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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Simipour #23
Emerging Powers
Date Reviewed:
Sept. 27, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.95
Limited: 3.40
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
23/98 (Emerging Powers)
Today we look at the final member of the
Monkey Trio from Emerging Powers, and I
can’t say I’m sorry it’s over. Actually,
this one has by far the nicest art of
the three, so it’s not all bad. If a
card can’t be good, at least it can be
Out of the three, this is probably the
best card from a playability point of
view as well (that’s not saying much
though). Yes, you still get the low 90
HP on a Stage 1, yes the attacks still
aren’t great, and
yes, you still have the silly
gimmick of needing another Energy type
to trigger an effect. Except, this time
you don’t really need to bother.
The gimmick attack here is Grass’ Power,
which does 30 damage for [C][C].
If you attach a Grass Energy (meaning
that you can’t use Double Colourless for
speed), you can also heal 20 damage from
Simipour. In
this format of routinely huge damage,
the ability to heal
20 damage from a 90 HP Pokémon is
bordering on the irrelevant, so I
wouldn’t even consider it. Just attach a
DCE, do 30, and hope you survive to use
the second attack . . .
. . . which
isn’t all that terrible as it happens.
Rushing Water does 60 damage for [W][C][C],
which is only mediocre, but the effect
it has of moving an Energy from the
Defending to a Benched Pokémon gives you
some nice disruption. It can annoy
Pokémon with relatively high
attack/Retreat costs, or decks that rely
on a small amount of Energy (I can even
see Simipour
working as a not completely horrible
counter). In general play though, the
card just doesn’t do enough for a low HP
Stage 1 with a reasonably high Energy
cost. You should be able to find more
effective ways of dealing with
Donphan, and
Aipom UL is
a more efficient option if you want to
play Energy disruption tricks
It’s easily the best of a bad trio of
cards, but Simipour
is still not up to much when it comes to
building competitive decks.
Modified: 1.75 (Rushing Water is nice,
but the card is still semi-poor (see
what I did there?))
Limited: 3.25 (Quite decent here . . .
and any disruption is great)
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Simipour (Emerging Powers)
Simipour is another of my favourites from the latest
generation of games because the local League has chosen
to call me 'Professor Simipour' (something to do with
the appearance of my dreadlocks). So far the TCG has not
been kind to the Monkey Trio and I don't see that
changing any time soon.
Simipour has the same base stats as it's bretheren from
this set, with the only difference being the Lightning
weakness (ouch), Water typing (yay for Feraligatr Prime)
and lack of Resistance (which would be helpful, the
introduction of Fire resistance is long overdue). As
with Simisear and Simisage, the 90 HP is the bare
minimum you want to see on a terminal Stage 1 and the
retreat cost is fair. All in all, Simipour should
survive 1 turn in the Active slot provided your opponent
hasn't finished setting up their attacker.
Unfortunately, I can't see any reason you would want to
play Simipour. Grass' Power is a weak excuse for an
attack, costing [c][c] to deal 30 damage or [g][c] for
30 damage with a 20 damage healing effect. In Limited
you will find the Colourless cost is easy to pay and if
you have Grass in your deck then the healing is great
for absorbing the small hits but the competition in
Modified will leave Simipour in the dust.
Rushing Water is more of the same, costing [w][c][c] for
60 damage and the effect of moving one energy you choose
from the Defending Poke'mon to another of your
opponent's Benched Poke'mon. The effect is almost
useless since moving the energy will probably help your
opponent more than it hurts and the damage isn't enough
to score an OHKO on most Poke'mon you will face, even if
you are hitting weakness.
Although this card is very pretty, it adds nothing to
the competitive pool of cards fro tournaments. However,
the Panpour card it evolves from is a very different
Much like its Grass and Fire counterparts, Panpour has a
single-energy Colourless attack that allows you to draw
a card and, more importantly, 70 HP. Aside from Lillipup
(and by extension Herdier) in the base set, there are no
other Basics from the B&W block that can fill the role
of 'starter'. Whilever we have the HGSS sets we have
plenty of better Poke'mon that can get a deck up and
running (Smeargle UD, Pichu HGSS, Manaphy UL, Stantler
UL and Relicanth CL all spring to mind) but when the
rotate out next year, wemay not have anything else to
rely on. If that is the case, we may see large numbers
of the smaller Monkey Trio around the tournament tables,
along with a single copy of the evolutions if any of
them prove useful (such as the BW Simisear with its
cheap spread attack, or the Si ipour to inflict an early
Burn with Scald).
Right now I don't expect any of the Monkey trio to make
even a tiny splash, but I am definitely keeping a set in
preparation for next year as well as a full line of
Lillipup/Herdier. Hopefully my crystal ball is telling
the truth this time around!
Modified: 2 (this Simipour is far less useful than the
last mediocre version and will forever remain in the
binder, but since we have been given the Panpour/Pansage/Pansear
cards to make up for it I'm still happy)
Limited: 3 (you will definitely use all of the Basic
Monkeys for draw power, so including the evolution won't
hurt you at all)
Combos with: a caption with some bad joke about
dreadlocks and a bad hair day
virusyosh |
Greetings, Pojo viewers! Today we are continuing our
reviews of Emerging Powers with the last member of the
monkey trio from the new expansion. Today's Card of the
Day is Simipour.
Simipour is a Stage 1 Water Pokemon. Water-types are
fairly uncommon in Modified right now, with only Beartic
and Samurott seeing much play (and even then, they
aren't really involved in any Tier 1 decks). Water-types
do have a niche in the metagame though, as they combat
the rampant Fire-types such as Reshiram, Typhlosion, and
Emboar. However, many Water-types also have a Lightning
Weakness, meaning they fall prey to Zekrom and Magnezone.
90 HP is fairly average for a Stage 1 nowadays, and
unfortunately it's not enough to compete in this
metagame unless you really can do something special.
Simipour also has the aforementioned Lightning Weakness,
No Resistance, and a Retreat Cost of 1.
Simipour's two attacks are very similar to its other
trio brethren. Grass' Power deals 30 damage for two
Colorless Energy, but heals 20 damage from Simipour if
it has a Grass Energy attached. This attack is decent in
Limited as it allows Simipour to deal decent damage
while tanking a bit, and you'll also be more likely to
run Grass and Water together in this format. In
Modified, the attack doesn't deal enough damage to be of
really any use. Rushing Water hits for 60 damage for a
Water and two Colorless, with the additional effect of
moving an Energy from the Defending Pokemon to one of
your opponent's Benched Pokemon. While 60 damage for
three Energy isn't all that spectacular, moving Energy
is a somewhat underrated form of disruption in the
Pokemon TCG, and it can really mess up your opponent if
they aren't ready for it. Therefore, Simipour may be
able to see some Modified play in this regard, although
it is a Stage 1 with a rather terrible Weakness. Even
still, Rushing Water is interesting enough to
potentially have a place in the metagame. In Limited,
the attack is fairly good, dealing decent damage and
disrupting your opponent in one package.
Modified: 2/5 I don't totally hate Simipour here, but I
don't like it that much either. Rushing Water is fairly
interesting and can really disrupt many of the decks in
the format (most people won't like having Energy loaded
onto a Cleffa, Blissey, Ninetales, or Shaymin), but
Simipour has relatively poor HP. Even still, if you can
find a place for it and make it work, Simipour can be
quite disruptive in Modified.
Limited: 4/5 Simipour is great in Limited, as it can
heal itself fairly easily and mess with your opponent's
Energy. 90 HP is serviceable in Limited, and although
Simipour's Water typing isn't amazing here, it's good
enough to not be a gigantic problem. Grass-types are
also very common in Emerging Powers Limited, making the
requirements for Grass' Power easy to meet. If you draft
a few Panpours and need a decent Water-type attacker,
Simipour is a nice choice, especially as a tech in a
Grass deck.