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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Prism Energy
Next Destinies
Date Reviewed:
Feb. 23, 2012
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.35
Limited: 4.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Combos With: See Below
Baby Mario
2010 UK
Champion |
#2 Prism Energy
Enjoy the flexibility of running
multiple Pokémon Types in your deck but
dislike the damage counter penalty for
attaching a Rainbow Energy? Don’t
worry, a
solution is now at hand in the shape of
the #2 card in our countdown . . . as
long as you are using Basic Pokémon that
Yes, the runner up card in our Top 10 is
Prism Energy, yet another piece of
support for Basic Pokémon, following on
from Eviolite
and Skyarrow
Bridge. Effectively this is a
no-drawback Rainbow Energy for Basic
Pokémon, providing every Type of Energy
simultaneously, but
only one Energy at a time. The
benefits of this are pretty obvious
really. Toolbox-style Big Basics decks
can splash a variety of Pokémon types
without having their HP compromised by
Rainbow Energy. Mew Prime decks can run
and Prism, giving them a better
chance of a first Turn See Off and
greater flexibility when it comes to
using attacks with different Energy
costs. It also makes the business of
running specific Basic techs a whole lot
easier: for example you could now run a
Terrakion in
a Zekrom
deck to use in mirror matches without
having to give up slots to Fighting
Energy or running the risk of bringing
your attackers within OHKO range of your
opponent’s Dragons.
Honestly, Prism Energy is just so good
for Basics that no-one really needs a
review like this to spell it all out for
them. But what are the drawbacks? Well,
you have the usual downsides that come
with Special Energy: you can only run
four, they aren’t very searchable (Twins
and Victory Medal come to mind), and
once they hit the discard pile, they’re
pretty much gone (Super Rod, Fisherman,
or Flower Shop Lady won’t get them
back). The biggest problem for decks
that over-rely on Prism Energy is likely
to be Lost Remover though: guaranteed
Energy removal that banishes to the Lost
Zone, where even something as obscure
(and unusable) as
Stoutland BW’s
Odor Sleuth
won’t get them back.
Another thing to bear in mind is that
Prism won’t work with any of the Energy
accelerators we have at the moment, so
if you cut Lightning for it in an
Eelektrik deck, or include it at the
expense of Fire while using
you may find that your Energy doesn’t
flow as smoothly as it did before.
That’s just the price you pay for the
ability to include extra techs though.
It’s all a matter of finding the right
balance when using Special Energy. Prism
is a very powerful tool, and usually
worth the risks. Expect to see it
feature in a lot of decks as we head
into State Championships.
Modified: 4 (great card, but seriously .
. . watch out for Lost Remover)
Limited: 4.5 (Allows you to mix up your
Types a bit, which is very useful in
this format)
virusyosh |
Greetings, Pojo readers! Today we're reviewing the
our #2 rated card from Next Destinies, and it is an
Energy card that has been getting a fair amount of hype
for its versatility. Today's Card of the Day is Prism
Prism Energy is a Special Energy card, so you're only
allowed four per deck, but in return, you will get a
good effect. Prism Energy normally provides Colorless
Energy, but instead acts like a Rainbow (provides every
type of Energy, but only one unit at a time) if attached
to a Basic. Decks with many Basics of various types like
Six Corners LOVE Prism Energy, but the card also works
really well if you're relying on Basics in general.
Prism can't fully replace Rainbow Energy in that
Evolutions can't use it for anything except Colorless,
but most decks relying on multiple Energy types will be
running 4 Prism and 4 Rainbow anyway. Overall, Prism
Energy is an amazing new resource of Basics, and will
see tons of play.
Modified: 4.5/5 Prism doesn't belong in every deck, as
decks that run only a single type and Evolution decks
won't have much use for it. However, Prism truly shines
in decks with many Basics of various types, and is
absolutely amazing in those archetypes. Make sure to
have a Lost Remover or two handy, because Prism is going
to see a lot of play in Modified until it rotates out.
Limited: 5/5 Most Limited decks are built around Basics
of two or more types, and even if you end up running the
Evolution cards, Prism can be an excellent temporary
Energy fixer. If you manage to build your deck around
big Basics like the Pokemon-EX and legendary birds in
Next Destinies, Prism will be even better.At any rate,
Prism is an excellent inclusion in nearly every Limited
deck, even if you're using a more conventional
Evolution-based strategy.

Otaku |
We come to our penultimate pick of
promising cards from BW: Next
Prism Energy!
Special Energies have long been
powerful, but some have been very niche.
Can you feel the power?
Being a Special Energy is pretty
restrictive: you can only play one a
turn (normally), and you can only have
four copies of the card in your deck
(which is a major restriction compared
to basic Energy cards).
Special Energy is often left out
by effects (which state they only work
on Basic Energy).
Still, Energy is Energy and few
Pokémon can do anything worthwhile for
no Energy, and besides a few Pokémon
that have long since rotated out of
Modified, the only way to meet Energy
requirements is with Energy cards.
As you can see by the symbol in
the card’s upper right-hand corner, by
default this card provides one (C)
The effect of this card is that when
attached to a Basic Pokémon, instead of
providing its default (C) Energy it
still provides only one unit of Energy,
but it simultaneously counts as all
The only real downside is this
makes it vulnerable to effects that
wouldn’t bother a basic Energy in the
same situation.
Otherwise this is a great Special
Energy card, and rather surprising to
see in a format where someone like me
would expect an effort to reduce the
power of Basic Pokémon, not further
increase it.
We already have a card called
Rainbow Energy that has a similar
effect, except when attached from hand
to a Pokémon you place a damage counter
on the recipient Pokémon, and it works
for all Pokémon, not just Basic Pokémon.
So for a deck built mostly around
Rainbow Energy is still better
Prism won’t work for most of your
When a deck is mostly just
attacking with Basic Pokémon (or lacks
Evolutions entirely),
Prism Energy is clearly the superior
Either will allow you to more
easily run a multi-Type deck, including
just running four copies of
Rainbow Energy or
Prism Energy instead of any of the
basic Energy-Type your “off-Pokémon”
What makes this card so very, very
important to Modified is nothing
prevents it from being run with
Rainbow Energy, or being used on
Pokémon EX.
Mono-basic decks like 6 Corners
(and its variants) will have an almost
unprecedented ability to Type match.
Meeting an attack cost with a
single specified (and the rest
colorless) Energy requirement will be a
given, and even two specified
requirements should be reliable enough
to execute in many decks.
Decks that possess Energy
acceleration that works on any Pokémon
Type will find it even easier than
before to Energize off-Type Basic
Given the slew of powerful Basic
Pokémon we have and that are on the way,
Type-matching TecHs will probably be
battling it out in many a match.
Thanks to
Double Colorless Energy combined
Prism Energy and
Rainbow Energy, any deck that can
fit in all three can easily power up any
Basic Pokémon with an (XCC) Energy cost.
Provided, of course, you can
protect the Pokémon you’re powering up
(either through actual effects, overall
speed, or misdirection).
I will add that I am very disappointed
it wasn’t worded differently, as this
does Pokémon
LEGEND cards no good.
Quite frankly they could use the
help more than the Pokémon EX and in
some ways may have balanced them out.
I’ll also point out how this
feels like the inverse of
Double Rainbow Energy.
Prism Energy has zero drawbacks for
a Basic Pokémon and no other
restrictions on it, while
Double Rainbow Energy could only
work on Evolved Pokémon, and even then
had multiple Restrictions and an extra
drawback on top of that!
This card is not as useful as it should
be in Unlimited.
The reason
Prism Energy probably won’t have a
large impact is short and sweet: the
metagame is already crowded with
familiar powerhouses, most of which
don’t need it.
First Turn Win/Donk decks, unless
Prism Energy enables a new one,
need it (even if they can use it).
Many Pokémon in this format
either are in a deck with their needed
Energy acceleration or have little to
know specific Energy-Type costs.
I would not call it useless,
indeed it will probably be replacing
Rainbow Energy in a fair number of
decks, and it will allow some cards to
see play that wouldn’t normally.
The actual change this will cause
in Unlimited is likely to be quite
minor, though.
It is one thing if a card
influences the top deck(s) of the
format, improving them even if only a
It is a similar thing when
several decks are significantly
influenced, but they aren’t the top
The sheer volume of cards in
Unlimited swallows up
Prism Energy and makes any changes
that result from its inclusion almost
In Limited, the card is amazing and a
must run unless your deck doesn’t need
more than a single Energy Type.
Most decks in Limited are at
least “tri-color”, so that is unlikely.
Don’t be afraid if it ends up
“going to waste” most matches: what
mattes is the option of powering things
that aren’t the deck’s primary (or
secondary or tertiary etc.) Energy-Type.
Even if it isn’t powering
anything big, since it works for any
Basic it is nice to have just in case.
Prism Energy
is an amazing card.
It was released into a format
where big, Basic Pokémon dominate and
often need just one specific Energy
requirement on their big, multi-Energy
Backed by
Rainbow Energy in a well made deck,
you should even be able to handle up two
specific, off-Type Energy requirements
unless discarding is required, at least
for Basic Pokémon.
This allows it to impact most
competitive decks and in some cases
significantly improves them.
This was my number two pick as
well, and I hope I’ve made clear why.
Please check out my eBay sales by
It’s me whittling away at about
two decades worth of attempted
collecting, spanning action figures,
comic books, TCGs, and video games.
Exactly what is up is a bit
Pojo.com is in no way responsible
for any transactions; Pojo is merely
doing me a favor by letting me link at
the end of my reviews.
Mad Mattezhion
Professor Bathurst League Australia |
#2: Prism Energy (Next Destinies)
I look at today's card and I'm immediately reminded of
another card: SP Energy. Prism energy shares a similar
mechanic and causes the same reaction, namely "do Basics
really need more support?"
Prism Energy is a Special Energy that provides [c] when
attached to anything except a Basic Poke'mon. If
attached to a Basic like the text strongly urges you to,
you get every kind of energy (but only one energy at a
Prism energy gives you the freedom to splash any Basic
Poke'mon into your deck without running the risk of
missing out on the right type of energy. Alternatively
you can take that to the extreme and run a mass of
different types of Basic Poke'mon in your deck to hit
any and all types of Weakness, using Prism Energy
alongside Cilan and Rianbow Energy to ensure you can
always attack to bring the hurt!
Aside from the susceptibility to Lost Remover and the
fact that none of the current energy acceleartion tricks
will work with Special Energy (aside from Shaymin UL's
Celebration Wind Power), there is no downside to Prism
Energy. And even against energy removal, you are likely
to have more Rainbow and Prism Energy to use than your
opponent has Lost Remover and Crushing Hammer!
Modifed: 4.5 (Prism energy is just icing on the brutal
Basic beatdown cake, but Six Corners and any other
Haymaker-esque build will run the full set of 4. Be
Limited: 5 (you will have Basic Poke'mon, and you will
probably be running more than 1 energy type. If you
somehow build a deck using only one type, then you can
safely store this in the binder for deckbuilding and as
an in-demand trade)
Combos with: any Poke'mon that already abuses Poke'mon
Collector, Revive and Eviolite will like using Prism
Energy. |