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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 10 Cards of 2012
#7 - Random Receiver
- Boundaries Crossed
Date Reviewed:
December 20, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.32
Limited: 5.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#7 Random Receiver (Dark Explorers)
Our final card for this week, and the #7 card on the
list, is Random Receiver. This is a card that tends to
divide player opinion. Some have considered it almost a
staple, while others think it’s a poor alternative to
just running a few more Supporters. Personally I think
it was under appreciated even when it was played a lot,
and is somewhat underrated even now.
What Random Receiver does is guarantee you a Supporter
whenever you play it (as long as you have one in your
deck). In a format where Supporters are practically the
only source of draw (unless you are playing Empoleon
DEX), this is a very good thing. Of course, the argument
against it is that you might as well just run more
Supporters instead, but there’s a problem with that: our
range of draw Supporters is fairly limited. Sure,
Juniper and N are (usually) great to have, but after
that the only other options are the inferior Cheren or
Bianca. This means that going the ‘more Supporters’
route means that you are padding the count with cards
that aren’t optimal, when you could just run Receiver
and make sure that you do get the N or the Juniper
There was a time when every deck ran at least two copies
of Receiver, but that isn’t the case anymore. Players
seem to have decided that they want some variety in
their Supporter line up, as there are definitely times
when you don’t want to Juniper away some needed cards,
or play N when you have taken most of your Prizes, or
you suspect that your opponent has a poor hand. The
other thing that players don’t like about Receiver is
the way it can end up revealing most of your deck to an
opponent, giving them a lot of information about any
techs you may run, as well as what is still in the deck.
Nevertheless, Random Receiver is
still a good
card in any deck using Sableye as it can be brought back
with Junk Hunt for multiple uses. Looking to the future,
I can see it making a comeback when we eventually get
Ghetsis, a Supporter that can generate a massive
advantage on turn one: no matter what else you are
holding in your opening hand, it could be worth playing
Receiver just to give you another chance to dig for
Ghetsis. Good card is good, basically, and I don’t think
it will ever completely disappear from the format as
long as it’s in rotation.
Modified: 4.25 (Can help boost consistency in any deck
that doesn’t run many tech Supporters)
Well, that’s it until Boxing Day for our Card of the
Year Countdown. I’d like to take this opportunity to
wish everyone a very happy Christmas. Whatever you
celebrate, and however you do it, I hope you have a
great time.
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo readers! Today we're reviewing
the #7 card in our Top 10 Cards of 2012 countdown, and
this card happens to be the first Trainer card on our
list. Today's Card of the Day is Random Receiver.
Random Receiver is an Item card, meaning that you can
play as many of them as you like during your turn.
Random Receiver allows you to reveal cards from the top
of your deck until you find a Supporter card, show the
Supporter to your opponent, and put it into your hand,
shuffling afterward. Random Receiver has been a very
important card in our BW-on Modified format, as
Supporters are somewhat scarce. Even still, Random
Receiver guarantees you a Supporter, so if you're
lacking one in hand, you'll definitely be able to play
one during your turn. It is for these consistency
building reasons as to why it's such a great card, and
is an easy inclusion at #7 on our Top 10 countdown.
Modified: 4.5/5 Random Receiver is a very good card,
guaranteeing you a Supporter on a turn when you
potentially don't have one, or want a different
Supporter in hand. Unfortunately, what you get will be
dependent on luck, and this is where Random Receiver is
slightly less powerful than Skyla. Of course, Skyla is
also a Supporter herself, so the choice between Random
Receiver and Skyla (or even both) is largely a matter of
personal preference.
Limited: 5/5 Any card that builds consistency is really
good in Limited, and Random Receiver is no exception.
Dark Explorers also has some good Supporters (Cheren, N,
Professor Juniper, even Hooligans) that can be played,
so Random Receiver is just as effective here as it is in
Modified, if not more so.
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Random Receiver
Random Receiver is one of those cards that you have a
little struggle inside about whether to play or not.
When it first came out, it was more about whether to
play it and allow your opponent to see what is in your
deck, or just throw in another draw Supporter. There
can be some bad time with Random Receiver, where you
reveal most of your deck, or whatever secret tech you
have in it. Thus, your element of surprise is gone.
Then Skyla came out. Now you don't really want to run
Random Receiver when there is a chance you'll get a
Skyla. Usually when you play it, it is in hopes of
getting a draw Supporter.
But there are definitely good points about it. It lets
you get a Supporter if you don't have one. If you get
N'd late game and you run it, that means there is a
higher chance to get a Supporter off of that N. The
only problem is playing it then not having any
Supporters left (since it's late game). And you can
always play it to get a different Supporter if your hand
is full of, say, Junipers.
Nowadays, you don't see Random Receiver in too many
decks. It started as a 2-of card, then became a 1-of,
and now it's barely run. Some choose Random Receiver,
others choose to just play another Supporter in it's
place. It's really up to how it fits in your deck.

Otaku |
Lucky number seven of our Top 10 Card of
2012 is…
Random Receiver (BW: Dark
Explorers 99/108)!
You can read the original reviews
Just remember that that review
was for the previous format, HGSS-On!
I wonder if former Pojo CotD reviewer
rAnDoM knows of this card’s existence.
Yearly Performance Overview
Random Receiver
debuted with a strong performance; it
was a way for
Junk Arm to become a Supporter, and
for decks that just needed to focus on
just draw Supporters (at the time, the
likes of
Professor Juniper, and
Professor Oak’s New Theory) you
could simultaneously thin your deck
while reducing Supporters cluttering
your hand.
After the format switch and rotation to
BW-On, players began experimenting with
The dilemma created by
Professor Juniper and
N became more pronounced without a
card like
Professor Oak’s New Theory; each
provided fantastic draw power but at an
important cost.
Professor Juniper of course trashed
your hand, which made building up combos
that couldn’t be played piece by piece
harder rather than easier.
N wasn’t much better for such
combos, being a variable amount drawn
(six cards at max and as few as a single
card) but at least just shuffling your
hand away instead of discarding it.
Other legal Supporters of the time were
Cilan, and
Hooligans – Jim & Cas;
Hooligans – Jim & Cas was a
disruption only Supporter and
unreliable, so obviously it wasn’t a
good fit for most decks.
Cilan snagged three basic Energy
cards, but basic Energy usage wasn’t
always very high and most decks could
only play down one at a time: with no
other draw power that usually wasn’t a
good plan.
was useful for recovering from an
N (and sometimes the turn after your
own), but in testing many found it
didn’t average more than the three cards
Cheren would draw.
Drawing three cards with no costs
or penalties was great (and not present)
for most of the game, but the decks that
could more easily utilize
Professor Juniper and
N did, making just three cards “too
In fact, in my own testing I
often found a clutch
Cilan or two more useful because
used early, it improved the quality of
later draws!
Just to be clear, since the two best
forms of draw power either discarded
your hand or shuffled it away while
having a diminishing yield as you took
Prizes, you couldn’t maintain a steady
hand size very well.
Using two or three
Cheren, especially if you weren’t
getting what you needed, could lead to
an agonizing
Professor Juniper with a massive
amount of cards discarded from your
Bianca was even vulnerable since
because of the risk of big but useless
hands and actually ending up a dead card
in hand!
All this sets up for the current format
being ripe for
Random Receiver.
Decks honestly didn’t often need
to physically play more than eight
Supporters; they just needed to make
sure those early turns always had a
Supporter being played.
Without a lot of good draw/search
options in Pokémon form, decks could
seldom afford to miss a Supporter usage.
For decks that did need a higher
Supporter count, you still were better
off “faking” it by still maxing out
Professor Juniper, and
Random Receiver, with the remaining
four slots filled with the best
combination of
Cheren, and
Most recently
Skyla has shaken things up again.
Random Receiver still seems useful,
but no longer having “pure” draw options
weakens its usefulness.
While not ideal, you can use
Skyla for a different Supporter for
the next turn as well.
Random Receiver will still be in
many decks, but at a lower count.
As more useful Supporters are
released, its role may further diminish,
but I do not believe it will ever go
Computer Search,
while only allowable as a single in
decks due to its “Ace Spec” status,
risks bumping out a TecH
Random Receiver in some decks.
However its discard cost is
sometimes too much, especially in a deck
that needs to spam search.
Of course it can grab anything
and not just a semi-random Supporter,
but usually a
Random Receiver for a Supporter will
lead to quantity over quality.
There is also the question of do
you want to run
Computer Search for something you
can’t otherwise snag from the deck (like
Special Energy) or for something an
unrestricted Item can grab for you?
1/5 or 5/5 with at least one Supporter
I may be going out on a limb by saying
Random Receiver has likely seen the
height of its usefulness, and it is
still a great card to use in several
I believe future releases will
whittle away at its usefulness, but it
will still probably be a common sight in
decks throughout the rest of the format,
and its future doesn’t affect its
performance for 2012.
Oddly enough, despite two of my lower
picks not appearing on this list,
Random Receiver was also my #7 pick
for 2012.
Some cards are more powerful, but
this is a card that fits into any
non-gimmick (e.g. Supporter-less) decks
and still works well.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
Hello again, another Top 10 Poke'mon CotD. Weighing
in at number 7 is Random Receiver, the most effective
Supporter search in the current format.
The effect is simple enough. Flip over the top card of
your deck until you reveal a Supporter, add it to your
hand, then shuffle the rest of the cards back into your
Random Receiver is a one-for-one trade but because the
vast majority of currently viable Supporters are used to
refill your hand, this acts as an extra copy of all of
your Supporters, allowing you to bend the 4-per-rule and
increasing consistency without competing for that
once-per-turn slot.
Is this card fun? Not really. It enables the crazy
antics elsewhere by grabbing Professor Juniper, N, Hugh
or Skyla but in and of itself it isn't an exciting card.
Luke yesterday's review, this is the solid workhorse to
which you hitch your wagon of wacky fun (try saying that
5 times quickly!).
Modified: 4.5 (it isn't for every deck, but if you are
running full sets of only a few Supporters, you can be
reasonably sure to get what you want despite the
'Random' name)
Limited: 5 (if you have even 1 Supporter this is a must
I'm enjoying the email responses to Monday's article so
far, please keep sending in further ideas for my cube
(especially any older Poke'mon you want to see make a
return to play).