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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Garbodor #54
Dragons Exalted
Date Reviewed:
August 27, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.75
Limited: 3.13
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Dragons Exalted)
Hello and welcome to a week of card reviews (what else?)
here on Pojo’s
CotD. We may have finished
our look at the top 13 (yes, I know that was weird), but
there is still plenty of good stuff to cover . . . stuff
that you will definitely be seeing at the Battle Roads
which start this weekend.
We kick off the week with Garbodor,
which must be the most disgusting-looking Pokémon ever
designed. I mean seriously, Muk
looks as cute as a Manaphy
by comparison to this, and not even
kawayoo (whose artwork is always amazing) can
make him the slightest bit appealing. I’ll try to put
the fact that Garbodor is so
repulsive out of my head though, and give him a fair
Actually, it’s not only the way
Garbodor looks that is horrible. This card offers
plenty of other reasons to steer clear. For a start it’s
a Stage 1 with just 100 HP. Want
more? Well how about that Psychic Weakness which makes
it easy prey for Mewtwo-EX,
and the high retreat cost of three. Not quite enough?
Well then, consider the fact that its attack, Sludge
Toss, does a vanilla 60
damage for three Energy (two of which must be Psychic).
Yeah, you aren’t ever going to want to use that.
So .
. .
what’s all the fuss about
then? Well, those players who love to play lock decks
need not be depressed about the rotation of
Vileplume UD any longer –
because Garbodor is here to
help with his Garbotoxin
Ability!. This states that,
as long as Garbodor has a
Tool attached, all Abilities (except
Garbotoxin) stop working.
Luckily there are a couple of very useful Tools for it
in Dragons Exalted: choose from Giant Cape (which means
it can’t be sniped in one attack by
Raikou-EX) or Rescue Scarf (puts
Garbodor back in your hand
when it gets KO’d).
How useful is this? Potentially very
useful. Just think of all the powerful decks that
are hurt by not being able to use Abilities: Eelektrik
decks can’t use Dynamotor acceleration;
Darkrai-EX can’t give free
retreat with Dark Cloak; Empoleon
won’t be able to use Diving Draw; and
Garchomp is a lot slower
when it doesn’t have Gabite’s
Dragon Call to search out Pokémon. Mew-EX, Ho-Oh-EX, and
Hydreigon are also pretty
much useless when there is a
Garbodor plus Tool on the Field. Partner
Garbodor with some Pokémon
of your own who don’t care about abilities (such as
Terrakion (EX and NVI),
Mewtwo-EX, or
Groudon-EX), and you have a
deck which denies an opponent a crucial resource without
affecting your own strategy.
Of course, there are ways of dealing with
Garbodor. Pokémon Catcher is
there to drag it out for the KO, and Tool Scrapper is an
extremely effective counter: discard
Garbodor’s Tool card and it
becomes a useless lump of bench-hogging trash.
Nevertheless, even if this happens,
Garbodor is still disrupting your opponent and
forcing them to spend resources on dealing with
something other than your main attacker.
Expect to see people giving Garbodor a go at Battle
Roads, especially during the first week or two. If the
deck is successful, then you will see a big rise in the
use of Tool Scrapper. If you’re not running
Garbodor yourself, then
don’t wait to get caught out – make sure your deck can
deal with threat.
Modified: 3.5 (for now it’s the new
Vileplume, though thankfully nowhere near as
Limited: 2 (Limited decks don’t tend to depend on
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! We're continuing our
reviews of more Dragons Exalted cards this week, so be
sure to check back often for more updates. Today we're
going to review a card that has received a fair bit of
hype upon its release in DRX, but doesn't seem to quite
have a niche yet. Today's Card of the Day is Garbodor.
Garbodor Is a Stage 1 Psychic Pokemon. Aside from Mewtwo-EX
and the random Sigilyph to counter, Psychics are
relatively uncommon in the Modified metagame, with
players instead option for other more common types such
as Dragon, Lightning, Darkness, and Fighting. 100 HP is
decent for a Stage 1, as Garbodor will probably be about
to take a medium-sized hit before going down, although
it will still fall in a single hit to stronger attackers
like Zekrom-EX, Garchomp, and Hydreigon. Psychic
Weakness means that Mewtwo will easily KO given it has
three Energy attached, which could be bad; however,
since Mewtwo usage is dwindling somewhat, Garbodor could
easily find a metagame niche. Sadly, the Trash Heap
Pokemon has no Resistance and a large Retreat Cost of 3,
meaning you'll want to use Switch or some other method
to get Garbodor out of the Active slot.
Garbodor has an Ability and a single attack. Garbotoxin
blocks all non-Garbotoxin Abilities in each player's
hand, discard pile, and field if Garbodor has a Pokemon
Tool attached, making it a somewhat watered-down version
of Fossil Muk for Abilities. Most top tier decks rely on
Abilities to work, and Garbotoxin will easily block
Eelektrik's Dynamotor, Hydreigon's Dark Trance,
Altaria's Fight Song, Gabite's Dragon Call, and any
other Abilities that may be in play. Of course, Garbodor
needs a Tool attached, so this Ability can also be
negated through a well-placed Tool Scrapper or any other
card that discards a Pokemon Tool. Even still, the
Ability to negate Abilities is quite powerful, and
shouldn't be ignored.
Sludge Toss, Garbodor's form of offense, deals a vanilla
60 damage for two Psychic Energy and a Colorless. This
attack doesn't deal nearly enough damage to be
effective, so chances are that Garbodor will only be
used for Garbotoxin, and for good reason.
Modified: 3.75/5 Garbodor is a deck builder's dream, as
it has a very powerful Ability offset by some
interesting constraints (the requirement of having a
Pokemon Tool). While Garbodor hasn't quite found a niche
in the metagame yet, many deck builders are trying
diligently to break this card, especially because of the
current Modified metagame's reliance on Abilities.
Overall, Garbodor's full power may not be realized yet,
but with a little bit of creativity, you can definitely
expect to see people experimenting with it at your
Autumn Battle Roads.
Limited: 3.5/5 Garbodor isn't quite as good in Limited,
simply because Pokemon with Abilities are less common.
100 HP is above average for a Stage 1 here, and Sludge
Toss's damage is both decent and consistent, which is
welcome in a largely luck-based format. Unfortunately,
Garbodor's heavy Retreat Cost and dual Psychic
requirements mean that it will largely be confined to a
deck committed to the Psychic type. That being said, if
you can play up to its strengths, Garbodor will be a
serviceable Pokemon in Limited.
Jebulous |
Garbodor is a Stage 1 Psychic Pokemon with 100 HP.
It has a weakness of Psychic and a retreat cost of 3.
Heavy Ball can get this guy.
'Garbotoxon' is an ability that negates all other
abilities if a Pokemon Tool is attached to Garbodor.
This is the reason why the card will see play.
With so many Pokemon being used for their abilities, the
ability to negate them is worth looking into (those
decks losing their abilities cause them to lose
'Sludge Toss' costs 2 Psychic and 1 Colorless energy.
It does 60 damage and should never really be used.
Garbodor will be sitting on the bench most of the time
(when it isn't catchered up).
So this would be a great card to build a deck around (in
Most abilities used in top tier decks are used to take
advantage of bending mechanics (energy acceleration,
energy shifting, removing retreat costs). When
those decks lose those abilities, they slow down
So when building a deck around Garbodor, a few things
need to be taken into consideration:
1) Consistency in set up - You need to consistently set
up a Garbodor.
This means you want it out and Garbotoxin being used on
turn 2. If you do that, you keep your opponent
locked down as much as possible.
Ultra and Heavy Ball will get Garbodor to your hand
quick. Level Ball gets you Trubbish. I don't
believe there are any trainers that search out tools, so
you will most likely need to run a large tool line.
2) Keeping it alive - once you have it set up, you need
to keep it alive/using Garbotoxin. When it is up,
your opponent will be aiming to take it out. This
means Tool Scrapper and Pokemon Catcher. The
former will allow them to use their abilities for at
least that turn (until you attach another tool).
The latter means they will knock it out (and you will
need to rebuild it).
3) Attackers - you will need something else to be the
attacker for the deck. Garbodor does its thing by
sitting back and being all garbage-like. It was
not meant to attack. There are lots of
possibilities for attackers, you just need to find the
right ones.
4) Tools - you need to use tools that benefit all of
your Pokemon in the deck. Giant Cape and Rescue
Scarf are tools that come to mind for Garbodor (increase
HP or recycling it). Other Tools are Eviolite and
Exp Share, which don't really do much for it. So
you need to figure it out.
5) Other Abilities - Don't try to work in other Pokemon
with abilities. An option is using Tool Scrapper
on your own Garbodor to get a turn to use your other
Pokemon's abilities (but that is a lot of resource
Those are things that I've been thinking about for my
Garbodor deck (there will probably be more, but I can't
think of anything else right now). I've got my 4/4
set of the family, so I just need to get building.
Modified: 4/5
Limited: 4/5
Combo's With: ...
Questions, comments, concerns: