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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Emerging Powers
Date Reviewed:
Sept. 23, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.37
Limited: 4.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Today’s card is another ‘welcome back’ Trainer, and this
time it keeps its old name. This card was last reviewed
by none other than two-time World Champion Jason
Klaczynski back in 2000.
His conclusion? It can do all
kinds of cool things, but the coin flip aspect of the
card makes it a risky play.
The effect of Recycle is simple (and kind of obvious,
given the card’s name): flip a coin, if heads, put a
card from the discard on top of your deck. Obviously the
best combo with this card is to pair it with some kind
of straight draw (Cheren
would be nice, but something like
Ninetales HGSS or even
Noctowl HGSS would also do the job), so that you
get the needed card in your hand right away. The best
thing about Recycle is its versatility: it can get you
anything you want. The worst is the
flippyness of it: get tails
and you have just wasted a space in your deck. Is it
worth the risk though? Well, probably not, as there are
better ways of recovering the cards you need without the
coin flip.
For Trainers, we have Junk Arm; for Pokémon there’s
Revive, Flower Shop Lady, and Rescue Energy (depending
on your needs); for Energy there is Energy Retrieval and
Fisherman; with Supporters, you should be running
sufficient copies to start with: very, very rarely will
you want the ‘fifth copy’ that Recycle offers. The one
exception to this is Special Energy, which is otherwise
not recoverable for almost all decks (though
Steelix Prime can do it with
an attack).
Nevertheless, the fact that Recycle could get you
any of these
cards makes it sort of tempting to try. It’s frustrating
in many ways . . . with the flip, it’s too
Chansey, but without it (as
Ness pointed out all those years ago), it would a
ridiculously good staple card. In the end, I would
rather run sufficient copies of key cards and manage my
resources properly than ever have to rely on the 50-50
chance of recovery that Recycle offers.
Modified: 2.5 (when it works, it’s a great effect, but
sound deckbuilding/playing
reduces the need to go risking it)
Limited: 4.5 (You probably don’t have many good
card here – even the chance
of re-using one is fantastic)

Otaku |
We close the week with
Recycling is good, right?
Well this card is recycled from
its original release all the way back in
It didn’t see a lot of pay back
then… should it see any now?
is a Trainer-Item, just like most of the
cards that rival its effect.
The good news is this makes it
easy to play and (thanks to
Junk Arm) reclaim and re-use from
the discard pile.
The bad news is that it becomes
completely dead in hand against
Gothitelle or
A classic “tails fails” card,
Recycle let’s you top deck any one
card of your choice from your discard
pile should you flip “heads” on a
mandatory coin toss.
This is a relatively solid
effect, though far from great: getting a
single card back of your choice roughly
half the time you use
Recycle is quite useful.
It is the anticipated 50% failure
rate combined with the fact that there
are other options available that keeps
it from being relevant.
As I stated earlier, this card didn’t
see a lot of play back in early days of
the game when it was first tournament
legal, and that was because of better
Item Finder was more effective for
recycling Trainer cards (and available
from the start) and
Nightly Garbage Run gave us the
ability to recycle Pokémon and basic
Energy cards in one convenient package
(available in Team Rocket).
The only card it could grab that
nothing else could easily was Special
Energy, which eventually did get some
cards that could recycle them.
These cards are all still
available and games are much shorter (as
in over first turn) so
Recycle has little to no use.
In modern Modified, it meets a similar
fate, with a list full of cards that
whittle away at its uses.
The following were all the cards
that returned at least one card
(sometimes more) from your discard pile
to your deck or your hand.
Burned Tower
(Stadium) – During a
player’s turn s/he can
flip a coin, and if
“heads” return a Basic
Energy to his/her hand
Energy Retrieval
(Item) – Returns 2 basic
Energy cards to hand
Energy Returner
(Supporter) – Returns up
to 4 basic Energy cards
to hand
(Supporter) - Returns up
to 4 basic Energy cards
to hand
Flower Shop Lady
(Supporter) – Shuffles 3
Pokémon and 3 basic
Energy cards into to
your deck
Good Rod
(Item) - which requires
a coin toss; “heads”
top-decks a Pokémon,
“tails” an Item
Junk Arm
(Item) – requires you
discard two cards from
hand to use, but returns
an Item to your hand
(Basic Pokémon) – for
(W) can use first attack
to return one Supporter
to your hand
(Basic Pokémon) – for
(C) first attack adds an
Item back to your hand
(Stage 2 Pokémon) – Poké-Power
top-decks an item on a
successful coin toss
(Item) - returns a
single Basic Pokémon to
your Bench
(Basic Pokémon) – for
(D) first attack
top-decks any one card
Most of these already don’t see a lot of
play and are pretty specific.
You can plainly see that any deck
that needs to reclaim its basic Energy
cards has much better options, be they
Item, Stadium or Supporter.
Items are easily (but
expensively) reclaimed through
Junk Arm in most competitive deck
Many cards can hit more than one
card type, and of those the closest
rival is
Good Rod as an Item that top-decks
(from your discard pile) either one
Pokémon or one Item.
Recycle is the only one that can
place a Special Energy card, Stadium, or
Supporter back on top of the deck, and
still having the option of anything else
helps immensely.
While doubtful, perhaps decks
that are really dependent on Special
Energy (Zoroark/Cinccino?)
would find it worth running.
Although I don’t think you’ll find a lot
of decks with a slot open for
Recycle, if you do have an extra
slot and nothing better to fill it,
Recycle can be quite helpful when it
I’ll also mention the most
obvious combo every for it:
Recycle a card, then use any draw
effect that draws the first card without
causing any shuffling.
The second most obvious combo is
whenever an effect is made better by
guaranteeing a specific card is on top
of your deck, such as attacks that do
discard the top card (or cards) from
your deck and give extra damage for each
basic Energy card in there.
This is pretty much a must run for
Limited play, as are most Items.
Making room for a single slot in
your deck should be easy and due to the
scarcity of most cards in your deck (you
tend to be stuck running a lot of
singles and doubles in this format) even
only a 50% chance at reclaiming
something important is great for your
If we didn’t have
Junk Arm this card would be much,
much more useful.
I was really hoping that it would
get a slight update/power-up like some
other cards, since if it was “Flip two
As long as at least one is
heads…” for the effect or it got two
cards or perhaps some other minor tweak
it could have rivaled
Junk Arm in at least a few builds,
or at least complimented it.
Still if you have room, it really
is useful when it works.
virusyosh |
Happy almost-weekend, Pojo readers! Today we're going
to end our COTD week by reviewing a reprint of a card
that Ness last reviewed about 11 years ago, but was
recently reprinted in Emerging Powers. Today's Card of
the Day is Recycle.
Recycle is an Item card, therefore you can use as many
of it (and other Items) as you would like during your
turn. We also have quite a bit of Item lock in our
metagame right now, with both Gothitelle and Vileplume
making appearances in many decks. As for an actual
effect, Recycle allows you to flip a coin, and if heads,
you may choose a card from your discard pile and put it
on top of your deck. While a coin flip makes the card
intrinsically unreliable, the ability to get any card
back from your discard pile into your deck is very nice,
especially if you have a way of drawing a card during
your turn, which is quite easy given what we have
available to us in Modified. Recycle is also better than
Flower Shop Lady due to the ability to get ANY card back
to the top of the deck, therefore having easier access
to the card that you Recycled. If you aren't worried
about coin flips and have space for it in your deck,
Recycle is a decent choice.
Modified: 3/5 Recycle is one of those cards that can
make a major impact in your game, even though it is coin
flip reliant. The ability to get back any card from your
discard pile to the top of your deck is very good, and
with all of the draw power we have available to use in
Modified, it's quite easy to get the Recycled card back
into your hand as well. Recycle does have some
competition in Flower Shop Lady and Junk Arm, and there
are pros and cons to each. That being said, if you don't
mind the coin flips, Recycle could do quite well for
Limited: 5/5 You should generally use any Item card you
get in Limited, and Recycle is no exception. The ability
to get any card back from the discard in a slow format
is really nice, especially if you only run a single copy
in your Limited deck.