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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Basculin #25
Emerging Powers
Date Reviewed:
Sept. 28, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.25
Limited: 3.13
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
25/98 (Emerging Powers)
. . . useful Pokémon in the video game,
where they make EV training for Speed
easy as.
They also rarely give up Deep Sea Tooth
or Deep Sea Scale, which is great if you
had a Clamperl
that you wanted to evolve.
In the TCG?
Well, this is another Pokémon that we
get two versions of in the set. One of
them has been discussed as a possible
tech, but today’s card? No-one has ever
mentioned it at all.
The 80 HP is reasonable enough for a
non-evolving Basic, without being
actually good (you only have to look at
the Unova
Dragons to see what standard is being
set these days). The Lightning Weakness
is nasty, making this card an easy OHKO
for Pachirisu,
never mind Zekrom.
The Retreat cost of one seems fair and
shouldn’t cause any problems.
It’s really the poor attacks that make
this Basculin
a bit of a waste of cardboard. They are
so underpowered and uninteresting that
they make writing a review a tough job.
I mean, what can you say about Tackle?
It costs a single Energy of any type, it
does 10 points of effect-free damage,
and we have seen it so many times before
on Basic Pokémon. It isn’t any good and
no-one wants to use it. Splatter is an
improvement (30 damage to any opponent’s
Pokémon for [W][C]), but you can do
better elsewhere:
Elekid snipes 20 for no Energy
and can protect itself with Sweet
Sleeping Face;
Yanmega is just as fast despite
being a Stage 1 (no Energy required) and
snipes for 40. You also
have to
wonder just how useful sniping is at all
in a format with Pokémon Catcher.
Low damage generic attacks on an 80 HP
Lightning-Weak Basic? It’s hard to
believe they ever intended this card to
be used.
Modified: 1.25 (escapes the lowest mark
because snipe is at least
Limited: 2.5 (relatively high HP for a
Basic, and snipe is nice here as players
will often retreat damaged Pokémon to
deny Prizes)
Mattezhion |
Basculin (Emerging Powers)
Hello again, we're continuing with the judging of cards
from Emerging Powers and today's lucky contestant is
Aside from being a vicous carnivore with a Napoleon
complex (think Siamese Fighting Fish), Basculin
has 80 HP, Lightning weakness, a retreat cost of 1 and
two cheap attacks. Since it is a Basic it can take full
advantage of Revive and Poke'mon Collector and it seems
that Basculin has been designed to fight in a swarm,
never letting your opponent get rid of it for long.
Unfortunately, anyone playing Zekrom will see that as a
source of easy Prizes instead of a problem.
The reason for that is that Basculin lacks anything
resembling a powerful attack. Tackle is 10 damage for
[c] which is worse than useless whilever Reshiram and
Zekrom are around with Outrage to punish you for daring
to damage them. Even if you aren't facing one of the Tao
Dragons, 10 effect-free damage isn't going to upset your
opponent in any way (even on a Baby Poke'mon you're
looking at a pitiful 3HKO).
Splatter is slightly better as you can hit any of your
opponent's Poke'mon with 30 damage for [w][c], but you
won't be able to power this up in a single turn unless
you have Feraligatr Prime in play. The main attraction
of playing a horde of cheap Basic Poke'mon is the low
cost in deck space and the speed advantage (watch
Volbeat/Illumise TM and ZPS decks in action to see what
I mean) so having to run a heavy Stage 2 support line
just to attack is a deal breaker.
Despite being a lovely addition to your aquarium,
Basculin is doomed to be ignored by anyone who is
serious about playing. At least it makes decent filler
in Limited with the cheap sniping.
Modified: 1.25 (if you run this card all you are doing
is feeding Zekrom a large dose of Omega 3)
Limited: 4 (it's an uncommon with a cheap, relatively
powerful snipe so if you have the room for 3 or so [w]
energy then there is no reason not to run it)
Combos with: Stick it in the shoebox with the rest of
the triples.
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo readers! Today we'll be reviewing
Basculin from the new Emerging Powers expansion.
Basculin is a Basic Water Pokemon. As a non-Evolving
Basic, Basculin could easily fit into many decks if it
does something special enough. Likewise, Water is a
pretty good type to be right now, easily countering the
likes of Reshiram, Typhlosion Prime, and Emboar. 80 HP
is rather lackluster for a non-Evolving Basic, as many
heavy hitters will easily OHKO with minimal investment (Reshiram,
Emboar, Magnezone, Zekrom, Typhlosion and Yanmega with a
PlusPower, Gothitelle with three Psychic Energy, the
list goes on), and Lightning Weakness makes this even
easier for Zekrom, Magnezone, and even Pachirisu.
Basculin also has no Resistance and a Retreat Cost of 1.
Basculin has two attacks: Tackle and Splatter. Tackle is
your basic 10 damage for a single Colorless attack, and
it realistically will never be used outside of Limited,
and even there it isn't that good. Splatter is slightly
more interesting, sniping 30 damage for a Water and a
Colorless. This can be decent for picking off your
opponent's Babies or weakened Pokemon, but in Modified,
it's simply easier to use Pokemon Catcher. In Limited,
this attack can actually be pretty good, as things have
lower HP here and your opponent will often have many
bench sitters that can be taken out in a turn or two.
Modified: 1/5 Low HP, bad Weakness, and weaker attacks.
Yanmega outclasses Splatter pretty badly, and Tackle is
fairly useless. If you want a Water-type that spreads
damage around, wait until Noble Victories comes out and
use Kyurem.
Limited: 2.75/5 If you're running Water, Basculin is a
good inclusion. Tackle isn't going to be winning games,
but Splatter can be great for picking off weakened
opponents or low HP Pokemon. That being said, Basculin
still has a fairly low HP stat, and probably won't last
very long, so its best role is that of a supporting
Pokemon to pick off weakened opponents instead of being
a main attacker.