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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 13 Pokemon Cards of
Dragon Exalted:
#13 Drifblim 51/124
Date Reviewed:
August 6, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.45
Limited: 3.40
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! We're finally going to
start Dragons Exalted reviews this week, and we're going
to count down what we consider the best cards from the
set, as voted by Pojo's awesome COTD staff. Due to some
scheduling stuff, we're going to have a Top 13 instead
of a Top 10, and we're going to start that today! We'll
kick things off with Drifblim from Dragons Exalted.
Drifblim is a Stage 1 Psychic Pokemon. Psychics aren't
all that common aside from Mewtwo-EX, but there are
quite a few new interesting Psychic Pokemon in Dragons
Exalted, including Mew-EX, Drifblim, Sigilyph, and
Golurk, to name a few. Whether or not they see play
largely depends largely on the metagame. As for Drifblim,
100 HP is fairly good for a Stage 1, as Drifblim should
be able to take at least a medium-sized hit before going
down, unless it's getting hit for Weakness. Darkness
Weakness is pretty bad right now, as Darkrai-EX will
easily OHKO. as will other Pokemon like Zoroark. No
Resistance is kind of odd for the Blimp Pokemon given
its video game typing, but alas, it doesn't get one
here. Finally, a single Retreat Cost is easily payable.
Drifblim has two attacks. Shadow Steal is why Drifblim
may see some play, dealing 50 damage times the number of
Special Energy cards in your opponent's discard pile for
a single Colorless Energy! Double Colorless and Prism
Energy are both fairly popular, and with the release of
the new Blend Energies, Special Energy will continue
being a dominating force in the metagame. Therefore, if
your opponent has even just a couple of these Energy in
their discard pile toward the middle and end of the
game, Drifblim could be dishing out huge amounts of
damage for cheap. Of course, you can also speed the
process up yourself by running something like Enhanced
Hammer or a Pokemon with an Energy-discarding move, like
Garchomp or Kyurem-EX.
Plentiful Placement, Drifblim's second attack, allows
you to place 4 damage counters on one of your opponent's
Pokemon for a Psychic and a Colorless. While 4 damage
counters is not a lot by any means, being able to put
that damage anywhere can be good to pick off one of your
opponent's Benched Pokemon.
Modified: 3/5 Since Special Energies are a dominant
force in the Modified metagame, chances are Drifblim
will see a bit of play here. However, whether or not the
Blimp will be successful depends on the popularity of
its biggest adversary: Darkrai-EX. Given all of the Dark
support in Dark Explorers coupled with the new Hydreigon,
Darkrai isn't going away any time soon. Therefore, if
you decide to use Drifblim here, be sure to watch out
for Darkrai, as it's one of Drifblim's best counters.
Limited: 3.5/5 Drifblim is good in Limited. 100 HP is
great, and both attacks are cheap, even though Psychic
Energy is required for Plentiful Placement. Shadow Steal
is amazing for the cost even if your opponent only has
one Special Energy in the discard pile, and Plentiful
Placement can easily pick off some low HP basics (Swablu,
perhaps?) or any of your opponent's annoying support
Pokemon. Overall, Drifblim is a solid choice for
Limited, albeit one that's a bit reliant on your
opponent to get the best results.
Combos With: Enhanced Hammer, other Special
Energy-discarding cards
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Our Dragons Exalted Top 10: #13 Drifblim
I know that starting our new set Top 10 countdown at #13
is somewhat incongruous, but bear with us. There are
some very powerful cards coming out, and more
importantly some interesting mechanics are being
explored by Poke'mon's design team.
So this week is being shortened by a two day holiday and
Bill, in his infinite wisdom, has extended the top card
countdown to compensate. Now i'm finished waffling, so
onto the review!
Today we start with one of the cards I'm hoping to pull
at the local prerelease this Sunday. Drifblim has been a
favourite of mine ever since I ran the Stormfront
version alongside the Sableye from the same set and the
Ninetales from Platinum. This version looks to continue
the tradition of flaunting an alternative way to put the
hurt on the opponent.
As far as the vital statistics are concerned, Drifblim
is a featherweight. Being a Psychic type is great for
hurting Mewtwo, but the 90 HP won't keep Drifblim in
play if Mewtwo gets to swing first. Similarly, the Dark
Weakness is a crippling liability against Zoroark BW,
Zoroark DEX and Darkrai EX while the lack of the
traditional Fighting Resistance means Terrakion NV won't
have any trouble taking Drifblim out. The single energy
retreat cost is almost an afterthought which doesn't
cause any major hassles, but free retreat would have
been both justifiable and appreciated.
Lacking an Ability, Drifblim is relying on its attacks
to impress the audience. Of course if this was an
ordinary terminal Stage 1 piece of set filler it would
not be on this list so rest assured that Drifblim has
what it takes to fit into a tournament viable build.
Shadow Steal is the cheaper of the two attacks, and also
the most powerful. For the bargain cost of [c] Drifblim
will belt the defending Poke'mon to the tune of 50
damage per Special energy in the opponent's discard
Of course this attack is entirely situational and it
won't do squat against an opponent who only uses basic
energy in their deck. Fortunately, all of the most
proven decks currently in Modified all use Special
energy with both Double Colourless Energy and Prism
Energy being at least a 3-of in any deck that can use
them. The two new Blend Energy are also likely to be
tournament staples so Drifblim has a good chance of
being able to reach the magic 200 damage threshold that
spells doom for any defending Poke'mon. All without
needing to splash an extra type of energy.
Of course, the problem of how to get those energy into
the discard pile in the first place still hangs over
Drifblim's head. There are 4 methods at the moment and
at least 2 are viable.
Method 1: Knock Out the Poke'mon carrying the Special
This is the best way to discard an opponent's energy,
but if you already have another Poke'mon who can handle
that role then you don't need Drifblim.
Method 2: Discard the Special Energy from your
opponent's hand.
This would be awesome, except that the current archetype
which strips away the opponent's hand to win (the
Weavile UD/Houndoom HGSS/Slowking HGSS deck) is going to
lose all of its pieces in the rotation and we don't have
any reliable replacements in the current card pool.
Again it's a bust, but if a future release gives us
another hand-shredding Weavile or equivalent, Drifblim
will make an excellent beater to close out the game and
take those Prizes.
Method 3: Discard the Special Energy from the opponent's
This is one of the two viable strategies I mentioned
above, because between Aggron DRX with Devolution
Spray/Super Scoop Up and massed Durant NV it is possible
to strip away massive chunks of an opponent's deck
within a few turns. The potential problems with this
build are that the loss of Poke'mon Collector and Dual
Ball will wreck the old Durant Mill deck and I'm not
confident that the new deck will be quite as
competitive. Still, a mill deck will be more than good
enough for messing around at League and Drifblim will
make a great backup plan with which to smash defiant
Poke'mon EX, buying you another turn to finish
destroying your opponent's deck.
Method 4: Discard the Special Energy directly from
Poke'mon in play.
This is where Drifblim will truly shine. The repeated
use of Crushing Hammer and Enhanced Hammer will most
certainly burn through your opponent's energy in a hurry
and Sableye DEX is excellent at retrieving them to use
over and over again. While both Zoroark and Darkrai are
excellent at taking out disabled Poke'mon after Sableye
has helped remover every single energy in their deck,
there are several energy recursion decks (Mono Entei EX,
Zekrom/Eelektrik and anyone playing Dark Patch come to
mind) that won't let your game progress that far. Those
same decks still face the problem of being unable to
restore Special Energy however, so Drifblim will be able
to deliver the 1HKOs that will be necessary to win
(something Zoroark and Darkrai have a little trouble
I think that covers Shadow Steal pretty well, so now we
get to Cursed Drop. This attack is a carbon copy of the
same attack used by Gengar Prime, and it suffers from
the same problems. Sure, dropping 40 damage in any
configuration you like without worrying about Eviolite
is great, but you have to remember the much larger
number of damage counters that the opponent is going to
drop on your head in return. Throw in the fact that you
will have to add Psychic energy to your deck to pay the
[p][c] cost (an open invitation to use Mewtwo EX
instead) and it becomes clear that Cursed Drop will
never be used outside of Limited.
So there you have it folks. Our first card of the
countdown is a new tool for Sableye energy removal decks
and will almost certainly be a staple in future hand
destruction and milling decks. Don't forget about
Drifblim as new sets are released because it may decide
to haunt you out of nowhere.
Modified: 4 (a 1-1 line is almost an auto-inclusion for
anyone abusing the use of Hammers, and if Aggron/Durant
mill takes off it will also see play there. The only
current, practical way to retrieve Special energy and
foil Shadow Steal is to use Recycle, which almost no one
touches due to the flippy nature of the card. Or people
could stop playing Special energy out of fear, but I
don't think Drifblim will seem quite that powerful)
Limited: 3 (much less impressive here, Drifblim is still
good for sniping the bench. And if your opponent loses a
Blend Energy, so much the better)
Combos with: the health-preserving, card-discarding
nature of energy removal, mill and hand control
archetypes both now and in the future.
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Drifblim is a Stage 1 Psychic Pokemon with 100 HP.
It has a weakness to Dark and a retreat cost of 1.
The Dark weakness is a change from the normal Psychic
weakness, but having a Dark or Psychic weakness is still
not good. It's out of reach of the searching
'Shadow Steal' coast 1 Colorless energy and does 50
times the number of Special Energy cards in the
opponent's discard. This is magical IF your
opponent runs Special Energies. It is about the
cheapest you can get for an attack (other than no energy
needed) and it has a potential of doing 200+ damage
(OHKO any EX). If you use Enhanced Hammer, you
will power this attack (:nudge: :nudge: combo).
'Plentiful Placement' costs 1 Psychic and 1 Colorless
energy. It allows you to place 4 damage counters
on 1 of your opponent's Pokemon.
I am assuming this gets around Eviolite since it is
placing the damage counters. For the cost the
'damage' output is alright, still not as good as the
first attack.
So from the looks of it, 'Shadow Steal' is where this
card shines.
Run a bunch of Hammers and hope for your opponent to run
Special Energy. That included DCE, Prism, and
Blends. Honestly, I don't know how well this would
do. It depends on what the metagame is like after
Dragons Exalted is released. If a lot of decks run
Special energies, then this guy will be good. If
people run minimal Special Energies, then it will be
doing minimal damage (0-100 damage won't get you far
against EXs and 'Outrages').
Modified: 4/5
Limited: 3.5/5
Combo's With: Enhanced Hammer
Questions, comments, concerns:
HD |
Drifblim: The Special Energy Avenger
Hello everyone, I'm
HD! I'm new to Pojo, and somewhat new to TCG, but I
pride myself on researching the game both past and
present and putting it together to provide solid
analysis on current cards. I also do a lot of
playtesting with Otaku and make my own speculations
about the upcoming format.
I would like to
note that all of my reviews from here on out are based
on the BW-on format rather than the HS-on format due to
HS-on being irrelevant after Worlds, which is when the
set comes out. I will note this in every review I make,
but I just wanted to make sure you guys knew.
So, getting to the
matter at hand, here we have Drifblim. First, let's look
at it's defenses. 100 HP is not a fun number to have, as
it is still an easy OHKO for most decks without being
searchable by Level Ball. Darkness Weakness is terrible
with all the Darkrai EXs running around, and no
Resistance, although not good, isn't especially relevant
either. 1 Retreat Cost would be nice if it was affected
by Skyarrow Bridge, but being a Stage 1, it sadly isn't.
So, things aren't looking too good yet, so what we want
to look at is the offensive side.
Psychic typing is nice as Mewtwo EX is weak to it
(although Mewtwo EX probably won't be as prevalent as it
used to be), but it's also bad at the same time because
Darkrai EX resists it.
This is a rare case
where the first attack is better than the second, so
let's go over the second attack first. For (PC),
Plentiful Placement allows you to put 4 damage counters
on one of your opponent's Pokemon. While this may not
seem worthwhile, it can actually combo well with the
first attack in certain situations (which I will
explain). This attack is also good for being able to
snipe some weak Bench-sitting Pokemon as well (Tynamo).
The first attack is
Shadow Steal and why everyone is looking at this card in
the new set. For the low low price of (C), you get 50
damage for every Special Energy in your opponent's
discard pile. If decks start focusing on the two Blend
Energies (to be reviewed at a later date) as a main form
of Energy, Shadow Steal is going to gain a lot of power.
It combos well with a recent card, Enhanced Hammer,
which discards a Special Energy your opponent has in
play. If they have 4 Energies discarded, Shadow Steal
does 200 damage! That's only for 1 Colorless Energy!
Plentiful Placement is useful because it lets you set up
the KO on an Eviolited Darkrai EX or a Giant Cape
Wailord. Just remember that if the opponent has 2
Special Energies in the discard, you're up against a
Pokemon that resists Shadow Steal and is equipped with
Eviolite/Giant Cape, and you aren't using Plentiful
Placement to snipe, then Shadow Steal is the superior
Now, the main
problem with this Pokemon is obvious; it can't do too
much to a deck that doesn't use Special Energy. Although
it is an interesting card, I don't think it will live up
to the hype.
I can't really see
Drifblim doing too much in Unlimited. There are so many
better options out there that it's unlikely Drifblim
will be able to survive the first turn.
It's a mixed bag in
Limited, since if your opponent didn't pull any Blend
Energies or pulled the wrong Blend Energy, Drifblim is
going to end up a bit less useful. However, sniping via
Plentiful Placement is great, plus there are two
Drifloons, making it a lot easier to pull a full
evolution line of it. If you're using a Psychic deck,
then Drifblim is definitely a solid pick.
Modified (BW-on):
Unlimited: 1/5
Limited: 3.5/5
Enhanced Hammer-As
I already mentioned, you need a way to get your
opponent's Special Energy in the discard, and most
people are pretty hesitant to discard Special Energy
before Drifblim comes out.
Tool Scrapper-The
only way to OHKO Eviolited Darkrai EXs and Wailords with
Giant Cape without setting up a Plentiful Placement
first (unless you're somehow able to find and discard 5
Special Energies).

Otaku |
We begin our Top 10 Top 13
Promising Picks of Dragons Exalted!
Not only does the set contain a
lot of interesting and/or potent cards,
but instead of closing out with the near
misses, we are starting with three of
As the cards are not tournament
legal until after Worlds and there isn’t
much happening between then and the
rotation just over two weeks later, I’ll
be scoring only for BW-On Modified.
We’ll begin the milking with
Drifblim (BW: Dragons Exalted
is a Psychic-Type Pokémon, allowing it
to tap the small amount of Psychic-Type
support (which it won’t need) and enjoy
double damage from hitting Weakness
Mewtwo EX
and the handful of other
Psychic-Type Pokémon that have seen
play, are seeing play, or are likely to
see play.
As a Stage 1 Pokémon, it can’t be
sprung as a surprise against the
opponent and will take about twice the
space to run as an equivalent Basic
Pokémon would, so it won’t be a surprise
(or easy to accomplish) if you do.
Still, a 1-1 line isn’t
impossible to make work in a deck.
100 HP is a OHKO for several prominent
decks, and a near OHKO for the rest;
definitely unhappy points for the card
that will require it perform
exceptionally well.
Even worse is the Darkness
Darkrai EX scores a OHKO without any
help, as do several Darkness-Type
Pokémon hoping to see play.
The only upside is that this
makes it a Psychic-Type Pokémon that is
not also Psychic Weak.
There is no Resistance to
compensate for the devastating Weakness,
and at 100 HP a hypothetical Resistance
could actually matter.
To add insult to injury, this
floating ghost has a single Energy
Retreat Cost; in and of itself that is
good, but for a 100 HP Stage 1, it could
really have used a free Retreat cost for
the ever-so-slight edge it would grant.
The first attack, Shadow Steal, makes or
breaks this card.
For (C) you hit for 50 points of
damage per Special Energy in your
opponent’s discard pile.
You have a limited amount of
control over that, but historically
Special Energy is good and regularly (if
not heavily) played.
I consider this to be a pretty
good attack; good damage that can be
unreliable but for a single Energy.
Plentiful Placement is a bit of a
disappointment; for (PC) you just get to
place four damage counters on one of
your opponent’s Pokémon.
It is good it can snipe (four
damage counters is enough to take out a
Tynamo), and damage counters will
get around various protective effects,
but you’ll really only need this attack
when your opponent isn’t running much
Special Energy (or you can’t seem to get
it into the discard pile).
Still I feel like it is
overpriced for what it provides, and
certainly couldn’t carry a
Drifblim focused deck, nor does it
really compliment Shadow Steal.
You have two Modified legal
Drifloon to choose from, and both
are sort of just “there”: 60 HP Basic
Psychic-Type Pokémon with Darkness
Weakness, no Resistance, and single
Energy Retreat Costs.
If I had to pick one, I would go
with BW: Dragons Exalted 49/124
over 50/124 because for (P) it can place
a damage counter, which is barely more
useful than hitting for 10 for (C) or 20
for (PC).
Your best bet in running
Drifblim is to run it with a lot of
Crushing Hammer and
Enhanced Hammer; the former fails on
“Tails”, but hits basic Energy as well.
Discarding basic Energy won’t
improve damage, but it might help
Drifblim survive the turn, and of
course it still can hit Special Energy.
In fact, most decks only aren’t
maxing those two cards out for the usual
reason; not enough room.
Drifblim simply has to make the
room, at least being used this way.
Despite being a Stage 1 and a
minimum of four extra Items to run, this
really isn’t that much when you consider
the general usefulness of the Items and
the probable potency of
I can think of a few ideas, but
keep in mind that none will work unless
one or both of the following is true
(and maybe still not even then): Special
Energy must be used abundantly (over
four per deck) and the rest of the deck
must be able to pick up the slack when
you just can’t get enough into the
Even though it is also Darkness Weak,
Golurk (BW: Dragons Exalted
59/124) could be a tempting partner; it
can be hard on Evolution decks that are
Toss in a copy or two of
Terrakion (BW: Noble Victories
73/101, 99/101) to revenge-KO the still
prominent Fighting Weak decks alongside
Sigilyph (BW: Dragons Exalted
Bouffalant (BW: Dragons Exalted
110/124) to frustrate Pokémon EX heavy
decks, and you’re a threat to anything
relying on Special Energy cards, Pokémon
EX, or Evolutions.
Of course, that’s more a mess
than a deck, but I hadn’t considered it
until writing this.
It is almost tragic (or is it actually
for the best?) that
Weavile (HS: Undaunted 25/90)
will rotate out before it could be
partnered with
Drifblim; a deck heavy on discarding
from the hand could prevent savvy
players from merely holding onto their
Special Energy cards.
Professor Juniper usage will likely
make it very hard to hoard the Energy in
hand for more than a few turns anyway,
but with the recently re-released (and
Devolution Spray (BW: Dragons
Exalted 113/124)
Weavile could simultaneously take
out threatening cards before they hit
the field and fill that discard pile
with Special Energy by spamming its
coming-into-play Poké-Power.
I don’t want to have to
potentially waste an attack, so all
remaining options I can think of are
If we can’t discard from the hand, we
might be able to discard from the deck.
We still have access to
Durant (Noble Victories
83/101) and we gain access to
Aggron (BW: Dragons Exalted
80/124), who has an Ability that
discards the top three cards from your
opponent’s deck when it comes into play,
allowing you to spam it with
Devolution Spray.
It seems unlikely, but perhaps
Durant can make a comeback backed up
by the big lug, or simply
Other than these three, perhaps
simply splashing a 1-1 line into an
aggressive deck is the best way to go;
if you are KOing several Pokémon with
Special Energy, you’ve got a great
sweeper, and if not it is only two slots
from your deck.
With Modified covered, let us look at
Unlimited and Limited play.
In Unlimited, for now it won’t
matter; we have decks that win first
turn, sometimes without attacking, so
despite the less competitive decks often
having large quantities of Special
Energy, the availability of Evolution
acceleration, and strong Trainer-based
hand disruption,
Drifblim is not worth the effort.
For those who don’t want to know
of a card recently reprinted with some
“updates” in
and how it can affect Unlimited…
SPOILER ALERT! There is a new,
one-copy-per-deck mechanic in
the “Ace Spec” card.
It is one Ace Spec card, not one
copy of a card with that name, and most
Computer Search has been released as
an Ace Spec Item card.
Following standard procedure,
this means all older
Computer Search will be treated the
as saying the same thing, and thus first
turn win decks will take a big hit,
losing three of the four
Computer Search they regularly run.
This may help a lot in Unlimited,
or perhaps not.
In Limited, Special Energy cards are
going to be an unlikely pull, and
certainly not a plentiful one.
Even if you can pull and make
good use of the two different Special
Energy cards in this set, who knows when
or if that Energy will ever hit the
discard, and thus Shadow Steal is pretty
much worthless.
Fortunately if you do pull this
card, Plentiful Placement becomes useful
as a sniping attack, due to this format
regularly hiding building or badly
injured Pokémon on the Bench.
You’ll need to be able to run at
least a little bit of Psychic Energy to
use it, but it could be pretty handy.
While the two
Drifloon still aren’t thrilling, at
least there are two and thus pulling a
full line is a little easier.
Combos with:
Crushing Hammer,
Enhanced Hammer
may be most useful as a “threat” card,
scaring players into running more basic
Energy for fear of a clutch copy
splashed into a deck; I don’t think it
is good enough to build a deck around,
unless you can come up with something
kind of creative or alternatively,
something strong that can actually spare
two to four slots!
For those curious,
Drifblim made my own top 20, but at
18th place.
Please check out my eBay sales by
It’s me whittling away at about
two decades worth of attempted
collecting, spanning action figures,
comic books, TCGs, and video games.
Exactly what is up is a bit
Pojo.com is in no way responsible
for any transactions; Pojo is merely
doing me a favor by letting me link at
the end of my reviews.