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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Gengar Lv X
Date Reviewed:
Nov. 2, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: See Below
Limited: See Below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
LV X (Arceus)
is one of those Pokémon (like
Garchomp and Flygon)
that seems to be favoured by the people who design the
cards. Seriously, most Gengar
are at least decent as far as playability goes.
Maybe the designers are too scared to give
Gengar a bad card. After
all, he can be pretty intimidating: a purple ghost with
red eyes and a sinister perma-grin
. . . not something you want to mess with.
As a TCG card, Gengar LV X
basically provided a way for people playing
Gengar SF to just heap more
misery upon hapless opponents. The HP boost it gave made
it all the more difficult to try and dodge Fainting
Spell with tricks like Poison or
Crobat G drops; the Level Down
PokéPower was handy against
(very rarely played) bench sitters like
Heatran LV X, and could
catch out a rash opponent who played this card first in
mirror or who Levelled Up their
Flygon or Dialga G.
The Cursed Drops attack, though not bad, was only ever
situationally useful, with
most players preferring to stick with Shadow Room and
Poltergeist. It certainly wasn’t a bad addition though,
particularly when played with the ‘Curse’
Gengar from AR or
Gengar Prime.
LV X continued to see play until the end of its life in
modified despite the competition for space from the
other great Gengars
available. The main attraction was definitely the
increased HP, but the card had enough going for it
besides that to deserve its spot.
Fear Factor as a Pokémon: 4.25
Fear Factor as a TCG card: 3.75
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Gengar Lv X (Arceus)
Gengar is tied for first place on my list of favourite
Poke'mon, sharing the top spot with Nidoking. Unlike the
King however, Gengar has been the subject of adoration,
good video game stats and various playable cards since
Gen II, with today's review focusing on one of the best.
Gengar Lv X in itself wasn't a very powerful or
intimidating card in and of itself, despite the useful
attack and Poke-power. The reson this card struck fear
into the hearts of players in the last format was that
it worked brilliantly to boost Gengar SF. With Level
Down to remove an opposing Lv X card (especially useful
against SP decks using Dialga to shut down Spiritomb PA
and Vilplume UD, Gengar's most common partners) and the
power to use Compound Pain to capitalise on earlier
damage from Shadow Room as well as Flash Bite on
yesterday's card, this Lv X was a must run in VileGar
builds last format. boosting Gengar's HP from a lowly
110 to a tanky 140 while keeping the free retreat
certainly didn't hurt either, and it even gave an option
for escaping Special Conditions since Spiritomb and
Vileplume stopped you from using the common cards that
dealt with the problem of your opponent trying to stall
with Paralysis or Sleep.
The intimidation doesn't stop with the effects either.
The card sports a brilliant picture of Gengar weaving
it's magic in preparation for some devilry and is about
to use Shadow Ball on some poor victim. Full marks to
Shizurow for the artwork, I especially like the holofoil
effect over the eyes that is a hallmark of the Lv X
cards. With Gengar's red eyes, the holofoil makes them
glow with just the right amount of mischievious intent!
Gengar Prime is still making waves in Modified despite
the destructive power of the Tao Dragons, and Gengar SF
will always be rembered for its verstaility in its
offensive abilities (Fainting Spell remains my favourite
Poke-power of all time!). With many other powerful cards
in its proud history, Gengar will always cause
excitement when it gets printed in a new set. Long live
the Ghost!
Fear Factor as a Poke'mon: 5 (sure I'm biased, but it's
a Ghost/Poison dual type that lives to cause fear and
paranoia for its own amusement. Plus, it happens to be
Fear Factor as a TCG card: 4 (it isn't usable without a
powerful Gengar to Level Up from, but there are no
shortage of those!)
Combos with: it was a one-of tech in all good VileGar
builds and appeared often enough in LostGar builds last
format too. I'll always remember Gengar Lv X fondly as
part of the old Speed Gengar swarm deck as well. Oh, the
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo viewers! Today we'll be
continuing Scary Pokemon Week by reviewing a Ghost from
the Arceus expansion. Today's Card of the Day is Gengar
Lv. X.
Gengar Lv. X is a Level-Up of a Stage 2 Psychic Pokemon.
Back when Gengar Lv. X was Modified legal, it saw a lot
of play in various Gengar builds, most commonly VileGar
(and later LostGar). 140 HP is fairly good for a
Level-Up, although it could afford to be higher. That
being said, Gengar will generally take a hit or two
before going down. Psychic Weakness gives problems in
the mirror match and would nowadays be a problem against
Mew Prime and Gothitelle. Colorless Resistance was great
against Garchomp C Lv. X back when Gengar was legal, and
is good to have in general. Finally, Gengar has no
Retreat Cost, making it easy to get out of the Active
spot, if necessary.
Gengar Lv. X has a Poke-Power and a single attack on top
of whatever other Gengar is underneath it. Level Down
does exactly what the name implies: once per turn, you
may take an opposing Lv. X and shuffle the Level-Up card
back into your opponent's deck. This was the bane of Lv.
X players everywhere, and made it especially difficult
to stay set up, especially if something like Uxie was
the Level Down target.
Compound Pain is Gengar Lv. X's form of offense, dealing
30 damage to each opposing Pokemon with damage counters
on it for two Psychic and a Colorless. This works
especially well with both Curse Gengar from Arceus as
well as Gengar SF's Shadow Room, and undoubtedly adds
another powerful attack in the Gengar deck's arsenal.
Modified: N/A Much like the other cards we've reviewed
this week, Gengar Lv. X isn't Modified legal. However,
back when it was, the combination of Level Down and
Compound Pain on top of Gengar SF was truly something to
be feared, making it quite powerful. If Gengar Lv. X
were legal today, it would only be able to Level Up
Gengar Prime, where Compound Pain would work very nicely
with Gengar Prime's placement of damage counters and
Catastrophe Poke-Body. Therefore, both then and now, I'd
give it a 4/5.
Limited: 3.5/5 Gengar Lv. X is awesome in Limited, but
it's a Level Up to a Stage 2, effectively making it a
"Stage 3". Getting Stage 2s out in Limited is difficult
enough, whereas adding another card in the chain can be
even harder. That being said, both Level Down and
Compound Pain can be very useful in Limited, especially
against opposing Gengar or Salamence Lv. X.