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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Pojo's 2000th COTD
Charizard #4/102
Base Set - 1st
Date Reviewed:
Sept. 7, 2011
& Reviews Summary
Modified: DNA
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(yes, THAT
Hello, and welcome to a very special day
here on Pojo’s
CotD. Today
is Pojo’s
2000th card review. I think
that’s quite an amazing achievement,
both for the Pokémon TCG (still going
strong after the initial craze passed),
and for Pojo
itself, which over the years has had
some of the best players in the game
doing what I’m lucky enough to do now.
To mark the occasion we are going to
look at what is probably the most famous
(and infamous) card in the history of
the game: Base Set
Yes, this is the card that everybody
wanted back in 1999 when the TCG was
first launched outside of Japan. Prices
skyrocketed, little kids got mugged for
them at school, and anyone who actually
managed to get hold of one of these
things got instant cool points. Even
today, a first edition Base Set
that has been graded mint will sell for
hundreds of dollars and its sentimental
value for those who were into the game
when the craze was at its height is
And the funny thing is,
it isn’t even any good. Not back then,
and certainly not now. You see,
wasn’t sought after because it was great
card that everyone wanted for their
decks (like, say,
Luxray LV X or
Prime have been recently), oh no . . .
the reason everybody wanted one is
because Charizard
is just so freaking awesome. Only
Pikachu himself can claim to rival
Charizard as the most famous Pokémon in
the franchise.
Yes, Base Set
Charizard had (for those days) an
astonishing 120 HP. Yes, it could do
(for those days) an unbelievable amount
of damage . . . but back then, decks
using an Energy-intensive Stage 2 as
their main attacker were just not
playable. They all died a quick and
merciful death and the hands of Super
Energy Removal and Haymaker: a viciously
fast deck built around (for their time)
powerful Basics like
and fuelled by the ridiculously broken
Trainer engine that existed back then.
has been reprinted a few times over the
years: in Base Set 2, in Legendary
Collection, and even in slightly
modified form in
Stormfront. No-one really cares
about those cards
though, it’s all about the
classic Base Set version. I was too
young to really get Pokémon when it
first came out, but I remember how much
my older brother loved the two (first
that he managed to get. To this
day, there is no way he would ever trade
or sell them.
Base Set Charizard
is a piece of Pokémon history. Even
people who don’t know anything about the
TCG remember the cultural impact it had.
Don’t expect me to rate this card, I am
not worthy.
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo readers! Today is a special day
for Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day, as we're doing our
2000th review! Because of this, we're pushing back a few
of our Emerging Powers reviews in order to review a card
that is dear to all of our hearts, especially if we
played back when the Pokemon TCG first came out. Today's
Card of the Day is Base Set Charizard.
Charizard is a Stage 2 Fire Pokemon. Back when Charizard
was legal in tournament play, Haymaker decks (with
Hitmonchan, Electabuzz, and Scyther) and Rain Dance
decks (Blastoise, Gyarados/Dewgong/other random
Water-types) were the two dominant decks of the format,
making it somewhat difficult for Charizard to really
shine as a powerful attacker. As a reprint in Stormfront,
Charizard was overshadowed by other more efficient decks
such as Gyarados, and later had to compete with
Charizard AR as a heavy hitting Fire-type Stage 2. 120
HP was amazing by Base Set standards, and although it is
a bit low compared to what we have now for Stage 2s,
Charizard would still be able to stand up to a few
unboosted hits. Water Weakness is expected, meaning that
Charizard would ultimate lose to Blastoise or Gyarados
if it hit them first, but given the low HP values in
Base Set, if Charizard hit first, it would probably get
the KO. Fighting Resistance was great against the likes
of Hitmonchan and the relatively uncommon Machamp,
meaning that once set up, Charizard could hang with
Haymaker decks, at least for a little while. A Retreat
Cost of 3 is huge, so you would want to use something
like Switch to get Charizard out of the Active slot.
As of Charizard's most recent printing in Stormfront,
its Pokemon Power has been changed to a Poke-Body. The
Body, Energy Burn has a relatively simple effect: All
Energy attached to Charizard is Fire instead of its
usual type. This is great for Charizard, as it has a
really expensive attack that requires many Fire Energy,
and is also great because one is able to power up this
attack much more quickly with Double Colorless Energy.
Theoretically, one could attack two DCEs to Charizard
for a quick attack, and continue from there. This would
work even better today with things like Emboar and
Typhlosion (or even older accelerators like Blaziken
from Ruby & Sapphire) to keep Charizard hitting hard
each turn.
Charizard's single attack is Fire Spin, dealing a very
impressive 100 points of damage for four Fire Energy,
requiring you to discard two. This attack was very
impressive during the TCG's early years as it could
nearly OHKO everything. Nowadays this kind of attack is
rather commonplace if not totally outclassed (see
Reshiram and Emboar BLW #19 as examples), but back in
the day, there was nothing quite like it.
Modified: NR. If Charizard were legal now, it probably
wouldn't see a whole lot of play due to other Fire-types
like Reshiram, Typhlosion, and Emboar stealing the show.
However, in spite of its tournament viability, there
were many kids that would be awestruck as soon as
Charizard hit the table, just because it was that cool
and elusive.
Limited: 4/5 Charizard is a beast in Base Set Limited
and Base Set 2 Limited, and would probably be really
hard to play in Stormfront Limited due to the ultra
rarity of its evolutionary line, so I'll focus on the
Base Sets. 120 HP is amazing by Base Set / Base 2
standards, and Energy Burn will incinerate almost
everything for a OHKO (only a few Pokemon, such as
Chansey, would survive). The only potential problem is
that you have to discard two Energy after each Fire
Spin, but in reality, the Base Set Limited format would
be so slow that Charizard would probably survive in
order to attack again. Again, just watch out for
Blastoise, Gyarados, and even Dewgong.

Champion |
What was once an overhyped card that could not
compete at the competitive level because of disruptive
trainers like Energy Removal & Gust of Wind was
reprinted 10 years later.
Now, some of those pesky trainers disappeared for a
while, and some of them (like Gust of Wind), actually
recently made their way back. Now, this reprinted
Charizard did rotate out from modified last year, but
let's by hypothetical. If this Charizard was legal
today, how would it perform in today's current
environment? Well...
*blows brains out*
OMG, is this card bad! Like, really, really bad.
What makes it so bad? The card simply didn't keep up
with the seemingly infinite increase of power that new
cards are receiving. HOW powerful are these new cards?
Well, let's look at the most popular fire Pokémon in the
game today: Reshiram. Reshiram is a basic Pokémon with
130 HP. For two fire energy and one colorless, Reshiram
discards two fire energy to deal 120 damage. What's
that? More HP and it's a BASIC? More damage and it's a
BASIC? One less energy to attack and it's a BASIC? It
even wins the retreat cost battle, retreating for one
less than Charizard. I just wanna puke thinking about
how bad this card is!
So, what advantages does Charizard have over it?
Two small things: a fighting resistance of -30 and the
fact that it doesn't need specific energy to attack.
Energy Burn allows for one neat combo: Double Colorless
Energy. However, don't get too excited about speeding
Charizard up with two double colorless energy - it's
attack requires discarding two energy CARDS, not two
energy. That means both of those Double Colorless Energy
are gone. So basically, you ideally end up using
Charizard with one double colorless energy, and two
other energy cards, discarding the two other energy
cards, and what do know? You don't have enough energy to
attack for next turn. Well, that means for Charizard to
be useful, you'd need to pair it with something that
allows you to attach multiple energy per turn. Say
Typhlosion (Heartgold Soulsilver), Emboar (Black &
White), or Feraligatr (Heartgold Soulsilver). But, since
it is a Stage 2 Pokémon, you end up dedicating too many
spots to it and can't realistically fit that other Stage
2. And, even if you do, you end up with a slow, clunky
The bottom line is that the difference between a
basic and a stage two is astounding. The basic is not
only going to attack more quickly, but it frees up the
5-7 extra slots you would need to use a Stage 2 attacker
instead. The sad part is that the basic Pokémon that
compares to Charizard is literally the better card. If
you could replace Charizard's statistics with Reshiram's,
you would actually be improving it - even though
Charizard is a Stage 2.
Sorry Charizard. I sure was excited the first time I
opened you in a booster pack when I was 12 years old,
but I sure as heck don't wanna see you in my deck. Ever.
Hypothetical modified: 1/5
Last year's modified: 1/5
Unlimited: 1/5
Limited: 2/5
This card stinks in any format you could ever come
up with. In its original debut of just base set, it
would probably be a 2/5. And that's the best it ever
Garage |
9/7/11: Charizard(Base Set, Base Set 2, Legendary
Collection, Stormfront)
This is the 2000th card of the day here at Pojo, so in
order to celebrate, we're reviewing the first card
reviewed here, Base Set Charizard. It's kind of funny
how this milestone gets a special card, when looking
back, the 1000th COTD was given to...Luxio. But it's
probably better this way.
Most people who remember the card game when it was only
a few sets probably have a Charizard story, because even
the people who are no longer interested in the Pokemon
franchise still hold Charizard as an icon of the series
as a whole. It's odd to me why, of all the cards in Base
Set, Charizard was the one that got so popular. I mean,
maybe people really liked Charizard, but from personal
experience, I never thought much of Charizard before I
saw the appeal of the card. Before then, Charizard was
the evolution of the starter Pokemon I never picked in
Red, because of how badly it lost to Brock.
Maybe it was the big numbers printed on the card, which
is a segue to where I should probably talk about the
card's playability. Fire Spin deals pretty big damage,
as you can tell from the '100' to the side of the attack
name, which was good damage for the time, but the energy
requirement and discards made it less useful. The
Power/Body helped a little bit, but it still would need
some form of energy accleration, which in its format was
basically limited to Stage 2 Pokemon, and good luck
getting 2 Stage 2s to run well together in a format with
Gust of Wind/(Super) Energy Removal/many other things
that made Stage 2s bad in this era. Presumably, the
Power would have made Charizard an interesting tech in
decks that could use the extra damage, but again, since
it was a Stage 2, and because the game was so new,
people didn't really 'tech' all that much.
Interestingly, when RaNd0m began the Saga of Sets(Which
you can find here: http://www.pojo.com/random/1225Part1-Base.html ),
he mentioned that some people did use Charizard when
Charmander and Charmeleon were both above-average
Pokemon. 120 HP was nice in this era, but then, Chansey
had 120 HP, and was a basic, and being a basic was so
much of a benefit that the HP alone wasn't enough for
Charizard to be played.
Overall, though, I feel that Charizard may have been a
victim of its own popularity, as far as playability is
concerned. Granted, there are many factors that hurt
Charizard, such as cards that affected the format(Gust,
ER, and speed decks in general, really), plus there's
the fact that Charizard just isn't a very good card.
However, my sense is that given enough time and
manpower, one could have found a practical use for the
card. However, given how tough it was to own the card,
there was little point in going through the trouble of
finding copies of a card that may or may not be useful.
Also, most of the players who would have access to
Charizard, and would be better equipped to test its
playablility, were not inclined to do so, possibly
because they were turned off by its popularity*.
Overall, it's an iconic card, and should be remembered
for that. It may also represent wasted potential, though
it's hard to get worked up about it when it is an
average card at best.
Modified(Base-on): 2.25/5
Modified(Legendary Collection reprint): 1.75/5
Modified(Stormfront reprint):1/5
Limited:3/5(it was probably decent, given that it used
all energy types and would be a pain to KO, provided you
get it out)
In our hearts: 4.75/5

Otaku |
Welcome to our 2000th Card of
the Day, dear readers!
We are celebrating by looking at
the games original “money” card, Base
Charizard, which was re-released in
Base Set 2, the Legendary
Collection, and Stormfront,
at least in the
they didn’t get Base Set 2 or the
Legendary Collection but did
receive it as a promo at least once, and
the international distribution outside
of the
becomes more irregular the farther back
you go, so I can’t tell you how many
times this card has been released in
other countries.
Still it was infamous back in the
day and some people thought it
abnormally rare.
While it was a bit hard to come
by, that was mostly because savvy
traders noticed the demand for it was
higher than the other, equally rare
cards and snatched up as many as they
I literally saw people who would
have several pages worth of
Charizard in trade binders.
I remember it getting as high as
$50 USD and near Christmas there were
reports of it hitting three figures as
parents vied for a copy for their kid.
So… what is it like?
First I am going to review it as
I would any other card, and then I’ll go
into the historical perspective that
shall put it into context.
I shall refer to all possible
formats in my contemporary review since
I usually would do a hypothetical
Modified review for a non-Modified card
anyway, and as this card has been
re-released four times already, I am
sure it will be re-released a few more.
is a Fire Pokémon, of course.
Few Types have any real support
in Modified (most of it is technically
Energy-Type support) though in Unlimited
there is quite a bit of it now.
Of course there are quite a few
flat out broken
win-first-turn-if-you-go-first combos to
deal with in Unlimited so that hardly
Being a Stage 2 means it will
take a lot of deck space and even using
Rare Candy won’t hit the field
before your second turn.
In Unlimited it could
theoretically hit the field first turn
if you can get a
Broken Time-Space into play, and in
fact if you insist on running it that
should be your goal!
has 120 HP, which is low for Modern
Stage 2 Pokémon but still high enough to
often survive a hit in Modified, though
I am.
The most notable exceptions are
if a deck packs damage boosting cards
PlusPower, ridiculously powerful
cards like
Reshiram or
Zekrom, and of course hitting the
Weakness of
Charizard. Said Weakness is
appropriately to Water-Type Pokémon.
In the Modified Format such
Pokémon are actually a bit scarce,
though perhaps the latest set will
finally give Water Pokémon a solid deck,
though for now it is too early to say so
definitely unless you play-test like
Pokémon R&D.
In a semi-casual Unlimited
setting one expects to see Rain Dance
decks, and there are at least a few
other noteworthy Water decks that when
you ignore “the best” become playable
still in the Unlimited format (and
usually more vicious than when they were
Modified legal).
Of course damage yields are
fantastically high in Unlimited anyway
and yet confusingly balanced out by
facing Pokémon often equipped with
Focus Band: the two makes HP scores
much less relevant.
I am pleased that this card has
Resistance, and due to when it was last
printed it still enjoys classical
Fighting -30 Resistance (instead of the
modern -20).
Given the greater average HP
scores and “even-after-dialing-it-back”
higher average damage output of the
modern Modified, it seems odd that
Resistance not only didn’t increase
(either in amount blocked or scope of
implementation) but rather seems to be
less common and of course only blocks 20
points of damage now.
In Modified, this would be very
frustrating to
Donphan Prime players, requiring
four uses of Earthquake to take down one
I would assume that if this was
reprinted, it would be modernized, which
means the Resistance would drop to -20.
Fortunately while less impressive
it would still be enough to matter,
making a OHKO by
Donphan highly improbable.
In Unlimited you’ll find the
classical Resistance wonderful for
completely blocking
Tyrogue from Neo Discovery
Crobat G spam isn’t so prevalent as
to render
Tyrogue completely unplayable, even
in a semi-casual setting).
The final stat would be the Retreat Cost
of (CCC).
Three Energy is quite a bit to
discard, and as we know the attack
requires discarding Energy, you should
never actually expect to be able to
manually Retreat and even when you can,
avoid doing so unless absolutely
Instead prepare to “tank out”
and run cards to get it out of the
Active slot: even running one strategy
or the other is ill advised because this
big lizard will get stuck up front quite
easily, no matter what format you’re in!
has a Poké-Body (originally a
Poké-Power) which I assume would be
updated yet again into an Ability if it
were to be re-released.
The Poké-Body is known as Energy
Burn, and causes all Energy attached to
Charizard to be treated as if it
provided Fire-Type Energy instead of
whatever it would normally provide.
The quantity of Energy does not
change: a
Double Colorless Energy would
provide two Fire Energy when attached to
Charizard with Energy Burn in
In pre-Stormfront
printings it will list this as an
optional effect, but the Stormfront
version states it is mandatory and it
has been ruled that this is now (and
perhaps always should have been, given a
possible mistranslation) all versions
are to be played.
On the bright side, the Poké-Body
text also no longer includes the clause
stating that Special Conditions shut
Energy Burn off, and I really can’t
think of a practical circumstance when
you would need a type of Energy other
than Fire attached to
has one massive attack, Fire Spin.
The effect doesn’t match-up to
the video game at all, as here it is
merely a large attack with a two Energy
card discard requirement.
This is very important to note:
it says Energy card (and has always
specified card), so obvious combos like
Charizard up with two
Double Colorless Energy results in
having to discard both
Double Colorless Energy to use Fire
The damage yield is a little low
for the modern Modified format: you
invest four Energy of a specific type.
At a basic level that is good for
15 points of damage per Energy, or 60
Then I always treat discarded
Energy as if it were an extra Energy
requirement for the attack (and it is
worse if you can use the attack more
than twice) so that would put us at 90
points of damage.
Unless the card has another
effect (attack, Ability, etc.) that is
truly phenomenal and uses it up, I would
expect a “Stage 2 bonus” to damage since
that compensates the difficulty of
running Stage 2 Pokémon.
That should be good for at least
another 20 points of damage.
Lastly when attacks cost more
than three Energy, I tend to award more
extra damage, once again because of
previous successful cards and the
difficulty in getting so much Energy
onto a single Pokémon in a timely
Charizard should easily be hitting
for 110 or 120 points of damage with all
that is required of it.
Plus this is the only built in
attack, so another bonus might be
necessary there as well: think of how
many Stage 2 Pokémon have fallback
attacks for when you have to bring them
out quickly.
One does need to look at the card (and
metagame) as a whole of course, but
whether it was intended or not,
Charizard isn’t really broken with
anything we currently have or ever have
Energy Burn does mean you can
consider the attack to effectively cost
(CCCC), which would drop the earlier
damage compensation to the point where
100 points of damage is about right… but
again view the card as a whole: just one
While there might be an odd combo
or two that can make use of Energy Burn
converting any Energy into Fire-Type
Energy, for the most part it really is
like Fire Spin costs (CCCC).
So you have all the
vulnerabilities of possessing a single
attack combined with the vulnerabilities
of having a Poké-Body, including the
fact that maximizing use of the
Poké-Body makes you completely dependant
upon it, so that an effect that shuts it
down also shuts down the attack.
This seems like a poor or at
least overly cautious design.
First you have to choose a
Charmander and possible a
Charmeleon to Evolve from, and in
Unlimited you have many options, and
individual deck builds can alter what is
My preference actually ties into
an older combo, using cards like
Memory Berry to access a useful
older move like Rage, which is
particularly vicious if played the turn
after a
Focus Band saved your
Charizard from being KOed.
Simply put this
Charizard is not the best attacker,
it is not the best Fire attack, not the
best Stage 2 Fire attacker, though it
might be the best “plain”
Charizard to use as the others are
all products of different metagames with
restrictions that often seem more severe
or supporting attacks that would be less
useful in Unlimited.
Still using tricks to access the
lower stages attacks can help a lot, and
you can try to get out a
Leafeon LV.X to enable dropping an
extra Energy a turn.
In Unlimited, this means
Boost Energy,
Double Colorless Energy,
Double Rainbow Energy,
Recycle Energy, and
Scramble Energy.
You’re also going the generic
route of running
Broken Time-Space and Neo Genesis
Slowking, because your opponent’s
Trainers will wreck your deck even in a
casual setting, let alone anything
remotely competitive.
While complicated, unless your
opponent also sets up an anti-Trainer
card you should be able to drop the
needed two Energy cards a turn on
Charizard, and if you can really
push it and get out two
Leafeon Lv.X you can do three and
actually have the option of building for
future use.
Boost Energy and
Recycle Energy are no big deal,
since the former would have to be
discarded anyway and the latter returns
to hand.
Double Rainbow Energy might drop
your damage output a little but it still
provides two Energy and more
importantly, prevents any anti-Poké-Body
effects from completely shutting the
deck down.
Scramble Energy only kicks in when
you are behind in Prizes, but when you
are it provides three of any Energy so
it is quite valuable, and also protects
against your Poke-Body being shut down.
Just remember that if something
Leafeon LV.X’s Poké-Power you’ll be
forced to attack every other turn
(unless you managed to fit in yet
another back-up plan), and I don’t see
anyway for this deck to work if Pokémon
Powers are being shut down (since that
would include Poké-Bodies and
Poké-Powers, so all three major Pokémon
are offline).
Well, technically the deck still
“works”, but unless you can recycle
Double Rainbow Energy and
Scramble Energy and your opponent is
slower than you attacking every other
turn, you’re a goner.
Modified has no legal lower stages, so
they’d have to reprint a
Charmander and
Charmeleon or design a new one.
This is hard to predict and
unless they were stellar (or some other
future combo changes things) I don’t
Charizard could be even remotely
competitive for Modified.
I didn’t exactly paint a cheery
scenario for Unlimited, but even though
Modified decks typically clock in at the
power level of “semi-casual” Unlimited
decks, it doesn’t fair any better.
You need some sort of Energy
acceleration, otherwise it will take
four turns to power it up and then you’d
only be able to hit for 100 points of
damage every other turn!
In short, that means if you’re
lucky one
Charizard might get to attack once.
Factoring in a simple combo of
Double Colorless Energy means either
you burn (pardon the pun) through your
Double Colorless Energy right away
so that on your second turn,
Charizard hits for 100… and then has
no Energy since the wording of the
attack would require you discard two
Energy cards, and thus
both copies of
Double Colorless Energy.
The real use of
Double Colorless Energy is that a
single copy can be attached along side
two single Energy cards, and then you
can hit for 100 points of damage
starting on your third turn, and again
only attacking every other turn.
Which means you still would be
lucky to get a single attack off when
facing any competent deck.
The only reasonable option currently
available is to use
Charizard with
Emboar and its Inferno Fandango.
You’ll have to burn two Energy
cards a turn and you’ll get 100 points
of damage.
You’ll have little room for
anything but your
Emboar and your
Charizard lines, and you have not
one but two obviously superior options
that won’t restrict you as much: the
Emboar and
The non-Ability
Emboar has superior stats and a
better attack.
Reshiram has superior stats two
better attacks, and is a Basic!
Since we are dealing with a
mono-Fire deck or at least heavily
Energy focused deck and the other
two cards even can make use of non-Fire
Energy for part of their attack costs,
lacking Energy Burn does not matter.
So what about Limited?
Ignoring how expensive (or the
fact that it would have to be virtual)
this would be even for the most recent
re-release, the
Charmander and
Charmeleon that have also always
been printed or reprinted alongside
Charizard are Limited friendly,
having decent stats for the format and
one Colorless attack (making multi-Type
decks easier).
Charizard is best held in reserve,
and dropped only when
Charmeleon is about to be KOed, as
without a lucky
Double Colorless Energy you’ve got
no Energy acceleration, and thus
Charizard can only hit every other
turn after being powered-up.
So historically what has
Charizard usage been like?
While many people tried to make
Charizard worthwhile during the
various phases of early Unlimited (Base
Set, Base Set/Jungle,
Base Set through Fossil,
When dealing with only the Base
Charizard was nice in that
Hitmonchan could only hit it for 10
points of damage with Special Punch, but
the rest of Haymaker (like Base Set
Electabuzz) suffered no such
Gust of Wind and
Energy Removal made it nearly
impossible to get a
Charizard fully powered, let alone
in a more sustainable manner than
dropping two
Double Colorless Energy on it over
the course of two turns.
Charizard was strong in any area, it
was usually due to someone designing the
best possible deck for it
and encountering less skilled
opponents or those with less resources.
Rain Dance decks may have even
outperformed Haymaker decks against it.
The only match-up where
Charizard was perhaps more useful
than Rain Dance or Haymaker is purported
to be against early Damage Swap decks,
since with two
PlusPower a
Charizard that managed to set-up
could OHKO a
That still feels more like
Theorymon than fact to me: the Damage
Swap deck has to set-up before the
Haymaker or Rain Dance for this to be a
serious issue, while the
Charizard deck has to set-up at
least as fast as Damage Swap.
Later sets did not help
It might have been a little nice
that Haymaker decks started running the
Scyther upon its release in
Jungle, but
Scyther was good enough that it was
still probably a net gain for the
Haymaker deck in the match-up, and it
didn’t need any help.
Clefable decks didn’t like
discarding two Energy card for Fire
Spin, but since it could be any Energy
Type they often could, again putting
Charizard at a disadvantage.
Wigglytuff was just another strong
attacker that could outpace
Fossil added nothing to
Charizard yet again and introduced
Muk to shut down Pokémon Powers, and
Charizard really needed Energy Burn:
either to use a single
Double Colorless Energy so it could
attack in three turns and not four, to
splash in some other Pokémon (and thus
Energy) Types to avoid being completely
crushed by Rain Dance, and probably both
in most decks.
I won’t waste your time by going
into detail, but
Charizard never had much of a chance
until it was re-released in the
Legendary Collection.
At that point there was a chance
it could see serious play because it
became Modified Legal at a time when its
HP was still impressive, and average
damage yields were still around 60
points a turn without significant
Combos that the reprinted Base
Charizard could match, giving at
least the chance of getting off two to
three Fire Spin in a row without a
lengthy set-up.
Still I don’t recall seeing it
played outside of Pokémon League and the
decks that came before and after it
still seemed to do the job better.
Then the Legendary Collection
rotated out early as Nintendo took over
the game from Wizards of the Coast.
By Stormfront,
Charizard was no longer the biggest,
hardest hitting Pokémon.
To be fair it had lost that title
long ago, but by now it was noticeably
slower than contemporary decks, and only
“average” in terms of HP.
As stated in the review, by this
point one couldn’t ignore what had
really always been an overpriced attack
and Poké-Body that should have just been
a more friendly Energy cost for the
So why this lengthy review of
I have never personally reviewed
it on Pojo and wanted to support my
Charizard has always been more
popular than its effects deserve, simply
because it already is a popular Pokémon:
Charizard was often as much as
mascot for Pokémon as a whole as
Pikachu is, especially in the early
days of the franchise.
The fact that the Pokémon “fad”
kicked into high gear as the TCG was
starting in the
meant that many non-players and
non-collectors wanted the card just
because it was the “in thing”.
Charizard looks impressive enough to
entice many that know that at its best
it was sub-par, let alone non-players or
I feel the need to include the
latter because those not familiar with
the Pokémon Rarity Scheme mistook the
high prices as indicative of low supply,
while instead I’d see people sitting on
stacks and binders flush with
Charizard, waiting for the next
person that would cough up at least $50
for a copy.
Charizard was the first “money” or “bling”
card, a status symbol for those that
cared about such things.
That is what makes it so
important to the history of the game.
N/A (would be 1.25/5 at best)
is popular because it’s a big, draconic
looking Fire-Type Pokémon.
This card was highly sought after
because it was somewhat rare (available
only as a Holo-Rare at a time when the
general supply of Pokémon cards
outstripped demand) and the fad
propelled the price to an easy $50 and
sometimes even triple digits for a First
Edition copy.
The actual card is an example of
poor design: some fundamental aspect of
the card (in this case the Energy cost
for the attack) was somehow spun off
into a more complicated Pokémon Power:
as stated in the main review, Fire Spin
essentially is (CCCC) for 100 points of
damage and a double Energy
card discard, and without the
illusion provided by Energy Burn that
the card can do anything else, you
realize that is pretty bad.
Still looks great, though. ;)
Speaking of frivolous purchases, check
out my eBay auctions