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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 13 Pokemon Cards of
Dragon Exalted:
- #8 Terrakion EX
Date Reviewed:
August xx, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.0
Limited: 4.5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo readers! Today we're going to
review another new EX from Dragons Exalted, which also
happens to be in #8 in our Top 10 countdown. Today's
Card of the Day is Terrakion-EX.
Terrakion is a Basic Fighting Pokemon-EX. Fighting-types
have a huge niche in the new BW-on Modified, where both
Eelektrik variants and Darkrai-EX are incredibly popular
Pokemon with Fighting Weakness. As a Pokemon-EX, you can
expect Terrakion to have a massive HP stat coupled with
either good attacks or interesting abilities. 180 HP is
absolutely massive, meaning that Terrakion will easy
take a nonboosted hit from most major attackers. Grass
Weakness is practically a nonfactor in the current
metagame, with Accelgor being the only Grass type seeing
consistent play (though others are using Virizion NVI as
well). Sadly, Terrakion has no Resistance, and a Retreat
Cost of 3 is huge but expected: use Switch to get
Terrakion out of the Active spot.
Terrakion-EX has two attacks. Rock Tumble does 50 damage
for a Fighting and a Colorless while ignoring
Resistance, which is a solid first attack (though
somewhat unspectacular for a Pokemon-EX). This attack is
definitely good to use for some no-nonsense damage while
you're waiting to power up the real reason to use
Terrakion, Pump-Up Smash. The second attack does 90
damage for two Fighting Energy and a Colorless, but also
allows you to attack two Basic Energy cards from your
hand to your Benched Pokemon in any way you like. Energy
acceleration is very powerful in any form, and Terrakion-EX
certainly does not disappoint. While the Energy must be
Basic and in your hand to attach, Terrakion-EX fits
nicely into Quad Bulls builds to power up your benched
Terrakions faster without having to use Exp. Share
(though you'll still probably want to, anyway). Of
course, that doesn't mean that you can't use Terrakion
in other situations, where Pump Up Smash's combination
of decent damage and Energy acceleration will be a
welcome addition to most Fighting builds.
Modified: 4/5 With advantageous typing and abusable
attacks, Terrakion-EX has a real shot at being a
dominant force in the Modified metagame. While Rock
Tumble isn't anything special, Pump-Up Smash combined
with 180 HP make for a formidable opponent that will
give opposing Darkrai-EX and Zekrom-EX fits, as Pump-Up
Smash will OHKO both if they don't have Eviolite
attached, which is very impressive. Overall, Terrakion's
unique combination of Energy acceleration and Fighting
typing will certainly see play in the format.
Limited: 5/5 Like most Pokemon-EX, Terrakion will
generally be an auto-include into your deck. 180 HP is
incredibly difficult for your opponent to get past if
they don't have an EX of their own, and both attacks are
fairly good here: Rock Tumble deals solid, cheap damage,
and Pump-Up Smash gives a powerful form of Energy
acceleration matched with good damage. If you manage to
pull a Terrakion-EX, be sure to use it here.
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Terrakion EX
Terrakion EX is a Basic Fighting Pokemon with 180 HP.
It is weak to Grass and has a retreat cost of 3.
Heavy Ball will fetch this guy (as Level Ball has yet to
get an EX, Heavy Ball is the best EX searcher now).
'Rock Tumble' costs 1 Fighting and 1 Colorless and does
50 damage. It is not affected by resistance.
Honestly, I think of heavy hitting when I think of EX
Pokemon attacks, and this falls a bit short. It is
good that it is only not affected by resistance (if
weakness also it'd be worse). 50 damage is a
decent amount for output, I just would think it'd do a
bit more.
'Pump-up Smash' costs 2 Fighting and 1 Colorless energy
and does 90 damage. It has the effect of allowing
you to attaching 2 basic energies from your hand to your
Benched Pokemon. Once again the damage output is
decent, it won't be OHKOing much. The effect
allows for Energy acceleration, but the worse kind in my
opinion. Energy acceleration can be divided into 3
types: from the deck, from the discard pile, or from
your hand (I rank them in that order). From the deck is
best because it thins the deck; from the discard is
second because you don't 'net' anything; from the hand
is the worse because you lose cards in your hand.
That's just a quick summary, there are exceptions (like
how from the hand benefits if you have a Bianca).
Anyway, you still need to have the energy in hand to
I guess the main thing is to compare this to the normal
The attacks cost the same, so that makes comparison a
little bit easier. The first attack: old has
potential of 90 damage (minimum 30); new has 50 damage
output. The original wins this in my opinion
because the max of 90 for the energy cost is better
(almost double that of the new one). The second
attack: old has 90 damage; new has
90 plus energy acceleration. The second is
obviously better.
So now we come to an impasse. Terrakion EX has 50
more HP, can accelerate energy, but gives up 2 prizes.
The normal Terrakion (I do realize I've been using new
and old instead of EX and non-EX, but I give you some
credit in knowing what I mean) can get in a quick 90 and
gives up 1 prize. My solution: playtest. I
don’t like using Terrakion, and the EX version gives me
no reason to start running it.
Try interchanging them to see if it makes a difference.
Modified: 4/5
Limited: 4/5
Combo's With: ...
Questions, comments, concerns:
jebulousthemighty@yahoo.com |