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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Chandelure #20
Next Destinies
Date Reviewed:
April 12, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.67
Limited: 3.88
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Next Destinies)
Due to a mix up, I already wrote a
review for this card a few weeks ago, so
I hope you won’t mind if I post it
again. My views on the card haven’t
really changed: it’s basically a nice
tech with the Noble Victories
and can be effective in a Toolbox-Style
Mew deck.
is a Stage 2 Fire Type Pokémon with 120
HP, Water Weakness, and a Retreat cost
of two. The Fire Typing is quite nice at
the moment: it might not be hitting much
for Weakness (the occasional
plus of course Durant), but it also
rarely runs into any Water Pokémon that
can exploit its own vulnerability (apart
from the even more occasional
Kyurem). 120
HP is a bit of a problem though: it’s
low for a Stage 2 and what’s worse it
puts Chandelure
into unboosted
OHKO range of
Reshiram BW and
Zekrom BW.
The Retreat cost could be a pain if this
was run outside of traditional
decks which use
Dodrio UD.
Flame Burst,
Chandelure’s first attack, has
pretty much the best (reliable)
damage/cost ratio in the game. For a
single Fire Energy, you do 30 to the
active, plus 30 damage
to two Benched
Pokémon: that’s a total of 90
damage for one Energy!
Ok, I am over-selling it somewhat
as that 30 damage puts very little
pressure on the active Pokémon
(especially if it is a huge Legendary
Basic), but that snipe attack is still
good enough to OHKO Baby Pokémon or
exceptionally weak Basics like the
ever-popular 30 HP
Tynamo or the increasingly less
popular Solosis.
It can also be used to set up easier
OHKOs against higher HP attackers. The
second attack, Inferno, is pretty good
value too: just [R][C]
for 80 plus Burn (although you do have
to discard all Energy attached to
to use it).
On its own, neither Flame Burst nor
Inferno are
likely to get many OHKOs and this,
together with the fact that
is a low HP Stage 2, means that it can’t
really carry a deck as a main attacker.
As a tech in existing
decks though, it can be very useful. The
snipe damage has great synergy with
Cursed Shadow Ability
(which places counters without using an
attack). This is probably going to be
where you see
Chandelure played the most. The
other possibility is to use it as a See
Off tech in Mew Prime decks (credit to
for this idea). Being able to use Flame
Burst on turn two when facing Eelektrik
decks that need to Bench multiple
Tynamo is
great, as you stand a much higher chance
of picking them off before they evolve
than you would if you had to wait to
actually get the Stage 2 into play.
So . . . not a card to build a deck
around, but a good card to place as a
single copy to increase the
effectiveness of existing decks.
Modified: 3 (If you’re still playing
find a slot for him)
Limited: 3.25 (sniping is a very
effective strategy here . . . but
getting a Stage 2 out isn’t always easy)
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo viewers! Today we're
continuing our reviews of Fire-types by reviewing a
Stage 2 from Next Destinies that has seen some
tournament play. Today's Card of the Day is Chandelure
Chandelure is a Stage 2 Fire Pokemon. Like the other
Fire Pokemon we've reviewed this week, Chandelure has to
do something that Reshiram and Reshiram-EX can't in
order to see Modified play. Being a Stage 2 is somewhat
of a problem for Chandelure right now, as Stage 2s are
essentially nonexistent in Modified due to the resources
they require. 120 HP is average for a Stage 2, as the
chandelier will only be able to survive weak attackss.
Water Weakness is to be expected for a Fire-type, and
Chandelure has the problems against Kyurem and Kyurem-EX
that the other Fire-types we've reviewed this week have.
Unfortunately, Chandelure still has no Resistance, but
does have a Retreat Cost of 2, which is payable if
you're in a bind.
Chandelure has two attacks. The first, Flame Burst,
deals 30 damage to the Defending Pokemon as well as 30
damage to two of your opponent's Pokemon for a single
Fire Energy. This attack is absolutely brutal in Limited
in terms of efficiency for its cost, and would even be
decent in Modified as well if the format weren't so
reliant on huge Basics. That being said, the ability to
spread damage around like this is very nice, even if it
is on a Stage 2. Inferno, the second attack, deals 80
damage and Burns the Defending Pokemon for a Fire and a
Colorless, but you also must discard all of the Fire
Energy attached to Chandelure in the process. Given the
lax Energy requirements, one can easily attach a Fire
and some other type of Energy and Inferno every turn,
especially if you can keep the Fire Energy coming to
power the attack up. In Modified, Chandelure can get
help from Emboar and Typhlosion Prime to keep the
onslaught going, but once again, Reshiram is probably a
better option for this sort of strategy because it is a
Basic (If you want to spread, consider Kyurem).
Modified: 2.25/5 Chandelure would be great in Modified
if the format weren't so reliant on huge Basics. Flame
Burst is a wonderful attack that is next to useless
here, as Chandelure's low HP means that it probably
won't be getting in many hits. Inferno is equally great
for its cost, but once again, Chandelure's being a Stage
2 ultimately lets it down, as the resources required to
get it out make it a bit too slow to realistically work
in the format. Players of Chandelure NV sometimes use
this Chandelure as a tech, but otherwise, you're
generally better with Reshiram as a Fire-type.
Limited: 4.5/5 Chandelure is a destructive force in
Limited. Flame Burst is absolutely ridiculous in
Limited, mowing down your opponent's Benched Pokemon
with relative ease. Additionally, Inferno is a great,
cheap attack for Limited, although the Energy discard
can be a major downside. Overall, Chandelure is a great
Pokemon to use in Next Destinies Limited, and should
definitely be used if you pull its evolutionary line.