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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Golduck #35
- Boundaries Crossed
Date Reviewed:
December 5, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.75
Limited: 3.13
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#35 (Boundaries Crossed)
is one of those Pokémon (like
Raichu) that
tends to live in the shadow of its
pre-evolution. Everyone knows and loves
Psyduck as
the original derpy
Pokémon (move over
Stunfisk!), but hardly anyone
spares a thought for
Golduck. I
suppose it doesn’t help that it has
never really been very good in either
the video game or the TCG.
This particular version of
Golduck is
(as usual) a Stage 1 Water Type with a
miserably low 90 HP. That’s a really bad
amount of HP to have, as it means this
Pokémon is easily one-shot by just about
every attacker in the format (Darkrai-EX,
NVI, Keldeo-EX
etc). On the plus side, Weakness to
Lightning isn’t much of an issue these
days as most Eelektrik decks focus on
Rayquaza and
while the free Retreat is always more
than welcome.
first attack is Amnesia. It’s cheap
at one Energy
of any Colour, and for that low, low
price you get to do 20 damage
and choose one of the Defending
Pokémon’s attacks and prevent it from
using it next turn. These kinds of
attacks have been reasonably common in
the past and have a certain appeal. Many
Pokémon have single attacks (Darkrai-EX,
or at least only one good one, and that
means you can create a soft lock on your
opponent while whittling away at their
HP . . . Except you can’t. Not in this
format at least. Most decks will be
running Pokémon that can just Retreat
easily out of the lock, making it very
soft indeed. Those decks that don’t will
be running 3-4 copies of Switch and with
minimal damage output, and EX Pokémon
having 170-180 HP,
it’s extremely unlikely that they won’t
draw into one of their outs before you
do anything significant.
There is a second attack to consider,
and that’s fairly cheap and not bad as
well. Aqua Fall
costs two Water Energy, both of which
you have to discard to use the attack,
and it does 90 damage. That’s a decent
return, and one which will two-shot all
EX Pokémon (and OHKO a
I suppose you could manage the discard
by partnering
Golduck with
Blastoise BCR, or just alternate
between Amnesia and Aqua Fall. I think
we all know that there are better,
pony-like alternatives though.
is a very long way from being the worst
Pokémon I’ve ever seen, but I think it
falls just short of being in the ‘fun
League deck’ category. Amnesia isn’t
going to be nearly as effective as you
would think, but what really hurts the
card is the catastrophically low HP.
Setting up Stage 1s, just to see them
OHKO’d turn
after turn is certainly not my
definition of ‘fun’.
Modified: 2 (Not a bad card, but not
really good enough either)
Limited: 3.5 (could be good fun here,
where counters and OHKOs are harder for
your opponent to come by)
virusyosh |
Happy midweek, Pojo readers! Today we're reviewing
yet another card from Boundaries Crossed that you'll
probably see around in Limited. Today's Card of the Day
is Golduck.
Golduck is a Stage 1 Water Pokemon. The Water-type usage
in Modified is dominated by the likes of Blastoise and
Keldeo-EX, and while there are a few other Water-types
being played, the two mentioned above the far and away
the most common. 90 HP is just about average for a Stage
1, and it means that Golduck should be able to withstand
a weak hit before going down, while unfortunately being
Knocked Out by many of the metagame's prominent threats.
Lightning Weakness is not too bad right now (though
you'll still have to watch out for Zekrom-EX, Thundurus,
and others), no Resistance is unfortunate, and no
Retreat Cost is the best you can have, and is quite
effectiveon any Pokemon.
Golduck has two attacks. Amnesia does 20 damage for a
single Colorless Energy, and disables one of the
Defending Pokemon's attacks during your opponent's next
turn. In Modified, you opponent will likely just retreat
(as this will cure the Amnesia effect), and given how
common Darkrai-EX and Keldeo-EX are, switching around
shouldn't be that hard for them, making this attack
weaker than it would be otherwise. Aquafall does a
whopping 90 damage for the low price of two Water
Energy, with the side effect of discarding all Energy
attached to Golduck. Aquafall has great synergy with
Blastoise to guarantee hitting for 90 every turn, but
such a strategy works more effectively in Limited, as
Keldeo-EX outshines Golduck as a partner for Blastoise
in Modified.
Modified: 1.75/5 Free retreat and fast attacks mean that
Golduck could potentially make some noise, but the Duck
Pokemon's HP is much too low to be competitive in the
format, and Keldeo-EX is generally a better partner for
Blastoise. Therefore, if you're looking for a
hard-hitting Water-type, you should generally stick with
Limited: 4/5 Golduck is quite powerful in Limited.
Amnesia can give your opponent fits in a format where
switching is rare, and Aquafall deals tons of damage for
a low cost. Golduck is a very effective Pokemon in its
own right, and if you can pair it up with Blastoise,
even better. Overall, if you end up building a Water
deck in Limited, Golduck is definitely worth
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Golduck 35
Golduck is a Stage 1 Water Pokemon with free retreat.
It has 90 HP and is weak to Lightning. It is
searchable by Level Ball.
'Amnesia' costs 1 Colorless energy and does 20 damage.
You then choose one of the Defending Pokemon's attacks
and they can't use it next turn. Theoretically this
would be good. It deals damage, which I like because
I've seen so many 'Amnesia' attacks that don't. It is
good against most EX Pokemon that are used competitively
Darkrai, Keldeo, Mewtwo, etc... all have 1 attack that
people use a lot. If you deny them that attack, what
can they do? Oh right, change Pokemon. That is the
biggest flaw to 'Amnesia'. All they have to do is
change Pokemon and attack with that one. Darkrai might
not be able to attack, but with free retreat, it just
laughs at Golduck. And then there are Pokemon with 2
attacks... they'll just use the other one. So this
attack gets a pat on the back, not any medals.
'Aquafall' costs 2 Water energy and does 90 damage. You
then discard all energy on this Pokemon. This attack
makes it possible to OHKO a Landorus EX! Unfortunately
you have to evolve to be able to do it (and any good
player would target Psyduck if they knew it was coming
after Landorus). And that's about all this attack is
good for (and also against Ho-oh). Against any other
Pokemon, you lose your energy and worst case, have to
spend 2 turns building it up (unless you use Blastoise).
So Keldeo is definitely a better alternative since
you'd be running Water anyway. With Keldeo, you get the
ability and the ability to OHKO Landorus and Ho-oh with
its attack.
Modified: 1.5/5
Limited: 2/5
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