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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Registeel-EX - Dragons
Date Reviewed:
August 28, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.50
Limited: 4.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Dragons Exalted)
For the first time
since they were introduced, way back in
the Neo sets, Special Metal and Special
Dark Energy are no longer legal after
the September 2012 rotation. I only
mention this because today’s card would
loved to have some Special Metal
Energy to work with.
Registeel is a Metal Type EX
Basic with a massive 180 HP (currently
the maximum for the EX Basics). The
Metal Typing means that it has a pretty
favourable Weakness in Fire, which sees
little or no play at the moment, and a
useful Psychic Resistance to go with it.
The Retreat cost of four is so big that
you would never actually pay it: you
would use Switch or
Darkrai-EX’s Dark Cloak, or just
leave it
active until it was KO’d. The plus side
is that Registeel
is searchable with Heavy Ball.
Triple Laser,
first attack, is very interesting. The
cost is three Energy of any Colour,
which is nice as it means that
Registeel is
in any deck Type, and can also take
advantage of Double Colourless Energy.
It’s more than useful too: three lots of
30 snipe damage puts a lot of pressure
on an opponent’s Field, putting weaker
Pokémon in imminent danger of being sent
to the discard pile and setting up
future KOs on more durable foes. Late
game it can also be used to clean up and
take multiple Prizes from damaged
While Triple Laser is
the star attraction,
does have another attack. Protect Charge
is quite expensive at [M][M][C][C]
and its damage output of 80 is actually
less than that of its first attack (30 x
3 = 90). It does come with the bonus
effect of reducing any damage
takes next turn by 20, but . . .
compared to Triple Laser, this does seem
very mediocre. If the Pokémon could tank
with Special Metal Energy, then maybe
Protect Charge would have its uses, but
it can’t, so it’s difficult to see any
player wanting to build a strategy
around the attack, especially given the
lack of any Energy acceleration for the
Metal Type.
So, what we are left
with is a big EX Pokémon which is tough
to take down, is
splashable, and can do a job both
early and late game. While he’s not
really worthy of his own deck at the
moment, he
is a very good choice for a
secondary attacker in any deck running
Energy acceleration or DCE. Expect to
see him at a Battle Roads near you soon.
Modified: 3.5 (Fits
easily into a lot of decks and gives
them some nice options)
Limited: 4.5 (very
tough to KO – Colourless costs and snipe
damage make him a great card here)
virusyosh |
Greetings once again, Pojo! Today we're reviewing
another of the new Pokemon-EX from Dragons Exalted that
may see a bit of play in Modified. Today's Card of the
Day is Registeel-EX.
Registeel-EX is a Basic Metal Pokemon-EX. Metal-types
have seen a bit of a decrease in playability lately with
Klinklang being replaced by Hydreigon as the
Energy-moving Pokemon of choice. As a Pokemon-EX,
Registeel had better have a strong presence of excellent
damage output to justify the opponent taking two Prizes
for Knocking it Out. 180 HP is standard for a Pokemon-EX,
meaning that Registeel will easily take unboosted hits,
and should be about to take at least one huge hit before
going down. Fire Weakness is a problem against the likes
of Reshiram and friends, but Fire is admittedly very
rare right now in Modified. Psychic Resistance is great
against Mewtwo and others, and a Retreat Cost of 4 is
ridiculous, so be sure to use Switch to move Registeel
from the Active spot, as you won't want to discard four
Energy to retreat.
Registeel has two attacks. Triple Laser does 30
damage to three of your opponent's Pokemon for three
Colorless Energy. This attack is pretty good for its
all-Colorless cost, as it can easily be powered up with
a Double Colorless Energy. Like other spread attacks,
Triple Laser can easily finish off weakened opponents,
or rough up opposing Bench sitters. One potential
comparison for this attack is Kyurem NVI's Glaciate,
which does 30 damage to each of your opponent's Pokemon
for two Water and a Colorless. While Kyurem's attack is
more effective than Triple Laser, Registeel's Colorless
Energy requirements and higher HP ultimately give it
more utility.
Protect Charge is Registeel's second move, dealing 80
damage for the massive cost of two Metal and two
Colorless, while making attacks to Registeel do 20
damage less during your opponent's next turn. 80 damage
for four Energy is underwhelming at best, and the damage
reduction isn't enough to justify the massive cost. This
attack could have easily dealt 100 damage for the same
cost. At any rate, you probably won't be using this move
in Modified very often, but it could be useful in
tanking builds (maybe in a quad-Registeel build,
perhaps?) and in Limited.
Modified: 3/5 Registeel-EX is the very definition of
a middling Pokemon-EX. 180 HP, favorable Weakness, and
nice Resistance are coupled with a massive Retreat Cost,
somewhat unimpressive typing, and weak attacks. Triple
Laser is an excellent attack that can easily be splashed
into many different builds, and will be the likely
reason as to why Registeel sees play. If you're looking
for a decent spread Pokemon with high HP, Registeel will
fit the bill nicely.
Limited: 5/5 Like most Pokemon-EX, Registeel is
nearly overpowered in Limited. Triple Laser is
disgusting in a very slow format, and Protect Charge can
easily keep Registeel alive much longer than your
opponents are comfortable with. Combine these attacks
with a massive 180 HP, and you have a Pokemon to watch
out for. Just make sure to keep Fire far away!
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Registeel EX
Registeel EX is a Basic Metal Pokemon with 180 HP.
It has a weakness to Fire, a resistance to Psychic, and
a retreat cost of 4. It is searchable by Heavy
Ball. When it is knocked out, 2 prizes are taken.
'Triple Laser' cost 3 Colorless energy and does 30
damage to 3 of the opponent's Pokemon. The spread
damage is not much, but it does soften up a lot of
things. Most of the small Basics will be Knocked
Out by 2 of these. Eelektriks and Gabites can only
take 3 of these. If you are getting 3 or more
'Triple Lasers' off, you are probably dominating the
match. The cost allows this to be splashed into
any deck, with accelerating/manipulating decks being
able to take the most advantage of it.
'Protect Charge' costs 2 Metal and 2 Colorless energy.
It does 80 damage and on your opponent's next turn, and
damage done to Registeel EX is reduced by 20. You
will rarely encounter a Pokemon with Metal weakness, so
this won't be OHKOing anthing big. The effect is
okay, being not so effective against big hitters (but if
you are going up against attacks that do ~60, you'll
last a lot longer).
I've only once had a chance to play against this card.
He was doing 'Triple Laser' a lot while I was waiting
for a way to get my Eelektrik out of the active spot.
Luckily my benched Zekroms had Eviolites on them, so I
was able to take a lot of attacks (until Tool Scrapper
made an appearance).
I'd have to look through all the combinations, but it
seems like doing
2 'Triple Lasers' turns most Pokemon into OHKOs (hitting
an EX will bring it down to 140-150 HP, which you would
need to hit weakness to usually OHKO).
I could only imagine the pain I'd feel if I kept taking
'Triple Lasers' while slowing damaging Registeel EX,
only to have it be Max Potioned...
Modified: 4/5
Limited: 4/5
Combo's With: ...
Questions, comments, concerns: