Shelmet
doesn't feel like dead weight). I'll leave the answers
for a future review but as a parting though, does anyone
expect Fire weakness to be a good thing in the next
Modified: 3.75 (Karrablast is a great evolving Basic,
slightly hampered by a depednency on Shelmet and a lack
of a truly awe-inspiring evolution)
Limited: 4 (if you don't have Shelmet then Karrablast
will be dead weight but Excavalier is worth running)
Combos with: an evolution that is playable despite
Having the crippling weakness to Typhlosion and Reshiram