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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Sigilyph #42
Emerging Powers
Date Reviewed:
October 6, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.90
Limited: 3.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
42/98 (Emerging Powers)
Today’s weird Inca-bird-Unown
thing has beautiful artwork from the
illustrator known as ‘match’. Ok then.
It has the same stats as the other
version in the set: ok-ish
HP, reasonable Retreat cost, bad
Lightning Weakness, but a handy
Resistance to Fighting. Psychic Pokémon
that aren’t Weak to their own Type are a
rarity in Pokémon and can be useful
techs against the Psychic Pokémon that
are . . . so let’s see if
fits the bill.
Quick Turn is nothing
special, in
fact it’s pretty poor. One Psychic
Energy gets you two coin flips
for 10 damage
on each heads. Even if you get lucky, 20
for one isn’t brilliant when you
consider that Evolving Basics like
Minccino EP
and Zorua BW
can manage 30 for just one heads flip.
Psychic Assault is a bit better though.
For three Energy of any Colour (so
Sigilyph is
both Double Colourless compatible
and splashable
if you don’t run Psychic), you get a
disappointing base damage of 40, but a
bonus of an extra 10 damage for each
damage counter on the Defending Pokémon.
Right now, that makes Psychic Assault
pretty useless. The only Psychic Type
that sees much play is
and that will never have any damage
counters on it as it is always paired
with Reuniclus
BW for that very reason. Even if more
Psychic Pokémon do
enter the metagame,
the low base damage of
attack make a OHKO, even with Weakness,
very unlikely. Despite being much more
this is the lesser of the two
from Emerging Powers.
Modified: 1.5 (if Psychic Assault did 70
damage, we could have a playable tech.
But it doesn’t, so . .
. )
Limited: 2.5 (it’s a high HP Basic, and
damaged Pokémon are common in this
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Sigilyph 42/98 (Emerging Powers)
Hey TCG fans, we are back today with the second Sigilyph
card in this set. While yesterday's card cam so close to
making the grade but lacked a niche, this card is
strictly a limited bomb.
Sigilyph has the exact same stats on both cards with the
exact same implications for its survival, so I'm going
to be lazy and let you ready yesterday's review.
For the attacks, we start with Quick Turn. This attack
has never been appreciated in the TCG, mainly because it
is always accompanied by text stating "flip X coins and
do X damage per heads". This has the usual drawbacks of
possibly doing no damage whatsoever, but it is also
usually restricted to dealing very low damage even with
a full count of Heads flips. This version costs [p] and
flips 2 coins at 10 damage a shot so you can definitely
say it is useless (Dragons will use Outrage, Babies will
survive, you get the picture).
Since Quick Turn would have been much better if it had
been replaced with Reflect, the second attack is all
that this Poke'mon has going for it. Psychic Assualt
sounds impressive as an attack name, and the effect
isn't half bad either. For [c][c][c] you deal 40 damage
plus 10 more for every damage counter already on the
Defending Poke'mon. While this doesn't do anything in
Modified even with energy acceleration, in Limited it is
a great finishing attack. A splashable Basic that can
2HKO almost anyhting in the set is a must run.
So, this version is nowhere near as good as the other
card but it still gets points for Limited and for having
the courage to fly around looking like it does. Maybe
the next version will star in a new archetype?
Modified: 2 (it can combo with FanBoar but it won't
because of Reshiram)
Limited: 5 (You will run this. End of discussion!)
Combos with: a decent first attack
virusyosh |
Greetings, Pojo viewers! Today we're going to review
another version of the Pokemon that we just reviewed
yesterday. Today's Card of the Day is Sigilyph (#42)
from Emerging Powers.
Sigilyph is a Basic Psychic Pokemon. In order to find a
niche in Modified, Sigilyph is going to have to be able
to deal with Mew Prime and Gothitelle, the two main
Psychic forces in the metagame thus far. 90 HP is decent
for a Basic, but will sadly be OHKOed by a majority of
the metagame (Reshiram, Zekrom, Magnezone, Gothitelle
with four Psychic Energy, etc.). Lightning Weakness is
unfortunate against the likes of Zekrom and Magnezone,
but is actually fairly decent due to being able to hit
Mew and Gothitelle without being hit for Weakness back.
Fighting Resistance is nice to have, although sadly it
is only relevant against Donphan right now. Finally, a
single Retreat Cost is payable and easily managed.
This Sigilyph also has two attacks, but it is more
offensively-oriented than the version we reviewed
yesterday. Quick Turn is your standard flip attack,
allowing you to flip two coins, dealing 10 damage times
the number of heads for a single Psychic Energy. Chances
are this attack isn't going to even be that useful in
Limited, let alone in Modified where the damage output
is much higher. This means that Psychic Assault is going
to have to be useful if Sigilyph is going to see any
play. Psychic Assault starts at 40 damage for three
Colorless Energy, but increases by 10 for each damage
counter on the Defending Pokemon. The attack is a bit
expensive, but it does have the capability to easily
OHKO Mew Prime (with no damage) and Gothitelle (with two
damage counters, but good luck keeping them there).
Therefore, Sigilyph can serve as a budget Mew/Gothitelle
counter if they are big in your area and you don't have
access to a Mew Prime of your own. Just make sure that
Sigilyph is performing a job that can't be performed by
other Pokemon more effectively.
Modified: 2/5 This avianoid Pokemon has fringe uses as a
Psychic counter, but aside from that, it won't see much
play. Psychic Assault is a decent (but expensive) way of
dealing with opponent Psychics, but it does have the
capability of OHKOing Gothitelle, something most of the
metagame can't do. Then again, since most Gothitelle
decks run Reuniclus, keeping the damage counters on
Gothitelle for Sigilyph to do its job can prove
difficult. Even still, if you need a Gothitelle counter,
don't have a Mew, and think you can get it to work,
Sigilyph is definitely worth a look.
Limited: 3.5/5 Sigilyph is altogether decent in Limited.
90 HP is good for a Basic, as is Sigilyph's ability to
hit for Psychic Weakness without being weak to Psychic
itself. Quick Turn still isn't very useful in this
format, but Psychic Assault is great due to its
Colorless Energy requirements, though it is a bit
expensive. If left unchecked, Sigilyph can easily 2HKO
most of the Emerging Powers set with Psychic Assault,
which is quite impressive.