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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Jellicent #31
Noble Victories
Date Reviewed:
April 5, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.50
Limited: 3.15
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Noble Victories)
I dunno
about you, but I love Pokémon card
flavour text. It’s a little glimpse into
a world of sinister weirdness that lurks
behind the cute children’s card game.
Take Jellicent
for instance: he looks like a fun sort
of guy with his little crown and
excellent moustache, only the flavour
text implies that he is in fact a kind
of high seas mass murderer, responsible
for the deaths of hundreds of sailors
(‘all sunken, all lost, all vanished’).
is a Stage 1 Pokémon with 110 HP. This
used to be good, but is now under the
threshold for easy kills from
Reshiram and
Zekrom so .
. . yeah it’s no longer anything
special. That Lightning Weakness doesn’t
help in a Lightning-infested
and the Retreat cost of three is pretty
brutal. Certainly something you would
never want to pay.
As a bonus though,
Jellicent does come with
an Ability.
Unfortunately, it’s not a very effective
one. Cursed Body states that if
Jellicent is
damaged by an attack (even if it gets
KO’d), the
Pokémon who attacked it is now confused.
Back in the day when you couldn’t just
retreat out of confusion without a risky
coin flip, this could have been decent(ish),
but now it just isn’t that significant.
An opponent will just attack with a
Pokémon that has a low Retreat cost (or
none at all, thanks to
Bridge) and carry on attacking as
normal. The Ability gives you a very
mild level of disruption, but nothing
that foes beyond being a slight nuisance
to any opponent.
only attack is a Hydro Pump variant
which costs two Energy of any Colour for
a distressingly low base damage of 10.
As is usual with this type of attack, it
adds 10 more damage for each Water
Energy attached to the Pokémon, so if
you pay the cost with [W], you are
hitting for a very unimpressive 40. In
fact to achieve anything like a
reasonable damage output, you would need
to use Feraligatr
Prime and commit ridiculous amount of
Energy to a low HP Pokémon. Want to KO a
Zekrom, for
example? That takes
TWELVE Water Energy! Fancy taking
on a Mewtwo-EX
with Eviolite
attached? Great, now you need EIGHTEEN!
Even hitting as hard
as a Basic like
Tornadus EP means loading an
absurd amount of Energy on to a
relatively weak Stage 1.
Of course that’s ridiculous, and you
would have to be completely mental to
try and take on
Zekroms and
Mewtwos with a Pokémon like
but quite honestly, that’s the kind of
task that attacking Pokémon need to be
able to perform at the moment. The fact
that Jellicent
is so utterly incapable of doing it
means that he’s going to be spending his
time in the binder, rather than in any
Modified: 1.5 (shamefully underpowered)
Limited: 2.5 (Quite like the Ability
here, though the low damage still lets
him down)
virusyosh |
Hey once again, Pojo readers! Today we're reviewing
the Noble Victories version of everyone's favorite
Water/Ghost type from Unova. Today's Card of the Day is
Jellicent is a Stage 1 Water Pokemon. Aside from the
rare Kyurem and Kyurem-EX, Water doesn't see any play,
primarily due to the commonness of Lightning and Grass,
the type's two primary Weaknesses. 110 HP is fairly good
for a Stage 1, as this means that Jellicent should be
able to survive a single, weaker attack. Lightning
Weakness is terrible against the likes of Zekrom, Zapdos,
and Zebstrika. no Resistance is to be expected, and a
Retreat Cost of 3 is gigantic, so be sure to use
something like Switch to get this jellyfish out of the
Active spot.
Jellicent has an Ability and a single attack. Cursed
Body automatically Confuses your opponent's Pokemon when
they damage you with an attack, which is a bit of an
annoyance in Modified but a major pain in Limited. In
Modified, there are too many Pokemon out there with free
Retreat right now, making Confusion not so useful. In
Limited, however, where retreating is difficult and
resources are scarce, Cursed Body will likely have your
opponent in fits, as the 30 self damage can be a major
factor in this format.
Hydro Pump, Jellicent's attack, starts off at 10 damage
for two Colorless Energy, but does 20 more damage for
each Water Energy attached to Jellicent. Therefore, in a
Water deck, Jellicent will start off at 50 damage for
two Energy, which is just about average for the game
today. Samurott BW generally does this sort of attack
better, and has built-in damage reduction as well. That
being said, Jellicent could be worth running if
Confusion can become a bigger factor, and it pairs well
with Feraligatr Prime.
Modified: 1.5/5 Jellicent is mostly outclassed by
Samurott here, which by itself doesn't see any play. The
format isn't kind to Jellicent right now either, with
Lightning Weakness being almost an absolute deal
breaker. It's a shame that Jellicent doesn't have more
HP, or that the attack doesn't deal more damage - this
Pokemon could have a lot of potential.
Limited: 3.75/5 Jellicent is great in Limited, but
especially shines in a Water deck. Cursed Body is
ridiculous here, as Confusion can be absolutely
devastating to the opponent. Hydro Pump has Colorless
Energy requirements, but works much better when combined
with Water Energy, as the damage output can steadily
increase. Overall, keep away from Jellicent in Modified,
but use it early and often in Limited.
Combos With: Feraligatr Prime