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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day


Gliscor Lv. X

D&P - Legends Awakened

Date Reviewed: Oct. 31, 2011

Ratings & Reviews Summary

Modified: See Below
Limited: See Below

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 
3 ... average.  
5 is the highest rating.

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Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK National

Gliscor LV X (Legends Awakened)

Hell and welcome to scary Pokémon week on Pojo’s CotD. It’s Halloween, and we have a week to fill before the next set hits the shop. As all of the cards (bar one) are no longer legal in Modified, I won’t be doing my usual style reviews . . . instead I’ll concentrate on the impact they had when they were legal and try and give a score based on just how scary they actually were.

We kick off the week with Gliscor LV X. How scary is Gliscor? Pretty flipping scary in my opinion. A cross between a huge scorpion and a vampire bat, with evil yellow eyes and multiple fangs: that’s not something you want creeping into your sleeping bag at night is it?

As a card, Gliscor LV X had its scary side too. At one point in its legal history it was part of a pretty nasty lock deck. Gliscor LV X would use its Shoot Poison attack to Paralyse the opponent’s active before attacking with Gliscor LA’s Burning Poison, which sent it (and all cards attached) back to the hand. The player would then promote Spiritomb AR to prevent the use of Trainers, leaving the opponent with a Paralysed Pokémon that they could not Retreat, attack with, or play a Switch/Warp Point/PokeTurn to get out of the active slot. After that, you would just rinse and repeat using Broken Time-Space. Some lists even played Unown K to heal Poison damage from the opponent’s Pokémon and just waited it out until time was called before taking the first (and only) Prize of the game on their last turn.

It wasn’t a perfect lock deck: early disruption, Power Locking, and Dialga G LV X shutting down Spiritomb kind of ruined the strategy, but it was good enough to win a few City Championships. The versions that aimed to lock out until time was called on the round were pretty evil and unpleasant to play against as well.

So yes, all things considered, Gliscor LV X definitely deserves a spot this week.


Fear Factor as a Pokémon: 4

Fear Factor as a TCG card: 3.25

Mad Mattezhion
 Professor Bathurst League Australia

Gliscor Lv X (Legends Awakened)
Hello Pojo readers, this week we are giving the Emerging Powers cards a break while we follow Bill's latest brilliant idea and review some scary older cards for a Halloween Week!
We are staring off with Gliscor Lv X and while I could follow my normal route (repreat the stats verbatim followed by a detailed explanation of why I think the card should be laughed at/rightly feared), it seems a bit redundant. I have never used or played against this Lv X and I probably never will now that it has joined the thousands of cards marked "Too old for Modified, not broken enough for Unlimited".
Since I can't review this card properly or reminicise about the bygone days when it was powerful, I'm just going to focus on how damn cool it looks (kudos to the artists on the design team)!
I'll admit, Poke'mon is a kid's game so you'll never find a monster that looks outright terrifying, but Gliscor does inspire respect at least. With its collection of fangs, claws and a barbed tail Gliscor is an imposing sight which is only improved by its favourite pastime of ambusing prey from clifftops. The thought of this thing clamped onto my face while it injects paralysing venom is definitely scary (especially if you are a Sci-Fi fan who remembers that in space, noone can hear you scream!). With Ryo Ueda's artwork and the Shoot Poison Poke-power that inflicts the dreaded Paralysis and Poison combo (without a coin flip either!), this Lv X card is definitley on theme.
Gliscor gets a fair amount of love in the video games as a very fast sweeper that doesn't have to fear Electric attacks (although Ice types will ruin your day) and it had some fun times in the TCG when it was first released in Legends Awakened as well as a brief resurgence when Spiritomb PA came out. I don't feel that I can give a score due to both my own inexperience with the card and the fact that Modified has long since abandoned Gliscor Lv X (while the odds of seeing Legends Awakened packs at a draft event are slightly lower than the odds of seeing snow on Boxing Day here is Australia). So, I'll end this review with a question for you: why is it that all of the Poke'mon that seem to be a little bit mean just happen to be purple as well?
Modified: N/A
Limited: Very funny!
Combos with: more attacks and Abilities that cause Paralysis with a drawback that doesn't involve a coin flip (see Electrode SF, Magnezone Lv X, Walrein MT and Gliscor UD for workable but not broken examples of flipless Paralyzing attacks).


Happy Halloween, Pojo readers! I hope that all of you had a great weekend, and that all of your Noble Victories prereleases went very well. This week we're going to take a break from reviewing new cards to instead have Scary Pokemon Week in honor of Halloween. Today we're going to kick things off with a Lv. X from Legends Awakened that is very scary for your opponent if they can't deal with it. Today's Card of the Day is Gliscor Lv. X.

Gliscor Lv. X is a Level-Up version of a Stage 1 Fighting Pokemon. Back when Legends Awakened was legal, Fighting-types weren't so common, although Gliscor Lv. X did appear in some lock decks then. 110 HP is actually a bit low for a Lv. X, but Gliscor could easily take a hit or two before being Knocked Out (if your opponent could even hit it, but we'll get to that later). Water Weakness was bad against Kingdra LA and Gyarados SF at the time, as well as a few others. Fighting Resistance may seem odd on a Fighting Pokemon, but it was useful in the mirror match and against other common Fighting-types, like Machamp SF. Finally, free Retreat is amazing, and lets Gliscor move around without fear of larger threats.

Gliscor Lv. X has a Poke-Power and a single attack (in addition to whatever attacks or abilities the Gliscor underneath of it has). Shoot Poison is the main reason to use Gliscor Lv. X, Paralyzing and Poisoning the Defending Pokemon when you Level-Up your Active Gliscor from your hand. Automatic Paralysis is absolutely amazing in any format, and Gliscor Lv. X works best when you could somehow bounce the Gliscor Lv. X in order to Shoot Poison multiple times, using something like Super Scoop Up (or now Seeker, which wasn't in print until later).

The attack, Night Slash, deals 60 damage for a Fighting and a Colorless, also allowing you to switch Gliscor with one of you Benched Pokemon. This attack deals great damage for the cost, and the switching out of Gliscor means that one could easily send out a free Retreater to retreat next turn or another Gliscor to Level Up, keeping the Paralysis lock going.

Modified: N/A. Since Gliscor Lv. X was released in Legends Awakened, it hasn't been legal in this tournament cycle. However, back when Gliscor Lv. X was legal, I'd give it about a 3/5, as it made a good rogue lock deck. That being said, it had some trouble dealing with the speed of SP decks and Gyarados hit it for Weakness, keeping it from being Tier 1.

Limited: 5/5 If you manage to play Legends Awakened Limited and pull the whole Gliscor Lv. X line, you should run it. Automatic Special Conditions are great, and Gliscor LA (not Lv. X) has a way of returning itself to your hand, keeping Gliscor safe from your opponent's threats. Night Slash is great for the price in this format, too. Just look out for Kingdra!

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