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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Bellossum #4
- Boundaries Crossed
Date Reviewed:
December 4, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.95
Limited: 2.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With:

Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Boundaries Crossed)
Poor Bellossom
– she might be old school (Generation
II), but in my mind, she is eclipsed by
the similar, but much more
my favourite of all the
Pokémon. I guess it doesn’t help that
she is an extra evolution tacked onto
the Vileplume
line. Oh well, let’s see if she has
anything to offer in the TCG.
Being a Stage 2 is not a good start. In
this format, Stage 2s either need to
offer tremendous support (Hydreigon
DRX, Blastoise
BCR) or extremely cheap attacks
and a great Ability (Empoleon
DEX, Chandelure
NVI) to be worth considering. It doesn’t
help that Bellossom
only has 110 HP, meaning that a
with Dark Claw,
or a Tornadus-EX
with a PlusPower
will be undoing all the work it took to
get Bellossom
out in one attack. On the plus side, the
Retreat cost of one is pretty good, and
the Grass Typing means she would hit
NVI plus most things in a
deck for Weakness. Oh, and she Resists
Water too!
But should Keldeo-EX
players be worried about
Bellossom as
an attacking force? Grass Knot is decent
enough in some situations, doing
10 damage for one
Grass Energy, plus another 20 for
each Energy in the Defending Pokémon’s
Retreat cost. Against a fatty that has
Weakness like
Terrakion or
Blastoise, that’s
a OHKO, and
it will also hit
Keldeo for a very nice 100
damage. Less impressive is Petal Dance.
For one Grass and
two Colourless Energy, you get to
flip three coins and do 50 damage for
each heads. You could use Victory Star
Victini to
help you out I suppose, but this kind of
attack is so luck dependant that it’s
strictly a desperation move, rather than
something you want to employ as a main
strategy. Oh,
and there’s an on-theme but totally
unnecessary drawback: after using Petal
Dance, Bellossom
is Confused.
So, what we have here is a card that can
be moderately effective against one
popular deck and completely useless
against most other things.
isn’t doing anything against Pokémon
which have their Retreat costs reduced
by Skyarrow
Bridge or Darkrai-EX’s
Ability, and even against
and friends . . . let’s be realistic: we
are talking about a low HP Stage 2 here
– it’s not really going to be either
practical or effective to tech this into
your deck.
Modified: 1.75 (don’t get sucked in by
the situationally
useful attack)
Limited: 2 (not enough reward for the
trouble of getting a Stage 2 out)
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Bellossom is a Stage 2 Grass Pokemon with 110 HP. It is
weak to Fire, resistant to Water, and has a retreat cost
of 1. It is searchable by Level Ball.
'Grass Knot' costs 1 Grass and does 10 damage plus 20
more for each cost in the Defending Pokemon's retreat.
For 1 Grass, the damage output can be very good.
Against 1 retreat Pokemon, 30 damage for 1 is okay (not
good because it's Stage 2). Against 2 retreat Pokemon,
it does 50, which is better for 1 damage. Though 50 to
a Mewtwo EX isn't going to do much. It does 70 against
a Pokemon with 3 retreat, so that is good if you are
Catcher-stalling them. You get the picture... though I
need to mention how this attack destroys Terrakions.
'Petal Dance' costs 1 Grass and 2 colorless energy. It
does 50 times the number of heads from 3 flips. Now
Bellossom is confused. I'm still not a fan of flippy
attacks, so this one is mediocre. The confusion effect
though... it's not really a negative seeing as how its
retreat is 1 and you can just do that. It is a little
negative in the fact that it is something you have to
deal with.
So this card is screaming to pair with Jellicent in this
set. One problem is that not everything has high
retreat to start with. You would have build up a
Bellossom and multiple Jellicent to do tons of damage.
And Darkrai EX... that just kills the whole strategy of
the deck. Especially with Darkrai EX being played
everywhere. The deck would be fun to play with; no
where near competetive.
Modified: 2/5
Limited: 2.5/5
Combos With: Jellicent
Questions, comments, concerns:
virusyosh |
Greetings once again, Pojo viewers! Today we're
reviewing a new Grass-type Pokemon from the Boundaries
Crossed expansion. Today's Card of the Day is Bellossom.
Bellossom is a Stage 2 Grass Pokemon. Grass-types
generally don't see a whole lot of play, however, there
has been an influx of Shaymin-EX and Virizion usage into
the Modified metagame now that Blastoise/Keldeo is a
very popular deck.110 HP is slightly substandard for a
Stage 2, as many commonly-played Pokemon will easily
OHKO Bellossom, such as Hydreigon or Keldeo-EX (with
four Energy), as well as being a 2HKO for many others.
Fire Weakness isn't such a big deal right now as the
type is largely dead, Water Resistance is great against
Keldeo and Blastoise (though they still can OHKO with
enough Energy), and a single Retreat Cost is easily
payable without setting you back too much.
Bellossom has two attacks. Grass Knot starts off at 10
damage for a single Grass Energy, and does 20 more
damage for each Colorless Energy in the Defending
Pokemon's Retreat Cost. This attack is excellent against
Blastoise/Keldeo, as it can easily OHKO Blastoise and
2HKO Keldeo-EX, with that 2HKO changing to a OHKO if you
also have a Vileplume, Bellossom's evolutionary partner,
in play. Petal Dance, the Flower Pokemon's second
attack, allows you to flip three coins, dealing 50
damage times the number of heads for a Grass and two
Colorless Energy. This attack also has the relatively
bad side effect of Confusing Bellossom after use, and
given that it's an unreliable flip attack, you'll be
better off sticking with Grass Knot.
Modified: 2/5 Bellossom has some potential use as an
anti-Blastoise/Keldeo tech in Modified. Grass Knot does
severe damage to both of those Pokemon, and using
Vileplume guarantees the OHKO. It is also notable that
Grass Knot easily takes out the commonly played
Terrakion NVI, as well. While not very strong against
the rest of the metagame, if you absolutely hate
Blastoise, Keldeo-EX, and Terrakion, Bellossom can work
very well in a deck with Vileplume against these
Limited: 3.5/5 Bellossom is pretty good in Limited, but
it's not quite as effective as some other Stage 2s.
Grass Knot pulls its weight quite effectively here, but
Petal Dance, while possibly dealing tons of damage, is
unreliable and makes Bellossom confused to boot.
Therefore, while Bellossom can still be plenty powerful
in this format, care must be taken to ensure that you
don't Knock Out yourself with Confusion. If you manage
to avoid this pitfall, Bellossom should do quite well
for you.
Combos With: Vileplume BCR