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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Level Ball
Next Destinies
Date Reviewed:
Feb. 17, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.67
Limited: 4.93
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#6 Level Ball
After a week spent reviewing nothing but –EX Pokémon, we
finally hit the first Trainer to make the Top 10 list:
Level Ball.
Level Ball is, like most Trainers, a relatively
straightforward card: play it and you can search you
deck for any Pokémon with 90 HP or less. You can use it
to grab any Baby Pokémon, any evolving Basic, a lot of
Stage 1s (especially the evolving ones), and even a
couple of Stage 2s (Jumpluff
and Reuniclus). But what
does this actually mean in terms of competitive play?
Well, it means cards like Durant NV, Victory Star
Victini, Eelektrik, and even
Electrode Prime can be fetched from the deck with this
Trainer as well as all the more obvious stuff such as
Litwick and Lampent,
Oddish and Gloom,
Magnemite and
Magneton, etc
The real question is: how does this stack up against the
other search options? Obviously, it can’t search out the
big Basics, like the Dragons and the –EX Pokémon. As far
as they are concerned, Pokémon Collector and Dual Ball
are the answer. It also can’t fetch the higher HP
evolutions like Magnezone,
Vileplume, or
Chandelure: that’s where you
need Pokémon Communication or possibly Professor Elm.
This doesn’t mean that Level Ball is useless though:
unlike Collector and Elm, it won’t take up your
Supporter for the turn; unlike Dual Ball, it isn’t coin
flip dependent; and unlike Communication, you don’t need
another Pokémon in hand to use it.
Because it offers something different in terms of
search, it may well find a niche in some decks alongside
Cards like Collector and Communication. I can see Durant
players who are wary of the flip choosing this over Dual
Ball, while decks that rely on good Level Ball targets
such as Zekrom/Eelektrik and
Prime can also make excellent use of it. Reliable
Pokémon search in Trainer form is always a welcome
addition to the card pool and Level Ball gives players
another way of fine-tuning their search engine for
optimum performance. It’s not going to become a staple
Trainer or anything like that, and Communication is
still the card that gives the most flexibility, but I do
expect it to get a decent amount of play in the right
Modified: 3.5 (for decks that need to get out Pokémon
with less than 90 HP, this card is a reliable
alternative to what we already have)
Limited: 4.7 5 (Any form of search is an automatic
inclusion in this format)
virusyosh |
Happy Friday, Pojo readers! Today we're reviewing our
#6 card from Next Destinies, and this one happens to be
a new Trainer - Item card. Today's Card of the Day is
Level Ball.
Level Ball is a Trainer - Item, meaning you can play
as many of them as you'd like per turn, but the effects
are blocked by Vileplume UD's Allergy Flower and
Gothitelle EP's Magic Room. Level Ball's effect is
fairly simple: you search your deck for a Pokemon with
90 or fewer HP, show it to your opponent, and put it
into your hand, shuffling afterward. Level Ball is quite
useful in searching out smaller Basics (usually those as
part of Evolution lines) as well as some Stage 1s (Magneton,
Eelektrik, and others come to mind). Unfortunately,
Level Ball can't search out larger Pokemon like most
Stage 2s (save Jumpluff and Reuniclus) and the big
Basics, but those can be searched out using older
methods, like Pokemon Communication and Pokemon
Collector. Overall, if your deck runs many Pokemon with
90 HP or less, running Level Ball is a great idea,
especially if many of those Pokemon are Evolutions that
can't be searched out with Pokemon Collector.
Modified: 4/5 Level Ball is incredibly good at what
it does, but it doesn't belong in every deck. As I said
before, if you have a deck that runs many Pokemon that
fit its conditions, it'll definitely be worth using; if
not, other options are probably better.
Limited: 5/5 Level Ball is fantastic here. While it
can't search out any of the Pokemon-EX, it can get
pretty much anything else you might need if it's a
smaller Basic of an Evolution chain or a Stage 1. Plus,
searching is always good in Limited, and you're pretty
much guaranteed to have at least one Pokemon to fit the
conditions here.

Otaku |
It is time to wrap up our week with the
number six promising pick of BW: Next
Level Ball!
Yes, we finally review something
that isn’t a Pokémon EX.
I am having second thoughts about
where I placed this on my own list.
I guess I should level with you.
Level Ball
is an Item, a subcategory of Trainer.
While not currently in use, in
the past we have had at least one card
that was designed specifically to help
the “Ball” Trainers, the Supporter
Apricorn Maker (EX: Skyridge
121/144), which of course is not legal
for Modified.
Still, maybe they’ll bring back
this concept (I know I liked it, though
the actual card was a bit weak).
In general,
Level Ball enjoys being an Item,
since without outside interference Item
cards are the easiest to play in all of
Pokémon: if you have it in hand and the
effect can work, you can play it!
Since you’ve obviously read the
card by now, this is important since it
has a search effect: if something is a
viable target, it may free up a
Supporter usage for other purposes than
Just be careful since there are
multiple Item blocking decks out right
The effect looks rather overspecialized
at a glance:
Level Ball let’s you search your
deck for a Pokémon with 90 HP or less
and add it to your hand.
Yes, you also have to show your
pick to your opponent (to verify you
chose a legal target) and shuffle your
deck afterwards; standard parts of the
At first this sounds pretty
limited, but with respect to the card
pool you have about 600 choices.
Surprisingly, few Stage 1 Pokémon
are excluded, and not surprisingly even
fewer Basic Pokémon don’t make the cut.
Even the smallest Stage 2 Pokémon
actually fit.
As such, this really is a great effect:
any better and it would fall into the
category of ‘too good’ since really this
is an Item after all.
The most basic combo I can think of with
this is using it after using a recursion
effect like
Flower Shop Lady to get something
you just threw back into the deck, back
into your hand without having to wait a
turn like you would with a second
supporter or relying on a lucky coin
If this card is so great, where can I
use it?
Well in Modified it is
specialized, but there are still some
obvious highlights.
Pachirisu (Call of Legends
18/95) and
Shaymin (HS: Unleashed 8/95)
are part of the well known ZPST decks,
and indeed are the center two letters of
the name.
I wouldn’t stop running
Pokémon Collector, and indeed
perhaps it would be overkill to include
in the deck, but someone really focused
on the combo could include
Level Ball to get two-thirds of the
needed combo.
Plus while a bit riskier,
Dual Ball is more rewarding for this
particular deck.
In fact, this can be said of most
Basic Pokémon we could search out.
So let us expand our search to Evolved
Notable Evolved Pokémon with an
Ability, Poké-Body, or Poké-Power that
at least could (in some cases
will) see play include
Amoongus (BW: Next Destinies
Cinccino (BW: Next Destinies
Eelektrik (BW: Noble Victories
Electrode (HS: Triumphant
93/102), and
Reuniclus (Black & White
I’d say the last three are well
worth considering.
So what about Unlimited?
Well Unlimited has access to the
most potent cards ever printed, and is
dominated by decks that can win first
and this card helps them!
Snag a
Crobat [G] (Platinum 47/127)
so you can begin spamming Flash Bite, or
Porygon2 (DP: Great Encounters
49/106) so you can spam
Seeker to make sure your opponent
has a single Pokémon in play.
Well what about decks that
obliterate your hand first turn?
Umbreon* (OP Series 5 17/17)
is a legal target as well!
Lock decks?
Well, it depends on the exact
sort of lock, but everything I can think
of has better options, so probably not.
Well, if it is a soft lock, then
the next card probably applies… once you
get past the above three kinds of decks,
what is probably the most played Stage
That is right,
Slowking (Neo Genesis
There are a lot more than that,
but those are some of the most
Then again, Unlimited does have
something I nearly forgot about:
Luxury Ball.
Luxury Ball (if you were like me and
need someone to remind you) can snag any
Pokémon in your deck, with the only
drawback being it won’t work if you have
another copy of it in your discard pile.
If your deck consists of all
legal targets, I’d go with
Level Ball so that you don’t have to
Item Finder for it if you need it
more than once.
Some decks might only want to run
one search card anyway, more as a
“fifth” copy of the Pokémon in question,
so again
Luxury Ball would be better.
Given that Unlimited isn’t
exactly heavily played to begin with, I
wouldn’t lose too much sleep over it,
but personally I think it worth at least
considering and often using provided
Luxury Ball isn’t obviously better
(you need more choice flexibility,
you’re only worried about the one
Pokémon you need a single copy of first
turn, etc.).
As an Item that searches for a Pokémon,
even restricted to 90 HP or less, this
is a must run for Limited.
Realistically you
are not going to have a deck with no
targets, or even just a few targets.
You will have several targets,
and this will help you, so it is a must
Level Ball
looks to be a very useful card in
specific decks in Modified, and might
help some Pokémon see serious play that
otherwise wouldn’t.
I believe it could be quite
useful in Unlimited decks, but at the
same time it is Unlimited: with so many
the best cards available even the
high marks I gave it in Unlimited don’t
make it a staple.
For those curious,
Level Ball actually was my pick for
the number six slot.
Please check out my eBay sales by
It’s me whittling away at about
two decades worth of attempted
collecting, spanning action figures,
comic books, TCGs, and video games.
Exactly what is up is a bit
Pojo.com is in no way responsible
for any transactions; Pojo is merely
doing me a favor by letting me link at
the end of my reviews.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
#6: Level Ball (Next Destinies)
Hey folks, now we come to some of the great Trainers
released in Next Destinies! First up is Level Ball, one
of the new Poke'balls from Black & White. Hopefull this
indicates that we'll get many more Poke'ball-inspired
cards in the near future!
The effect is very simple. You drop Level Ball (provided
you aren't facing off against Vileplume UD or Gothitelle
EP) and then you search your deck for a Poke'mon with 90
HP or less.
There are many worthy Poke'mon you can grab with this
card, including many evolving Basics and most Stage 1
Poke'mon, as well as Reuniclus BW and Jumpluff HGSS.
This flexibility is great for deck building, although
Level Ball has heavy competition. Both Poke'mon
Collector and Dual Ball can reach many of the same
Poke'mon plus other fine critters that Level Ball can't
target, as well as having the advantage of grabbing
multiple Poke'mon at a time. And if you have spare
Poke'mon to drop back into the deck, Poke'mon
Communication doesn't have any searching restrictions
which is gives even more flexibility (not to mention
that if you are about to run out of cards, you can put a
Poke'mon back into your deck without having to take
another Poke'mon out to nuy yourself a turn).
The advantage Level Ball has is that besides being
an Item card (play as many as you want, provided you can
draw them since Item searching is thin on the ground),
it doesn't cost you anything to use. If you have a
variety of both Basic Poke'mon and Evolutions that are
legal targets in your deck (Eelektrik NV, Cincinno ND,
Ninetales HGSS, Dodrio HGSS, and Mismagius UL all come
to mind), you would do well to give Level Ball a try.
There may be cards that can do a better job of search
ing for Basics or Evolutions, but one can grab both
without an immediate downside is great to have!
Modified: 3.5 (I can see Durant decks running 4 of these
and if another Stage 1 deck becomes popular then Level
Ball will be a staple there too. But even without a
regular tournament level deck to call home, Level Ball
makes the game better)
Limited: 5 (even if you can't target everything in your
deck with Level Ball, you would have to be crazy to
avoid this card. Search wins games in Limited)
Combos with: a foramt that is kinder to Evolution cards
90 HP or smaller but failing that a turbo deck (like an
Illumise/Volbeat swarm or Durant army) will still love
this card.