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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Darmanitan #21
Emerging Powers
Date Reviewed:
Sept. 26, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.45
Limited: 2.87
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
21/98 (Emerging Powers)
Hello and welcome to the week on
CotD. We’re
carrying on with the new Emerging Powers
set, so let’s see what it brings us.
We kick off the week with
This is the second
Darmanitan to be
one comes from the original Japanese
Black and White sets, and one comes from
a structure deck. Guess which one this
Well, when I tell you that it has less
HP, inferior attacks, and higher Retreat
than its BW version, the answer is
fairly obvious. This is the structure
deck Darmanitan,
and it’s pretty horrible. The 100 HP
isn’t good, the attacks are Weak and
much too expensive (Fire Punch does 70
damage and inflicts Burn . . . for [R][R][C][C]!),
and the Retreat cost of three is too
I don’t really have much to say about
this card except to tell you that you
should always use the other
over this one.
Actually, don’t do that. Just stick with
Modified: 1.25 (it’s a bad version of an
already mediocre card)
Limited: 2 (the Colourless attack helps
somewhat, but it’s still not great)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Darmanitan (Emerging Powers)
Hello everyone, I'm back after an extended absence that
included food poisoning and moving house, neither of
which I want to repeat any time in the next decade
(though I doubt I'll be that lucky). It's a fresh week
and we continue spotlighting interesting cards from the
latest set while we wait for B&W3 to reach our shores.
Darmanitan intrigues me because it has a permanent evil
grin plastered across it's face and also possesses the
brute strength necessary to wreak havoc in any
environment. Sadly, the last print wasn't very well
received, because despite the very healthy 120 HP the
attacks were sup-par and somewhat counterproductive.
This version doesn't suffer the self-damage that ruined
the previous version but it also has less HP.
Aside from being a Fire type and a non-evolving Stage 1,
Darmanitan has 100 HP, Waters weakness, a retreat cost
of 3 and two attacks. The HP is acceptable and should
allow the big lug to survive an early hit or two. The
retreat cost is not surprising but will still make you
wince and the weakness will be exploited every once in a
while by Feraligatr & friends.
The first attack is Rock Smash, which costs [c][c] and
deals 20 damage, with 20 extra damage if you get a Heads
on the mandatory coin flip. This isn't absolutely
terrible but it does fall short of being effective. With
such low and unreliable damage you aren't going to do
much more than tickle your opponent.
Fire Punch is the heavier attack, and despite being a
favourite move of mine in the video games it usually
gets short shrift in the TCG. For [r][r][c][c] you deal
70 damage and an automatic Burn, which takes the damage
up to 90 (110 if your opponent gets really unlucky with
the flips). Sadly, at that cost on a 100 HP Poke'mon you
are going to need serious energy acceleration to make
the attack work, and both FanBoar and Typhlosion Prime
have better things to do (Reshiram is stealing all of
the glory once again!). At least both attacks can use
This Darmanitan makes a lovely addition to your binder
but it can't compete with the White Dragon. But isn't it
soooo pretty as a reverse holo? I keep tilting it and
staring at the colours, I can't help myself. Maybe we'l
get a pretty and powerful Darmaitan in the distant
Modified: 2 (sub-par damage and high cost attacks mean
that the decent stats are ignored. As a backup attacker
in a starter deck you could do worse)
Limited: 3 (you'll get decent mileage from the HP and
being a Stage 1 is definitely helpful for removing
Special Conditions while still being easy enough to
find. Still, the attacks lack punch so try to get a
bigger hitter out for dealing with the big Basics in the
set. At least you don't have to deal with discarding
energy to attack)
Combos with: any special torches or prisms that allow
you to make really funky light effects on the holofoil,
I think I have a problem!
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! We're going to continue
our reviews of Emerging Powers this week, and today
we're going to kick things off by reviewing one of the
very few Fire-types in the expansion. Today's Card of
the Day is Darmanitan.
Darmanitan is a Stage 1 Fire Pokemon. Fire-types are
fairly common in Modified with the prevalence of
Reshiram, Typhlosion Prime, and Emboar. Additionally, in
Emerging Powers Limited, Fire is an incredibly rare
type, with only four Pokemon (Pansear, Simisear,
Darumaka, and Darmanitan), meaning that Darmanitan
definitely fills a niche in that format. 100 HP is
fairly good for a Stage 1, in that Darmanitan will be
able to take weak unboosted hits fairly easily.
Unfortunately, many things in Modified hit for 100
damage or more, making Darmanitan a bit of a liability
there. Water Weakness isn't so bad right now, as Beartic
and Samurott are somewhat rare in Modified, although the
type is slightly more common in Limited. No Resistance
is unfortunate but is somewhat expected. Finally, a
Retreat Cost of 3 is very high, and you'll want to use
something like Switch to Retreat Darmanitan.
This Blazing Pokemon has two attacks: Rock Smash and
Fire Punch. Rock Smash starts at 20 damage for two
Colorless Energy, and if you flip heads, it will deal 20
more damage. This is a fairly nice attack in Limited as
it requires only Colorless Energy, but it doesn't do
enough in Modified to be useful. LIkewise, Fire Punch
deals 70 damage for a massive cost of two Fire and two
Colorless, automatically Burning the opponent as well.
70 damage and auto-Burn is fairly nice, but the attack
costs too much to be of any real value in Modified. In
Limited, if you draft enough of the Fire-types to run it
as a dominant type (or can easily splash Fire into your
deck), this attack can be great (if not a little
pricey), especially due to the massive number of Fire
Weak Grass-types in Emerging Powers.
Modified: 1/5 Darmanitan is much too slow to work in
Modified. If you want to use a Fire-type here, stick
with Reshiram, Typhlosion Prime, or Emboar.
Limited: 3.5/5 Darmanitan provides a nice niche in the
Limited format. 100 HP is great for a Stage 1 here, and
with all of the Grass-types, Darmanitan will work well
to combat them all. Rock Smash's cost is
Limited-friendly, and Fire Punch is somewhat expensive,
but the damage is quite consistent and Burn is very
nice. Therefore, if you can fit Darmanitan into your
Limited deck, it will rarely let you down due to the
presence of the many Pokemon with Fire Weakness.