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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Reshiram EX
Next Destinies
Date Reviewed:
Feb. 14, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.25
Limited: 4.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#9 Reshiram-EX
Apparently you can never have too many
Reshirams. The version we
got in Black and White has been reprinted so many times
now: in full art and normal versions, as a tin promo, as
a box promo, and finally once again in Next Destinies
itself. Surely it’s about time this Pokémon was given a
new card instead of just new artwork? (Ok, I know there
are jumbo Reshiram cards in
Japan with 1000 HP and 1000 damage attacks, but they
aren’t legal for play and therefore don’t count).
Step forward the #9 card on our top 10 countdown:
Reshiram-EX. Unlike
yesterday’s card, this one doesn’t disappoint when it
comes to HP: 180 HP on a Basic Pokémon is huge . . .
ridiculous even. It outstrips everything we’ve seen
before of any Stage with the exception of a few (mostly
unplayable) Wailord cards.
Reshiram has the Water
Weakness you would expect, but that’s not
too bad as
not many Water Pokémon see play . . .
Kyurem NV is a spread
attacker that won’t usually threaten a OHKO, and you
sometimes see Vanilluxe
around, but that’s pretty much it. The Retreat cost of
three is an inconvenience as Retreating damaged EXs for
Prize denial will often be a good play. I recommend
first attack, Glinting Claw, has a cost of [R][C][C].
The good news is that Double Colourless Energy will help
it get there. The base damage of 50 is not particularly
impressive, but you do get a coin flip for an extra 30
(seems like Victory Star Victini
would come in handy here). 80 for three would be ok, but
doesn’t really justify the EX status: it’s more
something to use if you either don’t
need more
than 50 damage to get a KO, or you don’t have the Energy
for the second attack.
Brave Fire costs a pretty huge [R][R][C][C],
but that’s not really a problem: it’s Double Colourless
compatible and Fire decks are not short of Energy
acceleration with both Ability
Emboar BW and Typhlosion
Prime capable of fulfilling that role. For this
investment you get to do a massive 150 damage: enough to
OHKO anything short of another EX Pokémon, including the
BW Dragons, even with Eviolite
attached. The downside to this
extremely powerful attack? You flip a coin, and
if you get tails, there’s 50 points of self-damage
heading your way.
Now obviously, that’s quite a big downside, putting
Reshiram-EX within KO range
for a non-EX Dragon with a
PlusPower. Eviolite
can help somewhat by reducing the damage taken to 30,
and again you could use Fliptini
to cut the chance of self-damage down to 25%, but that’s
still a risk that could cost two Prizes if it doesn’t
come off. For this reason, I see
Reshiram-EX fulfilling a tech role in
ReshiBoar and
Reshiphlosion lists. The
main attacker is still going to be
Reshiram BW, but one or two EX will be played for
those situations where the 150 damage is really needed
to deal with an opposing EX, or a
Magnezone, or maybe tanking attackers in Trainer
Lock decks like The Truth.
is obviously very powerful, but to be honest I don’t see
it as being such a massive upgrade on the BW
Reshiram (which actually
says more about how good that card is). He’s an obvious
inclusion in existing decks as a heavy-hitter, rather
than a replacement for the older card.
Modified: 3.5 (makes the already powerful Fire decks
even better)
Limited: 4 (180 HP means a heck of a lot here. Only
really threatened by other EXs)
virusyosh |
Hello once again, Pojo viewers! Today's Card of the
Day is #9 on our Top 10 Cards of Next Destinies
countdown, and today's card is another Pokemon-EX that
is thought to make a certain archetype playable again.
Today's Card of the Day is Reshiram-EX.
Reshiram-EX is a Basic Fire-type Pokemon-EX. As a
Fire-type, Reshiram-EX can easily see play in
Reshiphlosion and Reshiboar variants, although those
decks have become less popular recently due to a number
of factors. As a Pokemon-EX, your opponent takes 2
Prizes if they KO it, so you'd better make sure you can
get your mileage out of Reshiram quickly (and hopefully
take 2+ prizes with it). 180 HP is absolutely monstrous
in this format, and due to the lack of a powerful
Water-type (save Kyurem-EX), not much is going to take
out this dragon in one shot. Water Weakness does make
Kyurem-EX somewhat of a problem, but that card probably
won't see much play unless Reshiram-EX here does.
Reshiram also sadly has no Resistance and a hefty
Retreat Cost of 3.
Reshiram-EX has two attacks. Glinting Claw starts off at
50 damage for a Fire and two Colorless, and can do 30
more if you flip heads. While not a powerful or
consistent attack by any means, this attack can be used
to get rid of weaker Pokemon, as well as Knocking Out
the very annoying Durant in one hit. It's a shame that
the attack doesn't do more damage for the cost, but it's
largely usable with a Fire/Prism/Rainbow and a Double
Colorless anyway. Brave Fire, Reshiram's second attack,
deals a massive 150 damage for two Fire and two
Colorless, but you flip a coin and deal 50 damage to
yourself if tails. While this attack is once again quite
flippy, 150 damage without a discard is brutal, even
with the recoil damage. That being said, it's
unfortunate that Reshiram doesn't have some kind of
Outrage-like attack, as otherwise the self damage is
really just aiding your opponent in Knocking Out
Reshiram, which is something you'll want to avoid.
Modified: 3.75/5 Reshiram-EX is a very interesting mix
of good and bad traits. 180 HP, Fire-typing, and a
powerful Brave Fire are all major pluses, while flippy
attacks and self damage make the Vast White Pokemon
slightly less desirable. Reshiram is notable for not
being Knocked Out in one hit by most of the metagame's
prominent threats, however Mewtwo-EX will still be a
major problem, especially if Reshiram is loaded with
Energy. Overall, Reshiram-EX is a very powerful Pokemon
that you should watch out for, as it will probably make
appearances in Fire decks and Six Corners-type decks all
over the tournament scene.
Limited: 5/5 Reshiram-EX is an absolute monster in
Limited. 180 HP is really huge, and your opponent will
likely have an incredibly difficult time taking the fire
dragon down. The Colorless Energy requirements for both
attacks are also very welcome in Limited, and Reshiram
should be even more splashable with Prism Energy. Brave
Fire's lack of a discard is also amazing for this
format. All in all, Reshiram-EX is an amazing pick for
Limited, and is worth running in just about any deck in
the format.
Conical |
2/14/12: Reshiram EX
We're on to the number 9 card of the set, Reshiram
EX! This card...probably doesn't belong in the top 10.
Allow me to explain.
The reason I don't like this card is based on a
single comparison, with that of the Reshiram that's
already doing very well in the format. In order for
Reshiram EX to be useful, it has to do something that
Reshiram does not already do, or it has to do what
Reshiram does, only significantly better, because
remember, your opponent takes two prizes when this
Reshiram is KO'd, and I feel that the extra prize is a
significant risk, even with 'comeback' cards like Twins
being prevalent in the format.
So what does this one do better at? Well, it has 50
more HP, which helps. It has 1 extra retreat, which
makes it worse, but only in the sense that not even
Skyarrow Bridge can really help it much, which isn't
gamebreaking, but a nice thing to have. But then we look
at the attacks, and Glinting Claw is objectively worse
than either attack Reshiram has. Then we get to Brave
Fire, which I guess is the card's selling point in terms
of gameplay? Basically, for one energy more than Blue
Flare, the attack does 30 more damage and has a
different drawback, damaging itself instead of
discarding energy. That's simply not enough to
distinguish itself from the current Reshiram. At best,
the attacks are comparable, and that means Reshiram BW
wins, because of the EX rule. At worst, the attack is an
overly expensive attack on a Pokemon that's basically a
caricature of a different, superior card. It is probably
great in any Limited format, though.
Modified: 2.5/5
Limited: 4.5/5

Otaku |
I suppose given that it’s got the right
coloring and people love
Reshiram EX is an appropriate
Valentine’s Day card.
Even if it isn’t, too bad!
Reshiram EX managed to take the
number nine slot for our Top 10
Promising Picks of BW: Next Destinies.
Time to fire up the review!
Reshiram EX
is first and foremost a Pokémon EX.
It doesn’t count as the “old”
Pokémon ex, but no card we currently
have in Modified references that anyway.
They are still worth two Prizes,
just like their predecessors, and an
effect like the Poké-Body Space Virus on
Rayquaza & Deoxys LEGEND would
result in three Prizes drawn.
Since it is worth two Prizes, the
rest of the cards stats and its effects
will need to be significantly better
than an equivalent single Prize Pokémon,
and in this case that is a pretty high
bar: the non-Pokémon EX
Reshiram has helped shape this
Reshiram EX
is a Fire-Type.
This is perfectly reasonable
given the Pokémon’s video game typing
and how it currently translates into the
Being a Fire-Type (as opposed to
just using Fire Energy) doesn’t
contribute much, but at least you’ll be
able to roast
Virizion and
Cobalion quite easily.
It is also a Basic Pokémon; the
easiest Stage to fit into a deck since
or get into play. Being a Pokémon EX,
I’d expect it to be far better than an
equivalent Basic Pokémon, and probably
on par with a Stage 1, even one that
didn’t further
Reshiram EX
has a massive 180 HP, and even for a
Pokémon EX that is phenomenal.
Amongst their predecessors, the
Pokémon ex, the best for a Basic was
still 120.
Of course there has been a
significant amount of power creep since
then, but it is also the highest score
amongst the Pokémon EX we currently have
outside of
This is just 20 points shy of the
biggest, legal to play (though only in
Unlimited now) Pokémon,
Wailord ex, and is as large as a
Reshiram EX, outside of Weakness
will only fall in one shot to the most
massive attacks in the game when
starting “fresh” with full HP.
A proper build could make it
incredibly hard to KO indeed.
Water Weakness is the expected Weakness
for a Fire-Type, and unless this latest
set finally helps Water step up its
game, isn’t a serious issue.
It does matter, since
Prism Energy might make it easy
enough for several decks to splash in a
competent Water attacker, but that is
tricky business in and of itself and not
as significant as the three “worst”
Weaknesses to have in the format right
now, which I’d say are Fire, Lightning,
and Psychic (not necessarily in that
The lack of Resistance may
actually be warranted here; indeed in
the past some Pokémon ex (again, the
predecessors of Pokémon EX but not
technically the same mechanic) were
given a
double Weakness to offset their
large HP or phenomenal abilities.
So yeah, if not justified, I at
least see no reason to complain about
this card lacking Resistance.
I am tempted to complain
about the large
three Energy Retreat Cost, but I
have a good reason not to; while three
Energy is high enough that one will
likely lack the Energy to even consider
it or would be horrifically set-back by
discarding it, it also makes
Reshiram EX a legal target for
Heavy Ball.
Since the card also has such high
HP, I think the increased ability to be
searched for via an Item is an even
trade off.
Reshiram EX
has two attacks.
The bad news is that the less
expensive one (Glinting Claw) requires
three Energy while the “big” attack
(Brave Fire) requires four.
The good news is what those
Energy costs are: (RCC) for Glinting
Claw and (RRCC) for Brave Fire.
This means one not only can use
Emboar with Inferno Fandango or
Typhlosion Prime with Afterburner
for speed, but even
Double Colorless Energy and a manual
attachment of something to provide Fire
Energy can get the first attack ready in
two turns.
So what do the attacks actually do?
Glinting Claw has a base damage
of 50 points, and does an extra 30 (for
a total of 80) if you get “heads” on a
mandatory coin toss.
This is solid; barely “good” and
definitely not “great”.
As I said earlier,
Reshiram EX should be at least close
to what we see on Stage 1 Pokémon, and
Glinting Claw would only be good there
when backed up by great stats (which
overall I’d say
Reshiram EX does have) or a useful
Ability or second attack.
I will note that on a result of
“heads”, no Fire Weak Pokémon without
additional support would survive and
even with support only the largest with
multiple protective cards can manage it.
Against non-Fire Weak Pokémon, 50
is still too much to ignore, setting up
most commonly seen attackers (including
itself) for a
When you hit “heads”, 80 points
of course is actually good
for three Energy.
So what about Brave Fire?
Again, it will be relying on the
rest of the card to make it “good”, as
well as whatever Energy acceleration you
combine the card with.
You get an attractive 150 points
of damage from Brave Fire, but in
addition to a quadruple Energy cost the
attack has some serious kick to it: you
must flip a coin and if it comes up
Reshiram EX hits itself for 50
points of damage!
Breaking it down on paper, you
are technically getting a fantastic
bargain. You invest enough Energy that,
on a Basic that could still Evolve,
you’d expect at least 50 points of
The risk the coin toss adds
justifies another 20 or 30 points, so in
return for being both a Basic (incapable
of Evolving) and a Pokémon EX (worth two
Prizes) you’re getting an extra 70 or 80
points of damage.
Definitely a reasonable, if not a
quite good, return when viewed based
purely on cost-to-damage.
You have to consider the format,
however; even though it only occurs on
an unfortunate flip, about half the time
you use Brave Fire
just once you’re dropping
Reshiram EX down to an effective 130
HP, the equivalent of a non-Pokémon EX
Reshiram, which we know can be
reasonably OHKOed by the right cards.
Of course, with the right support
you’ll be able to reduce the risk, but
it really hurts when you consider how
close this card was to being an off-Type
Plus the plain
Reshiram, re-released in this set
and available in one of this set’s
starter decks, has an attack for (RRC)
called Blue Flare, and it hits for 120.
You have to discard two Fire
Energy, but if the deck can handle that,
it is a better deal.
Mostly I expect players running Big Fire
decks that rely on acceleration such as
Emboar with Inferno Fandango or
Typhlosion with Afterburner to make
room for
Reshiram EX.
I do not, however, expect the
Reshiram to go anywhere; perhaps a
single copy would be dropped, but in a
deck that can handle the Energy discards
it is a better deal
except when you need to quickly slam
down an opposing Pokémon EX or other
problem card.
Eviolite is twice as useful to
Reshiram EX; making an already large
Pokémon last an extra turn against all
but the hardest hitting attacks while
dropping the self-damage to a 30 points
(an average of a manageable 15 points
per turn).
In such decks, a
Max Potion can save a nearly KOed
Reshiram EX from its fate, while the
Energy acceleration quickly re-readies
The risk of a string of “tails”
on both attacks, though, makes it too
unreliable to form the main part of your
If you fancy
Victini (BW: Noble Victories
14/101, 98/101), you can reduce your
risk of getting “tails”, but runs of
“bad luck” will still happen from time
to time.
The mixed blessing of this
strategy is that an opponent may decide
Victini is more important to KO, and
if that is the case you could go
ballistic with
Reshiram EX in with less fear of
them exploiting the self-damage.
I would not anticipate a skilled
player making such a mistake often.
So for Big Fire decks, I think
two copies of
Reshiram EX are enough, though
maybe three if you are quite worried
about one being Prized.
Reshiram EX exists for those
match-ups when a normal
Reshiram isn’t strong enough, when
raw brute force is required.
The rest of the time, stick with
what works (the original
There is another angle to consider even
in Big Fire decks:
Reshiram EX faces two other sources
of competition.
Mewtwo EX is quite a beast in and of
itself, and while not optimal it can
make do with just Fire Energy to fuel
its first attack. After all, the most
likely thing to require brute force is a
Pokémon EX, as we’ll explore in future
CotDs, they all have particular hang ups
to exploit.
Regigigas EX has all Colorless
Energy costs, so it could slip in as
It has a self-damaging attack
Eviolite can completely block,
though you might not want to do that
since the second attack isn’t much more
expensive and does more damage based on
the damage
Regigigas EX has sustained.
Especially if a Big Fire deck
wants a big hitter that is also off-type
(for whatever reason),
Reshiram EX is facing more
Then there is
Rayquaza & Deoxys LEGEND, which I
keep bringing up in the stats.
There is a reason for that; Big
Fire decks are where it has seen the
most successful play, and while Ozone
Buster can’t OHKO most Pokémon EX alone,
it still hits for 150 points of damage.
We received six different Pokémon
EX in BW: Next Destinies, and
each has an issue that can help
Rayquaza & Deoxys LEGEND.
EX is a OHKO due to raw damage.
Mewtwo EX one is a OHKO due to
Reshiram EX and
Regigigas EX both inflict self
damage, the former enough to allow for
the OHKO without outside interference
and the latter wants to be damaged
because then it hits harder!
Zekrom EX and
Kyurem EX both might not be able to
hit hard back due to Energy discards for
the former, and a restricting clause on
the latter.
On top of that, the entire point
of using
Rayquaza & Deoxys LEGEND is to go
for a surprise win: if you’re using a
Pokémon EX, as you can see you basically
have to be careful once you drop to
three Prizes!
So all that relates to a lot of stiff
competition for
Reshiram EX in mainstream Fire
decks: the plain version of
Reshiram is the safer beatstick,
Mewtwo EX and
Regigigas EX can be a big, off-type,
somewhat risky beatstick and “crazy
works” for
Rayquaza & Deoxys LEGEND.
I did hint that there may be
another use for this card.
Well, it is a Basic Pokémon that
has two big attacks that may require
three and four Energy, but only one and
then two of those Energy need to
actually provide Fire Energy,
Plus that massive three Energy
Retreat cost that is a burden allows
Heavy Ball, an Item, to pluck it
from your deck.
Coupled with
Prism Energy,
Rainbow Energy, and
Double Colorless Energy once could
easily run it in a deck that lacked any
other Fire Pokémon or Energy.
Reshiram suffers because it discards
its own Energy, as do most other big,
Basic Fire-Type Pokémon I can think of
that would fit in such a deck. So if
you’re mostly running this to hit
Weakness, it does the job admirable with
even just its first attack.
If you can afford the cost, no
Fire Weak Pokémon (unless of course it
is negating its Weakness through an
effect) can survive a shot from Brave
Fire, even if it has four copies each of
Special Energy
Metal Energy and
If you’re not that worried about
facing such odds, the normal
Reshiram is probably better, since
with its Outrage attack can use any
Energy and it just needs to soak one hit
before it can OHKO the Fire Weak Pokémon
most likely to be encountered.
If you did encounter something
massive that was Fire weak, you’d be
justified giving up the two copies of
Rainbow Energy/Prism
Energy needed to use Blue Flare.
So what about in Unlimited play?
I’d say it is less useful than in
Modified, but that is because of the
nature of Unlimited.
You have decks that can either
flat out win first turn, strip away your
hand before you ever get to play, or
lock down one or more resources.
You have
Focus Band and classical Baby
Pokémon protected by “the Baby Rule”,
and that means no matter how hard you
can hit, you’re still a coin toss away
from a KO.
You have access to all the past
Fire Pokémon, some which might be more
suited to this job than
Reshiram EX, and you have lower
average HP scores being played (indeed,
that is
why some older Pokémon might be
preferable – 150 is going to regularly
be overkill).
At last we come to Limited play.
Due to so many Evolution cards in
a set being unplayable (due to a lack of
needed support, often including but not
limited to Evolution line itself), the
average HP scores and damage output are
The massive HP will last even
longer unless you run into Water
Pokémon, and even if you have to
manually power it while Active, you
should still live long enough for at
least a single attack.
Your attacks will function as if
they were doing more damage, so together
this means you might get off two or
three Glinting Claw before going for
broke with Brave Fire, and could very
well score just as many Prizes.
Being able to get by on a single
Fire Energy (even though that means no
Brave Fire) makes this card very easy to
work into most probable decks you could
build, and you still might occasionally
get off a Brave Fire with a little luck.
Just remember Limited matches
start with four Prize cards a piece;
just as a
Reshiram EX can single handedly win
the game, losing it will be halfway to
victory for your opponent.
Reshiram EX
is a great card, but it is entering a
crowded arena.
Two of the Pokémon EX it came out
alongside only require a little more
time or Energy to hit just as hard, but
can fit in any deck (not just Big Fire).
In Big Fire decks, you’ve got
Reshiram to hit turn after turn for
120 points of damage without giving up
two Prizes, and you should be able to
handle the Energy discard cost.
Reshiram is a Basic with 130 HP, so
you have to ask is the extra 50 HP and
doing self-damage instead of discarding
Energy worth being a Pokémon EX?
Even when it comes to “crazy
beatsticks worth two Prizes” (a very
specific category) there is
Rayquaza & Deoxys LEGEND, which can
now net you up to three Prizes in a
single shot, plus the aforementioned
other two Pokémon EX that can probably
fit into the same decks!
Reshiram EX is great, but not a
“great among greats”.
If it hadn’t been printed, I
doubt the format would turn out much
different than I expect it to with it.
As such, it didn’t even make my
own Top 10 list.
Please check out my eBay sales by
It’s me whittling away at about
two decades worth of attempted
collecting, spanning action figures,
comic books, TCGs, and video games.
Exactly what is up is a bit
Pojo.com is in no way responsible
for any transactions; Pojo is merely
doing me a favor by letting me link at
the end of my reviews.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
#9: Reshiram EX (Next Destinies)
Today we have the EX version of the Great White Beast.
However, unlike the regular version (which also gets a
fifth version printed in this set as well as apperaing
in a theme deck, giving you no excuse not to own it!), I
don't like Reshiram EX in the slightest.
The stats are beautiful, no arguing with that. 180 HP is
awesome in any language, and the Fire typing makes
energy acceleration a breeze. The retreat cost is heavy
as expected, but that gets some strange compensation
from the new Heavy Ball and Skyarrow Bridge and at this
size, even 5 energy isn't too much to ask, let alone 3.
Water Weakness sucks against Feraligatr Prime and
Lanturn Prime, but so far Water Poke'mon in general are
flying under the radar so facing double damage
shenanigans won't usually be an issue. All in all,
Reshiram will hit the table and stay there until
forcibly removed!
But what will Reshiram do while it's in play? Sadly, not
much to judge by the attacks. Glinting Claw is a far cry
from Outrage, and while I know that pairing the Outrage
we all know and fear with 180 HP is ridiculously unfair,
replacing it with an overcosted vanilla attack is not
going to garner any fans. For the cost of [r][c][c], you
deal 50 damage with 30 more damage being dependent on a
coin flip. Even at the maximum damage this is not good
value which forces me to assume that this attack is a
deliberate attempt to nerf the card in compensation for
the ridiculously powerful second attack.
The cost of [r][r][c][c] is reasonable and easy enough
to pay, between the power of the Typhlosion Prime,
Emboar BW and Double Colourless Energy. That attack is
Brave Fire, which deals a whopping 150 damage, capable
of destroying pretty much anything you'll come up
against except another Poke'mon EX. True, there are also
some freakishly healthy Poke'mon like Wailord UD,
Nidoking TM and Conkeldurr NV as well as Poke'mon Legend
under the effect of Indigo Plateua, but you'll almost
never see them so their ability to take 2 hits doesn't
matter. What does matter is adding the extra damage
necessary to take out Regigigas, Mewtwo and Zekrom EX
when you come up against them.
The problem with boosting Reshiram's damage comes from
the drawback of the attack. Brave Fire causes you to
flip a coin as an additional drawback, and on a Tails
result Reshiram hits itself for 50 damage. So the usual
measures such as Pluspower and Black Belt stand to add
to the damage you do to yourself if you fail that flip,
chopping Reshiram's health down by more than a third!
True, you could use Rocky Helmet to both discourage
attacks and add damage , but the make-or-break question
hanging over Reshiram's head is this: can you brave your
way through 2 Prizes before Reshiram EX hits the discard
Modified: 3.25 (I didn't put Reshiram on my own list,
but if you can get a pair of KOs before losing that 180
HP you'll be equal in Prizes and probably ahead in
setup. Still, if you get on the wrong side of those
flips you'll go down hard!)
Limited: 4 (Glinting Claw alone is worth the price of
admission, and Brave Fire will prove devastating to the
big hitters. Keep up the energy though, you'll need to
retreat when the HP gets low)
Combos with: fits snugly into the existing ReshiPhlosion
deck as an extra source of pain, but you won't want to
use Revive on this costly beast and you could be just as
happy without it.