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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Shaymin EX
Next Destinies
Date Reviewed:
Feb. 13, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.00
Limited: 3.65
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
Hello and welcome to a brand new week of
reviews of a brand new set, right here
on Pojo’s
CotD. We are
doing things a bit differently this time
around: what’s going on is that we had a
‘Top 10’ poll, like we do for our cards
of the year, and now we spend the next
couple of weeks counting them down. This
means that the early reviews will be on
what we reckon to be the most important
cards to come out of the new set. I must
say, I found the results to be a little
bit surprising.
We kick off our countdown towards the
inevitable (don’t pretend you don’t know
what will be #1), with
Yes, you will be seeing a lot of these
new –EX Pokémon over the next couple of
weeks, there are six in the set, and
they are all playable to some degree. As
the name suggests, the new Pokémon-EX
are similar to the old Pokémon-ex that
were printed from Ruby & Sapphire in
2003 (the first set of the Nintendo era)
right up until the release of Power
Keepers in 2007. Basically the deal is
this: you get enhanced, powerful
versions of Pokémon, but with the
drawback that they give up two Prizes
when they are KO’d. So far the new EX
seem to be
restricted to Legendary Basic Pokémon
only, and it will be interesting to see
if that continues. One thing worth
noting is that the ‘-EX’ tag
is part of the Pokémon’s name, and
that means you could play up to 4
Reshiram BW
and up to 4
Reshiram-EX in the same deck if
you wanted to.
So . . . how about
Shaymin-EX then?
Well, he is noticeable right away for
being the frailest of the –EX Pokémon
with a mere 110 HP. There are non-EX
Basics that can boast better than that,
and it makes him an easy one-shot for
two Prizes with either
Reshiram or
Zekrom, but
if that is what happens, then you are
using him wrong. Yes, if you promote him
active to try and slug it out with big
hitters in the early-mid game you
will lose fairly quickly. However
Shaymin was
designed for a more subtle and tactical
niche: he is your late-game comeback
How does Shaymin
deserve this role? Let’s take a look at
his attacks and find out. The first,
Synthesis, costs a single Grass Energy
and enables you to search your deck for
a Grass Energy and attach it to one of
your Pokémon. The Energy acceleration if
used on the first turn or so can be
pretty useful (assuming you run enough
Grass and have other Pokémon that can
use it), but there’s no way I would want
to open with
Shaymin for this. Giving up an
easy 2 Prizes to the opponent for the
sake of getting an extra Grass Energy on
the Field is not a good exchange.
Probably the best way to view this
attack is as some kind of consolation
Prize for those games where you are
forced into a
Shaymin start.
Really though, you want to use
as late as possible in the game. This is
because his second attack, Revenge
Blast, only has a base damage of 30, but
does 30 more for each Prize card your
opponent has taken, all for the low cost
of [G][C].
This means that if the opponent has
taken five Prizes,
Shaymin will be hitting for a
massive 180 damage: enough to OHKO
anything playable in the format except
for the other Pokémon-EX with
attached. Even if they have only taken
four Prizes,
Shaymin can still swing for 150,
which will take care of anything that
isn’t an –EX. Yes,
Shaymin is vulnerable to return
KOs, and that is why he needs to be
played carefully. You use him when
resources have been exhausted, and your
opponent is down to their last heavy
hitter. In these circumstances,
is an absolute game-winner, especially
if you can also drop an N to put them on
virtual top decks for the rest of the
match and cut off any way they might
have of recovering.
Energy requirements are easily met with
the new Prism Energy (for decks not
running Grass) and he can be dropped and
powered up in a single turn in any deck
which has either some form of Energy
acceleration, or simply runs
Shaymin UL.
He may be a horrible starter and, unlike
the other Pokémon-EX, he will never be a
main hitter in anything, but because he
can be such a star in late-game
situations, I expect to see quite a few
players teching
him into their decks for State
Modified: 3.25 (maybe not the most
impressive of the EX, but definitely has
a use)
Limited: 3.75 (playing with 4 Prizes
means he’ll only hit for a maximum of
120 . . . but in Limited that should be
virusyosh |
Welcome back, Pojo readers! We're finally beginning
our Next Destinies reviews this week, and we're going to
kick things off by what we believe are the 10 best cards
in the new set. Today's Card of the Day is one of the
new Pokemon-EX, and is thought to be quite playable in
many different types of decks. Today's Card of the Day
is Shaymin-EX.
Shaymin-EX is a Basic Grass-type Pokemon-EX. Since
Shaymin is a Pokemon-EX, if your opponent KOs it, they
will take two Prizes instead of one; this is to offset
the Pokemon-EX's disproportionate amount of power
compared to a "normal" Pokemon. 110 HP is horrible for a
new Pokemon-EX: Shaymin easily has the lowest amount and
is most prone to being Knocked Out by many prominent
threats including Reshiram, Zekrom, Reshiram-EX, Zekrom-EX,
Mewtwo-EX, and Magnezone. Fire Weakness is also rather
unfortunate, leaving Shaymin open to assaults from
Reshiram, Reshiram-EX, Typhlosion Prime, and and Emboar;
Fighting Resistance is nice against Terrakion and
Donphan; and a single Retreat Cost means that Shaymin is
easy to retreat, and because Shaymin is a Basic, the
cost can be lowered even further with Skyarrow Bridge.
Shaymin-EX has two attacks. Synthesis allows you to
search your deck for a Grass Energy and attach it to one
of your Pokemon for a single Grass Energy, shuffling
afterward. Chances are this attack won't see a whole lot
of play due to the inherent slowness of attack-based
acceleration, and Shaymin has no time to accelerate with
only 110 HP. It may be of some marginal use in Limited,
although I still wouldn't bother unless you know that
you can't attack for damage next turn or if you really,
really need an Energy out of your deck.
Revenge Blast is the reason Shaymin-EX is thought to
see lots of play. It starts off at 30 damage for a Grass
and a Colorless, but then adds 30 more damage for each
Prize card your opponent has taken. Thus, in the late
game, Shaymin will easily be able to fire off 150-180
damage with relative ease, making Shaymin a perfect
finisher for many decks that take a long time to set up
or that one simply need a reliable revenge attacker in
the late game. One unfortunate characteristic of Revenge
Blast is that it starts off pathetically weak, but if
you save the move for the late game, you should be fine.
Overall, Shaymin is an excellent tech as a come-from-hehind
attacker, but take care to not play it too early, as it
could also end up as an easy prize for your opponent.
Modified: 3.75/5 I'm a big fan of Shaymin-EX; in
fact, I think it's easily one of the best new Pokemon in
Next Destinies. Due to Shaymin's very powerful Revenge
Blast, decks will be able to rest easy knowing that
there is a comeback option to hit in their favor.
Unfortunately, not all is good for Shaymin: 110 HP,
terrible Fire Weakness, and an almost-useless Synthesis
attack means that Shaymin isn't as good as it probably
could be. Overall, Shaymin has an awfully weak body with
a very strong and potentially metagame-shifting attack,
and this easily makes up for the card's other
Limited: 3/5 Shaymin is still good in Limited,
although its use is a lot more unpredictable, which
could be problematic. 110 HP is still good in this
format (although it's very low for a Pokemon-EX), and
luckily the attacks are cheap and only require one Grass
Energy. Synthesis is underwhelming as always, but
Revenge Blast can be exceedingly powerful if you can use
it when you're down multiple prizes. However, it is
worth noting that Shaymin is weaker here by default, as
it will be more difficult to have your opponent to take
more prizes with regularity, and one EX KO is worth 2
Prizes. Overall, Shaymin-EX is an incredibly balanced
and powerful attacker that will be sure to show up in
Modified very, very soon.
Combos With: N (If you can Revenge Blast after
destroying your opponent's hand down to nothing, these
two cards work very nicely together.
Conical |
2/13/2012: Shaymin EX
Yeah, I'm writing COTDs again. That's not important
though; what's important is that we're reviewing the top
10 cards of the next set, Neo Discovery Next Destinies,
notable for using the new-old EX mechanic, which is now
capitalized because...I'm not sure. We'll be seeing a
few of the new EX cards during the next two weeks.
The number 10 card is Shaymin EX, which reminds me of
Shaymin(Sky) Lv.X back from Platinum, mostly because
both of them contain the word 'Revenge' in their
abilities. The word 'revenge' is a handy keyword because
you can reasonably assume that whatever effect follows
will be some sort of comeback mechanic, which is the
case here. Revenge Blast is a very dangerous attack late
in the game, when it will probably one-shot everything
except for other EXs. I left off Shaymin EX on my list
because I was worried about its HP, which as you'll
see(if you haven't already), is very low compared to the
other EXs. Even compared to other unevolving basics,
Reshiram and Zekrom both surpass Shaymin's HP, the
genies have the same HP, and Shaymin has the two-prize
rule to deal with. That said, at the end of a game, when
the EX rule won't matter, Shaymin is one of the
strongest cards. I'm just concerned that the card is too
specialized to work any other time in the game.
I should talk about Synthesis as well, because it has
its uses. You might think that you could use Shaymin EX
as a starter in a dedicated Grass deck, in addition as a
late-game attacker. I disagree with this, if only
because Virizion has pretty much the same general stats
as Shaymin, and is not an EX. Even if you strictly
wanted a card that could accelerate energy for Grass,
I'd go with Celebi Prime, because it's also not an EX
and its acceleration ability is a Power, and you could
theoretically attack afterwards(which is less a problem
with Skyarrow Bridge in this set).
Limited: 4/5

Otaku |
Welcome to something new this week.
Not only are we covering the
latest set, BW: Next Destinies,
now that it is officially tournament
legal and have had some time to study
it, but we are going with a new
Two and a half months ago we
pooled our knowledge to weigh in on the
Top 10 Pokémon Cards of 2011, so now we
are going to be forward thinking and
weigh in on what our collective picks
for the Top 10 Promising Picks of BW:
Next Destinies!
So number 10 on our list is…
Shaymin EX!
Shaymin EX
is a Pokémon EX.
You should know the drill about
it being worth two Prizes from both the
original Pokémon ex that came out years
ago and/or from Pokémon
LEGEND cards.
If not, as stated
Shaymin EX (like all Pokémon EX) is
worth two Prizes, and if there is an
effect like Space Virus, the Poké-Power
Rayquaza & Deoxys LEGEND that says
to add one Prize to what should be
taken, then
Shaymin EX would be worth three
Granted, that isn’t going to
happen against the majority of decks so
the most important thing to remember is
that many stats and effects that would
be “too powerful” for a “plain” Basic
Pokémon will be balanced by the extra
Being a Basic Pokémon is of course
great, especially in this format: they
get more support than either Stage 1 or
Stage 2 Pokémon and enjoy their normal
benefits of requiring less deck space
and being both faster and easier to put
into play than other Stages of Pokémon.
Being a Grass Type hasn’t been
much cause for celebration, so unless
Shaymin EX itself is the “missing
piece” for Grass decks, it won’t be much
If it is, then Grass actually
does have some nice support that’s been
itching to be used.
Shaymin EX
has 110 HP.
This is the least out of the
Pokémon EX we have received outside of
For a non-Pokémon EX basic
Pokémon this would be great, but for a
Pokémon EX it is poor; both when
compared to the other Pokémon EX (which
are all 60 or 70 points higher) and to
what it means in terms of play.
110 HP isn’t an easy OHKO, but it
within reason; unlike most Pokémon EX,
Shaymin EX is still within OHKO.
Fire Weakness is to be expected,
Shaymin EX will be vulnerable to
OHKOs or severe damage even from most
supporting Pokémon, and
Reshiram doesn’t have to work hard
at all for the OHKO.
Shaymin EX does surprise by having
Fighting Resistance, which can help give
at least one reasonably likely,
favorable match-up.
Its single Energy Retreat Cost is
also great: easy to pay and you can now
to drop it to a free Retreat Cost, if
that Stadium suits the rest of the deck.
Shaymin EX,
like all of the Pokémon EX we got this
set, possesses two attacks.
The first is Synthesis, for (G)
it allows you to search your deck for a
(G) Energy card and attach it to one of
your Pokémon.
Right now only basic
Grass Energy provide (G) while in
the deck, but if that ever changes at
least the hypothetical new card would be
an option.
As far as usefulness, this is far better
than nothing, but since it requires a
(G) Energy to use, that means you only
come out ahead if
Shaymin EX can get the attack off
If it were an
Ability, didn’t require Energy as
an attack, or grabbed and attached more
than one (G) Energy at a time it would
have been pretty nice.
Still, at least it really is
better than nothing.
The second attack is Revenge Blast for
This attack does 30 points of
damage plus another 30 points for each
Prize card your opponent has drawn.
I’ll need to get a ruling about
how cards that add extra Prizes (or
common penalties) affect this, but for
now I am assuming you don’t get to count
more than five (in a normal match if
your opponent took six, you would have
already lost!).
Since this is a Pokémon EX, even
60 for (GC) isn’t too good, but once
your opponent has taken at least two
Prizes (so at least 90 damage), this can
become a nice back-up attacker.
Well, sort of: it doesn’t have
much HP, so you’ll probably need to use
a combo to set up for it.
If your opponent is on there last
Prize, you’d do 180 for (GC)!
This card makes me wish
Shaymin Lv.X was still legal (though
I’d need to play it with a “regular”
Shaymin to work), since the main
reason I don’t see this becoming an
interesting, come-from-behind deck is
Shaymin EX is a bit too small.
Even if you successfully drop it,
power it up, and go for a KO a lot of
Pokémon will be able to hit you hard
right back!
Still with
Eviolite you might be able to
survive long enough to slowly pull ahead
in Prizes and win.
Probably support would be
Black Belt,
Electrode (HS: Triumphant
91/102) “Prime”, and
It’d require hard work, but if
you also have a
Vileplume (HS: Undaunted
24/90) on the Bench as well, you might
be able to force your opponent to take
two or three Prizes (they’d probably
take one willingly anyway if their deck
is aggressive), maybe mess up their hand
and start having an
Eviolite reinforced
Shaymin EX dishing out 90+ points of
damage starting second turn.
Less fanciful is using this as a
surprise finisher/Mewtwo
EX counter in decks that can power
it up in a single turn, or allow it to
survive the extra turn it’d need to be
in play to power-up manually.
If your opponent looks unlikely
to score a revenge
KO, then like I said after at least
three Prizes it hits fairly hard.
If your opponent has taken four
Prizes, it will be able to OHKO most
Pokémon, save for Pokémon EX and a
handful of specific combos.
If your opponent does take five,
then now for (GC) you can club something
upside the head for 180 points of base
You can also be on your last
Prize, so in the right decks it really
does make for a solid finisher.
180 points of damage takes out
all but a few specific combos.
Some of those combos (basic
Pokémon EX with
Eviolite) might be common, but even
then that isn’t all the time.
It should be decent bait, now that I
think about it: the longer your opponent
Shaymin EX to pick off, say Basic
Pokémon you want to Evolve, the stronger
Revenge Blast will become.
Your opponent almost
has to take out
Shaymin EX for his/her own good.
Whether or not that is worth two
Prizes, I don’t know.
So what about Unlimited?
Obviously First Turn Win
decks, or
those that go for a specific kind of
“lock” won’t use it.
Everything else might consider
it, but probably won’t either.
Focus Band is a huge help for
Shaymin EX, since hitting twice for
big damage means it should pay for
Of course the mixed blessing is
sometimes it won’t be hitting something
all that big (so something less extreme
would work) and sometimes those Prizes
will be denied by your opponent’s own
Focus Band or the “Baby Rule”.
In Limited play, skip it.
Its lower HP will last longer and
hitting for even 60 with Revenge Blast
will be useful, but your max damage from
Revenge Blast is 120.
Again, impressive for Limited but
not enough to OHKO an opponent’s Pokémon
EX or Stage 2.
The big deal breaker is that the
two Prizes your opponent takes would be
half the total starting Prizes for
This prevents it from being a
good opener; unless your opponent can’t
do any damage for about 10 turns, two
Prizes is not worth the level of Energy
acceleration you could get.
Shaymin EX
was actually my Number 9 card, but my
Number 10 didn’t make the group list.
I won’t say what it was since
that would spoil the list a little, but
I think I should have put
Shaymin EX at Number 10: it really
looks like it will have an uphill
It needs acceleration or
protection to “whack” something without
being obvious,
and being obvious will likely get it
taken out before it can take out even
one Pokémon, let alone two.
Please check out my eBay sales by
It’s me whittling away at about
two decades worth of attempted
collecting, spanning action figures,
comic books, TCGs, and video games.
Exactly what is up is a bit
Pojo.com is in no way responsible
for any transactions; Pojo is merely
doing me a favor by letting me link at
the end of my reviews.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
#10: Shaymin EX (Next Destines)
Hello and welcome back to Pojo's Card of the Day! This
weeks's theme is a countdown of the most promising cards
in Next Destinies, starting with Shaymin EX. This card
wasn't on my personal list, but that doesn't mean I
don't like it.
Shaymin EX is a Grass type non-evolving Basic with 110
HP, Fire Weakness, Fighting Resistance, a retreat cost
of 1 and 2 attacks. Shaymin EX also has a special rule
saying that your opponent draws 2 Prizes if it gets
Knocked Out, as well as the usuaul rule that marks a
card as being different if it has a different name (so
you can have 4 Shaymin as well as 4 Shaymin EX, but why
you would want to is beyond me).
So, considering the penalty of losing a Shaymin, the
stats are actually a little on the low side. You could
happily open with Shaymin but you would lose the two
Prizes very quickly, especially against Fire Poke'mon.
The Resistance helps as does the cheap retreat cost but
this little guy isn't built for punishment.
Now Shaymin lacks an Ability, so it falls to the attacks
to carry the day. Synthesis has been printed on a
variety of Grass Poke'mon and has always resulted in
searching your deck for 1 or more energy, usually of the
[g] variety. This versions costs [g] to use and searches
your deck for one [g] energy which you then attach to
one of your Poke'mon (not necessarily Shaymin but there
isn't much need for [g] energy elsewhere). This is a
decent starting attack, but the current trend is toward
burning resources for damage right from the word go, so
I don't think Shaymin will revolutionise the format with
Revenge Blast is the second attack, which is much more
impressive. The cost is [g][c] and the damage starts at
30, but increases by 30 for each Prize card your
opponent has taken. At the 4 Prize mark you are dealing
150 damage for 2 energy which is when Shaymin really
gets rolling and can obliterate almost anything it comes
up against. Less damage than that isn't enough to
destroy the threats you are likely to come up against,
so Shaymin EX is a break-glass-in-case-of-emerging type
card that you would only play in the end stages of a
game when it is clear your opponent won't be able to hit
back for the win.
I honestly don't know why Poke'mon decided to make the
new cards Poke'mon EX instead of Poke'mon ex when the
same extra Prize rule applies to both, but I do know
that if your deck gets decent mileage out of Twins, you
have room for Shaymin EX and Prism Energy in your deck
to complete your insurance policy. Especially if you
also like N for complete Prize denial madness!
Modified: 3.5 (Shaymin is a last-chance,
come-from-behind brute that will make your opponent cry.
Unless they can take Shaymin out, which will will them
the game when they take 2 Prizes)
Limited: 2 (with a lower Prize count and precious little
in the way of decent Grass Poke'mon in Next Destinies,
Shaymin doesn't have the dance partners to be a good
choice in a Prerelease deck despite being a great card
to pull)
Combos with: Prism Energy, Twins, N