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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Toxicroak #66
- Boundaries Crossed
Date Reviewed:
December 6, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.87
Limited: 3.30
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
(Boundaries Crossed)
Like Shuppet
and Dusknoir,
as far as I’m concerned,
falls into the category of ‘evil
Pokémon’. One dead giveaway is that he
was the go to Pokémon for Team Galactic,
another is that (in the TCG at least),
he seems to be all about the sneaky
strategies of Poison and Revenge.
This particular version is a Stage 1
Psychic Pokémon with a horribly low 90
HP, Weakness to its own Type, and a
decent Retreat cost of one. With stats
like that, you know it isn’t durable
enough to be a main attacker, so we will
have to examine it closely to see if
there is any kind of other role it could
play in a deck. If it does, it won’t
have anything to do with Poison Jab,
that’s for sure. It’s a mediocre attack
that does 60 damage and Poison for the
cost of three Energy. I don’t have much
to say about it really . . . it’s not
the worst thing I’ve ever seen, but it’s
a long way short of something you would
need or want in a deck these days. The
first attack though is somewhat more
interesting . . .
For just one Energy
of any Colour, Revenge has an
unimpressive base damage of 20. However,
if you had a Pokémon KO’d by an attack
last turn, this will do 90. We’ve
already seen the power of 90 damage
Revenge attacks that hit popular Pokémon
for Weakness: it is that which has made
NVI the most commonly seen tech for the
last year or so, threatening the likes
of Darkrai-EX
and Zekrom
BLW. With its Psychic Typing,
Toxicroak is
able to pull off the same trick against
Even if it doesn’t survive the next turn
. . . well hey, it just managed a
2-for-1 Prize exchange, which is great:
there’s nothing much else that’s capable
of that against the scary purple cat.
Of course, being a Stage 1 means that it
is going to be difficult to surprise
your opponent with this strategy (and
not get your
Catched out for the KO), unless
you can somehow incorporate Ditto BCR
into your list. Already that’s four
cards you need (including the Energy),
and at this point I’m tempted to forget
about Toxi
altogether, play my own
Mewtwo and
just slug it out. However, if
Mewtwo (or
any Psychic Weak Pokémon) is giving your
deck issues, you could do worse than
give him a try.
Modified: 2.5 (reminds me a bit of the
Fighting Type
Toxicroak G . . . only not as
good, obviously)
Limited: 3.75 (Revenge is super here, as
is Poison)
he Ability, and the attack is eh, even
by limited standards)
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo readers! Today we're reviewing
yet another Rare from Boundaries Crossed that could be
on the fringes of Modified play. Today's Card of the Day
is Toxicroak.
Toxicroak is a Stage 1 Psychic Pokemon. Commonly played
Psychics right now are Mewtwo and occasionally Sigilyph,
and given the popularity of the former, Toxicroak is
going to have to have some impressive attributes to get
it to see play. 90 HP is standard for a Stage 1, and
Toxicroak should be able to take a weak, unboosted hit
before being Knocked Out (although it's worth noting
that there are many Pokemon that easily deal 90 damage
commonly played in Modified). Psychic Weakness is a
problem against the aforementioned Mewtwo-EX and
Sigilyph; no Resistance is what we've come to expect;
and a Retreat Cost of 1 is easily paid and won't set you
back too much in a bind.
The Toxic Mouth Pokemon has two attacks, Revenge and
Poison Jab. Revenge is very similar to Terrakion NVI's
Retaliate, dealing 20 damage for a single Colorless
Energy, but doing 70 more if any of your Pokemon were
Knocked Out last turn. 90 damage for a single Energy is
pretty good, and with this, Toxicroak can "revenge-kill"
an undamaged Mewtwo-EX, provided the Mewtwo doesn't have
Eviolite attached. However, given that Toxicroak is a
Stage 1 with a relatively low HP score, you're probably
better off sticking with Terrakion and winning Mewtwo-EX
wars the old fashioned way.
Poison Jab is Toxicroak's second attack, doing 60 damage
and automatically Poisoning for a Psychic and two
Colorless. While Poison is going to be good eventually
(whenever Virbank City Gym is released), 60 damage for
three Energy is still too expensive for the damage
output. Therefore, when using Toxicroak, you'll probably
want to stick to using Revenge most of the time.
Modified: 1.75/5 Toxicroak is definitely usable in
Modified as a revenge-killer, however the Toxic Mouth
Pokemon's low HP and Stage 1 status bring it down. While
it can deal quite a bit of damage for cheap, Toxicroak's
90 HP means that it just won't survive against the likes
of many commonly-played Pokemon. Therefore, if you're
looking for a revenge artist, you're likely better off
sticking with Terrakion.
Limited: 3.5/5 Toxicroak is a solid choice for Limited.
Revenge does a lot of work in this format, as 20 for a
single Energy isn't bad on its own, but 90 for one is
quite amazing. While Poison Jab is still pretty
expensive on a Pokemon with 90 HP, it can also work
quite nicely here too. Overall, Toxicroak is a good
addition to most decks running Psychic.
Jebulous Maryland Player |
Toxicroak is a Stage 1 Psychic Pokemon with 90 HP.
It is weak to Psychic and has a retreat cost of 1. It
is searchable by Level Ball.
'Revenge' costs 1 energy and does 20 damage. If any of
your Pokemon were Knocked Out last turn, it does 90
instead. So it is exactly like Terrakion and Bouffalant,
except 2 major differences. The first, is that it costs
1 energy. The other guys needed a Fighting and an
energy, or 2 energy. So it's huge that it only costs 1
energy. The second difference, Toxicraok is a Stage 1.
This is what kills this card (that and its Type). The
great thing about Terrakion is that you hand throw it
down that turn and power it up. With Toxicroak, you
have to evolve it. This slows it down considerably, as
well as tells your opponent what you plan on doing.
Plus they can always catcher up Croagunk and Knock it
'Poison Jab' costs 1 Psychic and 2 colorless energy. It
does 60 and Poisons. Not that great of an attack,
seeing how Poison doesn't scare anyone right now.
I really wanted to play this card. I guess it's because
of the the artwork (because I know nothing about the
Pokemon). Sadly, it isn't competitive. Especially it
being a Psychic. It can only take advantage of OHKOing
Mewtwo EX with 'Retaliate'. Another thing that makes
Terrakion good is that it hits Dark Pokemon for
weakness. Why run Toxicroak when you can counter Mewtwo
with Mewtwo? There isn't really a card that can counter
a Darkrai like Terrakion.
Modified: 2/5
Limited: 2.5/5
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