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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Crobat G Lv. 44
Date Reviewed:
Nov. 1, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: See Below
Limited: See Below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
G (Platinum)
Next up in our week of scary Pokémon is
Crobat G. How scary is
Crobat? Well, I get that
it’s a vampire-ish bat, but
compared to something like Gliscor,
it’s a pretty straightforward design and doesn’t quite
have the same mutant horror that that Pokémon does.
As a card though? That’s quite a different story.
G absolutely ruled in modified play when it was legal,
despite being an 80 HP Basic with a bad Weakness
(remember, this was the Luxray
format) and a mostly terrible attack. How did it manage
this? By being a searchable, re-usable method of doing
10 damage to
anything on
your opponent’s side of the field, courtesy of
Crobat’s Flash Bite Power.
Put simply, this card won games. Backed up by the suite
of SP Support which added to its
seachability (SP Radar) and made it a multiple
use card (PokeTurn),
Crobat G meant that you were
never 10 (or even 20 or 30) damage short of a OHKO; it
gave you a way of working around
Gengar SF’s Fainting Spell; and it made free
Prizes out of heavily damage Pokémon on the Bench. Even
the apparently bad attack got used as a somewhat counter
to Donphan Prime (Poison the
Donphan, survive it’s attack
due to Resistance, then free retreat for something else
for the KO – yes, Crobat G
even had free retreat as well).
If you really want an idea of how good this card is,
consider two things: firstly, it got played outside of
dedicated SP decks with things like
Jumpluff, Gyarados,
and Gengar – that’s how
universally useful it was. Secondly, this card is an
absolute bomb in Unlimited, a format where nothing is
worth playing unless it’s just about broken.
A card that can be dropped out of nowhere to throw off
your damage calculations and give your opponent an
unexpected Prize?
Yeah, that is really scary.
Fear Factor as a Pokémon: 3
Fear Factor as a TCG card: 5
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Crobat G (Platinum)
Now this is a truly scary card! Coming in from it's
#2 spot on 2009's Top 10 cards is the bat we all learned
to love and loathe, Crobat G!
Unlike yesterday's card, I have had a ton of fun
playing with and against this card wherever it cropped
up. Along with Gengar SF, it had to my favourite card of
the last format. Between the annoyance of Toxic Fang,
the free retreat, the brutality of Flash Bite and the SP
support (particularly Poke Turn and Cyrus' Conspiracy)
it was powerful beyond belief and quite splashable. Not
only that, but it was fun!
Maybe I take too much pleasure in making my opponent
suffer, but between Flash Bite and Gengar's Shadow Room
there wasn't a single evolving Basic that I couldn't
reach. When I added Kingdra Prime for even more sniping,
Dialga G for the Trainer/Poke-body denial and Mesprit LA
to destroy Poke-powers I couldn't help but let out a
maniacal laugh... up until my opponents played Garchomp
C and and Tyranitar Prime to punish my insolence. Still,
despite my lousy competitive track record with my Speed
Gengar/SP hybrid deck last format, it was some of the
most fun I had ever had with cards (what can I say, I
like being a troll).
Even without the combo tricks that Crobat G exploited
to the fullest, it was an intimidating card. Just look
at the art. The slight blur to indicate a swooping dive,
the wings fully extended to make it look larger and the
way the face is turned to hide those teeth (which happen
to look terrible on most of the Crobat cards, just look
at the Prime!). The urban background completes the
feeling of being suddenly attacked in a dark alley with
no chance to defend yourself, so full points to Mokoto
Imai for a flawless delivery. I haven't seen a Crobat
card this eery since Dark Crobat from Neo Destiny, which
was backlit by a cloudy full moon while Crobat is
swooping over a heavy swell, hunting for an unlucky
sailor to feed upon (Shin-ichi Yoshikawa knew how to
make Crobat look good!).
Coincidentally enough, Dark Crobat had a
coming-into-play Poke'mon Power called Surprise Bite
(I'm senisng a theme here) that dealt 20 damage to a
target on your opponent's side of the field. The
matching Dark Golbat was released earlier in the first
Team Rocket expansion and had the same Poke'mon Power
but it only dealt 10 damage and was called Sneak Attack,
which was great at the time for taking out the
ever-annoying Cleffa by getting around the Baby rule.
As you can see, Crobat G has a proud history of
abusable coming-into-play effects and impressive
artwork, and now it has joined its ancestors as a force
to be feared in Unlimited. I shudder to think of these
cards in the cutthroat Sableye SF donk deck with Broken
Time Space to abuse Dark Golbat, Dark Crobat and Jolteon
ex for damage/damage counters. In fact, if I can get a
few copies of the Golbat and Jolteon to go with my Dark
Crobat I might just give the deck a try myself!
Crobat is an imposing Poke'mon (unless you look at
the teeth and crack up laughing at how silly they look)
and Crobat G remains a terrifying card. For a Halloween
theme you couldn't find a better choice!
Forgive me for shamelessly stealing your scoring
system Baby Mario.
Fear Factor as a Poke'mon: 4 (I have to take marks
off for the those outrageous teeth no matter how much I
love Crobat!)
Fear Factor as a TCG card: 4.5 (you didn't
automatically lose when you saw this purple monster on
your opponent's side, but you had to feel the burn and
fear the worse pain to come!)
Combos with: fond memories of the last few formats
(even if you hated SP Poke'mon, Crobat was both powerful
and, if not balanced, at least short of broken by virtue
of the number of counters available). Also, Sableye Donk
decks run this card as their right hand for getting rid
of opposing Poke'mon (now THAT combo is broken!)
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo readers! Today we continue
Scary Pokemon Week by reviewing everyone's favorite bat
(at least from the last two formats, anyway). Today's
Card of the Day is Crobat G from Platinum.
Crobat G is a Basic Psychic Pokemon. Crobat is also
an SP Pokemon, so it can take advantage of all of the SP
support like Poke Turn and Energy Gain. 80 HP is fairly
decent for a Basic SP, as Crobat will be able to take a
hit or two that isn't for Weakness. That being said,
Lightning Weakness means that Crobat G gets destroyed by
that type, especially from Luxray GL when it was in the
format. Fighting Resistance is good against Pokemon like
Machamp, although Machamp SF would still OHKO with Take
Out, if we were talking about DP-on or MD-on Modified.
Finally, Crobat G has free Retreat, which makes it an
excellent Pokemon to send up if you've just had a KO, or
if you need to get it out of the Active Position.
Crobat G has a Poke-Power and a single attack. The
Poke-Power, Flash Bite, lets you place a damage counter
on one of your opponent's Pokemon when you play Crobat G
from your hand to the Bench. This Power is why Crobat
has seen a lot of play, as that one extra damage can be
incredibly useful, acting as a non-Trainer PlusPower as
well as activating other effects that affect damaged
Pokemon. Additionally, in Platinum block, Poke Turn
works wonders with Crobat, allowing you to bounce Crobat
multiple times, probably adding enough damage to get you
a KO.
Crobat's only form of offense, Toxic Fang, wasn't
commonly used in Modified, but can be good in the right
deck. For a Psychic and a Colorless Energy (or a Psychic
and an Energy Gain), Toxic Fang Poisons the Defending
Pokemon, but they get 2 damage counters in between turns
instead of one. This can be useful in a pinch (or in
Limited), but chances are you won't be using it in
Modified (when it was legal).
Modified: N/A. Crobat G is from Platinum, which
rotated out of Modified earlier this year. However,
Flash Bite has such amazing versatility that it would
see play now, even though all of the SP support is gone.
Therefore, I'd give it a 4/5 for both DP-on and MD-on,
and a 3/5 if it were legal now.
Limited: 3.5/5 Crobat G is good in Platinum Limited
for a number of reasons. Free Retreat and Flash Bite
make Crobat nice in the format, and while Toxic Fang
isn't amazing, it can still get the job done. Overall,
Crobat is a solid addition to your Limited deck,
especially if you pull a lot of SP support cards.
Combos With: Poke Turn, Super Scoop Up, Seeker, etc.