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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 13 Pokemon Cards of
Dragon Exalted:
#2 - Hydreigon #97
Date Reviewed:
August 23, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.10
Limited: 3.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Dragons Exalted)
Ok, so I admit I’m a little surprised that this card
made the runner up spot. Yes it’s very good. Yes it is a
key component of what will almost certainly be a top
tier deck for Battle Roads. But at the end of the day
it’s a support Pokémon rather than a main attacker and
its use is really limited to one specific deck. I
suspect that it is the success of that particular deck
in Japan that has caused Hydreigon
to be so highly rated.
is a Stage 2 Dragon Type with a more than decent 150 HP,
and a horrid Retreat cost. Being a Dragon Type is
something of a mixed blessing: it avoids being hit for
Weakness by all of the old school Pokémon Types but is
extremely vulnerable to the hard-hitting and inevitably
popular Dragon attackers like
Garchomp and Rayquaza
(both the EX and Little Quaza
The main attraction here is undoubtedly
Hydreigon’s Ability. Dark
Trance enables you to move your Dark Energy around the
Field as often as you like during your turn. This is
obviously very useful: you can conserve Energy in play
by moving it from a vulnerable Pokémon; you can combo it
with Max Potion to heal off all damage without having to
discard; and you can switch Energy to an alternative
attacker if the situation demands it. We have seen this
kind of Type-specific Energy Trans function many times
in the history of the TCG: it was
there way back at the start on Base Set
Venusaur and has appeared
more recently on Sceptile GE
and Meganium Prime.
Klinklang BLW’s Shift Gear
does the same job for Metal Energy and was the
centrepiece of John Robert II’s US Nationals winning
But none of the other Energy Trans Pokémon has ever
rated as highly or been as hyped as
Hydreigon. The reason why this Dragon is
especially favoured is simple: Dark Trance moves Dark
Energy, and we all know what that means . . . yep,
Darkrai-EX. Yes, this
uber-powerful attacker gets
yet more support
- this time aimed at keeping its Energy in
play and helping it heal off damage with Max Potion. It
seems that the only thing more scary than a
Darkrai is an invincible
Darkrai and, unless your
opponent’s deck has some way of
it, that’s pretty much what
Hydreigon can create. Not
only that, but the fact that Dark Trance will also work
with Prism and Blend Energy means that
Darkrai-EX can call upon
some useful back up when needed.
Shaymin-EX, Mewtwo-EX,
and Registeel-EX
all being popular choices.
I suppose I should also mention
Hydreigon’s attack,
Dragonblast. For the slightly ridiculous cost of
[P][D][D][C] (and you even
have to discard the two Dark Energy to use it), it will
do a 140 damage. The massive cost means that this is not
really an attack you would want to use often, but there
are certain situations where it can be worthwhile: for
example it is a guaranteed OHKO on any Dragon Pokémon,
and can also deal with those
pesky Sigilyph DRX which can
wall Darkrai and any other
EX Pokémon for that matter.
What Hydreigon does is
basically enable an enhanced version of the
Klinklang-EX deck. There’s
no denying it’s very good – quite possibly the best deck
in format at the moment – I’m just unsure of
Hydreigon’s long term future
once that deck drifts out of favour.
Modified: 3.75 (A great support Pokémon for Dark decks)
Limited: 2 (the attacking cost is utterly impractical
and Stage 2s are hard enough to use here)
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo! Today we're reviewing another
of the new Dragon-types, and this one is perhaps the
most hyped in the current tournament scene. Today's Card
of the Day (and #2 on our countdown!) is Hydreigon from
Dragons Exalted.
Hydreigon is a Stage 2 Dragon Pokemon. As a Dragon,
Hydreigon sees a lot of play along with other dragons
Garchomp and shiny Rayquaza, and provides itself to be
an excellent partner with Darkrai-EX. 150 HP is
excellent in that nearly all unboosted hits will take
down the dark hydra, with only Zekrom-EX's Strong Volt
the only unboosted attack to drop Hydreigon.
Unfortunately, Dragon Weakness means that Garchomp and
opposing Hydreigon keep the Brutal Pokemon in check, but
also serves as an excellent counter to the
aforementioned threats. Sadly, Hydreigon has no
Resistance and a hefty Retreat Cost of 3, meaning that
you'll want to use something like Switch to move
Hydreigon from the Active spot.
Hydreigon has an Ability and a single attack. Dark
Trance allows one to move around Darkness Energy from
one of your Pokemon to another as many times as you'd
like during your turn. Dark Trance's synergy with
Darkrai-EX's Dark Cloak cannot be overstated, as giving
each of your Pokemon free retreat at will is incredibly
powerful. In addition to quickly powering up new
attackers and retreating old ones, Dark Trance can also
be used as a pseudo-healing mechanism with Max Potion,
as one can simply move all of the Energy from a damaged
attacker, use Max Potion, then move them all back. When
combined with Sableye DEX and Dark Patch, this archetype
is easily one of the most powerful in Modified right
Dragonblast, Hydreigon's attack, does 140 damage for a
Psychic, two Darkness, and a Colorless, with the side
effect or requiring the discard of two Darkness Energy
from Hydreigon. 140 damage for four Energy plus a
discard is great for the cost, and should easily dent
anything it doesn't take down outright, including most
Pokemon-EX. The Psychic and Darkness requirements are
also not a burden due to the new Blend Energy GRPD,
which will easily fulfill both Energy requirements
Modified: 4/5 Hydreigon is an absolute monster in
Modified, teaming up with Darkrai-EX and Sableye to tear
through decks without an answer for it. Dark Trance
makes Dark Cloak absolutely ridiculous, and Dragonblast
is a high-powered attack great for putting massive dents
into enemies, if not knocking them out outright.
Absolutely make sure that your deck can deal with this
three-headed behemoth, or chances are you'll find
yourself at the loser's tables.
Limited: 3.75/5 Hydreigon is still a force here, but the
Energy requirements and lack of Dark Trance abuse make
the hydra somewhat less useful in Limited. Dark Trance
can still do most of the Energy-moving tricks described
above, but is also more reliant on a deck running both
Psychic and Darkness Energy than above, even though
Blend GRPD is still in this set. Overall, Hydreigon is
still a beast here as well and will probably win you
games if it hits the table, but it pretty much forces
you to play Darkness and Psychic Energy due to its
restrictive Energy requirements.
Combos With: Darkrai-EX, Sableye DEX
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Hydreigon 97
Hydreigon is a Stage 2 Dragon Pokemon with 150 HP.
It has a weakness to Dragon and a retreat cost of 3.
It is searchable by Heavy Ball.
'Dark Trance' is an ability that allows you to move
around your Darkness energy as much as you want before
your attack. This is like the Klinklang that
became popular recently.
'Dragonblast' costs 1 Psychic, 2 Dark, and 1 Colorless
energy. It does 140 and you discard 2 Dark energy.
The damage allows you to OHKO any Dragon. The
energy discard is not too relevant since Dark Patch
So this is the backbone of the Hydreigon deck that is
going to start popping up here. The deck uses this
guy and Darkrai EX to go crazy.
Darkrai EX allows anything with a Darkness to retreat
for free and Hydreigon allows you to move those Dark
energies to whoever you want.
Dark Patch helps get more energy to the field (so you
have energy manipulation and acceleration).
Sableye helps you get the Dark Patchs back. Max
Potion can be used to turn the high HP Pokemon into
You also have the blend energy that counts as Dark and
Psychic... this deck should be a powerhouse.
I want to see/make a good Garbador deck because if done
right, that deck would theoretically cripple this deck
(since it does rely on 2 Pokemon with abilities).
But that depends on whether or not a good Garbador deck
can be made. The format will be interesting to
watch, or play in.
Modified: 4.5/5
Limited: 4.5/5
Combo's With: Darkrai EX
Questions, comments, concerns: